Birthday shocks

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Serena POV

"Serena, your first guest is here," Grace says.

"Ok!" I reply.

I wonder who he/she is. Hopefully, it is Dawn and the gang as I have not even changed into my dress

However, it turns out otherwise. Calem in a black suit with a red tie appears right in front of me, holding a red box. Despite his attempts to woo me, as a childhood friend, I still invite him to my birthday party.

"Hi Serena, am I a bit too early? You have not changed." Calem starts off.

"Uhmmm, yeah" I reply, embarrassed.

"You could just take a seat first." I continue.

Calem asks, "Uhm, Serena, can I give you your birthday present now?"

"So early?" I asks

"Well, you see, I have to leave quite early today so I guess giving you now will be a better timing."

"Sure, why not."

"Here, this is your present, I took quite a while to decide." as Calem hands me the red box.

As I open the red box, I find a bracelet with sparkling beads. There is even a carving that says, "You are always in my ❤"

The words immediately send chills down my spine. Is Calem going to try again?

"Serena, do you like it?" Calem asks politely.

I want to say it's beautiful and thank you but I am scared he may misinterpret it.

Silence ensues and Calem perhaps takes it as a yes and continues, "Serena, will you be my girlfriend?"

Many thoughts flow past my mind. The bracelet is indeed beautiful. With the words carving, it makes it even more meaningful. But on such a joyous occasion, how can I say no? After years with him, I certainly do have develop some kind of feelings for him, but I am not sure whether is it love.

I nod my head. Calem immediately jumps for joy, holding my hands. He quuckly gives me a hug. Although it is sudden, it is uniquely warm.

Calem excitedly asks, "May I put this bracelet on, Ser?"

Lost for words, I nod my head and extend my left hand forward. Calem opens the lock of the bracelet and hang it around my left wrist. Next, he kisses me on my left cheek too. That makes me blush a lot especially because it is totally unexpected.

"OH MY DEAR GIRL" Grace shouts across.

Grace then approaches Calem, and says, "Finally Calem, you won my dear's, heart."

Both of us instantly become awkward in front of Grace. Calem seems more awkward. I cover him, "Mum, no."

Grace replies, "I saw everything just now."

Both of us mentally facepalm.

Grace continues cheekily, "You two enjoy yourself." as she walks away

"Pheww, luckily she goes away,"

"Well at least your mum is interesting,"


We continue to chat until the next guests arrive.


"Why is this so tight now? So uncomfortable?" I say to myself.

I return to my desk and look at the invitation card again and again to double check. It reads, "Please be in your formal clothing!"

Argh, what's with all this formal clothings, so uncomfortable, unbreathable.

After I am done wearing my tuxedo, I go downstairs to wear my Poke Martens' shoes. Agreed to meet up at Clemont's house, I meet Gary first. He too complain about his formal attire.

"Do you feel tight when wearing all this stuff?" Gary asks me.

"Yeah, me too"

Just then, a young small girl comes out of the house. She asks, "Are you two Clemont's friends?"

"Yeah," both of us reply in unison.

Gary whispers to me, "That's bonnie."

I nod my head in reply. Bonnie leads us the way into Clemont's room. Luckily, neither of their parents were around so we save ourselves the formalities.

We stand in awe upon entering Clemont's room. His room is filled with machines and electronics.

"Hi," Clemont welcome us.

"Hey, Clemont, what machines do you have today?" Gary asks.

"What exactly are you asking for?" Clemont asks as he tries to operate one of the machines.

"Uhmm, perhaps one that can alter my suit nicely to fit my size and also make me feel less uncomfortable." Gary replies.

"Ah ha, I just have the right one today, Clemontic Gear on!"

Clemont continues, "I precisely predict a situation like this will occur." as he whips out his machine from the backpack.

Clemont continues again, "I call this an alteration machine."

I say, "Science is so amazing!"

I continue, "Can you alter mine first?"

Clemont replies, "First I need to take your measurement, then I place your tuxedo into this slot and, boom, your tuxedo will become less tight and feel more comfortable."

After half an hour or so, both my tuxedo and Gary's suit have altered by that alteration machine.

"This is so awesome, now I feel much relaxed in this tuxedo, thanks Clemont." I exclaim.

Gary says, "Well, you just got lucky that Clemont machines do not explode like last times."

"They explode? How?"

"Another time, we are going to be late if we dont leave now"

"Yeah," Clemont says.

We meet Dawn, May and Misty at the nearby train station close to Serena's mansion. We chat a little while commenting on each other outfits before reaching Serena's birthday party.

As usual, Gary starts off, "You three look damn sexy, well maybe except Misty," trying to be cocky.

"Gary u punk, you try to say that again!" Misty exclaims as she clenches her fists as if she is going to punch Gary.

I add, "Dawn, ignore this Gary!"

"Yeah," Dawn replies, as she hooks onto me like how couples were supposed to be.

Gary replises Misty, "Ok, ok cool it down."

Slowly, the two of us drift away from the group and had our own conversation.

Soon, we arrived at our destination. I was the first to exclaim, "This place is... HUGE!"

"Yeah, this is definitely best place to sleepover!" Dawn replies enthusiastically.

"Are you staying over?" I ask.

"Definitely! This is Serena's birthday we are talking about!" Dawn answers happily.


"Tommorrow is school right? I had that covered, I brought clothes for tomorrow. Did you bring yours?" Dawn said.

"Uh..." I stutter as I placed my index finger below my nose.

"So you not staying over?" Dawn asked, frowning at the prospect that her boyfriend isn't going to accompany her through the night.

Luckily for Ash, their conversation was interrupted.

"Boys and girls, please show your invitation cards please," the security guard demands.

"Here," Dawn says as she hands the card to him.

However, I find myself in a tight situation. I remember placing the card inside my tuxedo suit but I lose it now. What am I going to do? Where is it?

Gary turns around after showing his, "Ashy boy, dont tell me you lose it?"

"Uh ..." as I continue to search my body.

"Sorry Sir, you cannot go but the rest, please proceed to the entrance," the security guard says.

"No, please let Ash come too, he was invited, you can ask Serena!" Dawn argued.

He retorted, "But rules are rules, I cannot let anyone without an invitation card in."

"Never mind, let me call Serena, she will definitely let you in!" Dawn looks into my eyes and then whips her pokephone out, ready to call.

Before Dawn even makes a call, a familiar voice sounds, "Uncle Samuel, I did invite him."

Everyone stand in awe. Serena is not only gorgeous, she is also a princess. Her crown on her head, together with her strikingly bright red dress, topped up with a stunning sparkling necklace.

"Uh, everyone, who are you all looking at?" Serena curiously asks.

"YOU!!!" all of us exclaim.

I can see Serena's face turn red.

"Oh why thank you, come lets go in," Serena grabs May's hand and walks towards the hall.

Upon entering, I feel so enchanted as it is the first time I have seen such as a grand hall. It has a large central area equivalent to the size of 1/2 a football court. Buffet-style dinner is at the left of the hallway. Lovely music are being played by a heavy bass surround sound system. Rooms are at the second storey and are accessible by taking the stairs on the right of the hallway.

May says, "Serena told me to inform all of you to help yourself with the food while she attends to other guests."

We as a group eat at one of the tall chairs and tables provided. Hungry, I take a mountain of food to eat. "These are yummy!" I exclaim in front of my peers.

After an hour or so, the main lights turn off. Spotlight shines onto the MC who is unexpectedly Serena, she starts off, "Welcome to my birthday party, I am very grately that all of you are able to be present today. Thank you. Now, I would like to kick start the dance segment!"

Even more unexpected to us, Serena's dance partner is Calem. As they starts to dance, other couples and friends join them. On the other hand, I search around for my girlfriend, Dawn obviously. However, she is nowhere to be seen.

I ask Misty who is the nearest to me, "Do you know where Dawn go?"

"I am not sure" Misty replies.

"May, did Dawn tell you where she goes?" Misty asks May.

May replies, "No, no idea too."

"Could she be in one of the rooms?" I ask.

May replies, "Should not be, Dawn seldom disappear without telling us."

I want to ask Serena where Dawn is, but I cannot simply break the dance party like that.

Gary then approaches me, "Maybe try the Gardens outside, that's where Dawn goes last year."

I heed Gary's advice and search the Gardens. However, not a single soul is there. I scratch my head.

In desperation, I look up at the night sky. I also notice two room lights are switched on from the Gardens. Could Dawn be in one of the rooms? But what would Dawn be doing in there?

As I return to the grand hall, the music just nice stops. Somehow, Serena spots me. "Ash, why ain't you dancing?"

Calem shoots a death stare at me.

"Uhmmm, me?, oh I am finding Dawn," I reply.

"Dawn? Isn't she with you? She lended her one of the room keys. I thought she wanted the room to spend some time with you." Serena replies cheekily.

"She isn't with me, I also think that she may be in one of the rooms. The lights were on in two of them." I explain.

"Ok, let me bring you there," Serena offers her help and releases Calem's hand.

My heart starts to pound faster and faster. My brain races faster than bullet train. What is Dawn doing inside there? What take her so long? Why does she need a room at the first place? Why did I not accompany her? What if something bad happens to her? What kind of boyfriend am I if I cannot protect her? How stupid can I be to dump my girlfriend and not care about her?

Soon we arrive at the supposed room, Serena tries to open the door but it is locked. Serena then shouts, "Dawn are you inside? Are you okay?"

Dawn instantly replies in a somewhat worried tone, "Yes, I am fine."

"Can you open the door for us to come in?" Serena questions.

Dawn then opens the door. Dawn's dress looks stain. Serena asks, "What happen to your dress?"

"Oh, it is, uh, nothing, just water spills." Dawn replies.

I can not take it anymore, I push both Dawn and Serena one side and stomp into the room, only to find no one. I look out of the window and then notice a wardrobe. Just when I am about to slide open the wardrobe, Dawn stands in front of me, spreading both her arms blocking me. "Ash, what do you think you are doing?" Dawn yells at me.

"Opening the wardrobe," I calmly says trying to control my temper.

"No Ash, please dont open," Dawn exclaims.

"Why not?"

"Do you not trust me?, I am your girlfriend" Dawn tries to convince me with her puppy eyes

Serena speaks, "Dawn, what's inside?"

"Nothing, really," Dawn replies with frustration.

"It's me!" a voice from within the wardrobe speaks.

The wardrobe mysteriously slides open. Kenny appears from behind the slider. We all stood frozen.

Serena POV

"What are you doing here?" Ash shouts as anger consumes him.

Kenny then climbs up from the wardrobe while Dawn moves aside giving space for him.

"I was obviously having fun with Dawn, what else?" Kenny boasts.

"But ... Dawn is my girlfriend ... what do you mean by having ... fun?" Ash stutters as his soon uncontrollable anger causes his words to slur slightly.

"Well, I can show you one!"

Kenny pounces onto Dawn and starts to snog Dawn, despite the resistance Dawn puts up with two of his dirty hands cupping her cheeks.

Suddenly, I feel like the room is going to turn into an active volcano. Ash shouts at the top of his lungs, "ENOUGH!"

The two of them stopped.

Kenny calmly replies, "See Ash, Dawn loves me only, right Dee dee."

I know Dawn is lost for words. I know her well enough. She definitely doesn't want this to happen. However, she has no choice since the circumstances have reached until this stage.

With Dawn going speechless, Ash asks her, "Is this all true? Are we going to break?"

My heart sinks too. What has happened has literally mirrors what a drama script will be, with the back and forth love etc. What is more surprising is that it actually happens to me, one is my best friend and the another is my childhood Kanto friend whom he does not remember. What is even more astonishing is that all this happen on my brithday...

First, I would like to say sorry cuz I did not stick to my plan, omg pls dont kill me, everyone have their own priorities, hope you understand. Second, did you expect this turnaround? If so, comment below. I have no words whatsoever. Third, to be frank, my initial plan was to have Dawn feeling tipsy then being harass by Kenny then Ash finds out but I scrap it, idk y lol. If you find this idea above better, do comment below. Otherwise, see you in the next chapter!

PS: my first over 2000 words chapter (w/o my A/N) :D

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