Kieran Devon

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"Today, we are all gathered here to mourn the death of Jason Evelou," Mr. Travis, the principal said somberly.

As tragic as the scene was, Kieran couldn't help but think about how fake everything seemed. The teachers were all dressed in black, and they all looked sincerely pained -- or they were acting -- while some students weren't even trying.

Sure, the majority of the crowd wore darker colors, and though not many cried, most looked extremely troubled, to say the least.

Others, however, treated the assembly like it was any other one. They either looked bored, worked on their homework, or scrolled through the OBB app . . . wait, what?

As Mr. Travis began saying something about a shrine, Kieran pulled his phone out of his pocket slowly. All bags and phones had to be stored in their lockers at the moment, but it was clear pretty much nobody had followed that rule.

Kieran pretended to nod with interest and sympathy as he logged onto the OBB website on his phone. Sure enough, there was an e-mail from the founder.

Members: 1

the.founder.real: Hello, faithful member of the OBB!

This is the founder of the OBB website. I am extremely pleased to announce the app version of this Online Burn Book! You can find it on both Apple and Android, both of which will give you the same advantages. I made sure to review each and every one of your survey answers, and have added components many people complained about. If you do not notice something you have mentioned, it is probably because not enough people requested for that change or addition. Anyways, I hope you will go download the app right away! After all, it is absolutely free, there are no ads at all, and it does not require Internet most of the time.


The Founder

Kieran took a quick glance around the auditorium to see what was going on. The principal had stepped off from the podium, and there was currently a presentation on suicide prevention on a large screen. He looked back down and went to the App Store.

Sure enough, OBB was on the list, and there seemed to be twenty four downloads already. Considering the e-mail had been sent out four hours ago, this was impressive.

Kieran didn't bother looking at the extra details as he pressed download right away. As he waited for the app to finish loading, the kid next to him tapped his arm.

"Hey, is that the app for the hate website?" she asked.

Kieran nodded dumbly.

"Oh, cool." She took out her own phone and went to the Play Store on her own device.

"Hey, what is that?"

Within minutes, a lot more students found out about the app, and they plus many more began downloading it right away. It was as if they all had forgotten where they were. A small part of Kieran felt sorry for Jason. Even in death, he was below the website.

"Excuse me, everybody, what do you think you are doing?" In the front, Mr. Travis stood in front of the microphone again. "Do none of you realize where we are at the moment?"

At that moment, the auditorium was silent. Everyone in the room probably just remembered the situation they were currently in.

And then, somebody stood up.

"Like you really care!" he yelled. "You just care about the school's reputation! If you actually wanted to prevent suicide, you would have done it two years ago, when --"

"SILENCE!" Mr. Travis' voice was loud enough on its own, but his yelling into the mic forced everyone to shut his or her ears. A few seconds later, Mr. Travis seemed to realize what he had done and tried to look calm. "You, sir, shall meet me in my office as soon as this assembly is over. And do not think about running away, because I will not forget your face," he said to the standing individual. "As for the rest of you, put your phones away. This is an important assembly you should all be paying attention to."

The person sat back down and people begrudgingly put away their phones, but Kieran didn't think anybody was really focusing on the assembly.

No, he was pretty sure every single student, like himself, was wondering more about the black banner that suddenly appeared, showing -O.B.B. in bright yellow font.


So, if you guys hadn't noticed, I started dedicating chapters to people who are always voting and commenting. If you want a chapter dedicated to you, but you haven't voted or commented, it's not too late to start! ;)

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