I'm sorry

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"Ready kids"Simeon asked looking down at Sage and Peony. "Yeah!"Sage smiled nodding. The race started up, the three running from the start. "Dad!"Peony stared. Simeon waved to them, climbing out of the mud and hurried after them. He grabbed their hands, bringing them up and over the stack of hay. Peony fell over, Simeon picking her up, and tossing her up and over the wall. "Me next!"Sage beamed. He grabbed his son, and tossed him over the wall chuckling before following. "You can do it Dad!"Peony beamed her eyes sparkling. Simeon grabbed the top of the climbing wall, and leaped over landing on the other side. "Come on!"Simeon called. Both leaped down landing in his arms, before the trio took off after the other racers. "Eating contest!"Simeon grinned. "We got this in the bag!"Peony grinned. "Cake!"Sage beamed. Both stuffed the cakes into their mouth, and chewed fast before swallowing. "GO KIDS!"Mammon cheered waving.

"Those are my niece and nephew!"Asmo says proudly. "Now I see where they got that trick"Sarafina laughed. "Oops"Beelzebub chuckled rubbing the back of his head. "Come on!"Simeon called. "Wait...where's Lucifer?"Mammon asked glancing at Belphie and Elu. "He got irritated and left..."Belphie says snorting annoyed. "Of course he would"Sarafina says rolling her eyes at Lucifer's attitude. Simeon and the two kids hurried past, Sarafina cheering them on. "GO KIDS!"Sarafina called clapping. Simeon held his hands out, and tossed the two kids up into a slide. "Got it!"Peony called. She came into view, holding up the football. Simeon took it and grinned tossing it right at the center of the target. The wall rose, the trio running after the others. "I hope they can carry the egg..."Satan says biting his nail. "Is Satan the avatar of wrath getting nervous!"Sarafina teased. "No!"Satan says straightening up. "...yes"Satan says going back to biting his nail.

The trio came out, carrying the egg as one, smiles on their faces. The trio set the egg down at the top, then dashed away. "Over the hurtles!"Mammon cheered. Simeon lifted the two kids up onto his shoulders, laughter coming from Sage and Peony as he leaped over the hurtles. "Come on, come on!"Mammon cheered clapping. Satan leaned forward, getting a teasing smile from Sarafina and Elu. "Shut up..."Satan ordered. "We didn't even say anything"Elu giggled amused. Simeon turned the corner, Sage falling into a bush. "You alright!"Simeon asked coming over. "Yeah dad, I'm fine"Sage chucked. "Then lets win this"Simeon nodded. He followed the two children, heading towards the finish line, Mammon and Asmo cheering them on. "THEY WON!"Mammon cheered hugging Belphie and Asmo. "THAT'S OUR LITTLE ONES!"Asmo grinned. "You both looked tired"Simeon grinned walking over. Sage stared at Simeon before walking over. "Sage?"Simeon blinked.

Sage wiped mud off of Simeon's cheek, staring at him. "Papa..."Sage stared. Lilith hurried over, her eyes wide in surprise. Simeon shook the mud off, revealing Lucifer underneath all of it. "DAD?!"Lilith stared shocked. "Lucifer..."Mammon stared startled. Simeon popped out of the mud at the start and waved to them, laughing coming from him. "Why.."Peony asked staring up at him as Simeon walked over. "I wanted to apologize to you kids...I know saying sorry won't make it better which is why I did this...I realized that I do love you kids but I was too prideful to say so...and in doing so I broke apart our family, I was absent cause of my own selfishness and I'm sorry for putting you kids through everything, especially you Lilith"Lucifer sighed. "If you all won't forgive me I'll understand, but I had fun doing this with you kids"Lucifer adds. Lilith hugged Lucifer, startling him. "I forgive you Dad"Lilith smiled. Sage and Peony hugged his legs, Sarafina smiling slightly her eyes watery. "Thank you"Lucifer smiled hugging the three kids.

He lifted them up, getting surprised laughter out of the trio. Simeon smiled, clapping happily. "We really did that all together, all the laughter and everything"Peony asked. "Yep, and during Lilith's race I switched with Barbatos too"Lucifer chuckled. "We did all that together too"Lilith stared. "Yeah, me and Simeon discussed that the spell I would've used to disguise myself as him wouldn't work, so he'd fall into the mud and I'd cast the spell as I came out so parts of me wouldn't be shown"Lucifer chuckled. "But you looked exactly like Barbatos during my race"Lilith says. "Cause I was fully energized"Lucifer smiled. Sarafina walked over, Lucifer setting the three kids down and walking over to her. "Sara...I'm sorry about what I put you through..I shouldn't have let pride keep me from my family"Lucifer sighed. She stared at him, Simeon looking nervous. "Just...let me make it all up to you Alright"Lucifer says making the woman tilt her head to the side.

He kneeled down, Simeon's hand on his shoulder. Mammon held Sage on his arms, Asmo holding Peony. "Barbatos and Diavolo helped me out..."Lucifer says. He opened a small box, revealing a ring with an emerald inside. "Lucifer!"Asmo gasped surprised. "He's ready for official commitment wow"Mammon grinned. Lucifer looked at Simeon, who's grip on his shoulder tightened encouragingly. "W-Will you marry me"Lucifer asked. "He stuttered!"Satan says recording this moment. Diavolo and Barbaros smiled, watching the scene before them. Sarafina stared at Lucifer, before mumbling something. "Mom..."Lilith stared. "Yes..."Sarafina says tears falling down her cheeks. "YAY!"Lilith cheered. Sarafina hugged Lucifer, both falling down onto the grass below. "That's it!"Diavolo laughed clapping happy for them. "MOMMY AND PAPA ARE GETTING MARRIED!"Sage beamed. Lucifer laughed, hugging his kids and Sarafina. "We sure are"Lucifer smiled. "And from now on I'll be there for you kids and your mother."

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