Chapter IX: The Gauntlet

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August 1 2022

It was the Raw after Summerslam as the crowd was excited to see what action awaits for them. The show began as everyone was excited to see what was gonna happen.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Alex made his entrance and had the WWE World heavyweight championship on his shoulder. After retaining the championship against Sheamus in a brutal match. Alex is now here to defend his championship.

Alex began walking through the ramp as the crowd continued cheering for him and even chanting his name. Ambrose removed his jacket as he was fixing his attire.

Alex grabbed a microphone and got inside the ring as his music stopped playing and the crowd was cheering for him.

Alex: No talk, Let's get straight into the action. Who has the guts to take this championship?

Ambrose dropped the microphone and began looking at the entrance ramp as everyone was curious to see who will face Alex right now. Ambrose continued looking at the entrance ramp until. . .

The crowd began cheering loudly as Alex had a smile on his face. Pete Dunne was looking at the anarchist and had a huge smile on his face. He continued walking down the ramp and entered the ring as he was looking at the psychotic anarchist.

Pete's music stopped playing as both men were looking at each other. The referee entered the ring as Alex and Pete were staring at each other.

The bell rang as the bruiserweight and the psychotic anarchist smiled at each other and began hitting a series of punches and chops on each other.

Alex kicked Pete in the gut and tried to go for a rainstorm but Dunne managed to get out and tried to hit a bitter end on the anarchist but Alex managed to get out as both men continued staring at each other.

Pete kicked Alex in the gut and twisted his arm as Ambrose managed to get out and hit a forearm smash on Pete. Alex hit a takedown and applied a headlock on him as Dunne managed to get out and hit a kick on Alex's leg as he moved back.

Pete whipped Alex through the ropes as he did a leapfrog and tried to hit a hip toss on Alex but Ambrose countered the attack and hit a arm drag on Dunne.

Alex tried to hit a big boot on Pete but he dodged the attack as Dunne tried to hit a leg sweep on the champion but Ambrose dodged the attack.

The crowd began cheering for Alex as Pete was impressed and smiled at Ambrose as the anarchist smiled at him and both of them continued fighting.

Six minutes later

Pete climbed up the top rope as he was gonna hit a diving crossbody on the anarchist but Alex countered the attack.

Alex pinned Dunne but he kicked out at two as Ambrose got him up and tried to hit a snap suplex on him but the bruiserweight hit a leg sweep on the champion followed by a double foot stomp.

Pete ran through the ropes until Alex quickly threw him out of the ring. Ambrose was waiting for Pete to stand up as the anarchist ran through the ropes and hit a suicide dive on him.

Alex picked Dunne up and threw him back in the ring. Ambrose rolled back in the ring until Dunne hit a double footstomp on Alex's hands as he was in pain before Dunne hit a roundhouse kick on him.

Pete climbed up the top rope and hit a moonsault on Alex as he pinned him but he kicked out at two.

Five minutes later

Pete tried to go for a bitter end but Alex hit a headbutt on him. Alex hit a big boot on him as Dunne was stunned before the anarchist hit a jumping neckbreaker on the bruiserweight.

Alex was holding his arm as he began slowly climbing on the top rope before Pete hit a jumping enzuguri on him causing Alex to fall down on the mat.

Pete picked Alex up and hit a German suplex on him but Ambrose quickly got up and hit another move on Dunne.

Alex quickly pinned him but Dunne kicked out at two as Ambrose fixed his hair. Alex picked him up and tried to hit a rainstorm on him but Dunne countered the attack into a cross armbreaker.

Alex was in pain and quickly put his leg on the rope as the referee told Dunne to break the submission. Pete saw Alex slowly getting up as he grabbed him and hit a x plex on the anarchist.

Pete quickly got Alex up and hit a liger bomb on the champion and pinned him but he kicked out at two as he was shocked.

Pete began climbing up the top rope as he noticed Alex slowly getting up and punched Pete in the face. Ambrose began climbing on the top rope and hit a combo on the bruiserweight.

Alex pinned Dunne but he kicked out of two as the crowd was loving the match and began cheering for them.

Ten minutes later

Pete hit a enzuguri on Alex but Ambrose bounced through the ropes and hit a running dropkick on Dunne. Pete also bounced through the ropes and hit running forearm smash knocking Alex out.

Pete got Alex up and tried to hit a bitter end on him but Alex jumped over his head and hit his signature on him.

Pete was holding his back as he slowly managed to get on his feet before Alex hit another combo on the bruiserweight.

Alex was holding his arm as he managed to get Dunne up and hit a rainstorm on him.

Alex pinned Dunne and got thr three count as his music began emitting around the arena. The crowd began cheering for the anarchist as he retained his championship.

Alex managed to get up and grabbed his championship and raised it in the air as he had a smile on his face. Ambrose rolled out of the ring and continued walking through the ramp until. . .

The crowd erupted in cheers as Liv Morgan made her entrance and raised the smackdown women's championship in the air. After defeating Jessica Mckay at summerslam to retain the championship. Liv came to Raw to defend her championship.

She was walking down the ramp and saw Alex as she smiled at him. She made it to the ring and grabbed a microphone and her music stopped playing.

Liv: Let's get straight to the point. I'm here for a fight. So who has the guts to face me and take my championship away?

Liv dropped the microphone and was looking at the entrance ramp. The crowd was curious as to who is gonna face Liv until. . .

Carmella made her entrance as the crowd was booing her but she didn't care and continued walking down the entrance ramp as Liv was looking at her.

Carmella got inside the ring and glared at Liv as the referee entered the ring. Both women were staring at each other until the bell rang and the fight begins.

Thirty minutes later

Liv threw Carmella back in the ring as Morgan also rolled back in the ring until Carmella hit a super kick on Liv but Gionna surprised Carmella with a rebound lariat.

The crowd cheered for Gionna as she had a huge smile on her face. She saw Carmella on the ropes until Liv hit a oblivion on her.

Liv pinned Carmella and got the three count as the crowd began cheering for her. Liv's theme began emitting around the arena as she got up and had a huge smile on her face.

Liv grabbed her championship and raised it in the air as the crowd was cheering for her and began chanting her name as she smiled at them.

Raw was over as everyone was making their way back to the hotel to rest up. Alex was walking around backstage as he was fixing his hair until he heard someone calling his name. Ambrose turned around and saw who it was.

Liv: Hey Alex!

Alex: Hey there. By the way, Nice match.

Liv: [Smiles] Thanks, Your match was awesome too.

Alex: Thanks. So what's up?

Liv: Oh I was just wondering if your up for movie night?

Alex: Sure.

Liv: Awesome! See you pumpkin!

Gionna had a smile on her face and began walking away as Alex was looking at her and left the arena.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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