Chapter X: Starlight

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August 1 2022

Alex was walking through the hallway as he fixed his hair and pressed the door bell as he was looking around. After Smackdown was over, Liv asked Ambrose for a movie night. He was fixing his jacket and continued looking around until he saw the main door being opened and saw Gionna.

Liv: Hey Alex!

Alex: Hey there.

Gionna smiled at him as Alex walked inside the room and closed the door. Both of them sat down on the couch as they were talking to each other.

Alex: What are we watching?

Liv: We're gonna watch a horror movie.

Alex: That's cool. Which one?

Liv: Hmmm. . . I'm thinking we should watch Texas chainsaw massacre.

Alex: I love that movie.

Liv: Me too. It's terrifying and creepy.

Alex: I agree on that.

Liv: What else should we watch after Texas chainsaw massacre?

Alex: Halloween Kills?

Liv: Ooooh that's awesome. Let's watch that too.

Alex nodded as both of them began watching the Texas chainsaw massacre movie. They were eating some popcorn and drank some soda and continued watching the movie. Some time has passed and the movie was over as they were talking to each other.

Liv: That was a great movie. I also got chills.

Alex: I agree on that.

Liv: Alright, Let's watch Halloween Kills!

Alex nodded as both of them were watching the movie and ate some popcorn and drank some soda. They continued watching the movie for sometime until it was over as they were speaking to each other.

Alex: Another amazing movie. Michael was really scary in that movie .

Liv: I agree on that. Especially the way he took out the firefighters along with the mob.

Alex: He was a force of nature.

Liv: That's right. [Looks at the time] It's getting late now. I'm gonna head to sleep.

Alex nodded as he got up from the couch and began walking towards the main door and opened it as he said something to Liv.

Alex: Goodnight Liv.

Liv: Goodnight cutiepie.

Alex was staring at her as she had a huge smile on her face. Liv closed the door as Ambrose was walking through the hallway as he had a small smile on his face. Meanwhile Liv was at her room as she had a huge smile on her face.

August 5 2022

Smackdown was happening as the crowd was excited to see what's gonna happen. Alex made his entrance and got inside the ring as he challenged anyone in the locker room to take his championship. His open challenge was answered by The Miz who was angry at Alex after attacking him.

Six minutes later

Miz hit a DDT on Alex as he pinned him but he kicked out at two. Maryse was cheering for him as Miz saw Alex slowly getting up and ran through the ropes until Alex stopped him and hit a combo.

Alex saw Miz slowly getting up as he grabbed him and hit a rolling release suplex on him.

Alex pinned him but Miz kicked out at two as the crowd was cheering for Alex. Ambrose began slowly climbing on the top rope until Miz who managed to recover punched Alex in the face.

Miz began climbing on the top rope to hit a superplex on the champion but Alex hit a headbutt on Miz causing him to fall down. Miz slowly got up as Alex hit a top rope missile dropkick on him.

Alex pinned Miz but he kicked out at two as the anarchist was smiling at him.

Ten minutes later

Miz was out of the ring as Alex was waiting for him to get up as he ran through the ropes and hit a suicide dive on him.

Alex quickly grabbed Miz and threw him back in the ring as the anarchist also entered the ring. Miz tried to hit a big boot on Alex but the brawler grabbed his leg and hit a exploder suplex on him.

Alex pinned Miz but he kicked out at two as Ambrose decided to climb on the top rope. He saw Miz slowly getting up as he hit a diving elbow drop on him.

Alex pinned Miz but once again he kicked out at two as both men were on the mat and the crowd was loving the match. Both of them slowly got up until Miz surprised Alex with a DDT.

Miz was holding his back as he was waiting for Alex to get up and began hitting multiple shoot kicks on him. Miz was gonna hit a roundhouse kick on him but Alex ducked under the attack until Miz hit a big boot on the anarchist as he was stunned.

Miz ran through the ropes to hit a running knee strike on the anarchist but Alex countered the attack with a spine buster.

Alex immediately pinned Miz but he kicked out at two as both men were on the mat and the crowd was loving the match.

Three minutes later

Miz hit a running knee strike on Alex as he immediately pinned the champion but he kicked out at two as Miz and Maryse were shocked. Miz picked Alex up on the skull crushing finale position and taunted the crowd.

Miz: Remember everyone! I'm the Miz and I'm-

The crowd laughed at Miz as Alex pinned him and got the three count as the crowd began cheering for the anarchist.

Alex grabbed his championship and raised it in the air until he was attacked by a group as the crowd began booing at who it was.

It was Judgement day, They continued attacking Alex until they picked him up and hit a triple powerbomb on the anarchist.

Judgement Day began laughing at Alex as they left the ring and began taunting the crowd along with Alex who was struggling to get up.

The show continued on as the main event was Liv Morgan defending the Smackdown Women's Championship against Natalya. The match went on for twenty five minutes until Liv hit a oblivion on Natalya.

Liv pinned Natalya and got the three count as the crowd began cheering for her. Liv raised her championship in the air until Liv saw someone standing on the entrance ramp as she saw who it was.

Anna Jay was smiling at Liv and even taunted her as Gionna was looking at her. Both of them continued staring at each other before the show ended.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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