Chapter XI: Fury

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August 8 2022

Monday night Raw was happening as the crowd was excited to see what action awaits them. The show began as the crowd were wondering what was gonna happen. However they were gonna get their answer right now.

The crowd began cheering in excitement as Alex made his entrance. Ambrose was walking down the ramp as he had the world heavyweight championship on his shoulder. After being attacked by Judgement Day, Alex wants payback for what attacking him.

He grabbed a microphone and entered the ring as his music stopped playing.

Alex: Three days ago, I got attacked by three cowards who thought they would get away after attacking me. So I'm gonna keep this simple, Judgement Day, If you got the guts, Get over here right now.

Alex was looking at the entrance ramp as he was waiting for them to show up but they didn't show up. Alex spoke on the microphone as the crowd was listening to him.

Alex: I know you idiots are in the building. If you dont get over here right now, I'm gonna cause some chaos.

Alex was looking at the entrance ramp as the crowd was waiting for Judgement Day until. . .

The crowd began booing as Judgement Day made their entrance as they were smiling at the crowd. Finn, Damien, Rhea and Dominik were smiling at Alex who was looking at them. Their music stopped as they began speaking to the champion.

Finn: Alex, You are so stupid. You should have known. Whenever someone holds that championship, They immediately become a target.

Damien: Alex, You dont rule this company. The Judgement Day rules this entire company.

Dominik: And attacking you is a message. A message that we're gonna take your championship away from you.

The crowd began booing them as Alex was staring at them until they said something to him.

Rhea: But don't worry Alex, We'll give you two choices. Option one, You can just hand your championship to us and we'll let you go. Option two, We'll break every bone in your body and take this championship from you.

Dominik: You should pick option one. After all, Your alone and we're four.

Damien: He's right. So what's your answer?

Alex was silent as Judgement Day were smiling at him until Ambrose said something to them.

Alex: You want my answer?

Ambrose gave a middle finger to them as Judgement Day were anger in their eyes and glared at the anarchist. The crowd began cheering for Alex until Finn said something to him.

Finn: You are making a big mistake-

Alex: No, You all are making a big mistake. Let me tell you all something, You idiots are cowards, thinking its okay to attack someone from behind and get away with it but remember, When you stab the Reaper in the back, There's hell to pay.

Judgement Day were glaring at Alex as he continued speaking to them.

Alex: You know, Anyone that picks a battle with me. They're gonna walk out of that battle with broken bones and many more. That's why everyone fears me. That's why nobody wants to mess with me because I am your worst nightmare and you say I'm in danger?

Judgement Day were glaring at Alex until he said something to them.

Alex: So let me tell you assholes something. I am not in danger. . .

The crowd began cheering for Alex as he was looking at Judgement Day until Ambrose said something to them.

Alex: So this is how it's gonna go. Right now I'm gonna defend my championship against Damien and break his arms. After that on smackdown, I'm gonna defend this championship against that little b**** Dominik and break his arms and legs. Then on Raw, I'm gonna fight you Finn but I don't want to fight Finn Balor. No I want to fight the demon.

Finn: You know what? Fine! We accept your challenge!

Damien began walking towards the ring and entered it as Alex removed his jacket. Both men were staring at each other until. . .

Alex and Damien looked at the entrance ramp as Grayson Waller made his entrance and had a sign which says "The Grayson Waller Effect Is Phenomenal". The crowd began booing Waller as he laughed at them and entered the ring as he said something to Alex.

Grayson: Hey, This championship doesn't belong to you. It belongs to the best wrestler in world. Grayson Waller.

The crowd began booing Grayson as he smiled at them and said something to Alex.

Grayson: So Are you okay being in a triple threat match or are you gonna run away?

Alex and Damien looked at each other until Priest said something to Ambrose.

Damien: You thinking what I'm thinking.

Alex: Yeah.

Both Damien and Alex began attacking Grayson and threw him to the corner. Alex and Damien knew this match is gonna be a triple threat match now but they didn't care. The referee entered the ring as the bell rang and the match has began.

Alex began attacking Grayson and stomping on him as the anarchist hit a clothesline on Damien.

Alex threw Grayson out of the ring as Damien managed to get up and hit a shoulder block on Ambrose. Damien picked Alex and hit a snap suplex on him.

Damien picked Alex up until Ambrose began hitting a punch/chop combo on Priest as Damien was on the ropes until Alex hit a running front dropkick on him sending Damien out of the ring.

Alex began running through the ropes until Grayson entered the ring and hit a dropkick on the champion and pinned him but Alex kicked out at one.

Five minutes later

Damien hit a ripcord roundhouse kick on Grayson as he was on the mat. Damien saw Alex in the corner as he hit a jumping back elbow on him. Damien whipped Alex to the corner but Ambrose jumped over his head as he ran through the ropes and hit a clothesline on Priest.

Grayson tried to attack Alex but Ambrose hit a big boot on Waller and threw him to the corner. Alex was holding his arm as he hit a combo on Grayson.

Alex was gonna run through the ropes until Damien hit a rolling elbow/clothesline combo on the champion. Suddenly Grayson hit a neckbreaker on Damien and immediately pinned him but he kicked out at two as he was angry. Waller pinned Alex but he also kicked out at two.

Grayson was angry as he picked Alex up and tried to hit a vertical suplex on him but the anarchist countered the attack.

Priest tried to hit a roundhouse kick but Alex ducked under the attack but Damien hit a bell clap on Ambrose. The champion was stunned as Damien picked Alex up to hit a crucifix powerbomb but Alex managed to get out and hit a jumping neckbreaker on him.

Alex pinned Damien but he kicked out at two as the crowd was liking the match.

Ten minutes later

Grayson hit a top con hilo on Alex and Damien and threw Priest back in the ring. Grayson was waiting for him to get up and hit a superkick on him. Grayson pinned him but Damien kicked out at two.

Grayson was angry and waited for Damien to get up as he hit a cutter but Priest grabbed him and hit a broken arrow on him. Priest was waiting for Grayson to get up until Alex entered the ring as Damien tried to attack him but Alex dodged the attack and began trying to gain some momentum.

Damien quickly got up and tried to hit a big boot on Alex but he dodged the attack and ran through the ropes to hit a running clothesline. Grayson immediately got up and tried to attack Alex but Ambrose countered the attack.

Alex saw Damien in the corner as he hit a combo on Priest and Grayson.

Alex threw Grayson out of the ring as Damien tried to attack the anarchist but he countered the attack.

Alex saw both men out of the ring as he had a smile on his face before the brawler ran through the ropes and hit a suicide dive on Damien and Grayson.

Alex threw Damien back in the ring as he began climbing on the top rope but Damien grabbed him and hit a south of heaven on the anarchist. He pinned Alex but he kicked out at the last second as Damien was shocked.

Four minutes later

Damien was gonna hit the reckoning on Alex but he managed to get out and hit a combo on Damien.

Alex saw Grayson trying to hit a lariat on him but Ambrose countered the attack and hit a falcon arrow on Waller.

Alex pinned him but Damien grabbed the champion and hit a crucifix powerbomb on the champion. Priest was angry as he grabbed Grayson and hit a uranage backbreaker on him.

Damien saw Alex on the corner slowly getting up as he was gonna hit a corner wheel kick but Alex moved out of the way and hit a saito suplex on Damien.

Grayson hit a stunner on Alex as he pinned him but Ambrose kicked out at two as Grayson was shocked that he managed to kick out.

Waller had a smile on his face as he lifted Alex on his shoulders to hit a attitude adjustment until. . .

Alex immediately pinned Grayson and got the three count as the crowd was cheering for Alex. The referee gave Alex his championship as he raised it in the air and looked at Damien who was holding both of his arms in pain.

Alex left the ring and began walking towards backstage.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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