Chapter VI: Adrenaline

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July 8 2022

Smackdown continued as the crowd was loving the promos along with the matches as the main event was happening. Smackdown women's champion Liv Morgan is teaming up with Sheamus to go against Jessica Mckay and WWE world heavyweight champion Alex Ambrose. Adam Pierce also confirmed two matches at Summerslam. Alex Ambrose will defend the WWE world heavyweight championship against Sheamus and Liv Morgan will defend the Smackdown women's championship against Jessica Mckay.

It's also confirmed next week on Smackdown that Liv Morgan will defend the championship against Cassie Lee while Alex Ambrose defends the championship against Happy Corbin.

Liv Morgan made her entrance as the crowd began cheering for her. She had a huge smile on her face as she continued walking down the ramp. Liv got inside the ring and raised the championship in the air as the crowd was chanting Liv's name and she was smiling at them before her music stopped.

Sheamus made his entrance as the crowd was cheering for him. He continued walking down the ramp as he made it to the ring and looked at the crowd before his music stopped.

Jessica Mckay and Cassie Lee made their entrances as the crowd was cheering for them. They smiled at the crowd and continued walking down the ramp as Liv was looking at them. They got in the ring as they were taunting Liv as she was looking at them before their music stopped.

Alex made his entrance as the crowd began cheering for him. Ambrose continued walking down the ramp as he got inside the ring and raised the WWE world heavyweight championship in the air. His music stopped as both teams were looking at each other.

Jessica and Liv were gonna start the match as the bell rang and the fight began. Jessica managed to get Liv on a headlock but she managed to get out and applied a wrist lock on Jessica. Mckay managed to get out as she slapped Liv as she glared at her.

Jessica was gonna hit a forearm strike on Liv but she blocked the attack and kicked Jessica in the gut. Liv ran through the ropes and hit a shoulder block on Jessica as she was on the mat.

Jessica managed to get up and kicked Liv in the gut and was gonna hit a snap suplex on her but Liv managed to counter the attack.

Liv continued attacking Jessica as she got her up and hit a snap suplex on her. Liv pinned Jessica but she kicked out at one as both of them continued fighting.

Jessica managed to hit a mat slam on Liv as she continued punching her until she got her up and hit a vertical suplex on Liv as Cassie was cheering for her. Jessica pinned Liv but she kicked out at one.

Ten minutes later

Jessica hit a discus forearm on Liv as she was on the mat. Jessica had a huge smile on her face as she got her up and was gonna hit a German suplex on her but Liv hit a back elbow on Jessica followed by a hurricarana.

Both of them were on the mat as Liv tagged Sheamus while Jessica tagged Alex as both of them began fighting each other. Sheamus was gonna hit a clothesline on Alex but he ducked under it and Ambrose hit a combo on Sheamus.

Sheamus managed to get up as he tried to hit a clothesline on Alex but he ducked under it and hit a running clothesline on Sheamus.

Sheamus was on the corner as Alex hit a running forearm smash followed by a running bulldog on Sheamus.

Alex had a smirk on his face as he began climbing on the top rope but Sheamus immediately got up and tried to attack Alex but he jumped out of the way.

Sheamus hit Alex with a big boot as he was on the ground. Sheamus got Alex up and was gonna hit a powerbomb on him but Ambrose managed to get out and kicked Sheamus in the gut. Alex tried to hit a rainstorm on him but Sheamus got out and hit a knife edge chop on him as Ambrose retaliated with a knife edge chop.

Sheamus hit a headbutt on Alex as he was stunned before Sheamus followed up with a bicycle knee strike on him. Jessica tried to help Alex but Liv hit a clothesline on Jessica as she threw her out of the ring.

Liv saw Jessica slowly getting on her feet as Morgan ran through the ropes and hit a suicide dive on Jessica.

Sheamus hit a fallaway slam on Alex as he pinned him but Ambrose kicked out at two as the action continued.

Eight minutes later

Jessica was gonna hit a spinning heel kick on Liv but she grabbed her leg and looked at her. Liv pushed her as Mckay tried to hit another spinning heel kick but Liv countered the attack.

Jessica managed to kick out at two as both women immediately got up. Mckay tried to hit a superkick on Morgan but she dodged the attack. Liv began hitting multiple forearm strikes on Jessica until Mckay threw Liv to the corner but she surprised Jessica with a double springboard missile dropkick.

Jessica immediately tagged Alex as Liv tagged Sheamus as both men got in the ring. Sheamus hit a spinebuster on Alex as he was on the ground. Sheamus got Alex up but Ambrose began hitting multiple strikes on Sheamus before he ran through the ropes and hit Sheamus with a running dropkick.

Sheamus managed to get up as Alex ran through the ropes and hit a suicide dive on Sheamus as both men were down.

Alex managed to get up and threw Sheamus back in the ring. He got back inside the ring as Ambrose tried to hit a release suplex on him but Sheamus hit a knee strike on Alex.

Sheamus whipped Alex through the ropes until Sheamus hit a tilt a whirl side slam on him. Jessica tried to interfere in the match but Liv surprised her with another attack.

Sheamus got Alex up and got him on the fireman's carry but Ambrose managed to get out and hit a German suplex on Sheamus.

Alex immediately got Sheamus up and hit a bridging fisherman suplex on him.

Ambrose pinned him but Sheamus managed to kick out at two as the match continued to get chaotic.

Four minutes later

Sheamus ran through the ropes as he was gonna hit a flying clothesline on Alex but Ambrose countered the attack into a uranage.

Alex pinned Sheamus but he kicked out at two. Ambrose managed to get him up and tried to hit a rainstorm at him but Sheamus managed to push him away.

Sheamus tried to hit a brogue kick on Alex but he dodged the attack. Ambrose hit a big boot on Sheamus as he was waiting for him to get up before he hit a another attack on Sheamus.

Alex pinned Sheamus but he kicked out at two as both men were slowly getting up. Sheamus tagged Liv as Alex was annoyed and tagged Jessica. Mckay tried to attack Liv but Morgan hit a combo on Jessica.

Liv was waiting for Jessica to get up until Cassie entered the ring and tried to attack Liv but Morgan dodged the attack.

Cassie tried to attack her but Liv hit a uranage on her as Cassie rolled out of the ring. However Jessica hit a spinning heel kick on Liv as she immediately pinned her but Liv kicked out at two. Jessica was shocked and began arguing with the referee.

Liv immediately got up and hit a German suplex on Jessica as she was on the mat. Meanwhile Alex threw Sheamus to the barricade as Alex was climbing on the top rope and was waiting for Sheamus to get up.

Sheamus managed to get on his feet as Alex hit a elbow drop on him.

Jessica hit a superkick on Liv as she pinned her but she kicked out at two as she was shocked and angry.

Three minutes later

Alex threw Sheamus out of the ring as Jessica was gonna hit a superkick on Liv but she dodged it and Jessica accidentally hit Alex with a superkick.

Jessica was shocked as Alex rolled out of the ring and was holding his head in pain. However Liv surprised Jessica with a. . .

Jessica was on the ropes before Liv had a huge smile on her face before she hit a oblivion on Jessica.

Liv pinned her and got the three count as her theme began emitting around the arena. Liv had a huge smile on her face as the referee raised both Liv and Sheamus's arm in the air.

Liv grabbed her smackdown women's championship and raised it in the air as Alex and Jessica were looking at each other and began arguing as the show ended.

A/N: Thanks for reading and here is a question.

Q1: How was the chapter?

Stay cool and stay safe. Stay strong and I hope everyone is doing well and your day is amazing :D

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