CHAPTER 34: The New Beginning

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~Celebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings~



I love the smell of coffees, bloomed roses, and new beginnings.

Today is the day I decided to enjoy life, I decided not to wish away my days, waiting for better ones ahead.

Life is all about lows and highs like a sound wave, You will be bored hearing a tune with a single note. Modulations makes the tune beautiful, ups and downs make our life crazy and at the same time beautiful

Besides we are all humans, We're all stumbling in the dark and that makes for some very interesting collisions.

I find myself smiling. My cheek muscles feel different, they're like a room that hasn't seen light in years that suddenly had all the blinds pulled open and the sun is beaming in at full volume. And I can't help myself, my smile keeps stretching, wider and wider.

I looked out the window for inspiration, but I found none. Then I realized that I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best, The subject I want to know better, And the subject I will keep working on.

After making breakfast, I got ready and headed to work. I was proud of myself because I did a very good job ignoring all the insult Ammar kept throwing my way. Because now, it doesn't really matter anymore.  All that matters to me is "ME"

On reaching the office, I was told that my assistant has already scheduled a meeting for me with one of our clients. We had to rush out of the office building because we were running late, I never even had the chance to make some inquirers about the client and so on. Though the name of the company sounded so familiar, but I was too busy to ask any questions.

I made sure everything I needed for the presentation is in place during our ride to the destination

When we arrived, I figured out that it is Ammar's office. My heart skipped a beat when I realized that they were the clients.

When I entered the conference hall, Ammar saw me before I saw him. He was standing tall and handsome, Looking undeniably beautiful in an electric grungy way. Though he looked like a lion in a strange land.

And there is, that moment, a shock of recognition. I'm sure Ammar doesn't even know yet what he is recognizing. There is only the shock, The sense, That feeling of something happening that was meant to happen. Two people fitting in a space and time.

He looked at me and my treacherous stomach flipped girlishly, My chest quake and my lungs shrink but yet I felt refreshed all in the same breath

His tux told me nothing, but his face told me things which I was ironically glad to know. Though he was amazingly absent minded through out the meeting, Like the most absent creature in the world.

Ammar stared at me for only God knows how long, maybe through out the time I was there. I didn't look back at him, but I knew he was still watching. It probably sounds weird, but I felt it. The hairs on my neck bristled when he blinked.

Thankfully the meeting went well for me, but I can't say the same for Ammar. I walked away after the meeting with his eyes shooting daggers at me, I couldn't care less.

I got home around 7pm after a busy but productive day, Gosh I miss this feeling.

Upon opening the door to the house, I am reminded that ammar lives in the same house with me by his marked presence.

There he is, seated on the couch. When our eyes met, I quickly looked away because his eyes were too intense to stare into for long.

I look down to the ground, Trying to avoid any eye contact. Lowering myself onto the couch, I sense a pair of eyes at the back of my head. His presence behind me is awfully distracting.

My last name may not be Kardashian but I can guarantee someone is keeping up with me.

In a sneaky attempt to look at his face and figure out his mood, I lean down towards my legs to take off my shoes only to quickly glance backwards at him. He is staring right back at me.

He has that look in his eyes, as though he wanted something from me, as though he had wanted it for a long time. He is looking at me with that kind of intensity. It unsettled me, surprised me, I guess. Those deep, icy dark brown eyes, looking back at me as if I could warm them up. They're pretty powerful, those eyes are pretty beautiful too.

I quickly drop my shoes and headed to my room and lay on my bed. I was enjoying The gentle moonlight slipping through my window and the sound of a lonely car somewhere far away, where I long to be too, when I felt the need to take a relaxing shower

I rip my constricting skirt and top off, went into the bathroom and had a hot shower.

I was almost done brushing my teeth when I heard a slight movement and it felt like I was being watched.

I ignored the sound, knowing fully well that I and Ammar are alone in the house and he sets foot in my room or bathroom only on rare occasions

I walked into the bedroom naked, Then I put on my comfortable sweat pants and a tank top.

I quickly whip my head around when I heard the sound of Ammar's voice clearing his throat as he stood by the door which is slightly open now.

Then I made a stupid mistake and looked up at him. The sight of him, all that flexing muscle and sun-glazed skin, was breathtaking. He was a beautiful man, a sacred Apollo, a dream lover. And he is mine, or suppose to be mine.

"How long have you been here you pervert?" I screamed

"Not long ago" he replied

"Did you see me naked?" I asked

"Oh don't flatter your self, I wouldn't want to see you naked. It'd be sour to my eyes" he replied

"You're such a jerk, you know" I told him

He didn't reply, he just walked towards me.

He pressed his torso to my body, the last space between my body and his obliterated.

"Who's the jerk?" he asked huskily, his face inches away from mine

"You" I replied, staring into his bold brown masculine eyes

"Murderer" He said, With his hands lingering at the hem of my top as he caresses the texture not breaking the eye contact

He cupped my cheeks in his hands, and captured my mouth in a hot, wet kiss. It wasn't a slow kiss or a dreamy kiss. No, it was a hungry one that sent a rush of heat flooding my veins.

What he said hurt, but it didn't hurt enough coz now I am filled with a much stronger emotion than sorrow, I am enraged. Apparently, Ammar was equally mad. I could feel the anger in his kiss.

His lips are consumed with rage as they touched mine and kissed me hard against the wall with his arms wrapped around my waist desperately

His eyes were closed throughout the kiss but mine remained open

In between the frustration, I could feel his lips already regretting what they just did and it looks as if he is about to apologize

I pushed him away and walked to the bed. plopping down on it, I heard his faint footsteps across the room as he tried to find his way out clearly still dazed by the kiss

"It looks like you enjoyed kissing me, too bad it is never going to happen ever again" I said

He suddenly stopped and turned towards me, with embarrassment evident in his eyes.

It seemed like an insult to imply that anything so small as a kiss could make him look so weak, vulnerable and stop the raw feeling in his dark and haunted eyes.

I gave him an incredulous look and shook my head.

His hand lifted and fell away again in a desperate attempt to explain his earlier actions. But he couldn't say a word, he sheepishly walked out of the room leaving me speechless


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