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Hey guys-

Sorry for the long wait. I was in front of my laptop the WHOLE DAY trying to think of what to write. So here it is. Before you continue, I will warn you now:

THIS CHAPTER IS NOT FOR THOSE 13 AND YOUNGER (PLEASE). This chapter is ALSO not VANILLA sex. It's not your regular passionate sex, so if you only want stuff like that, make your way towards His Hufflepuff. I REALLY DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR 'ew what the fuck' COMMENTS. I HAVE ALREADY WARNED YOU.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


{viewer discretion is HIGHLY advised}

lola berkshire

5:02 am

I get up from my bed quickly.

The sky is barely blue.

I glance over at Amelie; she's fast asleep.

I glance over at Scarlett; she's asleep, as well.


I jolt to my dresser and put on some loose-fitted clothing; sweatpants and one of Zeno's old Quidditch t-shirts.

I grab my wand from my bedside table and creep out the dorm quietly.

I step out onto the cold corridors- it's silent as fuck.

Without hesitation, I apparate back home.

A twirl, a swoosh, and a churn of atmosphere and I arrive in the front of my house.

Though I'm not going to my house.

The air is cold. It's dewy. The grass is wet. Sky is barely blue. Smells like a field of flowers. Just things I'll never get tired of.

I take a 13 minute walk to Miles' land.

As I get closer to his house, my heart beats faster.

Bloody hell, why am I so nervous?

I walk up to Miles' porch; light brown home with white stairs, dimly lit with white trimmed sconces side by side the large white french doors.

I knock 4 times with the knuckle of my finger.

It's an inside joke that Miles and I have.

The door opens slowly and Miles' eyes immediately light up.

A smile forms on his face as he pulls me into an embrace.

"Lola," he breathes, "You actually came."

"Of course I'd come, Miles," I respond.

Miles lifts my chin with his finger and places a warm kiss on my lips.

Butterflies fly and swoon in my stomach and chills are sent down my spine; I love kissing Miles.

"Come in," he gestured into the home, "Do you want tea?"

I walk into the home as he follows, then closes the door behind him.

The aroma of cinnamon, lavender, and mahogany fulfills my senses- it's an odd combination, but his parents are one of the nicest people I know, so it compensates.

"No, I'm fine," I respond softly, "Thank you. Where's Mr. and Mrs. Wright?"

"They're asleep," he says, "You could stay until they wake-."

"I can't. I have to go back to school in time for breakfast. It'll raise suspicion if I'm not back in time. I never miss breakfast."

Miles sighs.

"Well, alright. Do you want to go upstairs?"

I look into his eyes as they slowly soften at the sight of me.


He takes my hand and smiles as he leads me to his room- a room I've been in many many times before.

The stairs creak; they're old. Miles tells me there's a story for every creak in the house.

He's managed to tell me all about them.

I know I told my friends and cousins that Miles is just my friend, but he's more than a friend, really.

I truly believe that we love each other. He cares about me, respects me, takes very good care of me, and does nice gestures.

I just hate keeping him a secret.

Well, my mother knows about him and she understands why I can't just simply tell anyone about our relationship.

She, too, knows how Zeno can get.

We reach his room as I automatically climb on his bed, pulling the covers over my body.

"Merlin's Beard, why is your room always cold?"

"And why do you always say 'Merlin's Beard?'" Miles chuckles.

"It's a wizard thing. It's hard to explain."

"If you say so," he says, as he climbs in bed with me, "I love when you come in the morning to cuddle."

"I love it, too."

Miles wraps his arms around me as I nuzzle my head in his neck.

He places a kiss on my forehead as my heart flutters.

"You're good to me, y'know that?" I whisper.

He softly chuckles.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Lola."


Only the sound of our hearts beating and our labored breathing.

"Can we..."

"I was thinking the same thing," he says.

I look up at him as his lips melt onto mine once more.

Only this time, there's passionate aggression.

Our hands travel one another's body, gripping and grasping and holding.

Miles climbs on top of me as he places kisses on my neck.

A small moan escapes my lips.

His hands travel under my shirt, grasping and touching my skin.

His hands tug onto the hem of my sweatpants.

I raise my waist as we remove them together.

He tosses my sweatpants aside and parts my legs.

Everything is happening so fast, but this is usually how it goes between us.

We can't help it-.

It's a heat-of-the-moment thing.

Miles tugs down his pants, pulling out his erection.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, Miles," I say quietly

Our eyes meet- he always remains eye contact when we make love.

Miles pushes my underwear aside from my pussy as he enters me slowly. I wince at the sharp sting.

"Fuck, Lola," he mutters under his breath, "I love you so much."

I grab ahold of his sides as Miles thrusts deeper.

His hips start bucking faster, adding more pressure to his waist.

It's painful, yes.

But it's a good painful.


amelie zabini

"You're up early," I say groggily as Lola is sitting on her bed reading a book, "Why?"

"Why are you all talking," Scarlett groans into her pillow, "It's bloody fuckin early-."

"I guess I'm just an early bird," Lola responds, as she closes her book and sets it down onto the bedside table.

"Okay..." I say as I get up from the bed, "You coming down for breakfast?"

"Yes," Lola gets up from her bed and slips on her slippers.

"Wait for me," Scarlett groans, dragging out her 'me' as she gets up from her bed as well.

Her hair is ruffled, pointing in all different directions.

The three of us leave our room as we walk down the corridors in our casual clothing.

"Happy Saturday," Scarlett groans, rubbing her eye.

"Happy Saturday," I respond.

"Scarlett, why are you so tired?" Lola queries.

"Try a whole bottle of fire whiskey and 3 joints," she grogs.

"That's a rookie move, Scar," I joke, as I swing my arm around her.

"Says the one who left early last night," she beckoned.

Last night.

Whew, last night.

"Yeah-. Even I was surprised you wanted to leave early," Lola added.

"Wave of exhaustion, I guess. It won't happen again," I say.

Other teenage girls are scurrying up and down the corridors in their short pajama shorts and tank tops.

Go women.

Narsa would've loved the sight of Slytherin beauties in the morning.

"God, Narsa's right," Scarlett mutters, "I really should go gay."

We all eye the girls with their curves and bosoms; clothing hugging tight.

"I love girls," Lola giggles.

"I love girls, too," I say.

"Why're you wearing a sweater and shorts? That's a weird combo. What happened to the tank-tops?" Scarlett gestured towards me.

"I dunno-."

"Show the world your boobies," Scarlett giggles, "I don't want to show my boobies alone."

Lola and I laugh at Scarlett's chaotic energy.

That's what I love about her; bubbly personality, absolute sweetheart, a Daddy's girl really, and in all reality a mediator- she'd make peace between Zenith, Zeno, and Oliver growing up.

As we reach the commons, we see Zenith, Zeno, and Oliver on the sofa; Zeno sitting, Oliver's head on Zeno's lap, and Oliver's legs on Zenith's lap.

"Good morning, my lovely family!" Lola chimed, kissing each on the cheek.

"Good morning, boys," Scarlett adds, kissing each on the cheek as well.

"Morning," I grog.

"No kiss on the cheek?" Oliver sneers.

"Yeah, what Oli said. No kith?" Zenith jokes.

I stick a middle finger up as Zenith does the same.

Every now and then I'll glance at Zeno and I'd catch him staring back.

Fucking hell, it's 8 o'clock in the morning and even slight glances build tension.

"You're in a good mood, Lola," Zeno's hoarse morning voice beams.

Holy fucking hell his voice-.

"What can I say? I'm surrounded by those who love me," Lola smiles, sitting on an armchair besides the sofa.

"Cheesy corny Lola," Scarlett swings her arms around Lola's neck, "My lovely Lola."

"Cheesy corny Scarlett," I mock, "My lovely Scarlett."

I swing my arm around Scarlett, making a cuddle train behind Lola.

"Are we going to get breakfast or what?" Zenith blurts, shoving Oliver's legs off his lap.

Oliver winces as Zenith gets up from the sofa.

"Rude much?" Oliver snapped, sitting up.

"No, not rude. You hungry, Oli?" Zenith responds.

"Well, I know I am," Lola groans.

We all walk alongside one another leaving the commons.

"Nice sweatshirt, Mel," said Zeno as he swings his arm around me.

Instant chills, I tell you.

"Thanks, Zeno. it's my fucking sweatshirt that she hasn't returned," Zenith chimed in.

"Looks better on her anyway," his deep voice responds.

"Rude," Zenith muttered, "I look good in all types of clothing."

"I bet you do, Zenith," Oliver jeers.

As we continue walking as a clique, a boy from a distance has the odd urge to say something.

"Nice tank-top, Scarlett," the brown-haired boy said, "Wonder what it would look like off."

Scarlett stuck her middle finger up and scoffed.

"Go fuck yourself," she snapped.

"With you?" he responds.

Immediately, Oliver and Zeno storm towards him, though Lola's pulling Zeno back by the arm, letting Oliver handle it; Oliver's approach might be way better.

"Fucking say that shit again, Winston. I fucking dare you," Zeno snarls, clenching his fists, though held back by Lola.

Out of nowhere, Oliver grabs ahold of Winston's neck.

Zenith and I look at each other with our eyes widened.

'Holy fuck' Zenith mouths to me.

"If you so ever take another look at my sister, or even say something to her, I will rip your fucking throat," Oliver seethes.

As he aggressively lets go of his neck, Winston leans onto the wall, coughing viciously and lightly grasping his own neck.

Lola lets go of Zeno as he huffs.

"Fucking pig," Zeno snarls, as we continue walking.

Zeno runs his fingers through his hair out of frustration; jaw clenched and looking straight forward.

Scarlett speeds up to Oliver and clings her arm around his.

"That was a little too much, Oli," she said lowly.

"Nothing's ever too much when they disrespect my sister," he mutters.

Great. Two angry teen boys walking down the corridors.

"That's the Black bloodline for you," I say to Zenith quietly.

He softly chuckles.

Why is it that any aggression that Oliver and Zeno do to others, it's totally casual?


"So what's the agenda today," Zenith says with his mouth full of cereal, slightly splattering milk onto the table, "Hogsmeade? Hogsmeade? Are we going to Hogsmeade?"

"Could you not talk with your mouth open?" I snap, slicing my waffle into little pieces, "You're a pig, truly."

"HOGSMEADE!?" Zenith yells again.

I reach over the table and pull his tight curls from his roots as he yelps, choking on his cereal.

"Hostile," Oliver snickers.

"That's how I like them," Zeno responds.

Instant chills, again.

"I thought you liked them all innocent and timid?" Scarlett said.

"I'm not innocent? Or timid?" I query.

"You're definitely not timid," she responds.

"Yeah you're definitely not timid," Lola adds.

"Okay then I'm not timid," I say.

Alright, well I'm definitely not timid. If anything I'm pretty bold. I mean, I show courage, don't I? And as for the innocence? I don't think I'm that innocent-. I mean, given the circumstances of last night.

Fuck, for some reason just sitting here across Zeno is making my insides churn. It's enthralling and exciting- the idea of secrecy.

A combo that no one would expect.

That's the exciting part of it all, really. It's a thrill-. An adrenaline rush, if you may.

"Hello? Earth to Amelie?"

My fog of memory disintegrates as I see Oliver waving his hand in front of me.

"Sorry-. What happened?"

"We're asking why you left so early," Lola smiled, "It wasn't very Amelie Zabini of you."

"I was tired," I responded frantically.

"Seems like you still are, Mel," Zeno's hoarse, sexy, hot voice preened. "Zoning out and such. What's going on in that head of yours?"

I gulp.

"Nosy much?" I retort as stabbing a small waffle piece, dipping it into the side of syrup on my plate, and eating it.

"Alright. Why're you still tired? I assume you slept early last night, no?" Zeno protrudes, following a faint smirk.

God, I hate him.

"Oh yeah-. Definitely. I knocked out immediately . That's how tired I was. I was bored," I responded, pushing his buttons and such.

Two can play at that game, Zeno Berkshire.

"Ah. Bored," he says, nodding his head slowly, tongue gliding against the inside of his cheek.

"You wouldn't have been bored if you stayed longer," Oliver mumbled.

"I told you I'll stay longer today. Besides, it was only one time that I left early-."

"Pinky promise?" Lola ask, sticking her pinky out.

Scarlett stuck her pink out as well.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled softly as the three of us intertwined our pinkies.

"I promise," I say.

"Very well, then," Lola beams.

"I swear Lola-. Seriously-. You're really happy today," Zeno analyzed.

"What, I can't be really happy?" she responds, pushing her hair to the side in a sassy manner.

"No-. Of course you can-."


Zeno raises his hand in surrender.

"Forget I said anything," he mumbled lowly, smiling at her shortly after.

As breakfast went on, we jumped from topic to topic, conversing about all sorts of things. Like any other breakfast, really. Like any other Saturday breakfast.

The only difference is that Zeno no longer looks at me with innocence. It's more of a sensual glare.

And I'm not complaining.

"So have we decided on what we're doing today?" I questioned, finishing the rest of the waffles on my plate, "Is it really The Three Broomsticks or are we just going to like, apparate to the muggle world and do something else?"

"We haven't even asked Narsa what she wants to do," Oliver responded, getting up from his seat, "I'll ask her-. I'll be back-."

He ran to Narsa's table, spoke to her, pointed at us, we waved, she waved back, Oliver spoke to her again, then she nodded and spoke, then Oliver came jogging back to our table.

"She says muggle-world," Oliver says out of breath.

Zenith and Zeno groan.

"But I wanted to drink..." Zeno murmured.

"Don't be such a baby, Zeno. We always go to The Three Broomsticks. I want to actually go out and look good and have fun-."

"Look good for what, Lola?"

"Just in general-."



"Well then I guess it's settled," I say, "Muggle world it is."

Lola and Scarlett clap their hands in excitement as I smile.

"Who brought their pounds?" Oliver questioned.

"Um. All of us?" Zenith responded.

"Ah, the perks of living between both worlds," Scarlett squealed, "Wealthy in BOTH."

"Odd flex, but alright," said Oliver, sitting back down.

I sit up from the table and stretch my body.

"I'm going to get ready, then," I announced, "Lola? Scarlett? You two coming?"

"In a bit, just finishing up," Lola said with her mouth full.

"Me, too. Go on ahead we'll catch you there," Scarlett added.

"See you gits later," I blurted, waving at the boys.


luna lovegood-berkshire

"I'm not crazy, Lorenzo," I pleaded, "And Draco-. Stop calling me Luna-tic! Why are you even here?"

Draco scoffed.

"You invited me? In fact, you invited all of us," he responded as he sipped his bourbon.

"Yeah-. You said it was a family emergency?" Lucille added, leaning on our table with her elbows.

"Woke us up early for no bloody reason, too," Blaise muttered, rubbing his eye.

"Luna said she's got something important to tell you guys," Lorenzo stated as he stirred the pot of soup, "Also-. I really want you guys to try this soup-."

"Okay, Enzo-. Enough. I'm speaking," I retort.

"You're mean," he pouts, "Go on."

"Okay-. So look-. Usually I don't gather us all like this when I sense something but-. But for some reason I'm sensing something super super odd," I continued, "Something odd regarding our children."

Onyx and Lucille groaned.

"Please don't tell me you sensed pregnancy-." Lucille wailed.

"No-. Merlin's Beard, hell no-." I stammered, "It's something worst, I believe. Something absolutely detrimental to all of us."

"Ah fuck. Now I'm scared," Onyx muttered under her breath.

"I think we can find ways to prevent it once I find out what the actual problem is. As soon as I sense something else, I'll let you know. Alright? Just-. Send letters to your children and um-. Be-. In their-. Lives during this time-. Around this time-."

Everyone huffed.

"Alright," Blaise said.


"So does... anyone want to try this soup-."

"Well would you look at the time! I think it's time to go-." Draco interrupted, getting up from the chair, "Lucille?"

"Seems like we have a few things to do around the house. Y'know-. Errands and all," Lucille added.

"And Blaise and I have to mow the lawn-."

"But the soup is warm-."

"Bye Lorenzo!" Blaise chimed as they apparated immediately.

"We'll see you later," said Lucille as Draco and her used the Floo.

And just like that, everyone was gone.

"Is my soup that bad?"

"A little bit, father," Prince blurted as he descended from the staircase, "But it's okay. Mum can fix it for you!"

I softly giggled.

"Yes she can," he huffed in defeat, "Yes she can."


amelie zabini

As soon as I enter my room, I immediately head towards my bedside table where I keep my own weed in a drawer.

Time to get high without them.

I pull out a small bag of weed and pick out a dense bud, then break it into pieces. I then grab my rolling papers.

After perfectly pearling the joint, I take my lighter, place the joint between my lips, spark the joint, and inhale deeply.

Suddenly, a knock emitted from the door.

Ah, fuck. I didn't realize the girls would be back so soon.

I quickly put the weed and my papers back into my drawer with the joint still between my lips.

I walk towards the door as I inhale the joint; its smoke filling my lungs and invigorating my senses.

Once I swing the door open, it's not the two girls I expected, no.

Instead, it's Zeno Berkshire with his tall self.

And so I look up.

Exhale the smoke right at him.

"Thought you were getting ready?" he asks, as he steps closer.

I back up with suspicion as I smoke the joint again.

"I clearly was," I said with my lungs full of smoke, "You just so happened to," exhale, "interrupt me."

I turned back around as he closed the door behind him.

I sit on the edge of my bed as he stands by the door with both his hands in his pockets.

"So," I say, "What brings you to this side of the castle, Zeno Berkshire?"

"You were bored last night?" Zeno questions as he steps closer, "Last night was boring?"

I gulped.

Though I had to be in charge.

"Surely you can do better some day," I beckon. I stick my hand out holding the joint between my fingers, "Here. Go on. Have some."

He stares at my hand. As he reaches for the joint, I pull away immediately.

"Say please," I remark.

He rolls his tongue against the inside of his cheek- again.


"Say it, Zeno."

At sudden movement, he jolts towards me, grabs my wrist with the joint in my hand and pushes me down against the bed, pinning me against my mattress and parting my legs, positioning himself between me.

His large body is now hovering over me as my heart rate increases rapidly. His eyes are staring down at me; green, glistening, frustrated orbs.

With my wrist still in his grasp, he grabs the joint from my hand and smokes it, still remaining eye contact.

As he inhales it, he knocks his head back with his eyes closed, then blows the smoke down at my face.

"Don't even think about switching the roles with me, Mel," his hoarse voice vibrates through my body, "Or I'll fucking lose it."

Zeno takes another hit from my joint, then blows the smoke at my face once more.

I free my wrist from his grasp, though I am still pinned down.

"Mel," he says softly, "What's your pain tolerance?"

My throat tightens.

"High," I respond. "My pain tolerance-. Is high."

Zeno smirks.

He kills the lit joint by patting it down onto his forearm as he slightly winces from the pain.

"Are you fucking crazy?" I said lowly, staring at the tiny burn he's formed.

"Are you?" Zeno queried. "This small burn? It's nothing to me. Can you handle a little pain, Mel?"

I gulp again.

Fucking cotton mouth.

"I can handle anything, Zeno," I reprimand, as my breathing pattern increases.

With Zeno still over my body, he tucks my hair behind my ear and brushes his thumb against the bottom of my lip.

"Can you really?"

"Yes," I say softly with direct and absolute eye contact.

"Now, you know how much I hate liars-."

"Zeno," I snap, "I can handle-. Anything."

He smiles.

"Mel-. I want to fuck you so fucking hard right now. I need to know if you can handle pai-."

I shove him off of me immediately out of frustration.

"I can fucking handle it, Zeno," I snap, "Are you deaf?"

"Oh, you little-."

Zeno grabs ahold of my neck and crashes his lips against mine. His fingers run through my hair as my hands touch around his upper body and back.

"Do you want me to fuck you, Mel?" he mumbles into my mouth.

"I want to fuck you, instead," I respond.

I push him off me, though our kissing still in tact, and our position switches.

The hunger inside me grows for more of him as I grind down onto his growing erection, eager for him to be inside of me.

His large hands travel beneath my sweatshirt as he tugs it up, gesturing that it be removed.

I pull away from our kiss as I remove my sweatshirt. His hands travel up and down the sides of my waist, groping at my tender skin as his cold rings press against me, taking mental pictures and admiring all of me.

I, too, want his shirt off. I tug at the bottom of his shirt as he removes it for me.

He flings the shirt to the side of the room as my fingers graze upon his bare chest.

Fucking hell, he's gorgeous.

His blood-rushed lips come in tact with mine once more as his arms wrap around my body whilst sitting up; me, cradled onto his lap.

Zeno flips me over- switching positions once more.

His warm, wet kisses trail down to my neck, then to my collarbone, nipping and sucking hard, then back at my shoulder.

"Do you trust me?" he says through his ragged breathing.

"Mhm," I respond, wanting and needing more of him.

Please don't stop.

"Words, Mel-."

"For fuck's sake-. Yes, Zeno!" I retort.

Without hesitation, his mouth comes in full contact with my shoulder as he bites down aggressively.

"Fuck!" I mutter, grabbing tight onto the sides of his large frame.

"Is this boring to you, Mel?" he seethes, as he bites once more.

"Fuck-. No-. It's- not," I stammer.

He pulls away from my shoulder as his large hands instantly travel down to my waist.

"May I-."

"Zeno just fuck me."

Merlin's Beard, what has gotten into me? I think it's derived from the growing hunger and want for secrecy and the exposure to something so new-. Something so good.

His eyes meet with mine as a small smirk appears across his face.

"Your words," he says raggedly, "Not mine."

At a pace so quick, he tugs down at my shorts, along with my underwear, as he throws it onto the ground.

Zeno parts my legs with his as he sucks his fingers.

Shortly after, he gently slides them inside my drenched pussy.

In and out.

In and out.

I arch my back out of pleasure as I squirm in his control.

Soft delirious moans escape my lips as his hand suddenly covers my mouth.

"Keep making noise and I swear-."

I remove his hand from my mouth with all my force-.

"Or w-what?" I snapped.

He scoffs.

"What, you've never been talked back to?" I reprimand.

"You little fucking-."

Immediately, he pulls away from me, jolting up from the bed, running his fingers that he didn't use on me through his hair out of frustration.

I gulp.

Did I do something wrong?

He paces the room back and forth, breathing raggedly with his arms crossed and his hand over his mouth.


"Mel-. You don't understand how fucking badly I want to fuck you-." he stammers, "And when you talk like that-. I want to pound every fucking atom-."

"Then do it. Aren't you a man-whore?" I reprimand.

"Mel, don't provoke me-."

"Do it."

"Mel, for fucks sa-."

"You're weak." I say.

He stops his tracks.

Looks at me.

Zeno's clenching his jaw.

I sit on the bed like a doe in headlights.

Frustration is growing.

Immediately, he jolts back onto the bed and pins me down by my neck with his veiny large hand; the rings pressing against my tender skin. My heart is palpitating aggressively as my senses are heightened.

As he eagerly pulls his pants down, his thick, long, dick jolts up.

I suck in my breath, in shock of the size and for what's about to happen-.

Zeno rubs his fingers against my soaking pussy and jerks his dick off with my wetness, lubricating himself.

"Mel-. Tell me to stop-."

"No," I stammer.


"Keep going-."

"Mel I don't want to hurt you-."

"Keep. Going."

He gulps.


Without hesitation, he parts my legs and guides himself inside me as the tip enters inside me.

"Oh-. Fuck!" I mutter, as I arch my back.

"Mel-. Tell me to fucking stop and I will-."

"No-. Keep going."

His hands grab ahold of my waist as he pushes himself deeper inside me.

"So fucking tight, holy hell-." he mutters under his breath as his pace increases.

Fuck, this is fucking painful.

I close my eyes as his thrusts become harder-- aggressive.

I grab onto his forearms that are glued down to my waist as I absently dig my nails into them.

Him and I moan at each thrust-. Each hard, overpowering, amazing thrust.

"Tell me when to stop-." he says through his ragged breathing, "Please Mel-. If you need me to-."

"Keep going," I say through my heavy panting.

I'm digging myself a deeper grave; it's difficult to differentiate what's pleasure and what's pain, though both feel fucking fantastic.

Zeno grabs my legs and positions them over his shoulders, which gives him more access to thrust deeper.

It's as if my eyes are rolling back into my head; the pleasure is indescribable-. The sharp pain in my waist and in pussy is indescribable.

"Fuck, Mel you're so fucking tight-." Zeno stammers, as he thrusts over and over again with such frustration and lust.

Inattentively, I thrust my hips against him.

"Zeno-. I-. Fu-. God-." I start producing incoherent sentences given that my body is on overdrive; How could I ever want something like this to end?

"Where have you-. Been all my-. Fuck-." Zeno mutters.

His lips crash down onto mine in which I let out a loud moan as my nails dig deep onto his sides.

Just when you thought he's already reached deeper, it was the crouch-down to kiss me that could've split me in half; he'd forgotten that my legs were on his shoulders.

He quickly pulls his lips away, looking down at my pussy; watching his thick dick pound in and out of me mercilessly.

Suddenly, my walls start tightening-.

"Zeno-. I'm com-." I stammer.

This made Zeno thrust at a passionate pace-. He made sure I felt every detail of his hard dick-.

I buck my hips against him as I come to my end.

As he watches me unravel, a loud moan escapes my mouth when he suddenly smacks my mouth closed with his large hand.

I grab ahold of his forearm with both my hands- the forearm connected to the hand used to cover my moans.

My body trembles as the hard climax soon withers.

His thrusting fastens, then he immediately pulls out and comes into his hand, letting out soft moans as he comes undone.

As he comes undone onto his hand, I reach over to the bedside table and grab a tissue from my tissue box.

I sit up as I hand him the tissue.

He glances at me with his lips parted and his ragged breathing.

"Thank you," he says through his heavy breathing as he grabs the tissue.

Wiping off the cum from his hand, he then tosses it towards the small garbage can by my bedside.

And so he reverts his attention back at me.

He examines my body; his expression went from lust-ridden to worrisome.

Zeno's hand touches my shoulder as I wince.

"Mel-." he stammers, "Fuck-.I'm so sorry-. I should've been gentler-."

I look down at my shoulder when I notice that a bruise is forming- and some skin has been broken.

Slight bleeding appears, though it's barely painful unless pressure is applied.

"Zeno," I say softly, "Zeno it's okay-."

"Are you in pain? Fuck-. Mel, I-."

I cup his face as our eyes meet.

"Zeno. It's okay. Please, it really is okay. " I assure him.

Zeno's so worried. It melts my heart, really.

His eyes soften; everything about his expression softens.

Zeno's worried.

"I'm fine, Zeno. Really. I am."

"You're bleeding-."

"And that's okay. It was all consensual, okay?" I assured him.

Zeno lowers down to my shoulder as he places a gentle kiss onto the mark he's made. He then gapes his mouth open slightly, sucking the very little blood that remained on the bite he's created.

He pulls away as he cups my face, brushing his thumb against my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Mel-."

"Don't be, please?" I pleaded, "I-. I loved it."

Zeno gulps.

"I never ever want to hurt you, Mel. Ever-."

"Zeno, it felt amazing, alright?" I assured him, "Was it amazing for you?"

He nods 'yes' gently.

Zeno softly giggles.

"Of course it was," he mumbles through a small smile. "Very amazing."

Zeno looks down as his eyes immediately widen.

"Shit-." he mutters, as he jolts from the bed.

"Wha-." I stammer.

I look down and notice small spots of blood onto the sheets.

"Fuck-. I fucking knew I was going too hard-."

I get up from the bed when a sharp pain emits from my legs, though I ignore it to calm Zeno down.

"Zeno-. Zeno-. It's fine-. I'm fine, I really am-."

"I hurt you-."

"No-. Zeno, you didn't hurt me. You didn't. I promise. It-. Bleeding from sex is normal, Zeno. It is-. Especially at that pace and roughness-. Can you trust me?"

He looks into my eyes and gulps.

"I can trust you," he stammers.

"Okay," I respond, "Good. So please believe me when I say that I'm okay, alright?"

He bites his lip nervously, then steps closer towards me.

"Okay. I believe you."

His arms wrap around my body as he pulls me into an embrace, then places a kiss onto my lips.

"Do you-. Want to shower together?" Zeno asks quietly.

"Um-. Yeah, alright," I respond.

I pull away from our hug as I head towards my dresser slowly to grab towels for the both of us.

"Do you feel alright?" Zeno questions.

"Just a little sore, is all. But it's normal. Soreness is normal."

"I know, but it's just-. It's just weird for me because I'm not used to making you-. sore. So please bare with me when I ask you if you're okay?"

I softly chuckle.

"Okay, Zeno. I will."

As I open the door to the bathroom, I look back at Zeno.

"You coming?" I ask with a cheery smile.

He smiles back and walks towards me.

We enter the bathroom together as I turn on the shower to a lukewarm setting.

I place both towels onto a rack as I slide the shower-door wide enough to let Zeno and I in.

He removes his clothing completely, and I, the same.

I step in first, while he follows.

The pattering water against my shoulder makes me wince, but it's bearable.

Zeno stands behind me as he starts rubbing my body slowly with the water running down us.

I lean my body against him as he wraps his arms around me.

From behind, he places a kiss onto my wet head and giggles shortly after.

"You look really good when you're wet," he comments.

I roll my eyes and look up at him.

"You're not so bad yourself, Mr. Berkshire," I smile.

I turn around to face him as he tucks my drenched hair behind my ear.

I place my head against his chest as his hands travel my body slowly-. And with passion.

This aftercare is so-. Immaculate.

A gesture like this makes me forget that he's been sleeping around; almost like he's making me feel special.

Though in the back of my head, I know he's done this multiple times.

"Have you...showered with anyone before?" I mumble.

"No, I haven't, actually," he responds, "You?"


The shower soon steams up.

I turn back around to grab a bottle of shampoo.

As I grab the shampoo, he gently grabs my wrist.

"May I?" he asks quietly.

I nod yes.

Zeno grabs the bottle from my hands and pours a dollop of soap onto his hands, then lathers it.

His hand immediately massages my head with the sudsy soap.

"Wow," I mumble, "Where'd you learn this?"

Zeno softly chuckles.

"My mum used to do this to me when I was younger. Specifically after a long day of field-labor. She'd make me mow our whole field."

I laugh.

"Ah, I remember that-. When she made you mow the whole field. You were... 9, right?"

"Yeah, I was 9. Fucking hell, just thinking about it makes my calves sore," he softly chuckles.

As he rinses the soap from my head, I indulge in the pleasure of his presence and touch.

Zeno is something else. I don't think it could get any better than this-. I don't think anyone's ever going to match an energy like this.

After he shampoos himself, given that I can't really reach his head, he rinses as well.

We step out the shower as he wraps a towel around me first, then him.

I look at the mirror and I notice that the bruising of my shoulder is starting to form potently.

Zeno walks behind me and examines my shoulder as I stare at him from the mirror.

"I'm sorry, Amelie."

I turn around and look up at him.

"It's okay. It really is."

Zeno crouches down and places another warm kiss onto my lips.

I smile as he pulls away, then we both exit the bathroom.

I head towards my dresser as he starts picking up his clothes from the ground and such.

"I have to head back to my room and change into cleaner clothes," he says frantically as he starts clothing himself. "Please don't think I want to leave to immediately, alright?"

"I know, Zeno. I know," I assure him as I start picking out clothes to wear for the day.

As I turn right back around with the clothing in my hand, he's already dressed up.

Dampened hair and flustered pink complexion.

"I'll get going now," he says, as he walks towards me.

He pulls me closer to him by my waist and places a long, warm kiss onto my lips.

"See you later, Mel," he smiles.

"See you," I respond.

Zeno walks away and strides towards the door.

Before leaving, he glances at me once more and smiles.

With that, he's left the room.

Immediately, I huff and plop onto my bed.

I could definitely get used to this.




word count: 6225 words

i made this video so enjoy

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