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Hey guys-


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Without further adieu, I present to you...


amelie zabini

"Would you all slow down? Fucks sake," I mutter in attempt to catch up with the group.

We've decided to apparate to the bustling city of London. People are walking from different directions, rushing to get somewhere. Commotion in the air and chatter all around. It was a bit overwhelming given that I'm slightly high right now.

"Slowpoke much?" Scarlett beckoned as she intertwined her fingers with mine. "Are we window-shopping or actually shopping?"

The boys groaned.

"Bloody hell, we're going to be here for a while," Zeno mumbled to Zenith and Oli.

"Okay and? Piss off if it bothers you so much-. Mel could you please walk faster?" Scarlett berated.

"I don't-. Understand why you want me to walk faster I mean we're literally all going the same direction-." I preened.

"It's like I'm fucking dragging you," Scarlett said, gripping tighter onto my hand, "You act like you just ran a bloody mile."

The truth is, Scarlett, I have been fucked roughly by your cousin and I'm not sure how I'm even out and about walking like I'm fine.

"Odd," Zeno scoffed.

I glanced at him and gave him an eye.

All he did was smile.

"Odd indeed," Narsa added, hand in hand with Lola.

I also glanced at Narsa who raised her eyebrows.

Narsa knew and I couldn't even hide it from her.

As we walked along the busy sidewalk of London, we window-shopped and eventually dragged one another into small to large shops, even dragging the boys along with us.

From boutiques, to knick-knack shops, to high fashion, to small bakeries- we went in them all. Throughout the fucking day, the pain in my legs only got worse.

I'd complain every now and then regarding my soreness, and the only person who'd laugh on the side is bloody Zeno.

Us four girls entered yet another boutique; pink ribbons and pastel colors, all light colors of clothing racked up out for display, sweet perfume aromas of sugar and flowers, and uptight muggles.

"We're not going to walk in any further, no," Zenith huffed, taking a seat by the entrance.

"You can find me in the shop next door," Oli added, "That's where I'm headed."

"Yup-. Me, too," Zeno blurted, "Tired of smelling fucking floral shit-."

"Wait-. Can I come?" Zenith queried as he got up from the chair.

"No, you can't," Oliver responded sarcastically. "Are you fucking stupid? Dumb questions, the lot of you."

"Wait! Before you leave," Scarlett scurries towards Oliver as she hands him her shopping bags, "Please take care of these! Thank you!"

"You're joking, right?" Oliver said.

Lola scurried towards Zeno as well, handing him her bags.

"Why can't you just shut up and not complain like Xenophilius over here?" Scarlett beckoned.

Zeno rolled his eyes after being called his mandated name.

"Do you want me to take yours?" Zeno asked, gesturing towards mine.

I looked up at him as his hand was out.

"There's no need-."

"Oh, shut up," he reprimanded, taking the bags from my hand.

I gulped.

"You girls stay safe. We'll be right next door," his hoarse voice bellowed as Oliver opened the boutique door right open, "And stay here."

Once they left, the four of us immediately searched around the store.

I'm not really big on shopping for items and such; it's not something I necessarily find myself wanting to do on a Saturday afternoon, though if the offer is on the table then I'll gladly take it.

I've bought myself some nice sets of underwear and a few more blouses and pants. Specifically pajama pants. I'd kill for an infinite amount of loungewear.

Out of us four girls, all of our aesthetics are entirely different when in the muggle world and when out of school, though if we were put in vague categories Narsa and I are pretty similar, whereas Lola and Scarlett are similar.

Though right now I'm not expressing my 'aesthetic' as much; I'm wearing comfortable clothing because I-. I need to... Given the circumstances...

"I see that you and Zeno are getting... along," Narsa said quietly as she stood besides me while I sift through the clothing rack. "Is that why you're... limping around like an amputee?"

"Eugh, Narsa," I responded. "We've always got along. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Mel, are you forgetting I watched my cousin fin-."

"Narsa-. That's not what I meant. He's always been nice-. We've always got along. What's your point?"

"He's just... different. Tiptoeing around you and what not," Narsa picked up an article of clothing, "As if he's stepping in places he's not supposed to be around. But I guess that's the fun part, right? The risk of getting caught and such?"

I looked at her as her eyes met with mine.

"Are you sexually frustrated? Do you want me to match you with a Slytherin?"

She scoffed.

"Oh, please. I don't have time for relationships right now," she beckoned, "...and besides. I'm seeing someone."

My eyes widen as I glance at her once more.

"Oh? And who is this special someone, might I ask?"

She grins.

"That's for me to know, and for you to never find out."

"Rude," I scoff. "Is she cute at least?"

"Merlin's beard she's fucking gorgeous."

"See, now I really want to know who it is!"

"I'll bring her around one day, just try not to talk much about it."

"Your secret is safe with me," I smile.


The boys dumped all our bags onto the ground in the middle of our room as they plopped onto our beds out of exhaustion.

"It smells like fucking sex in here," Oliver spat, waving the air in front of his face, "Fucking hell."

I gulp.

Zeno lifts his head and glances over at me with grimace etched on his face.

"No it doesn't," Narsa responded, kicking her shoes off and climbing onto Lola's bed. "If anything it smells like-. It smells like a mixture of cologne and weed. Who has weed?"

"No idea," I respond, as I sashay towards my bed. I sit in the middle of the bed when I suddenly remember the small blood stain. Fuck. I pull a blanket over the stain immediately and I lay onto it.

How the fuck am I going to clean that?

It's small, no big deal.

"What did you lovely ladies buy?" Zeno queried, as he pulled out a shiny small object, "I bought this beaut today. And so did Oliver."

"What is that?" I ask.

He sits up and flings the small object open.

A pocket knife. A sharp one, at that.

"Fucking hell! For what?" Lola asked, as she picked up her items from the middle of the room to start organizing.

"I got it because it's perfect for the summers back home. Zeno, on the other hand, just likes fucking pocket knives," Oliver responded, flinging his knife open, too.

"Oh, I love them, really. A small object could do... so much to someone." Zeno added, grazing the knife gently across his palm as I observed.

For some reason, watching his large hands maneuver the knife made me feeltingly inside.

It was quite a site, I've got to admit.

"We all just bought clothing and stuff," stated Scarlett as she, too, started organizing her items, "Mel here got a lot of new underwe-."

"Too much information, fucks sake," Zenith muttered under his breath.

"Really? What kind?" Zeno spoke softly. I looked over at him as his green eyes were burning right through me.

"Odd question, don't you think?" Oliver interrupted. "But seriously, what kind?"

I rolled my eyes.

"You all are fucking nosy," I muttered under my breath.

"I mean I guess I'll just find out myself," Zeno says lowly with his eyes laid onto mine. The corner of his mouth lifts, forming a deviant little smirk.

My eyes widen as well as everyone else around the room.

"Okay I was just kidding but I think Zeno's being for real," Oliver snickered, "Zeno, mate-. You're awfully bold."

My face warms up and I immediately feel heat to my ears. Fucking hell, what happened to being lowkey?

"Okay but can you just imagine Zeno and Mel?" Scarlett blurted, "Like I know it's never going to happen, but can you imagine them being such a power couple?!"

I groaned. "No, I can't imagine it, and you shouldn't either-."

"And why's that? You don't like the idea of us being a power couple?" Zeno queried.

"Did you just hurt baby Xenophilius' feelings? How dare you!" Zenith bickered as Oliver and him chuckled.

I gulped.

"I...just don't see it," I respond flatly.

Zeno's signature move; he rolls his tongue against the inside of his cheek and nods slowly at me.

"I see," he says lowly. "Oh. I just remembered something." Zeno gets up from the bed and runs his fingers through his hair. "I need to get something from my dorm."

Zeno walks towards the door, but before he could even leave the door, he turns his head towards me.

"Mel," he says, "Come."

My throat tightens as I look around the room watching everyone's reactions.

But they seem- unphased...? Like it's casual?

Wow, I guess it's all in my head.

"I'll be back," I say to them, as I get up from my bed.

"Can you get potato chips in my drawer for when you come back?" Zenith asks.

I huff.

"Fine," I say.

I head towards the door as Zeno lets me out first.

As we both exit the room, Zeno shuts the door behind him.

I look straight forward, totally unaware of his intentions.

Zeno walks alongside me; his tall frame and presence alone makes me feel fuzzy.

"Mel," he says softly.

"Yes, Zeno?" I stammer.

"Since you can't imagine us being a... power couple," Zeno swings his arm around me, "I guess I'll have to give you something to imagine."

I gulp.

"Oh?" I retort. "And what's that?"

Zeno lets out a soft chuckle.

His veiny hand then creeps towards the front of my neck, giving it a slight grasp; his metal rings pressing against my tender skin.

"Just you wait and see, Amelie," Zeno beckons. "Just you wait and see."

This is a short filler. I hope you're okay with it :(


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