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Hey guys-

I fucking love Novacane. Please listen to Novacane. It's above. Ugh, it's such a beautiful song. Anyway, this is the start. Hold onto your seats. Buckle up. I'm unraveling things now, so stay tuned. Playtime is over. 

Without further adieu, I present to you...


narrator's pov

The air was dewy; the usual around this time of day. Blue hues blended into the sky as clouds formed thinly. The sun barely creeping up on the horizon. Usually, yellow clashing with blue would make green. This time, it created a purple hue, which got thicker and deeper as the sun arose. 

This sun would soon seep into homes. Bleeding through thick ivory drapes. Warming up one's flesh. This sun brought a new day. This sun was dangerous, but everyone loves the sun. Everyone has tainted love for the bright star. 

She had apparated back home. Out of anger. Frustration.

Upon arrival, she climbed up the flight of stairs as she grasped tightly onto her wand. Her feet stomped and trembled on the ground as it made ruckus.

She stormed into her brother's room as he jolted out of fright. His eyes widened after realizing who he was staring at.

"Get up," she snapped as she pulled off his blanket. This made him groan.

Angst grew in his chest as he grumbled and clenched his jaw,

"What are you doing here," he mumbled as he covered his eyes with his forearm.

"How confident are you about the whole thing?" she beckoned as she climbed in his bed. She positioned herself right next to him with adrenaline running through her veins. "I need-. I need progress. Update me-."

"And you're asking about my confidence because...?"

She groaned as she plummeted her face against his feather pillow.

"We've planned this since last year," she mumbled into the pillow, "I need to know if you're actually making fucking progress-."

"Yes," he responded through his groggy voice, "I'm doing whatever it takes. She's receiving every last drop-."

She covered her ears as she fake-gagged.

"I really don't need to know the full details," she said as she lifted her head from the pillow, "I just need to know how confident you are."

"I'm pretty confident about this," he raised his voice, "Why are you back here, anyway?"

The truth is, she had no idea what she was doing back home. Maybe it's because she missed her brother. Maybe because she wanted to see her parents. Maybe it's because she just wanted to be home without a full explanation.

"No clue," she mumbled. 

A moment of silence prevailed in his room as it eventually got brighter while the sun soon seeped through the windows. 

"Why are we doing this?" he asked quietly in attempt to preventing her from exploding. 

She has a short temper. She usually doesn't like being poked around. It was like tiptoeing around her at all times. It's like walking on eggshells around her. You know how mothers tell their children not to touch anything upon entering a store full of valuables? She was fine china, and everyone around her were imbecile children.

"You already know why we're doing this," she seethed.

"This is too much. We can't be doing this-."

"I don't care! I don't fucking care! Shut up! We're this cl-. We're this close. You can't give up now. You can't-."

"I feel guilty about all of it," he mumbled, "What if we've succeeded the whole thing? Then what! Where would I go? Where would YOU go? Have you even thought about the aftermath of this whole thing?"

She wanted to slap her brother so hard. She wanted to choke and punch and even stab him. She had him wrapped around her finger and she knew that. She'd abuse the power whenever she had the chance. 

"I don't care about the aftermath," she trembled, "I don't give a fuck. It would be their problem. They would have to deal with it."

"Well I care," he hesitated, "I care, a-and I-."

"It's already too late," she interrupted, "You've already done your part. Multiple. Times. Now, all we have to do is wait."

His throat tightened as he sat up to pull the covers from his feet only to unravel them and wrap himself around them. He laid back down as his body engulfed the sheets.

"I hate the whole thing," he snapped lowly, "I hate this. I should've never listened to you-."

"Just shut up," she snapped, "Stop talking."

He wanted to strangle her. He wanted to scream at her until she shriveled up. He wanted to bring fear in her body. He would do anything for her to beg for forgiveness. To just beg. On her knees. 

"You should remember what he made me do," she broke the silence, "You should remember that I almost had the chance. I almost had the chance. You need to remember what he made me do. Always keep that in the mind the next time you question why we're doing this."

He knew they were all lies. He knew what she was capable of saying. He knew that her words would come out spewing like silk. Silk ribbons that was slick at all times. I mean, he knew what he made her do. But even then so, he understood why he did it. She was insane. She was fucking crazy. 

This whole idea was created off a whim of impulsiveness. Since then, she's been determined that it be succeeded by the help of her brother. Her brother was important in the whole thing. 

He wanted no part in it. He knew how sickening and twisted it was. 

But this was her form of revenge. 

This was her closure. 

She was twisted. She was psychotic. She thrived off all of it. 

He knew it would be easy to kill her. No one would look for her. No one would know. He thought about  it. Multiple times. Since they were younger he's always thought about it. 

They didn't even share blood. 


Her mother married his father 5 years ago. Over money. 

Because of her mother, they're not as wealthy as they used to be. 

And he hated them for it. He hated how his father changed. 

But he loved her. It was tainted love. It was all forbidden. It was all wrong. It's not how it's supposed to be.

But not until he met someone else. Since then, he's clung onto that someone else for hope. 

But even then so, she's ruining it all over again.

He can never get a smidge of happiness.

His thoughts were distracted when his step-sister cupped his face and placed a wet, lust-ridden, guilty kiss.

He kissed her back. 

They were kissing. Intensely.

He wanted to hold back his tears. He was fighting his emotions for her. He'd do anything for her. 

He'd also do anything for that someone else. 

The sex between him and her was always so dirty and meaningless.

They knew that it was all wrong. They knew that they weren't supposed to be sleeping with each other like this. It was all so damn taboo. It went against societal norms.

But she didn't care. She was conniving and evil. She was impulsive. She only thought with her heart-wrenching heart. Not her damn head. Never her damn head.

She never listened to her brain.

Her heart was lustful. Full of hate. Full of wants. Never needs. She confused the two. 

Each kiss they'd give each other was a dig of soil deepening their grave.

Fuck, if their parents walked in right now, it would be over with.

She muttered a charm against his lips as the door lock clicked.

It was all so wrong. Everything was wrong. Everything about everything was wrong.

He didn't want to go through with her plan to sabotage. It was cruel. It was disgusting. It went against his morals. But he'd been going against his morals when he first decided to sleep with his step-sister.

That was 2 years ago.

He pulled away from their taboo lip lock and stared into her eyes.

"I...don't want to do this anymore," he mumbled against her lips. "All of it. I don't-. I want to back ou-."

She crashed her lips against his in attempt to shut him out. She didn't want to hear another word from him.

He fought her seduction. He fought it. He fought it. He fought it.

He pulled away from her again.

"Listen to me, please," he muttered, "I don't-. Want to do the plan anymore."

She grinned.

"You've already done your part, my sweet sweet brother," she whispered seductively, "Now all we have to do is wait."

He bit his lip nervously as he removed her arms around his neck.

"Oh, god," she groaned, "Don't tell me you fell for her?"

He sat up and placed his face in his hands out of despair.

"I don't want to do this anymore," he said lowly. His heart was heavy and full of tainted moral. He wanted to gut his own heart out and throw it so far where he couldn't reach it. He didn't deserve to live. Not after what may happen. "I don't-. I want out."

She sat up out of frustration and grabbed him by the chin.

"Fucking look at me," she snapped. She stared into his eyes as he reciprocated. "Stop falling in love so bloody easily. It's fucking sickening. You're going to keep your promise up until it's successful. And then you can do whatever you want. You can run away. You can flee the scene. I don't care what you do after. I just need you to do this for me. I need you to execute this fucking plan."

Tears were streaming down his face. She wiped them with her thumb. More came down, though he never made a peep.

"You're cruel," he shuddered as she wiped his tears, "You're so cruel."

She stared right into his eyes with awe and mesmerization. Softening him with her irises. She gently placed her lips against his wet ones. He tasted like salt; like his tears. Their lips sinfully moved in sync.

He pulled her face away from him and shuddered with disgust.

"You-. We can't do this anymore," he stammered.

She pulled him closer as their lips crashed once more. 

"You," kiss, "We-.", kiss, "...can't do this anym-." kiss, "Fuck, I-." kiss, "You know-." kiss, "what you're-." kiss, "doing to-." kiss, "me-."

Their kisses turned aggressive. Wet. Lustfully passionate. Her hands had traveled his body over and over again. His fingers ran through her hair and grabbed a fistful by her scalp. A soft yelp escaped her throat as she mumbled against his lips.

They always had hate-sex. And he hated it. He hated everything about it.

She'd always win.

She'd always win.

She'd always win.

He knew she had to die.

He just didn't know when he'd kill her. 

That's how much he hates her.

She was evil. All the things she did to other people? He'd know. And it never sat right in his consciousness. She'd tell him proudly. And he wanted to kill her for all of it.

But he was wrapped around her finger. 

And he hoped that his someone would help him. 

But all he did to this someone was taint her for life. Unforgivable actions. 

And this someone else doesn't even know.

He knew she had to die. 

He just didn't know when he'd kill her.

He knew he had to save his someone. 

But he knew this someone wouldn't forgive him. 

He shouldn't have listened to her. He shouldn't have done this.  

She was evil. The first person to hurt her should've killed her themselves. 

Because if they did, she wouldn't make her step-brother do this.


amelie zabini

His warm breath brushed against my neck. His arms were wrapped around my waist tightly and possessively. Our bodies close together, almost like we're merged as one. I picked my head up slightly only to glance around the room.

Peeking at Oliver's bed, it looks like he didn't come back to the dorm last night. 

I rest my head back onto the pillow as I shift around a little in attempt to be released from Zeno's tight embrace. Even after moving around a little, he's got his arms locked in position around my body.

The more movement I make, the more hot it gets under the sheets.

Reluctantly, I whipped off the blanket from my body and move a little in his arms. Still, his arms are locked. 

Fuck's sake.

After remembering what he pulled in the corridors yesterday, my blood started curdling. As much as I love him and his warm touch, he should've let me fight her.

Instead of wriggling in his embrace to signal 'off', I unwrapped his arms around me and forcefully placed his arms towards him.

Zeno groaned and yawned as he stretched; his body making a quick tremble. 

I turned over and huffed as I pulled the cover over me once again. Zeno found his way back to my body. He pulled me closer to him as his arms wrapped around my waist, engulfing me in his tight embrace.

"Zeno," I said lowly, "Move."

"No," he mumbled into my head full of hair, "I know you're still mad."

I scoffed. I tried to squirm and free myself, but he wouldn't let go. Any further away from him, he'd manage to pull me close to his body.

"Xenophilius I swear to God-."

"Just be quiet," he mumbled flatly through his morning voice, "It's too early for all this ruckus. Go to bed."

I squirmed a little bit more until I realized that he's really not going to let go. Once he knew I wasn't going to fight my way out, he kissed my head two times before plopping back onto his pillow. 

To tell the truth, I could lay in bed with Zeno forever. But he really pissed me off yesterday.

So we laid together in bed. Sulking in each other's presence, waddled in his large sherpa blanket. The room was still and quiet, it was easy to pinpoint that our heartbeats rhymed. 

"Are you...still mad?" Zeno said lowly. "How can I make it up to you?"

I turned over as I faced Zeno. His softened eyes gazed into mine like he was searching for assurance. Searching for acceptance. Pity, even. He had a whole puppy-eye front that, I admit, can't resist.

"A little bit," I responded flatly, "You should've let me finish her."

He sighed as he tucked a hair behind my ear. He caressed my cheek with the knuckle of his index. "Not in front of those people, Amelie. I would have allowed it if we were somewhere discreet-."

"I don't need your permission to do anything, Zeno," I reprimanded. "I can fight whoever I want."

"And I can protect whoever I want, Mel," he responded groggily, "She'd put her hands on you and I couldn't allow that-."

"You can't always protect the people you lov-."

"I will when I have the chance-. Look, Mel I'm not going to argue with you on this one," he snapped as he let me go from his embrace. He jolted up from the bed and stomped towards the bathroom. His back flexed, along with everything else on his divine body. As he walked in the bathroom, he slammed the door closed.

What a fucking baby!

I got up from the bed and removed Zeno's large shirt over my body, then tossing it into a hamper. I will not tolerate his attitude. I won't!

Realizing that my school uniform is nowhere to be found, I parade around the bloody room looking for my school uniform. Where the fucking fuck is it? I checked on top of the dresser, under his bed, and even under Oli's.

Nowhere to be found. 

I knock on the bathroom door to check to see if my uniform is hanging behind the door. I knock once more up until he swings it open.

Zeno looks down at me with his glowering eyes and a toothbrush in his mouth.

He places his hand above the door frame and takes his toothbrush out with the other.

"What," he mumbles.

"Move," I pester as I slide under his arms and into the bathroom. I glance around in search for my skirt and button up, only to end up unsuccessful. I stand in front of the mirror and grab my toothbrush from the cup on the sink; it's my spend-the-night toothbrush. Zeno has one at my dorm, too.

While brushing my teeth, I look into the mirror and notice Zeno brushing his teeth in a slow pace. Watching and examining me from the back. Taking in my figure. Looking up. Looking down. Completely mesmerized. I roll my eyes as I continue brushing. But as I'm watching Zeno through the reflection, I can't help but warm up.

"Can I help you?" I queried as I spat out the toothpaste. 

Zeno snapped back to reality and inched besides me. He, too, spat out the toothpaste and rinsed his toothbrush. "Nothing. I was just-. It's hard not to look when you're only in your underwear and bra."

Ignoring his comment, I make my way out the bathroom. But before I could completely leave, Zeno grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

"No more grumpy Mel, please?" he said lowly as he tucked my hair behind my ear, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have intervened. You're right-. I should've let you finish her."

I couldn't look him in the eyes because I knew I was going to forgive him eventually. I just had to play hard to get. It's a little fun, isn't it?

"Mel," he said, "Look at me."

Disobeying, he gently grabbed my chin and gestured my face up to look into his eyes.

"I said I'm sorry," he repeated himself. His free hand gently stroked the side of my arm, then traveled up to my neck. His cold rings pressed gently against my tender skin as a small shudder escaped my throat. "I won't-. I won't interfere like that again."

I rolled my eyes as I looked to the side once more. Zeno grabbed my chin again and positioned my face to look directly at him.

"Amelie," he stated sternly, "Tell me what to do for you to forgive me."

It was hard for me to ever hide my emotions, so in an abrupt motion, a smirk crept across my face; and he definitely noticed. 

"You don't have to do anything," I said flatly. "Nothing at all."

He groaned as he left both his hands down. Zeno trailed out the bathroom as he ran his fingers through his hair. I followed him out as he took a seat on the arm chair in the corner of the room.

"Are we really going to play this game? Hard to get?" Zeno bickered as he slouched down onto the chair with his legs parted.

I sat on the bed as we remained eye contact. "I'm not doing anything, Zeno. I'm not saying anything-."

"This isn't communication. I need to know if I'm forgiven," he raised his voice.

Okay, maybe he's not into playing hard to get. I should've remembered that he's attentive to reassurance, and bickering around like this doesn't make anything better. I was left with nothing to do other than to forgive him. I couldn't drag it out, otherwise he'd be completely upset.

What a big baby.

But my big baby.

"Yes, Zeno," I mumbled as I fiddled with my fingers, "You're...forgiven."

A moment of silence lingered in the air between us. All I could hear was his breathing - our breathing - in a calming, yet tense, pace. 

"Are you sure?" Zeno asks quietly. I look up at him as worrisome appears on his alluring face. 

I get up from the bed and make my way towards him. His eyes follow as I find myself climbing onto his lap; straddled in his embrace. His hands gently grabbed ahold of my waist on both sides as the warm hands gripped onto my tender skin. I clung my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. 

"Yes, Zeno," I clarified, "I'm sure. You're forgiven."

A small smile appears across his face as my heart instantly fluttered. It was his green eyes and the curling of the corners of his lips that always won my heart. 

He gently kissed my neck as his hand slithered at the nape, gripping with gentleness. 

"It's really hard keeping my hands to myself when you're this stunning," he mumbled onto my neck as he continued kissing and nipping, "Is this okay?"

It was a stir of emotions that grew and sprouted between us. It was always going to be okay.

"Of course it's okay," I faltered unsteadily, distracted by the warm kisses that Zeno continuously planted onto my neck, "It's always going to be okay, Zeno."

My hands traveled to his biceps as my head looked down at him. Zeno pulled away from my neck as his blood-rushed lips glistened with the gloss from his own saliva.

"I love you," he said softly, "So much."

"I love you more," I responded breathlessly. 

Instantly, he pulled my head down in level to his as his lips collided with mine. The kisses were relentless, yet passionate and willing. Soon enough, our mouths gaped as his tongue gently crept into my mouth. His hands traveled up and down my body, rubbing my skin and gripping gently. 

"I love you-. Fuck-." he muttered against my lips, "I love you so fucking much, Amelie."

Our kisses grew intense. Hungry and eager for one another; the usual. He truly couldn't keep his hands to himself. I, the same. I ran my fingers along his biceps, his build, his everything. His broad shoulders. The nape of his neck. His collarbones. 

Zeno would grip onto my waist. My bottom. My thighs. My hips. The small of my back. He'd absently tug onto the strap of my bra, though he would hesitate every now and then.

"I love you," I mumbled through our kisses, "I love-. I lo-."

Zeno bucked his hips gently against mine. His hard erection grew harder as our hands traveled and touched and gripped onto one another. A grumble came from his throat as he felt my warmth against his erection.

"Ah.. fuck..." he whispered against my lips, "Can we-. Can we have sex-."

"Shhh," I harshly whispered, "Just-. Just do whatever you want to me."

"Anything for you," he responded. 

Aggressively, Zeno lifted me from his lap and turned me around. I gasped at this sudden motion while he straddled me onto both of his thighs. Zeno parted my legs as they dangled over his thighs. His lips melted onto my back; placing kisses onto my shoulders, the nape of my neck, my back, and back onto my shoulders. He sucked gently onto sensitive spots and gently nipped at my shoulder. His arms wrapped around my waist as he ground me onto his pulsating erection. I knocked my head back out of pleasure as his hand slithered in front of my neck gripping gently. This gave him more access and control of my vulnerable body.

"Do you feel me, Mel?" He said lowly and aggressively. "Do you feel that between your legs?"

"Yes," I stammered as I grabbed ahold of his thighs for leverage, "I-. I feel it. I feel you-."

"My good girl," he muttered, "You're mine."

His words and his hands knew how to make me melt and saturate into his embrace. 

I was pooling between my thighs as the tension continued to grow. My stomach was in knots as Zeno kissed and groped and touched me. Everything he did was bare-minimum foreplay and I'd already want him to unwind me. 

Zeno's hand crept between my thighs as he groped my inner thigh, which resulted in a soft moan that slipped out between my lips. 

His fingers toyed with the hem of my underwear. I was sitting right on top of his erection; my pussy pressing against his hard-on. Any movement he made would send chills across my body. Zeno ran his middle finger over my clit through the fabric of my underwear as I shuddered. He rubbed my clit over the lace fabric as I absently bucked my hips against his fingers.

"Do you like that?" Zeno teased as his warm breath brushed against my back, "My good girl-. Fuck. Do you want more?"

"Mhm," I moan softly, "I like it-. I want mor-."

"Beg for more," he demanded as the circular motions intensified, "Beg for more, Mel."

"I want more," I whimpered, "I want you."

"Oh, but you already have me, Mel," his seductive voice bellowed, "You're cradled on my lap. What is it that you want more of?"

"The pleasure," I stammer, "The-. Pleasure-."

"That's a good girl," he whispered harshly, "I love it when you know exactly what you want, Mel."

Zeno pushed aside my underwear as his fingers came in tact with my clit. A sharp breath emitted from my throat as he grasp my neck a tad bit tighter.

"Oh god," I whimpered as his fingers moved swiftly, "Oh-. Oh fuck-."

"You're so wet, Mel," he grunted, "Come undone on my fingers, darling. Don't hesitate. Let go."

His fingers slipped into me as a moan escaped my mouth. Zeno fingered me all while rubbing my clit with his thumb. He had fingers and he knew damn well how to use them.

I bucked my hips against his fingers as he bit down onto my neck. Zeno sucked hard as I winced, but the adrenaline and dopamine running throughout my core compensated for the short discomfort. It was all worth it. Everything was all worth it.

His fingers moved faster as I was coming to an end. I soon tightened around his fingers as my heart raced rapidly. Chills were sent down my spine as my body shook and shivered at his touch.

"That's right, my love," he muttered, "Come for me. Come, Mel."

After coming undone, I stopped bucking my hips as I caught my breath.

"I-. I came so fast-. How do you do that?" I panted as I attempted to compose myself.

He softly chuckled. "I think you should already know that I'm aware of how your body works now, Amelie."

I turned my head to face him and placed a kiss onto his lips. 

"We're not done yet, Mel," he said against my lips, "Nowhere near done."


"Unless you want me to be done-."

"No," I frantically responded, "Let's-. Continue."

I faced front as he raised his waist to shift down his boxers. As he removed his boxers, his erection jolted up. His tip brushed against my wet entrance as he muttered profanity under his breath.

"Can I continue?" Zeno asked gently.

"Yes," I said lowly, "Continue."

Zeno grabbed the base of his dick and rubbed his tip against my entrance. I grabbed onto both the arm rests as he fully sinks himself inside me.

"You alright?" he asked softly.

I nod yes as I close my eyes. I grasp onto the arm rests tighter as I lower my waist down to his.

"Oh fuck," he groans, "You feel so goddamn good, Amelie." Zeno looked down to where we mended as he pumped into me. I leaned back against him as he sunk into me with his full potential.

I knocked my head back as he thrusted into me repetitively and slowly. His hand wrapped around my throat as he nuzzled in head into my neck. He'd place kisses and nip at the tender skin all while I moaned softly.

"I love-. You-." I stammered, "I love you. I love you so mu-."

"I know," he hissed, "I know-. Fuck, I know, Mel. I love you more-. Fuck, you feel so good-."

I pushed myself down against him, baring against the pain and pressure. My walls tightened around his dick as he continuously plummeted and pounded into me. Our skin stuck together every now and then as the tension pooled between us. 

My body was high. It was pumping with adrenaline and lust. Dopamine and ecstasy. Love and nurture. His hands would grip and grasp me. Aggressively and gently. I was his woven canvas and his hands bolded with color. He painted. And painted. And molded. And painted. Whatever came to mind, he'd do. 

Zeno treated my body like it was art. Treated me like I am art. A sculpture. 

I was his sculpture. He was the sculptor. He chiseled and formed me until I unwinded and reached the top. 

I went from differentiating the difference between pain and pleasure. Either way, both pleased me. Both balanced out.

His free hand grabbed ahold of my thick curls and tugged tightly as his hips thrusted harder; pounding me from beneath. 

Zeno let go of my neck as his hand traveled down to my pussy. His fingers pleased my clit all while pounding beneath me.

"Fuck-. Fuck! Fuck, Zeno-." I moaned through my profanity.

"You like that? How does that feel, Amelie?" he bellowed, "How do I feel?"

"So good," I moaned, "So so good."

This encouraged Zeno to pound harder. Faster, even.

"Ceptivo,"  Zeno muttered. 

He let go of my hair as his hand traveled down to my waist. Zeno grabbed onto my hips as he thrusted deeper. I fucked him back from on top. Our skin constantly hitting against each other.

Zeno moaned softly - we moaned together.

"Take it," he grunted, "Take all of me, Amelie."

"I-. I need you-. All of you-." I moaned.

The both of us came in sync. Our breaths were hot. Hearts were beating aggressively. Panting and eager to catch our breaths. Skin was dewy and nearly covered in a thin sheet of sweat. 

Zeno pulled out of me as his cum leaked out. He softly chuckled after seeing the aftermath.

"That's embarrassing," I mumbled as I got up from his lap slowly, "Sorry-. Let me clean tha-."

"No," he stated sternly, "It's-. You don't need to apologize. It's mine, anyway."

He shot an assuring smile as he got up from the arm chair. 

"Shower with me?"

I softly chuckled at his adorableness. Fucking hell, I'm in love and there's no doubt about it.

"Of course," I responded. I stepped into the bathroom as he followed. 

My legs didn't ache as much as they used to, which meant I was becoming adequate to his nature.

"Start the shower, I'll follow," I told him. He obeyed.

He prepared the shower and dropped his boxers. As he stepped in, I unclasped my bra and dropped my underwear. Before stepping into the shower with him, I quickly used the loo to prevent infection. The usual.

I took a quick glance into the mirror when I noticed a few love bites onto my neck. Nothing a quick glamour charm can't fix.

I stepped into the shower as the warm water brushed and splashed against Zeno's muscular build. He ran his fingers through his hair as the hair faltered down his body. I crept behind him and wrapped my arms around his body. The water ran over the both of us as my body was soon submerged in the water.

I placed gentle kisses upon his back as he continued to shower.

"I love you," I said lowly.

Zeno turned around as he looked down at me. His wet dark hair covered his forehead as it brought out the green in his eyes.

"I love you more," he responded as he dove in for a kiss.

Zeno wrapped his arms around me as he abruptly switched our positions, which took me by surprise. The warm water fully soaked my body as I let out a short squeal.

The both of us chuckled against one another as he ran his fingers through my wet curls.

We took in one another's presence under the shower head. We gazed into one another's eyes with love and warm intent. Everything felt perfect. No flaws. Nothing of that sort. I felt content in his arms.

I am in love.

And I know he is, too.



D I S C U S S I O N  

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