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Hey guys-

Unraveling things now. Enjoy.

Without further adieu, I present to you...


amelie zabini

"Ravenclaw," Charlotte responded quietly as she continuously turned the pages of her book, "Though the hat said I could be great in house of Hufflepuff." 

Lola, Scarlett, Narsa, and I insisted that we invite Charlotte to the library with us. A quick library run, if you may. Scarlett wanted to know more about Charlotte, and to be honest, so did I. So far, she's charismatic, energetic, uplifting, and incredibly generous. 

"I do remember being paired with you for a House of Ravenclaw event," Narsa mumbled whilst writing, "You're intelligent. I like that."

Charlotte smiled wide as her face turned pink. "Why, thank you Narsa. You are also intelligent!"

I gave Scarlett a quick glance as she smiled and mouthed 'She's the one!'.

"So Charlotte," I continue, "How long do you plan on sticking around? Because Oliver's going to want to take you back home with us for winter break. You know, to show the family and all."

"And let me remind you that Oli can get quite... attached," Narsa added.

"Guys, can we not scare her?" Lola pestered, "But seriously though, Charlotte. Once he fancies you, he has no intention of letting go."

"You guys are so embarrassing," Scarlett muttered under her breath as she brought her legs up to her chair and hugged them close to her chest.

Charlotte softly giggled at our connotations. She tucked her hair behind her ear and huffed. "I truly have no intention of leaving. I think Oliver's... really charming, to be quite honest with you."

Scarlett and Narsa looked at one another in shock. It's as if Narsa's jaw were about to drop to the bloody ground. They both diverted their attention back onto Charlotte as she continued to babble about her intentions with Oliver.

"His personality is absolutely bright! I don't think I've ever met anyone like him. He's very respectful. He's got a contagious smile, too. I-. I get butterflies just thinking about him," Charlotte cheered. Her cheeks flushed pink as two dimples appeared on both sides of her cheeks. Looking down, she nervously toyed with her buttons on her blouse.

"Are we talking about Oliver Draco Malfoy?" Lola snickered as Narsa and I laughed. "I mean, I agree with the respectful vibe but-. But you really think he's BRIGHT?"

Scarlett playfully shoved Lola through her grin. "We're only kidding, Charlotte," Scarlett spoke softly, "I'm just glad you're not-. You're not mean."

"Oh, heavens no!" Charlotte frantically responded, "Gosh-. If I were ever mean or rude to anyone, I'd really appreciate it if they put me in check. The world is already bad enough."

I smiled at her as she continued to flip through her library book. I had a really good feeling about Charlotte, and I usually don't feel this way about other girls. I trust my intuition more than anything. Charlotte passes. 

"Amen to that," Lola pleaded as she raised her quill triumphantly.

The conversation simmered as each of us did independent work. Narsa was writing essays upon essays. Charlotte was reading a muggle book called 'Tuesdays with Morrie'. Lola sketched and scribbled pretty flowers on a fresh batch of parchment. Scarlett took notes about Transfiguration. I multitasked by observing each and everyone in this table while jotting down notes for Charms class.

In the corner of my eye, I couldn't help but notice the pig-eyed girl herself; Eleanor Farrell. She was about two to three aisles down from us. I would catch her glancing over our group all while skimming through bookcases. I was sneaky enough to not catch her eye, but I was 100% certain that she kept looking over. Eleanor maintained to look busy by skimming through pages of books she'd pull out of the cases, then put them back. It was pathetic to watch, but I was curious as to why she was watching.

"Lola," I whispered. She raised her head up as our eyes locked.

"Hmm?" she mumbled.

"Eleanor keeps looking over here," I responded. "Do you have any idea why?"

Lola slowly turned around just in time. Eleanor wasn't paying attention. Lola turned back to me and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't care, to be honest with you," Lola stated flatly, "She's always been a nosy wank."

I was dying to know what happened between her and Lola. It must've been intense. Or it must've been something little and the family took it out of proportion. Or both.

"Can I ask what happened between you two?" I queried quietly. Lola's eyes diverted back onto mine as she sighed. 

"I-. I don't know if I should sp-."

"Lola," I interrupted, "It's important that you tell me. Otherwise, I'll find myself plummeting my fists into her face anytime she glanced over here-."

"Alright, alright," Lola grumbled. She put her quill down and faintly cleared her throat. "Eleanor would-. Eleanor would tease me and stuff. I don't know why. No fucking clue, but she did it anyways. So I-. I told Zeno about it. And you know how Zeno gets. He gets angry. Really angry. Keep in mind that anytime Eleanor would say harsh things, I'd ball my eyes. I'm a year 4, and this older person keeps saying mean things! It just wouldn't make sense!" Lola went back to doodling on her parchment, though she maintained conversation. "Anyways, one day I told Zeno. Zeno turned red. He was so tense. It was scary, if you ask me. But what he did to her was too much. I get that he loves me and all, but I-. She's a girl, and it went against his whole 'I don't ever lay a finger on women'-."

"What did Zeno do to her?"

"Um-. I don't know if I should tell you because you might see him differently and that's the last thing I ever want to ha-."

"Lola," I stated sternly, "What did Zeno do to her."

She bit her lip nervously as she put her quill down. Our eyes met. 

"Promise you won't tell him I told you?" 

I nodded yes.

"She... was walking down the corridor one day, and from what I heard from Oliver and Z-word, he just completely shoved her to the ground. Anytime she would try getting back up, he'd continuously shove her down the ground. At this point, she was crying and such. This was year 5 by the way, so he was not 6'4 yet. But he was still tall. Tall and strong.I think he was 6 foot by this time," Lola sighed as she fiddled with the feather of her quill. "I know it's not what you expected, but he regrets ever putting his hands on her. He felt guilty the whole week. And to be honest, so did I-."

"Ugh,"  I groaned, "Please don't ever feel guilty for her. For a moment, I thought Zeno, like, punched her in the jaw or something-."

"Geez, Mel! No! He wouldn't go that far, for fuck's sake. This is Zeno we're talking about. He couldn't even yell at me if he wanted to."

"Oh, so I'm the only one he yells at?" I beckoned.

Lola's eyes widened. "He's yelling at you?! Ooh, that little shit-."

I couldn't help myself but giggle at her protectiveness. I guess it runs in the Berkshire blood to be defensive.

"It's nothing, really. I mean, I yell back. I reciprocate the energy given to me at all times, so no one's feelings are getting hurt. You have nothing to be worried about."

Lola shot a wide smile as she continued to scribble flowers and shapes. 

"Is that what you threaten to tell your parents about Zeno?" I asked.

"All the time," Lola snickered, "My mum would lose it."

"I don't think she'd lose it if she knew why he was doing it."

"There's no excuse for all men to ever put their hands on a lady."

"But Eleanor's a cunt. If anything, I'll gladly put my fucking hands on her."

Lola reached over for my hand as her eyes softened into mine. "I appreciate it, Mel. You're truly the best. You and your kindred spirit."

"You know I'd do anything for you, Lola," I assured. 

"Y'know," Lola spoke, "Now that I think about it, I'm starting not to feel bad about what Zeno did to Eleanor. Her words fucking hurt. Zeno only ever looks after me."

"See? Now you're getting it," I boasted, "Plus, Zeno's all about respect. He'd only ever hurt someone if he had to. You and I, along with the rest of us, know that."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Lola said through a subtle smile. "He'd kill someone for me if I asked him to-."

"Fucking hell, Lola," I muttered under my breath as she chuckled at her dark turn, "I sure hope not-. Jesus Christ-."

"I'm kidding," she giggled, "Or am I..."

Lola raised her eyebrows jokingly as I rolled my eyes. 

We pulled away from our conversation as I glanced back to where Eleanor last was. She disappeared. I glanced around the library in a subtle way, trying to figure out where she went.

I guess that's what happened in year 5. The thing that Lola keeps threatening Zeno about. If I were Zeno, I wouldn't have regret it. If someone was messing with my little sister, I'd go fucking insane and massacre the shit out of whole damn school.

But Zeno's a gentleman, and he respects all women like they're fucking temples. In the back of my head, the thought of Zeno being so friendly towards other women sort of angered me. As much as I'd like to disregard his friendly trait, my overthinking self let the thought linger. 

Not only did this linger in my head, it felt like-.

It felt like there's way more to the story than Lola knows. 

Even I know Zeno wouldn't go that far. 

Eleanor must've done something.

And if no one's going to tell me straight up, I guess I'll have to figure it out myself.

I got up from my seat.

"I'll catch you guys later?" I broke the silence.

All the girls but Narsa looked up at me as the corners of their mouths lifted in sync.

"Of course!" Scarlett beamed. "Stay safe!"

"It was nice talking to you!" Charlotte cheered.

"You'll catch me buried between these fucking pages. That's where you'll catch me," Narsa muttered under her breath.

"Ignore her. She's got a huge test tomorrow," Scarlett mumbled.

I smiled and waved as I slung my book bag over my shoulder. Walking away from the table, I placed out all the potential spots I could find Eleanor Farrell.

Where exactly are you hiding, Eleanor?

What exactly are you hiding?


And so it begins. Stay tuned! Updating tomorrow! I gained motivation because we're reaching the rising action.

D I S C U S S I O N 

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