D A Y 1

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Hey guys-

For the following chapters, we'll be getting a glimpse from a lot of characters' POVS, and a bit more of narrator's POVS given the circumstances that there's a lot of characters involved in winter break, and each have important roles and such.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D A Y  1

amelie zabini

All of us got settled in our own homes; stored away clothes, fixed our rooms, helped around our homes. Lola's dad declared that we all have dinner at their house, given that their dining room is large enough to accommodate 13 people.

After storing my items back into my dressers and such, I head downstairs in hopes that I spark conversation with my mum. I haven't seen her in a while and I refuse our relationship from withering.

I find myself towards the kitchen where my mum is sitting on the window seat with a book in hand, and cup of tea on the other. Before approaching her, I give one last glance of her peacefulness. Mum's hair is tied up lazily, and she's wearing an almost worn down Quidditch sweater that could either be my father's or my brother's. She looks... at peace. My mum has gashes - deep gashes. On her neck, thigh, calve, and her forearm. Mum would tell me that my dad would kiss them every morning. Each gash. When I was younger, I'd trace them with my finger and she said she liked the feeling because it would tickle. Anything to make her forget, she loved it. But I know she can't. No matter what we did, she can't forget. I offered to Obliviate her memory, but she didn't want to do that, either.

"Mum," I said coolly, "You alright?"

She perked her head up as a smile appeared across her face. Mum put her book down, along with her book onto the side table as she got up from the window seat. She slipped on her slippers as she walked towards the kitchen island.

"Yes! You? Are you okay? Did you eat before you left Hogwarts?" Mum shuffled around the kitchen, fixing and bustling.

"I'm doing good," I responded lowly as I took a seat on a swivel by the kitchen island, "I haven't ate, but I'm not hungry."

"Alright, suit yourself," she mumbled, "So tell me, Amelie."


"How are things going between you and Zeno? Any issues? You know you can tell me-."

"No, no-. Everything is fine, Mum," I respond frantically. Her eyes narrowed as she stared deeply, attempting to paint out whether or not I was lying. "We're actually doing really good. Just when you thought you knew so much about someone, only now did I realize that there's way more."

"Oh really? Like what?"

"Like-. I got to know him in depth. Like, what he faces internally. I've also noticed a lot a small things about him. Why do men twitch in their sleep?"

"Hell, if I know. Your father gets like that, too," she softly chuckled. "What are the small things that you've noticed?"

Inattentively nipping the bottom of my lip, I fiddled with my fingers as I quickly thought of the small things I've noticed about Zeno. In fact, there's a lot of things I've noticed over the course of our relationship.

"Well," I started, "He blinks a lot when he's nervous. And like, he bounces his leg up and down when he's a tad bit frustrated. Zeno twitches in his sleep for whatever reason, too-."

"You've slept in the same bed as him?"

My throat tightened. Shit! "Um-. Yes. I have."

A small moment of silence lingered before she spoke again. "Well, I've got to ask, Mel. Girl to girl, and be honest, are you two....? Engaging in sexual inter-."


"I won't ask about anything else, I just-. I just want to be informed, y'know?"

I huffed. "Then... yes. We are."

Another small moment of silence. "Are you two being safe?"

"Mum, you said you wouldn't ask about anything else-."

"Am I a bad mother for wanting to be informed?"

"It's just weird that you're having me speak about this in depth-."

"Amelie, I'm a worried parent. That's all," she defended. "It's either a yes or no, Mel."

I nodded yes slowly. A sense of relief concocted as her tensed body was relieved. "The Vial? Contraceptive charm?"

"Contraceptive charm. They discontinued The Vial years ago because it never worked. Only made you ravenous."

My mum paused. "You're fucking joking, are you?"

I shook my head.

"Holy fuck, that makes a lot of sense-."



"Can I put you on... birth control?"

I gazed at her with confusion. Muggle birth control? "Muggle birth control? The monthly contraceptives?"

She nodded. "One day, the both of you might forget to say the incantation. I wouldn't want you two risking it."

She had a point. There were times where we almost forgot to say it, but anytime we did, Zeno would pull out immediately.

"Yeah, okay," I mumble, "I'll take it."

Her tensed self was relieved once more. Talking to my mum about this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I'm glad we both understand each other. I truly wouldn't want it any other way.

"Alright-. Great," she huffed, "We can go tomorrow. You want to go tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I responded, "We can go tomorrow."


Mum lingered around the kitchen; she cleaned, sorted things, etc. All while we conversed about school and my relationship. Mum mentioned that she missed Zenith, and I admitted that I missed him, too. Dad, too, missed him. We all did. The home felt empty without Zenith and his loud self.

The holidays without Zenith was definitely something I wasn't expecting. Usually, Zenith would always be the one to wake me up Christmas morning. Now, it's just going to be weird.

Closer to evening, mum, dad, and I got ready for supper at the Berkshires. We wore casual clothing; nothing too formal, yet nothing too laid back.

"Want to bet that Miss Lola is wearing something extravagant again?" Dad jeered as he stepped into the fireplace. "I bet something red."

"Now, you know how much I hate betting," Mum responded through a smirk, "But I'm betting something pink."

I rolled my eyes at their giddiness. "Are you two seriously betting on what Lola's wearing tonight?"

Mum and dad shrugged. "Every year. You know this, Amelie."

Dad's laugh resonated in the fireplace as Mum handed him the Floo powder pouch. "Go on, Mel. Pick a color."

I shot them both a discombobulated glance as they both snickered. They were expecting me to pick a color, in which I had no intention of being included. They weren't going to leave this house unless I chose a color, though.

"I'm having a strong feeling it's yellow," I responded lowly, "Because her aura's different this year."

"Aura? Why are you talking like Zeno?" Dad murmured, "Little fuck's got you talking about auras and shit-."

"Can you just fucking get to the Berkshires? You're standing in the fireplace like a bloody idiot," Mum snapped. Dad huffed and gave Mum a shady glance.

"Berkshire Residence," he muttered as he threw the Floo powder to the ground. At an instant, the roaring green fire's warmth brushed against our skin as we shunned our eyes. Hazed by the brightness, I insisted that my mum go next.


The Zabinis soon arrived at the Berkshire's Residence. Upon arrival, the Malfoys had already been waiting for 4 minutes. Draco Malfoy sat at the couch with a bourbon in hand. He wore a black suit and a red Santa hat – a hat that Scarlett forced him to wear. He hated this idea, but he'd do anything for his children – even if it meant wearing stupid Christmas hats. Beside him sat Lucille Granger-Malfoy – in the flesh, with an ivory blouse and dark blue jeans. She had her hair down, coiled and bouncy. On her ring finger laid a 14-carat cushion cut diamond ring, along with a wedding band that had engraving along the lines of 'Through It All'. She wore those rings proudly. Who wouldn't?

Lorenzo Berkshire and his beloved wife situated in the kitchen as they prepared evening's supper. They worked attentively and with caution, in hopes that the food was to be perfect. Prince kept himself occupied by doodling and sketching on the kitchen island while sipping on a cup of chocolate milk.

The Malfoy and Berkshire descendants all sat at the unprepared dining table. Lola took this opportunity and sat at the vacant seat at the head of the table. This dining table was rather very long – long enough to accommodate 13 people. It was a dark mahogany table with a glossy coating that enhanced its grains when the warm-toned light glistened above it. Chairs were upholstered by Lorenzo himself. A rich red cushion with matching wood – Luna insisted that the seats were to be red.

Amelie was right: Lola wore a yellow dress that brought out her fair complexion and freckles that were scattered like stars in the galaxy across her face. Narsa and Scarlett wore matching cashmere sweaters, while Oliver wore a white button-up tucked in black dress pants. Zeno, too, wore a white button-up that hugged his biceps tightly. It was a snug fit, which made it hard to Amelie not to stare. I mean, look at him. Amelie wore a beige blouse that also hugged her figure, as well as bringing out her melanin skin. Zeno found it hard not to stare as well.

"Good evening," Amelie announced gently as she approached the table. She gave everyone a greeting's kiss on the cheek but played different for Zeno. A warm, longing kiss on the lips before she took a seat next to him. "Everyone settled into their homes and such?"

"Ugh, don't even get me started on what our mum made us do," Narsa groaned. She looked around attentively before pouring herself a cup of firewhiskey. Oliver's face grew of disappointment, but there was nothing much he could do because, well, it's Narsa Malfoy – daughter of Draco Malfoy. "She made us clean the whole fucking house. And for what! You couldn't fucking clean it before we came?"

"Let's not disrespect mum like that," Oliver stated sternly, in which gained a snarky glare from Narsa, "Besides, you hardly even did anything. All you did was wash dishes."

"I like cleaning," Scarlett blurted cheerfully, "To me, I think it's therapeutic." It's true: Scarlett really liked cleaning. Her father would have depressive episodes, and when her mum would get them too, she offered to clean the house at all times. If anything, Scarlett loved cleaning.

"Prince and I did some gardening," Zeno mentioned as he sipped on his alcohol over ice, "In the greenhouse, of course. Plus, we had to get herbs for mum's cooking. Dad's making his soup."

Oliver and Narsa groaned in reaction towards Zeno's mentioning of his father's infamous Zuppa Toscana. Lorenzo Berkshire wasn't the best whenever he made that specific soup. It just isn't the best.

"The both of you are rude," Lola muttered under her breath, "He puts his time into his soups, y'know." Anything Lorenzo made for his family, his kids would eat it – regardless if it wasn't the best. They learned to appreciate.

"I enjoy the soup he makes," Zeno added, "You all just have bland taste buds."

"I personally like his soups as well," Amelie budged, "They're way better than what my dad creates."

Zeno glanced at Mel and smiled. His softened, green eyes beamed into her brown irises. Her heart thumped at the sight of his emeralds, and she smiled. Underneath the table, his hand crept towards hers as they intertwined their fingers. Eventually, he picked up her hand and kissed it.

His eyes widened and he immediately pressed his hand against her neck. Confusion stirred in Amelie as seriousness reflected onto his expression.

"Glamora," he muttered as he pressed his large against her tender skin. Zeno lifted his hand and placed it on another side of her neck, as he muttered the glamour charm once more.

Glamora covered any imperfections, blemishes, and especially hickeys. This charm was favored by many – especially young teenagers who never knew how to keep their hands to themselves.

"Sorry," he mumbled quietly, "Your glamour charm was wearing off, and the hickeys started to surface again."

She took in his consideration and grew fond with awe. It was the bare-minimum, and Amelie was falling hard. She checked his neck to see if his incantations were still in check. They were.

"Thank you," she responded lowly. Amelie rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek as his face warmed up. It was no secret that Zeno's knees weakened at the sight of Amelie. Right now, all he wanted to do was have her in his arms; bodies close, touching, hearts pulsating at the same pace, and breathing the same air. His flustering thoughts were soon interrupted when Amelie spoke. "My mum is... putting me on birth control."

Narsa, Oliver, Lola, and Scarlett conversed with one another. They complained about the chores their parents made them do; all but Scarlett, because she actually enjoyed doing such.

All while they conversed to one another, Zeno and Mel held their own discussion. Up close and personal.

"Oh-. Um-.," he stammered nervously, "She-. She is?"

Amelie nodded. "She knows that we're... active."


Zeno bit his lip nervously. His lips then parted, though he was inaudible. What else could he say? It's not like he had anything against it. After all, her body her choice – and he respected that.

"I guess I'm just a little nervous because I know it makes your body go through extraneous changes. Changes like appearance, and it could definitely toy with my mental health. I'm not sure if I could go through with it-."

"I think it's a great idea," Zeno interrupted with relief, "One day I'll forget to cast the contraceptive charm because you feel so good, and we can't risk that, now can we?"

Amelie's face warmed up as the corners of her lips curled. "I'll go through with it. But on one condition."

"And what's that condition?"

"You can't make fun of me when I'm going through physical changes-."

Zeno was quite offended when she made the assumption that he'd ever do such a thing. "I would never do that, Amelie," he said harshly, "I love every square inch of you. Please know that."

She was aware, but words of affirmation made her gush with happiness. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," he responded, "But just know that I really do love you. And-. Everything about you."

On the other side of the dinner table, Lola wondered when it would be the right time to mention Miles Wright to her family. Luna already knew about this sweet muggle boy, and her girl cousins had an idea about him. She was dying for her family to meet him – to the point where she invited him over for evening's supper without informing her father and mother about it.

"Guys," she bellowed lowly, "We might have a teensy issue."

Zeno and Amelie turned theirs heads towards Lola, along with Narsa, Scarlett, and Oliver. Lola glanced at all of them tensely as she tried to find the right words to say.

"I... invited Miles over for supper. Miles? The, umm-. The boy that I'm talking to?" Lola stammered nervously. She couldn't look Zeno in the eyes because she was afraid she'd be scolded.

Zeno glanced at Amelie with disappointment, but not to Lola. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. Oliver's face grew with uncertainty, along with Scarlett. Narsa shrugged.

"I don't see the issue to be honest with you," Narsa stated flatly, "What could possibly be the issue?"

"Yes-. Right," she stammered, "Well, I didn't tell my dad about it. Not my mum, either-."

"What, so you think you can just invite whoever you want to family supper?" Zeno raised his voice. Amelie squeezed his hand under the table in attempt for him to tone it down. "Who even is this 'Miles' boy?"

"I mean I'll tell dad now, obviously. And I'm sure mum is okay with it. I just-. Thought it would be nice if you all could meet him now."

"Is this person important?" Oliver pestered.

"Clearly he's important if she invited him to family supper," Narsa defended, "Cut the fucking woman some slack, the lot of you."

Oliver and Zeno glanced at each other with uncertainty. Oliver sighed, then Zeno sighed, then they both sighed again. Older brother things, if you may.

"I'm going to tell dad and mum about it now," Lola badgered as she got up from the seat. She hurried to the kitchen where she spoke to her parents.

Lorenzo stirred the large pot of soup as Luna added herbs and such to his concoction. He was slightly startled when Lola placed her hand behind his back to signal her presence. He turned around and smiled at her. Lorenzo took in her image – Lola's blonde locks, her sharp blue eyes, and her lipped cupid's bow. He had a beautiful daughter, and he loved her dearly.

"I invited a boy over," she nervously spoke.

Lorenzo's gaze came crashing down and his lips formed flat. His little girl invited a boy over. Great.

"And for what?" Lorenzo queried gently. He knew how sensitive Lola was when it came to things like these. He tried his very best not to upset her. Zeno, on the other hand, would go off. But Amelie calmed him down.

"Mum..." Lola glanced at her mum for assurance and 'back-up'. Luna sighed and looked into Lorenzo's eyes.

"Lola likes this boy, love," Luna started, "And she really wants us to meet him. Most importantly, she wants you and Zeno to meet him. Who knows? Miles could potentially be your son-in-law-."

"Stop," Lorenzo stammered, "No speaking about marriage. No."

Lola rolled her eyes, but she understood why he felt like that. She's daddy's little girl.

"Sooo..." Lola dragged out, "Is that okay? With you?"

Lorenzo looked into her eyes. Her sharp blue eyes. He was a Seer. He knew how to use his ability to its best. After years of practice, Lorenzo was finally able to see futures whenever he wanted – but he made a promise to never use it on his own family. Luna made him promise. So, because he couldn't use his Seer abilities on his own flesh and blood, he could only read through her eyes. But even then, nothing could be found.

Lorenzo sighed, placed the kitchen towel over his shoulder and rubbed his hands together. "It's okay with me."

Lola smiled and pulled her father into a hug. Acceptance was important to her. She was relieved that she got her father's approval, but deep down she was seeking approval for Miles.

"Thank you," she said coolly. Pulling away from their warm embrace, she smiled and sashayed away with excitement burning in her chest.

Lorenzo looked at his wife with uncertainty; a look that Zeno inherited. Luna softly chuckled as she kissed her husband on the cheek. "No need to fret. She'll be fine. She's growing into a woman, Lorenzo. It's time to start acknowledging it."

"I don't want to," he whined. "That's my little girl. I refuse-."

"Just shut up and make the soup, darling," Luna shifted the conversation because she knew Lorenzo could go on forever about his daughter.

Back at the dining table, Lola sat curtsy with a bright smile. She didn't care what Oliver and Zeno thought about the idea of bringing Miles over for supper. Her father approved it, and that's what mattered to her.

"So? What did dad say?" Zeno questioned with attitude He hoped her father said no, but from the looks of Lola it was a full 180 from no.

"He said it was okay," Lola responded sassily as she flattened out her yellow dress, "So I don't want to hear anything from you two."

Oliver raised his hands in surrender as he slouched on the dining chair. Scarlett leaned on the dining table with her chin cupped at her palms. She was glancing around the dining table admiring her family's presence. Scarlett was excited for this year's winter break.

"Amelie," Scarlett announced gently, "Do you want to go to London after Christmas? Just the two of us?"

Amelie shot a glance at Scarlett's innocent eyes as her lips curled into a gentle smile. "Why, I'd love to, Scar."

"Oh, so fuck me?" Lola blurted.

"Ah, yes. Let's pretend Lola and I don't exist," Narsa jeered.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "You two are annoying. You don't see me complaining when the both of you go out and smoke weed without me-."

"What?" Zeno budged in.

"The fuck are you talking about?" Oliver snapped.

"It's just weed, you need to relax-." Amelie defended.

"I just think it's rude that you're leaving me out of it, too," Oliver glanced at Narsa and Lola.

Zeno sighed.

The door abruptly knocked as their heads turned towards the entrance. The teens glanced at one another to see who would answer the door, but it seemed like no one was going to stand up and fetch the person at the door.

"So none of you are going to get the bloody door?" Draco contested rudely. "The fucking lot of you."

Draco jolted up from his comfortable seat and slammed the bourbon down onto the table. Onyx looked at Lucille as she rolled her eyes, mouthing 'What a child'. Once Draco made it to the entrance of the door, he swung the door open with such aggression and a smug look on his face.

There stood Miles Wright with a bottle of wine and a small platter of cheeses and fine meats wrapped in a cellophane cover. He shot a smile at Draco Malfoy and raised the wine bottle.

Draco glanced with confusion. "Who delivered wine and cheese?" Draco beamed loudly.

"Uh, no-." Miles stammered, "I'm actually here for the Berkshire's supper? I'm Lola's-."

"That's nice," Draco interrupted as he turned his head to the crowd, "Seriously, did anyone deliver wine and cheese?"

Lola sprung from her seat out of embarrassment and headed towards the door. "Uncle, that's not-. He's not a delivery boy, he's my-. He's my-. Can you move out of the way?"

Draco was lightly shoved from the entrance as Lola stood in front of Miles with a wide smile. As Lola pulled Miles into a tight embrace, Draco observed the two imbeciles. He wasn't sure what was going on, and who this curled-hair boy was, but all he cared about was the fine wine in Miles Wright's hand. Nonetheless, he curtsied back to his wife and the Zabinis where they continued their discussion regarding the muggle world's drama-riddled politicians.

Lola led Miles to the kitchen where they were rudely interrupted by Zeno and Oliver. In sync, Zeno and Oliver got up from their seats and walked towards Lola and Miles; side by side, appealing tough and frightful. Zeno was the most intimidating. It was his biceps and large figure that unsettled Miles the most. To Miles, Oliver looked rude and harsh.

"Are you going to introduce us to your... friend?" Zeno's voice bellowed. Miles' throat tightened as his palms clammed. Zeno stuck his hand out awaiting Miles to grasp it.

Miles handed Lola the bottle of wine and brushed his hand against his pants quickly to rid the sweat before shaking Zeno's hand. Once Miles shook his hand, Zeno gripped with such... dominance. Miles refused to show that it hurt a tad bit, so he just smiled. Zeno stared into his eyes. Fuck, Miles thought to himself, so this is who Zeno Berkshire is.

Zeno let go of his hand and stuffed his hand into the pocket of his dress pants. As Oliver and Zeno stepped aside to make way for Lola and Miles, Zeno watched Miles walk away nervously.

"Fucking pussy," Zeno muttered lowly to Oliver, which resulted a snicker to come from his chest, "His eyes winced. Can't handle the big boys, I see."

Lola and Miles made their way towards the kitchen where she introduced her muggle-boy to her parents. Lorenzo was apprehensive, but it was Prince who was the most uncertain. He hopped off the kitchen swivel and shook Miles hand. And his expression dropped. Down to a pit.


Supper had started. Everyone gathered around the dining table, sitting in their usual spots like every other yearly supper. Lorenzo sat at the head of the table, while Luna sat across at the other end. To Lorenzo's right hand sat Lola, Miles, Prince, Amelie, Zeno, and Oliver. To his left sat Draco, Lucille, Onyx, Blaise, Narsa, and Scarlett.

Conversation was shared over food and drinks. The mood was upbeat; the surface seemed settling and comforting. It seemed that everyone was having a great time. Turns out, Lorenzo actually does like Miles. They bonded over cheeses and meats, as well as muggle sports and such. Miles got sucked into the discussion of soccer; a muggle sport that Zeno was outrageously good at. Luna was busy talking about putting Prince in piano lessons to Onyx and Lucille. Zeno and Lola played the piano effortlessly and perfectly, and now she wants Prince to play as well. Prince wasn't so fond of this idea, but if it made his mum happy, he'd do it for her.

Mel and Narsa spoke about Potions class, and what to expect when they return from winter break. Narsa loved talking about school, believe it or not. And the only person who would truly listen to her was Amelie. Amelie loved how interest Narsa was about school and spells and such.

Scarlett, Lola, and Zeno discussed their plans for winter break. It turns out that Scarlett also thought about apparating Vicente around Europe for a day. Zeno wasn't fond of the idea, but it was Amelie who told him not to be so fucking misogynistic.

Draco would budge in all types of conversations. He always found his way around at the dinner table. From soccer, to piano lessons, to Europe.

"Vicente?" Draco interrupted. "Who is this Vicente person?"

Scarlett's throat tightened as she glanced at her father with nervousness. "A friend," she said flatly and monotoned.

"A friend?" Draco queried, "And who is this friend?"

"I was hoping to speak to you about him soon," Scarlett stammered, "I was wondering if he could come visit sometime soon-."

"No," Draco said sternly as he sipped on his bourbon, "Absolutely not."

"But dad-."

"I already told you my answer, Scar. There's no way around it."

Scarlett was in defeat. She almost felt like tearing up, but she refused to make a scene at the dinner table. Maybe it was for her own good? No, that can't be it. Vicente was a nice boy, and her intuition was strong about the whole thing.

Lucille noticed.

"Draco," she spoke, "You may have said no, but I say yes."

Scarlett looked at her as a subtle smile appeared across her face. Lucille smiled back as she reverted her attention back to Draco.

"Lucille," he said with frustration, "I don't think you understand. I've already said no-."

"And I said yes? What are you not understanding?"

Draco gripped onto his fork with such force, before releasing. Then, he gripped again. A stress reliever, if you may. "I'm not letting Scarlett apparate around fucking Europe with some boy I hardly know-."

"Well, I am," Lucille snapped, "I think it's time you start accepting the fact that your daughter is her own person. She's entitled to experiencing life, you know."

"My answer is final, Lucille."

Lucille scoffed. "And so is mine, Draco. Let's not forget who was in labor for 47 hours, yeah? If anyone is making rational decisions for Scarlett, it's me."

Draco was defeated. He remembered how much pain Lucille was in when she delivered his precious baby girl. Draco also remembered not to fight with Lucille on this. As much as he wanted to shout at Lucille about this decision, he knew he'd lose. Labor was no joke.

Scarlett felt all warm inside. She was happy that her mum allowed her to spend time with Vicente.

"You'll meet him, dad," Scarlett assured, "Then you'll realize how great he actually is."

"I'm the greatest," Draco sneered, "No one's as great as me for you, Scarlett."

She rolled her eyes, but she knew that no one was going to love her the way her father did. She was aware of this notion, and she hopes that her father knows that she is.

The night continued on its succession. Shocking enough, Lorenzo Berkshire managed to get everyone to eat his soup. Prince loved it. He argued with Oliver over the last batch of soup to the point where it got very vocal.

"You're a wank!" Prince shouted across the dinner table. Lorenzo, Draco, and Blaise choked on their drinks, in which followed a bellowing chuckle. Zeno smirked, but he refused to make it look like he allowed the behavior. Oliver furrowed his brows and looked at Prince with a smug look.

"We don't talk like that, Prince," Luna stated calmly, "Just go on ahead and give Oliver the last batch-."

"Absolutely not!" Prince shouted towards Oliver, "You pour that last batch onto my bowl right this instant, Oliver Malfoy."

Oliver saw this as an opportunity as a smirk appeared across his face. "Alright, I'll give it to you. But on one condition."

Oliver looked at Draco as Draco, too, smirked. Draco knew what he was going to say. He chuckled as he covered it with a sip from his beverage.

"Which is?" Prince questioned.

"Sing a Christmas song right now," Oliver jeered.

Narsa, Scarlett – in fact, everyone groaned at Oliver's demand. Prince loved singing, but the only problem was that his singing was absolutely terrible.

"Fucking hell, Oliver," Onyx muttered under her breath as she pressed her cold drink onto her cheek, "You did not just tell him to sing."

"Deal!" Prince shouted. He cleared his throat as he started singing a catchy Christmas tune. Draco and Blaise winced at his pitchy voice, and Lorenzo was trying his very best to keep himself contained.

"Prince is definitely Lorenzo's son," Blaise snickered. Draco clinked his glass cup with Blaise as they both shared a laughter.

While Prince sang, Oliver sneakily poured himself the last batch of soup. All while he sang, Oliver finished the soup quickly. Once Prince finished his singing, he glanced at the empty pot. Soon, Prince turned angry. He was red and he clenched his fists.

"Uh oh...." Narsa teased, "Someone's about to pop..."

"You... bloody...wanker!" Prince shouted. "How could you! I sang for you, Oliver!"

Oliver bursted into laughter as Draco shook his head through his giggles. Lorenzo didn't want to laugh, but he did anyways.

"It's just soup, Prince," Zeno assured, "Surely there's more-."

"You shut your mouth!" Prince snapped.

Amelie's eyes widened as she chuckled. Zeno rolled his eyes as she slouched down onto the dining chair. He couldn't care less. Prince had his moments.

Lola grabbed Prince and pulled him into an embrace. She was chuckling all while attempting to comfort Prince through his soup breakdown.

And with that, Prince took a sharp gasp as he shoved Lola off of him. Lola was taken aback and in shock.

Lorenzo noticed.

"What-. Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" Lola panicked.

Prince looked into Lola's eyes. His expression was puzzled and riddled with confusion. He wasn't sure how to explain it - to explain what he felt - no, what he saw.

"Lola," he quivered, "Can you promise not to leave me? Not to leave any of us?"

Lola was confused. She looked around the table and noticed that everyone was in their own little conversations. Looking back at Prince, he seemed scared.

"Of course, Prince?" Lola assured him, "Why would you say such a thing? Of course I won't leave."

"You have to promise, Lola!" Prince tugged at her dress, "Please promise!"

"I promise, I promise," Lola beckoned. What's gotten into him?

Prince broke the glance as he diverted his attention back onto the dining table. Lola was confused as ever, but she was just glad that Prince wasn't fussing over the soup.

Dinner went well. Desert was soon served. They devoured all the sweets they could. Carrot cake, Banana Bread Pudding, etc.

Everyone seemed fine. All but Prince and Lorenzo.

Prince, what did you see that I can't? Lorenzo thought to himself. He couldn't put his finger on it. Lorenzo could simply use his Seer abilities, but he made a promise to his beloved wife.

What if promised were meant to be broken?

Hey guys, I apologize for the wait. My schedule is so tight right now. I am trying my very best to speed up. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


I hope you all are doing well.

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