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Malfoy Residence

"Can I talk to you two for a second?" Oliver queried quietly towards his parents, who were conversing in the kitchen as they simultaneously prepared breakfast for their three teenage children. "It shouldn't take that long, really."

Draco looked into Oliver's eyes to see whether or not he can determine if it was going to be a serious talk that he should sit down for. As he glanced into his green eyes - courtesy of Lucille Granger - he sensed that it isn't that big of a deal. And so he leaned against the kitchen counter casually.

"Well, go on," Draco beamed as he crossed his arms. Both parents diverted their attention onto their blonde-haired son while he fiddled with his fingers nervously, "What, did you get someone pregnant?"

Oliver scoffed and displayed a rather offended expression. "What? No! Why would you even-."

Draco softly chuckled as Lucille rolled her eyes. "I'm only joking, Oliver. Seriously, what's up?"

Oliver lifted himself up on the kitchen counter and sat as his legs dangled over the marble tops. Lucille gave him a stern look of disappointment. "I just wiped those tables down, Oliver-."

"And I'll clean them again," Oliver responded frantically, "Sorry, mum. But, anyways, what I've been wanting to talk to you two about is-."

"Mum!" Narsa shouted from above the stairs, "Have you seen my pink skirt?"

"They're still in the washer, darling!" Lucille raised her voice back as Draco and Oliver winced at her resonating voice. Lucille was quite loud, along with Scarlett and Narsa. Women of the home - Draco and Oliver can deal if Lucille can deal with labor 3 times. "Alright, sorry Oli. So what's up?"

"I was wondering if my-. My friend? Or girlfriend? I dunno. I was wondering if she could visit here?" Oliver protruded as he slowly swung his legs.

"Oh? A girlfriend?" Lucille smiled, "What's her name?"

"Charlotte," Oliver responded with pip, "Charlotte Willaby."

"Well, I don't see the issue," Lucille responded, "Yes. She can visit."

Oliver reached for the nape of his neck as he sucked in nervously. "Yeah, um-. The thing is... I was wondering if she could sleep over. For like, a couple days."

Draco shot a glance at Lucille. Your move, my beloved wife. Lucille widened her eyes as she sighed deep.

"Draco? What do you think?" Lucille asked her husband. Draco pushed himself off leaning the counter and rubbed his hands together as a way to think.

"He's your son," Draco jeered, "It's not up to me, really."

Oliver looked at his mum with puppy eyes in hopes that she says yes - and Lucille could feel his green eyes burning right through her. The burning eyes that he inherited from his father.

"I-. I mean, it'd be hypocritical if I said no," Lucille said coolly. "Besides, you're almost 18. And I see to it that you're responsible?"

"So wait," Draco interrupted, "You're saying yes? To this girl coming in our home?"

"Dad, please don't ruin this for me-."

"Why not? Don't you trust your son?"

Draco guffawed. "Of course I do. I just don't know this Charlotte person. What if she steals-."

Oliver groaned as he hopped off the counter. "Dad, seriously?"

"Draco," Lucille beckoned, "You don't have to be like that."

"Oh, so I'm a bad person for fearing for my family's safety?"

"Safety or our riches?" Oliver snapped.

Draco stood silently as he looked down at the ground with a stern look. "Fine. I'll back off. Whatever your mum says, goes."

Silence resonated until Scarlett came running down the stairs. She crept towards the trio as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt. "Good afternoon, family... Am I interrupting something?"

Oliver dispersed from the group as he found himself climbing back up the stairs; a little heavy footed.

"Not at all, my Scarlett," Draco softly spoke as he placed a gentle kiss onto her head, "You alright?"

"Mhm," she mumbled, "I was actually going to ask you two a question."

"And the question is?" Lucille queried with energy. "Do you also want a friend over?"

Scarlett nodded quickly with a smile. "Mhm! Yes!"

The joy in Scarlett's face brought warmth in Draco's heart. Favoritism in children was shunned upon, but it was clear who was Draco's favorite. "Does your friend plan on spending the night here, too? What's her name?"

"His name is Vicente," Scarlett smiled, "And I wasn't planning on him sleeping over, but if that's okay wi-."

Draco's emotions soon dropped as a burning feeling in his throat grew. He clenched his fists, but he released them immediately. No need for aggression. No need for aggression. "Never mind," Draco spat.

Scarlett's expression sank to the ground as she looked at her mum for reassurance.

"He can come over, of course," Lucille assured, "He just-. Can't stay the night. You... already know why." Lucille gestured towards the tall blonde that stood by them, and Draco rolled his eyes. He seemed bothered, but he refused to yell at his daughter.

"I understand that! I would never ask a boy to sleep over, mum," Scarlett frantically spoke, "I just want to know if it's okay that him and I hang out and stuff. Like-. Like tomorrow?"


"Tomorrow?" Draco sneered, "This Vicente guy is coming tomorrow? How old is he? What house? What's his last name-."

"Draco-. Draco, relax," Lucille pestered as she snuck her hand behind his back and rubbed gently, "You need to calm down."

Scarlett was looking at her parents back in forth - nervously. She was unaware of the stress that she was causing, and it isn't necessarily her fault at all.

"Um-. He's-. He's a Ravenclaw," Scarlett stammered nervously as Draco rolled his eyes, "He's also-. In the same year as me," Draco uncrossed his arms out of discomfort, looked left and right, then crossed them again, "And it's Ricci. His last name. I think he's of Italian descent-."

"Alright," Draco interrupted, "I'd have to meet this git first."

It felt as if weight was lifted off her shoulders. Her smile soon surfaced once again as she pulled her father into a hug. Scarlett nuzzled her head into Draco's fire-burning chest as he absently had his hand behind her back for support - signaling that he's always going to be there for his little girl.

"Thank you thank you thank you, dad!" Scarlett yipped excitedly. Scarlett pulled away from her father and headed towards Lucille where she wrapped her arms around her mum's waist. Lucille, too, wrapped her arms around her daughter and gave her a kiss on the head. "I love the both of you! Very very very much."

Scarlett shot them a wide smile before turning around and running up the stairs with such excitement.

This left Lucille and Draco alone in the kitchen. Draco leaned onto the counter once and huffed. He seemed defeated. Like his little girl was growing, which was true. Watching his daughters grow up is a hard concept to grasp, but he had to grasp it tightly. Lucille shook her head and scoffed as she shuffled towards her husband. She pressed herself against his body as he uncrossed his arms and wrapped them around her. Her head rested on his chest as he sighed out of disappointment.

"You don't need to worry so much about her, love," Lucille assured. "She's going to be fine. And if she isn't, then we'll be there for her."

"I don't want her getting hurt, Lucille," Draco's voice bellowed, which resonated through her chest and into Lucille's ears, "I don't want any of my children hurt."

"I know," she responded, "But we can't always protect them from all the dangers in the world like we want to. And plus, we can't latch onto them tightly forever. Otherwise, they'll grow up not wanting to come near us ever again. You and I don't want that."

Draco knew Lucille was right. Over time, Lucille grew logical and reasonable the more she had children. Narsa was the charm that brought out the Granger in her. Lucille, for some reason, did not want to be touched by Draco at all when she was pregnant with Narsa. She despised affection. She wanted all the space in the bloody world. Draco would admit that the most difficult pregnancy Lucille ever had was Narsa Draconis Malfoy - in the flesh. It wasn't just Draco that Lucille despised while pregnant with Narsa. It was everyone around her. And, man, did everyone around her want to slap her behind the head. But they all had to admit that Lucille obtained a lot of knowledge.

Maybe that's why Narsa dislikes affection, or even seeing affection. Maybe it was written it her genetic code to dislike affection. Either way, Narsa was not an affectionate person. At all.

"I hate when you're right," Draco badgered, "But I love you. A lot."

After nearly 20 years of being together, her face would still warm up at the silk words that Draco would spew out his mouth. "I love you more," she responded softly.

Their words of affirmations were sealed with a kiss. Then another. Then another.

The parent-kisses came to an end when they heard their youngest groan as she descended from the stairs.

Draco and Lucille turned their heads to see Narsa with disgust riddled onto her face. "We eat in the kitchen. The least you two could do is take that stuff outside." Narsa aggravatingly walked towards the fridge only to yank the door open and pull out a pitcher of water.

"Outside?" Draco preened, "Why would we be kissing outside?"

"Why would you two be kissing at all?" Narsa snickered.

Draco looked into Lucille's eyes with such shock.

"What are you looking at me for?" Lucille asked, "She's your daughter."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Narsa, as you grow older, you'll realize that sometimes affection is well needed. You'll learn. And when you learn, I promise not to say 'I told you so'."

Narsa disregarded this notion as she continued to pour herself a glass of water. She brought the cup up to her lips, but before she drank, she spoke. "I kiss girls, father."

And so she drank the water in one sitting. She slammed her cup down, smiled at her parents who were in slight shock, then stored the pitcher back into the fridge. Narsa took her cup and rinsed it quickly, then stored it on the rack.

Before she went back upstairs, she kissed her mother and father's cheeks. Then she bolted upstairs knowing that she had dropped a bomb on her family. Sneaky little Narsa.

Draco was in shock. As for Lucille - not as much. "Did your daughter say she kisses girls?" Draco questioned sternly. "Or am I hallucinating?"

Lucille softly chuckled through the shock pent up in her stomach. "Indeed she did."

Silence then resonated once more as Lucille pulled away from her confused, frustrated, confused, and frustrated husband. He stayed still as Lucille cleaned the countertops like her son said he would.

"I don't even-. I don't even know how to respond to that," Draco spoke coolly and monotoned, "Or how to feel."

"Just be happy for her," Lucille responded as she wiped down the countertops, "Be happy for her. Let her know that she has our support. And just be happy for her. That's all. It's not entirely rocket science."

Berkshire Residence

"And he's got curly hair! Bloody hell, his curls are just the softest-." Lola was rudely interrupted by her overly protective brother.

"You've touched this boy before?" Zeno questioned flatly. "Since fucking when?"

"Language, Xenophilius," Luna badgered as she soaked teabags in teacups, "Anyways, Lola. I'm pretty sure your father likes him. He seems like a nice boy, that Miles Wright."

"He's one of the nicest," Lola perked the corners of her mouth as she dazed into nothingness with excitement, "And I'm glad dad likes him."

Zeno rolled his eyes as he fiddled with the ring on his finger. Zeno knew he was in no position to talk about her partners. Amelie's wise words were really getting to him. About him being sexist and having double standards, along with the hypocrisy and unfairness. I mean, Amelie was telling the absolute truth.

It's just taking a while for Zeno to remove the rose-tinted glasses.

"You should invite him some day again," Luma suggested, "But of course, that's only if you want him to."

"Of course I want him to!" Lola yipped. She glanced at her older brother when she noticed that he was looking down at his lap. Even if they sat on the swivels that surrounded the kitchen island, his feet still managed to touch the ground. It was his height that intimidated all the boys that Lola ever spoke to. Was it weird that Lola hated how intimidating her brother was?

Lola was dying for his reassurance. It just didn't sit right with her when she knew that Zeno wasn't accepting about her growing relationship with Miles. Family means everything to Lola, and if Zeno wasn't accepting, then nothing felt right.

"Zeno, my love," Luna spoke softly, "You want milk in your Chamomile today?"

He shook his head and looked up at his small mother. Luna maneuvered around the kitchen quickly and carefully. Her daily routine was to prepare tea for her family before she had to head into town to open up the flower shop. Luna did this effortlessly, and Zeno acknowledged her hard work.

"Lola, my darling," Luna beamed, "Black tea? Green?"

"Green," she responded flatly, though with bright lit eyes. Lola looked back at her brother in hopes that Zeno would speak to her. But nothing came out his mouth. Lola initiated. "What do you have against Miles?"

Zeno turned his head towards his sister. He noticed that Lola had a furrowed brow and flat-lined lips. "Nothing," was all he responded with.

"Then why aren't you fond of my sprouting relationship with him?" she snapped.

Zeno huffed. "I don't like the thought of you being with some boy who could easily hurt you."

Lola scoffed and rolled her eyes, which resulted in some sort of confusion that stirred in Zeno's stomach. "Fucking hypocrite."

"What?" Zeno bellowed.

"I said, 'Fucking. Hypocrite.'"

Luna sighed. "Language. Please."

"You're so caught up in this fucking idea where you think that all the boys I encounter will hurt me. But have you ever thought to yourself that while you're forming that stupid fucking idea in your head, you're hurting me in the process yourself?" Lola snapped aggressively. Aggression.

Courtesy of the House of Black.

Zeno's eyes widened. He was taken aback and found himself nearly speechless. Luna paused her tea making, but continued after letting the words sit. Go Lola, she told herself.

"I-." Zeno stammered, "Do you really feel that...way?"

Lola nodded slowly. "Zeno, all I want from you is support. I mean, I support you and Amelie with all my heart. You do know that, right? I just think it's stupid how you can't reciprocate the same energy. I get that you're over protective or whatever, but it's truly driving me fucking crazy. Dad isn't even like that with mum. Or any of us. It's just fucking you."

Lola was unaware how sharp her blade was. She was picking at his surface without even knowing, and he couldn't resist. It got him thinking that maybe he deserved the scolding.

It was quiet for a moment. Lola awaited for Zeno's response. Luna passed out the tea to her children. She called down Prince, and within a matter of seconds he came running into the kitchen. Prince hopped onto the kitchen swivel and blew into his tea cup.

Zeno cupped the tea cup in his large palm to absorb the warmth. He felt awkward right now. Zeno tried composing the right words to say so that he wouldn't mess up. Lola had a point. Where did his over protectiveness even come from? Was it because he hung out at the Malfoys too often? Or maybe it's because of his lycanthropic instincts? No, it can't be that. His father isn't as over protective, and he turns. Sometimes, it doesn't even need to be a matter of monkey-see monkey-do. Sometimes, people are just wired like that. Wired to be over protective.

"I'm sorry, Lola," Zeno mumbled nervously, "I didn't realize how-. How toxic that is. I'm sorry."

Another moment of silence. Just aggressive sipping from Prince Berkshire, and Luna's humming as she trotted around the kitchen packing up lunch for her and her husband.

Eventually, Lola gave in. She loved her brother a lot. He loved her more. "It's alright," she assured as she turned her head back to him, "I just really want you to be supportive, alright? And accepting? Let me do things my way, alright?"

This was a hard pill to swallow, but it had to be done. For the sake of his sister. It was about time Lola stood up for herself. It was also about time that Zeno realizes that constricting her like a python is not the best idea. He wanted her sister to be happy.

"Okay," Zeno responded, "Alright."

Lola gave him a small smile. This warmed her heart. It warmed Luna's, too. "Thank you. I love you."

Zeno subtly smiled back. "I love you."

And so they diverted their attentions back onto their teas. And they sipped. The warm tea ran down their throats, which soothed out all the rough and loose edges of thread in their body; their spirits, really. Maybe it was the crystals that are scattered around the house that brought calmness to the calamity. Maybe it was both. Or maybe it was the way Luna and Lorenzo raised up their children. Either way, all three successfully played out.

"But Lola," Zeno blurted, "You have to let me hurt him if he hurts you."

Zeno didn't need permission. He was going to hurt Miles if he ever hurt Lola, and Zeno didn't need his sister's permission. It's written in the stars that Zeno protects his family. The moon, even.

Lola rolled her eyes as she smiled. Sure, it was annoying that Zeno was an over protective person, but she found it comforting to know that Zeno would do anything for his family. She knew she'd always feel safe whenever he's around.

"How are things with Mel, my love?" Luna queried as she looked at Zeno. "Everything going good?"

Zeno's throat tightened at the mentioning of his lover's name. Mel. His heart fluttered and his cheeks warmed up. Oh, Mel.

"Things are going great," Zeno responded with pride, "We have our ups and downs, but they're hardly ever major. Other than that, we're learning more about each other everyday."

Luna's lips curled into a smile at the sound of Zeno's love-filled words. She was aware that Zeno and Mel were bound to happen. She was just... in denial at first. Luna first sensed it the moment she held Mel in her arms back at St. Mungo's. Luna refused to accept such fate. But after all, it's fate. There's no way around that, and Luna knew that.

"I'm glad," Luna responded softly. Zeno smiled at his mum before sipping onto his warm tea.

Lorenzo Berkshire came storming in from the back door with a smile and a bouquet of daisies.

"Good morning, my charming family!" Lorenzo spoke cheerfully as he approached Luna. He kissed her lips abruptly as a squeal escaped her throat out of shock. Luna's hand slithered at the nape of his neck as she pulled him closer. Zeno, Lola, and Prince quickly looked away because, well, ew to them. As they pulled away from their kiss, Luna softly chuckled while Lorenzo handed her the bunch of daisies.

He glanced at the countertop and noticed that his offsprings were enjoying tea without him. Lorenzo displayed a fake frown. "Oh, so tea without me?"

Prince pushed the kettle towards him and smiled. "I saved some for you! I did!"

Lorenzo laughed as he made his way towards his children. He kissed Lola's head, Prince's head, and his nearly grown son on the head as well - or, his temple, at least. Sure, Zeno was close to rearing as an adult, but that didn't matter to Lorenzo Berkshire. Affection was big to the Berkshires. The Berkshires. Blood of the Berkshires.

"Why, thank you my Prince," Lorenzo spoke with energy. "Does anyone want to come down to the shop with mum and I?"

"I can come," Zeno suggested, "Is it getting busy?"

"Yup," Lorenzo responded as he poured tea into Prince's cup, then drinking from it right after. "We've got a lot of requests for Poinsettias. They're very popular around the holidays. Are you up for the task?"

"By task, do you mean transfiguring the summer flowers into Poinsettias?" Zeno mocked.

Lorenzo's deep chuckle resonated in Prince's ears. Prince almost wanted him to back away from him and just take his tea cup. Why was he so bloody close to me? He thought to himself.

"Yes, I mean transfiguring the summer flowers into Poinsettias," Lorenzo chuckled, "But you have to remember that we grow them, too. We don't always cheat in the muggle world."

"Poinsettias just take so bloody long to grow," Luna badgered, "They're stubborn little beauts. But they're worth it."

Zabini Residence

"Do you want syrup?" Blaise offered to his daughter, "Waffles are better with syrup."

"They are better with syrup," Mel smirked, "But not when they're right next to my eggs."

Blaise rolled his eyes and uncapped the syrup bottle. "Suit yourself. More for me and your mum, I guess."

Mel softly chuckled as she proceeded to cut her waffle into small squares. "What time does mum get home?" she questioned.

Blaise shoved a waffle slice into his mouth before speaking. Mel did the same. Together, they chewed at the same pace all while looking at one another awaiting their conversation to continue. Both gulped their waffles and Blaise cleared his throat.

"She should be home in a couple minutes," Blaise responded, "Your mum has that one patient from America. You know... The-."

"I remember," Mel interrupted. The patient from America.

Onyx De Loughrey-Zabini was a Head-Psychologist at St. Mungo's. She had turned the cellar level, where was was confined in during her teenage years, into a mental health clinic where people of all ages can come. Onyx brought people from all around the world to her floor to work with her in attempt to provide a handful of resources for people of all ages.

"So," Blaise spoke, "How are things?"

Mel gave him an anticipating look. "Things...? Things like what," Mel queried.

"Y'know. Things," he spoke awkwardly. What he was trying to ask is how are things going between her daughter and her boyfriend, but he wasn't capable of asking it directly. Maybe it's because he's nervous.

"O...kay," Mel preened, "Well, whatever you mean, things are going great."

The truth was that things weren't necessarily okay. Mel misses her brother, and the holidays without their family complete didn't sit right with her. Amelie wanted to tell her father that she misses her brother very much, but she wasn't sure how he was going to react.

Amelie poked around her waffles as her thoughts withered. She snapped back to reality and continued eating. Luckily, Blaise Zabini caught on and realized that things aren't going great for his daughter.

"You can talk to me about anything," Blaise assured. Amelie looked up from the table and looked into her softened-eye father. His expression brought comfort and assurance, which gave Amelie a sense of safety. It's her father, so why wouldn't she feel safe? "Is everything alright?"

Amelie put her fork down and breathed in deeply. She absently bit the bottom of her lip out of nervousness.

It took her quite a while to tell her father what was up. She wasn't sure if it was an appropriate thing to admit or say. Oh, but Blaise was growing anxious due to anticipation.

"I miss Zenith," Amelie breathed.

Silence lingered for a while until Blaise put his fork down, too. He sighed and ran his hand down his face out of disappointment. Not because his daughter misses her brother, but because he was reminded why his son wasn't here in the first place.

"I miss him too."

Another moment of silence. It was abruptly interrupted when Onyx De Loughrey, white lab coat and all, entered the entrance door with a handful of bags.

"Good morning, everyone!" Onyx beamed with pride, "You all are eating now?"

Amelie quickly wiped away her discomfort and smiled at her mother widely. "Yup. Waffles and eggs. Are you hungry?"

Onyx groaned out of desperation. "Fucking hell, I'm starving," she sneered as she approached her husband with a kiss on the cheek. She then made her way towards her daughter and kissed her head, which resulted in a subtle smile from Amelie.

Onyx placed all her items and such onto the other side of the table as she took a seat next to Blaise. She tied her hair up and took Blaise's plate, along with his fork. Blaise sat there inaudible and unable to react. Instead, he watched his wife eat his waffles. Onyx couldn't care less.

"So, how's everyone's morning?" Onyx queried with a mouth full of waffles. She brought her leg up on her seat for a more comfortable position. "Amelie, my love, could you pass the syrup please? Your dad has no idea how to eat his waffles."

Amelie softly chuckled and pushed the syrup towards her mother. "Morning's been alright. How was work?"

The morning hasn't been alright, but she refused to cause any emotional scenes.

"Dreadful," Onyx responded, "Had to tranquilize someone who wouldn't stop breaking things in our clinic. But after all that mischief, I've got to sit him down and talk with him. Turns out he's a schizophrenic. I felt horrible tranquilizing him after I knew the root of the situation. You see, that's the worst part of my job. You never really know someone until-."

"You talk with them." Blaise and Amelie finished her sentence effortlessly and on time. Onyx rolled her eyes and smiled as she continued to eat.

As Blaise and Onyx shared a plate of waffles, and Amelie picked at her eggs, their mornings seemed rather different. It wasn't loud like it used to be. There was no bickering or complaining like usual from Zenith Zabini. There was no one for Amelie to kick under the table, or for Onyx to shout at when someone finishes the last waffle that was reserved for Onyx, and Onyx only. There was no one for Blaise to discuss Mens' Volleyball with.

It was silent.

Eventually, Onyx found herself whimpering with a mouth full of waffles, which caught Amelie and Blaise completely off-guard. Blaise wrapped his arm around his wife and pulled her closer, which only made tears flow faster. Amelie looked at her mother with confusion, but a slight idea on what the matter might be

"I *hiccup* miss my *hiccup* son!" Onyx wailed as she scrunched her face. Blaise made Onyx lean her head onto his shoulder as she wept a bit more. Amelie felt her expression frown. She felt like crying, but she wasn't sure why she could. Maybe it hadn't hit her yet. But she sure felt like complete shit without her twin.

"I know," Blaise murmured, "I know. We'll-. We can write a letter, alright? We'll-. We'll send him something, or- or- we can visit him-."

"I want him here!" Onyx raised her voice through her muffled cries. Amelie winced at her strong voice. She hated when her mother cried because she could feel her emotions purely and raw. It was an unsettling feeling. "I want my son here with me. With my family-."

"Onny, you know the circumstances-."

"I sure fucking do know the circumstances, Blaise!" Onyx shouted back. "I think about it every fucking day!"

Blaise shushed Onyx as she cried. Things weren't exactly going well at the Zabini Residence. Over time, though. All they can do is trust the process.


July 2014 | Flashback

"That one," the new girl pointed, "Who's that?"

The two girls, one who was new and one who was a former student, walked alongside one another as they entered the Great Hall. It was breakfast time, and all the teens and children barely started daily commotion. A mixture of conversations and laughter filled the atmosphere. Profanity and extensive vocabulary alike.

The former student followed her finger as they both laid eyes upon the nearing 6'2 boy. He sat with his friends; sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his brown hair toppled over his brow. He had deep green eyes to compliment his skin tone.

"Oh, dear," the former student spoke softly, "Now that's Xenophilius Lorenzo Berkshire. But try not to call him by his real name. Girls say he gets very...defensive."

The new girl chuckled. "So what do you girls call him?"

"Zeno Berkshire," she responded as they found their seats at the Ravenclaw side, "The one next to him is Oliver Malfoy. And then the next is Zenith Zabini. All three have been tightly knit since the beginning. Not to mention, the Malfoys and Berkshires are heavily loaded."

"Heavily loaded?" the new girl queried, "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean very...very.. rich. It turns me on how humble they are, really," the former student said. "The Zabinis , there's two of them, own a whole floor level at St. Mungo's. I think Zenith's mum? Something like that. How ironic is it that the three most wealthy families are all family friends?"

The new girl looked at the wealthy bunch a little longer.

"To add, the Malfoys and Berkshires are cousins," the former student protruded as she grabbed a few breakfast munchies, "Oliver and Zeno's got sisters. There's Scarlett and Narsa Malfoy, then there's Lola Berkshire. There's also Amelie Zabini, Zenith's twin. Narsa is a fellow Ravenclaw, too, so you'll see her around. Though, not as much because she's a year 3"

The new girl was intrigued. Her wondering eyes glanced at Zeno, then at Oliver, then at Zenith. All on repeat. She was far from crushing. She was determined.

"Who do you think I'd have a better chance with?" The new girl asked. The former student scoffed as if the new girl was joking, but the new girl gave her a look of seriousness.

"I wouldn't try it if I were you," the former student badgered, "But you may have a better chance with Zeno. Word around school says he's a manwhore."

New girl's eyes widened. "Manwhore?"

"Yup," the former student pipped, "You're lucky if you tame him."

The new girl glanced back at the dreamy boys and pondered to herself. At this rate, she was daydreaming.

"Hell, you're lucky if you bear their last name. Or even better - their child. Fucking hell, you'd have all the bloody riches in the world just because of a stupid infant. It's funny how money works, if you ask me," the former student jeered, in which followed a laugh from her throat.

The new girl's noggin lit up.

"Funny indeed," she smirked as she stared.

As she stared at Xenophilius Lorenzo Berkshire.


I APOLOGIZE FOR TAKING SUCH A LONG TIME TO UPDATE. I'VE BEEN SOOO caught up in final exams and homework. Also, SPICE NEXT CHAPTER. ALSOOOO, sorry for things going so slow. ON TOP OF THAT, shit officially goes down after Day 4. It's already pre-written.


Stay hydrated and get some sleep. xoxo, yomi.

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