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Hey guys-

Just to clear the air, ZABINI TWINS are NOT related to the Malfoys and Berkshires. Enjoy this chapter!!

Without further adieu, I present to you...


amelie zabini

"That little fucking Hufflepuff!" Narsa quietly shouted, "Like, don't get me wrong, but bloody hell! Hufflepuffs are so clingy. No, Zeno made a mistake-."

"Woah, Narsa," Oliver spoke, "I only told you what took us so long to get in."

"What's wrong with Hufflepuffs?" I asked as Lola handed me the joint.

I took a long hit before passing it to Zenith.

"They're just so fucking clingy," Narsa blurted, taking a swig from the bottle of firewhiskey, "You remember Tabitha, right?"

Ugh, of course I remember Tabitha Westchester; Narsa's obnoxiously clingy and touchy ex-girlfriend.

"Yeah, what about her?" I responded.

Narsa scoffed.

"She doesn't know what personal space means. It's 'oh please cuddle me!' and 'oh please give me more kissies!'. Like, I'm over here trying to do my bloody work in the library-."

"Hufflepuffs are such gentle souls. You clearly don't know how to take care of one," Oliver beckoned.

Silence emitted the room.

Narsa gave him a longing stare of disappointment.

"Um-. Anyways," Zenith broke the silence, "Where is Zeno anyway?"

Lola shrugged her shoulders as she was passed the joint.

"Don't know. Maybe he can't get in the girls' dungeons anymore," she chuckled as she took a long hit of the joint, "Plus, he wouldn't want me smoking we-."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Zeno badgered.

We all turned our heads to the door as we see him gripping the doorknob; tall as the bloody door.

He stomps towards Lola and grabs the joint from her hand.

"I love you and all, but are you stupid?" He seethed. Then, Zeno takes a longer hit from the joint.

"Well you're a fucking hypocrite," I muttered under my breath.

"Right?" Lola spat.

"Stop smoking without me," he snapped, as he took a seat in our circle formation on the ground, "Ravenclaws are irritating," Zeno huffed. Narsa gave him a disgusted look. "Not you, Narsa. You know that."

"Where'd you even go?" Oliver queried.

Zeno turned around and pulled his shirt up as he showed us his red skin-raised scratches.

"Fucks sake, Zeno," I said, "Do you ever get tired of that shit?"

He turned back around and smoked the joint, then passed it to Zenith.

"I could never get tired of pleasing woman," he softly spoke, following an enticing grin.

"Gross," Lola bickered. "You could catch disease, y'know?"

"Condoms, Lola," Zeno responded, "Condoms."

"He knows the contraceptive charm, too," Zenith added, "The good ole' Ceptivo charm. Used it a couple times. So far, no babies."

"Babies are fucking disgusting," I spat, "I can't stand babies."

Scarlett giggles. "We know. You couldn't cradle Prince at all."

"Cutest baby ever and you couldn't even hold him," Zenith muttered under his breath.

"Am I a bad person for not wanting children?" I baffled.

"No," Zeno responded, "I don't want any either."

"See!" I blurted, "Thank you!"

"At the rate you're going, mate, you probably will," Oliver joked, rolling another joint of weed.

He scoffed.

"I never cum inside girls-."

"Zeno, please stop talking," Lola badgered, closing her eyes and nodding no.

"Lola, should we shag as revenge for all the shag talk?" Zenith joked.

"I will fucking kill you if you ever say that again," Zeno snapped, staring deeply into Zenith's eyes.

He gulped.

"It was a joke-."

"Like I said, I will fucking kill you," he responded.


I glanced around the room as the atmosphere slowly changed.

Usually we joke around and what not, but when it comes to jokes like that, Zeno gets overly defensive.

Zenith joked about Scarlett before, and Oliver got upset, but Zeno was pissed.

God forbid that Zenith ever jokes about Narsa.

"Alright," Oliver announced, "Who wants the first hit?"

"Me," Lola squealed.

"No," Zeno reprimanded, as he took the joint from Oliver, "No."

Lola rolled her eyes.

"You're no fun," she mumbled quietly.

Zeno passed me the joint, but before I reached for it, he pulled it away.

"Say please," he said lowly, flashing a small grin.

I rolled my eyes trying to reach for it, and he backed up even more.

"I said, 'say please'."

"I don't have fucking time for this-." I snapped, grabbing for it.

He grabbed my wrist and stopped me in my tracks.

"Say it."

I huffed as I gazed with frustration.

"Please," I said nonchalantly.

"That's a good girl," he muttered, handing me the joint.

I rolled my eyes, scoffed, nodded my head no, and smoked the joint, taking in a deep inhale.

"Narsa why are you even smoking? You're 15," Zeno badgered, grabbing the bottle of whiskey and taking a swig.

"I hardly ever do this. Let me be-."

"Narsa, go back to your room," Zeno ordered.


"Now. You have school tomorrow-."

"So do you!" she shouted.

"Narsa, I'm not going to argue with you-."

"Oliver! Can you back me up?" she pleaded.

Oliver huffed.

"Zeno's right. You have school tomorrow," Oliver added.

"It's because I'm a girl, isn't it," she spat, as she got up from the ground.

"It's because you're the only one who isn't fucked up. Get to bed," Zeno responded, taking another swig. "You'll thank me later when you have a high paying job at the Ministry."

She scoffed and headed towards the door, but before she could leave, Oliver called her out.

"Narsa," Oliver said, "Come hug us goodnight."

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

Narsa came back and hugged each of us goodnight.

Oliver kissed her forehead as she fake-gagged; she wasn't so big on affection.

Narsa waved us goodbye as she left.

That left us 6 in our room.

"She just wants to be included, y'know," I said lowly.

"We include her all the time, Mel. But bonding over weed and alcohol is not the best thing to portray; not a good example," Zeno reprimanded.

He had a point.

"So you just called us fucked up?" Lola berated.

"I mean, aren't we?" Zenith responded, holding up a bottle of firewhiskey.

"Socially, yes. Academically, no," Scarlett added.

It's true: we're at the top of our classes. Especially Narsa. Narsa is incredibly smart, so I could see where Zeno is coming from as to why he sent her back to her dorm so early.

But as soon as school's over, we're at each other's dorms bonding over marijauana and secrets.

"How was everyone's summer?" I sparked conversation.

"The same as always," Zenith responded. "Working at the Lovegood Flower shop; the usual."

Lola giggled softly, "Oh come on. You love helping around, don't you?"

"Aunt Luna makes all the boys do the heavy work. How is that something I love?" Zenith said.

"I'm not complaining at all, actually. All the beautiful girls come in buying flowers for their grandmothers," Oliver jeered.

Girls from the village only ever come to the shop because of Oliver, Zeno, and my brother.

Luna didn't care; she was getting customers.

Though there was this one time where Zeno sneaked out the back of the shop with a local girl. Luna caught them kissing and Zeno was grounded for a week.

But that never stopped him; he always found his way around.

Zeno always gets his way.

So does Oliver.

"How was yours, Mel?" Zeno protruded.

I gulped and glanced at Oliver. He glanced back and did a faint 'yikes' expression.

"It was...fun," I stammered.

"Really? How so?"

"I just hung out...a lot. With Scarlett and Narsa. Y'know, the usual."

"The usual," he repeated. "I see."

"Well MY summer was fun, too," Lola smiled wide.

Lola met a boy who moved by the Berkshire land in our small town.

He's a muggle; a nice one at that.

"And why was your summer fun?" Zenith questioned.

"Probably that boy from Appleridge Lane," Oliver mumbled lowly as he took a swig from the bottle.

His eyes then widened, realizing what he said, and who was around.

Lola muttered profanity under her breath, while Scarlett glanced around in anxiousness.

"Oh?" Zeno said slowly. "A boy?"

"No. Not a boy. Just a person I know-."

"And who exactly?"

"That's none of your business, Zeno," she snapped back.

"He's just a respectful kid, Zeno," I assured, backing Lola up.

"Yeah and he's-he's nice," Scarlett added.

"I don't give a fuck about how he is," Zeno seethed, gripping onto the bottle tightly. "Who's this boy you're seeing?"

Lola kept quiet.

"Oli you're an idiot," I said lowly.

He mouthed sorry.

"Lola, I'm going to ask you again-."

"So ask! You're not getting a response from me," Lola snarled. "You need to let me do what I want, Zeno. It's not fair that you get to fuck whoever where ever and whenever while I can't even have a simple guy friend."

Silence emitted the room.

"I just don't trust random people, Lola," he badgered.

"But he's nice! Plus, it's not even like that. We're just friends-."

"Oliver," Zeno interrupted, "Who's this boy she's friends with?"

Oliver gulped and looked at Lola.

"It's not a big deal, Zeno-." Scarlett reprimanded. "She's well behaved and she deserves to talk to the opposite sex."

"If you constantly hold her by the neck she's going to find ways around it, y'know," I added. "The boy is sweet. They're friends. So what?"

"And if I held you by the neck, would you still be the sweet little girl that you are?" Zeno snapped.

My throat tightened and taken aback by his words.

"I thought so," said Zeno.

"Just-. Just leave it be, Zeno. Leave it," Lola badgered.

Zeno clenched his jaw and huffed.



"Could you roll one more joint?" Scarlett asked softly.

"Yeah, one moment," Oliver got up as he walked towards his book bag.

The night consisted of conversations here and there; laughter and expectations of the upcoming school year.


Scarlett nestled herself up in her bed, while Lola was curled up in a ball on the ground sound asleep.

It was only Zenith, Zeno, Oliver, and I awake.

"God, I hate when she falls asleep on the ground," Zeno muttered.

He got up and picked up Lola as he gently placed her on her bed, tucking her in shortly after.

"She used to fall asleep by the fireplace with books scattered around her. Like she was asking for death or something," Zeno chuckled softly, sitting back down onto the ground.

"You really love her, don't you?" Zenith queried.

"Of course I do, Zenith. Don't you love your sister, too?" Zeno responded.

Zenith glanced at me, then back at Zeno.

"Meh," Zenith blurted.

I lightly shoved him as he laughed.

Zenith swung his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

"I'm kidding. Of course I do."

"Good save," I preened.

"I love my sisters to death. My father taught me that family is and always will be important. I'd do anything for them, really," Oliver said. "Even if they used me as a make-up doll or an extra guest to their bloody tea parties as we grew up."

"I'm glad our fathers feel the same way about families," said Zeno as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Given that they came from broken ones."


Just silence.

I admired silence, really. I admired the company around me as we sat in silence.

"It's getting late," Zenith yawned, "I think I'll head back."

"I'll follow," Oliver got up and stretched his body after sitting on the ground for hours. "Same time tomorrow?"

"Can't," I responded, "Helping Professor Longbottom with year one's Mandrake lesson."

"Alright, suit yourself," Oliver blurted. "Zeno, you coming?"

"Mhm," he said as he got up.

As they started pouring out the room, I followed to walk them out.

"Goodnight," Zenith said, as he pulled me into an embrace

"Goodnight," I responded.

"Night!" Oliver beamed.

I smiled and waved bye.

Zenith and Oliver went ahead as Zeno stayed.

"Goodnight, Zeno," I said softly.

He stood out the door, looking down at me.

Zeno tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled.

"Goodnight, Mel," he responded.

I smiled and grabbed the door handle, when suddenly some sort of sharp tampered metal knicked my finger.

"Fuck," I muttered as I glanced at my finger.

A small bead of blood appeared as I winced.

"Here, let me," Zeno said softly.

Zeno grabbed my wrist gently.

He brought my hand up to his mouth and gently sucked the small cut from my finger, getting rid of the small blood bead.

Zeno looked down at it once more. Blood appeared again as he did it again, while looking directly at me.

Once he pulled his mouth away from my cut, he examined it as it stopped bleeding.

"There you go," Zeno spoke, "All better."

I gulped, as I brought my hand back down and behind my back.

"Be careful next time, love."

I gulped.

"Okay," I responded.

Zeno smiled.


Zeno walked down the corridor with both his hands in his pockets.

I closed the door and immediately pressed my back against the door.

What the fuck just happened?


Helllllllo babies! I hope you're liking the fic so far.


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