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Year 7 ; 17 | Xenophilius "Zeno" Berkshire , Oliver Draco Malfoy

Year 6 ; 16 | Lola Berkshire , Scarlett Malfoy , Zenith Zabini , Amelie Zabini

Year 5 ; 15 | Narsa Malfoy

amelie zabini

"Fucking 7 years old already," Lola muttered under her breath, looking out the window as we strayed further away from King's Cross, "Prince is 7 years old. Fucking hell."

"With that mouth, he's going to start cussing, Lola," Zeno berated, as he wrote in his journal, "So watch yourself."

Lola scoffed and shoved him lightly as he clenched his jaw.

We sat in the same compartment; the usual. Narsa sat in the next rail car with her Ravenclaw friends.

I sat in between Scarlett and Oliver, whilst Lola and Zenith wedged Zeno between them; as mentioned earlier, the usual.

"I think my mum knew we were smoking weed last week," Oliver blurted as he flipped through the newspaper.

"I wouldn't see right past it, your mother is smart," Zeno responded flatly, not taking his eyes off the journal.

"What're you writing?" I questioned.

He looked up as his green eyes pierced through mine.

"Now wouldn't you like to know?" he smirked.

"Wouldn't we all?" Scarlett interrupted, "You've been writing in that brown journal since forever."

Lola giggled. "Our father gave it to him. He didn't finish writing in it so he went on ahead and gave it to Zeno. I already know there's some really juicy stuff in there, but anytime I grab ahold of his little 'diary', he goes full on monstrous."

"It's like you invest all your time in it," Oliver added, "How many fucking pages are in that bloody thing?"

Zeno chuckled. He closed his notebook shut and huffed.

"I write front to back," Zeno responded lowly.

"Do you write your love letters in it?" Zenith joked.

"I don't believe in love other than my mother and father's," he responded as he glanced at me for a short moment.

What the fuck are you glancing at me for?

"Oh, come on. Godmother Lucy and Godfather Draco love each other, too, y'know," Lola berated.

He scoffed. "If only you knew what was in this book, Lola."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Oliver said in defense.

Fuck, please don't argue again please don't argue again please don't argue again.

"I shouldn't say much," Zeno mumbled, "But let's just say my father had a...strong bond with your mother..."

Oliver and Scarlett both fake gagged.

"You're joking-. PLEASE tell me you're joking," Scarlett exclaimed, plugging her ears in.

"Oh, I wish I was," he huffed.

"Now you have to read a passage. Like, you have to," I badgered.

"I don't have to do anything, Amelie," he said swiftly, "Nothing at all."

Zenith scoffed. "You're boring."

"Please don't read-." Oliver preened .

"Read a bloody page or I'm telling father about what happened in your year 5," Lola threatened.

Zeno glanced at her and rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek out of frustration.

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me."

Zeno groaned.

"God, I fucking hate you all," he muttered under his breath as he fluttered the journal open, "Alright, here's one. This one's about Lucille Granger, year 4."

"I'm so ready," I beamed, diverting all my attention to Zeno and his hands-.

Fuck, his journal-.

Zeno and his journal.

Oliver groaned again, covering his ears. "I don't want to know about my Uncle and my mum. Thanks, but not really."

Zeno cleared his throat as he squinted his eyes attempting to read the page.

"Fuck, sorry-. One moment. Father's handwriting was absolute shit-."

"It still is," Lola chuckled.

"Agreed," he added, "Alright so here-." Zeno clears his throat.

"Dear Diary,

L.G. changed over the summer; dramatically. I mean, her physique, her lips, her breasts. I'm trying to be as respectful as possible but I find myself glancing at her over and over and over again.

Was her voice always this sweet?

Merlin, this is horrible for me to say this-."

"Do you really want me to continue?" Zeno queried, looking at all of us.

We all were already so intrigued.

"Keep going, oh my God," Zenith muttered.

Zeno huffed.

"If you insist."

"...say this but does she taste sweet too? Her lips, I mean. No, like-. Her lips on her face.

And as for Onyx De Loughrey. Has she always been that gorgeous?"

"OKAY you can stop reading I really don't want to hear about my mum-." Zenith bickered.

"Oh, shut up, Zenith," Lola snapped, "Go on, brother."

"Fuck, all the witches look gorgeous. What was in their water? Curves are coming in, lashes are getting longer, lips are getting fuller.

Draco noticed, too. He even told me that Lucille looks different, but he refused to admit that he liked how she looks. Just say it, Malfoy. But you have to know that she's mine, first."

Silence emitted our compartment.

Zeno glanced at us and shut the journal closed. He leaned back in his chair and raised his waist to adjust his seating position; legs parted.

"Awkward..." Scarlett broke the silence.

I softly giggled. "Welp, if only your father knew how much kids he'd have with Luna."

"Indeed," he responded flatly, fiddling with the rings on his finger.

A black titanium ring in which he matched with Oliver; gifted by their fathers.

As I glanced around our group, I laid my eyes on Oliver.

Quickly, Oliver looks back; he flashes a small smile, then looks away.


Oliver Draco Malfoy.

Don't get me wrong- I love him with all my heart; he's one of the best people I know.

But things got super weird after we-.

After we slept together over the summer.

And it wasn't just one time.

It was a few times; about 6 or 7. 

To be honest with you; it wasn't exactly what I was...expecting?

Don't get me wrong- he's large. But he's obnoxiously gentle. 

Like, overly passionate; maybe because he grew up in a very affectionate home and such. And to be fair, we are each other's first.

We probably shouldn't have slept together. Our parents have known each other for so long, and family events feel awfully awkward.

Even sitting here feels awkward.

But I mean, the sex is pretty good.

I just wish there was-. More.

My thoughts are soon interrupted when knocking comes from our compartment divider.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The warm and welcoming elder beamed, smiling at us.

"I'll have two liquorice wands," Zeno responded, pulling out one galleon.

"And I'll have a chocolate frog, please," Lola smiled.

The welcoming elder woman handed the Berkshires their candy as Zeno handed her a galleon.

"Please keep the change," he smiled.

"Thank you, sweetheart," the elder beamed, as she pushed the cart.

I knocked my head back and closed my eyes as I pulled my blanket over my body, falling asleep awaiting our arrival to Hogwarts.


We poured out onto the platform as the immediate cold, crisp night air fulfilled my lungs; the smell of coal and succulents, along with hints of hickory.

"Where's Narsa?" Oliver asked, looking around.

"She's probably with her Ravenclaw friends," Scarlett responded, slinging her bag over her shoulder, "We'll meet her during dinner."

We walked towards the large gates in formation; I am alongside Zenith, Scarlett and Oliver behind me, and the Berkshires behind them.

The sound of teens anticipating their arrival and laughter rung in the atmosphere; slight shoves and pushes, eager to enter Hogwarts for whatever fucking reason.

Just then a brown-haired girl, probably a Hufflepuff comes in front of us and smiles widely.

"Hi!" she squeals, directly looking at Zeno; she waves a small wave, eager for a reaction back.

We all turn our heads back at Zeno in confusion.

Great, another one of his 'fans'.

"Hello, darling," Zeno spoke softly, pushing us all aside as he pulled the Hufflepuff into an embrace, "How was your summer?"

"Another one of his shags?" I whispered to Lola.

She rolled her eyes and nodded yes.

"But apparently she's boring," she responded.

Her and I looked at each other as we shrugged, getting over the topic immediately.

The Hufflepuff continued walking alongside him  whilst we headed towards the gates.

"Bloody hell, she's annoying," Zenith whispered to Lola and I.

"What are we whispering about?" Scarlett interrupted lowly.

"The Hufflepuff with Zeno," I responded quietly, "Zenith says she's annoying."

"Who's annoying?" Oliver joined.

"The Hufflepuff with Zeno," Scarlett answered lowly.

We all sighed.

"I don't understand why he continues to talk to his one-night stands," Zenith mumbled, "I could never."

Lola rolled her eyes. "Because my brother's actually respectful."

"Because my brother's actually respectf- Piss off, Lola," he bickered back.

I swung my book bag at him as he winced.

"Start respecting your superiors, Zenith," I snapped.

He rolled his eyes as he walked faster.

Short tempered much?

I've got to give it to Zeno-. The respect, I mean.

He's incredibly respectful and incredibly nice to everyone- wait, scratch that-.

He's incredible respectful and incredibly nice to every girl he meets. 

Though he's very mean to those who deserve it; and I mean very mean.

Zeno's been in all Commons of the four Houses- and dorms.

And he remembers every girl- as in, every girl he's ever had sex with.

When they say hi, he says hi back, following a short conversation and an embrace good-bye.

Zenith is the complete opposite for Merlin knows why.

Shags someone, leaves her, never talks to her again.

And then the cycle repeats.

Oliver is content. Sure, he's fingered and performed oral sex on many girls, but he's only ever had sex with one person. And that one person is me.

But no one knows that.

No one should have to know that.

Narsa has had two girlfriends in her lifetime. Both were really nice, though she hated 'too nice'. 

Scarlett's a virgin, though she had a few kisses here and there.

Lola has never had a boyfriend. Or a first kiss. Zeno made sure of it.

Zeno is obnoxiously over protective about his sister and his girl cousins; he punched a muggle who cat called Lola before. 

Zenith, my own fucking blood and flesh, could care less about my relationships.

Oliver loves his sisters, but his father would always be the protector so much that Oliver didn't obtain that trait.

I think it was easy for Zeno to obtain given that Lola is his only sister.

"I'll catch you later," the Hufflepuff murmured.

"Alright, love. You stay safe," Zeno responded as he tucked her hair behind her ear. 

He placed a kiss on her cheek as she smiled, then parted ways.

With that, Zeno let out a huff.

That's new.

"Are you sighing?" Zenith queried.

I was about to ask the same thing.

It's a twin thing.

"I haven't even been here for 25 minutes and I already had a previous partner sneak up on me like nothing," Zeno groaned, "It's hard being the romantic womanizer-."

"You can always just stop, y'know," Lola suggested.

Zeno swung his arm around her.

"Now you know I can't do that," he smiled, biting his lip shortly after.

Then he glanced at me.


this is only the beginning babyyy.

if you're from Filthy, then HI BABIES!! I'M BACK! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH!


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