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Hey guys-

Enjoy this talkative chapter. Read what happened the night everyone was dragged home.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

P O I N T  O F  V I E W S 

scarlett malfoy

"You know you can talk to me, Scarlett," my mother said lowly. 

I looked down at the dinner table and inattentively picked at my fingers. I didn't want to speak, but I know I had to.

"Scarlett?" she calls out once more.

I look up at her with nervousness as her eyes are in awe. She wants to know everything. But I don't think I can tell her everything.

I don't think she'd... understand.

My dad was at the Berkshires, which is much better than him being here. He'd probe me with questions I wouldn't feel comfortable answering.

Not only is my dad there, but my siblings are, too. 

I wonder what they're doing right now. I hope they're not... shaming me.


"You wouldn't understand, Mum," I mumbled quietly, "I don't really want to get into detail-."

"You don't need to tell me detail by detail. I just need to understand what's going on. I need to know how you're feeling, Scarlett."

I huffed.

"I'm obviously not feeling great," I responded. 

Wow, okay. That was a little mean.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude-."

"I know, Scarlett," mum said. "I understand."

It was really awkward in here. 

But I knew I had to tell her.

"We started... seeing each other... like that last year," I blurted.

Her attention was diverted immediately onto me. I knew my mum was listening. 

"Go on..." 

"I-. At first it was-. It was supposed to be... experimental? I mean, I don't know. Our friends around us were already kissing and stuff-. So-. So he thought-."

"Was it his idea?"

"It was our idea. It was our idea to start, like-. To start doing... couple things?"

"Like holding hands? Kissing? All that?"

"At first it was kissing, yes. But I mean obviously stuff is bound to happen when it's a lot of kissing-."

"Oh, I know-."

"And at first I was hesitant, but I mean it's Zenith. He's someone I could trust, right? We were already close. I mean, we grew up with each other. He really cared about me, and I cared about him," I babbled, "So I thought 'Why not? What's the worst that could happen?'"


"We did it a few times until I actually... started liking him in...that way. It felt a little wrong, but that's only because Zeno would probably get mad at me for kissing boys and stuff. Not because Him and Zenith are close, but because I'd be dating a boy in general-."

"Yeah, well that's Zeno for you-."

"I know."


"Over time he got... really clingy. I think it started once other people wanted to like, be with me. Even if it was just a silly friendship with another boy, he'd be so mean about it."

"Oh, I know exactly how you feel, Scarlett," she mumbled as she chuckled softly. 

"How so?"

She sighed.

"Your father was the same- or is the same. He backed off as soon as we had you, really.  Like, after two kids it was as if he was like 'Yup, she's trapped for good. No worries'".

I couldn't help but crack a smile and laugh a little.

Such a dad thing to say.

"Was he just as... clingy? As Zenith?"

"Oh you don't know the half of it, Scarlett," she groaned. "But just know that I understand you. And I know how you're feeling. I promise."

"Will you ever tell me the half of it?"

"No need. He's not like that anymore, Scar. He's a good man who loves his family," my mum responded through a subtle smile.

She reached over for my hand as she held it, rubbing my hand with her thumb.

"Care to tell me anything else?" she asked softly.

I nodded yes.

Might as well tell her everything

"...Told me not to be talk to certain people..."

"...Didn't want me seeing anyone else, but he was able to see other people while seeing me..."

"...Forced me to be friends with his 'girlfriends'..."

"...Yelled at me a lot..."

"Threaten to tell Oliver about us if I didn't stop talking to certain boys..."

It was enough for my mum to tear up.

At this point, telling the story didn't even hurt anymore. 

But it sure did hurt my mum, which is understood.

"I still can't wrap my head around the idea that dad was near... the same?"

My mum huffed; her lips parted, though nothing came out.

"He came a very long way. We jumped into things too fast and I was impulsive. We both were. With impulsiveness comes an array of issues. Along with his issues, too. I mean, to be fair-. I had issues, too. But he came a long way, and that's all you need to know, really. Over time, things get better. Easier said than done, I get it. Just-. Just trust me on this, okay?"

"I trust you, mum," I responded hesitantly. "How did you and dad, like, grow?"

"We created boundaries. As much as you don't want to hear this part of our love story, one of our love languages was...intercourse. When you're a teen, stuff like that riles you up. Used it as coping mechanisms, pleasure, whatever. But we both had to realize that it isn't always about sex. It's fun, don't get me wrong. But a relationship with just sex and no actual connection will go straight down the hole-."

"I definitely agree-."

"Right? So not only did we have to build ourselves, we had to strengthen our connection."

From the looks of it, I would've never thought that my parents went through hell and back.

But I'm just glad she knows where I'm coming from. 

If I'm being honest, I'm not that close with my mum the way I'm close with my dad. That's why it's a bit difficult facing him. 

Narsa and my mum are pretty close. Oliver's close with both. First child things, I guess.

"I'm glad you know where I'm coming from, mum," I said lowly through a subtle smile.

She got up from her chair and walked over to my side as she pulled me into a hug.

"I love you, Scarlett Malfoy," my mum said as she kissed my forehead.

"I love you, too," I softly chuckled.

Suddenly, our front door barges open.

We both turn our heads to see my dad. 

It's really hard to look at him in the eyes right now, but that's all I want to do right now.

"Hey," my mum says as she pulls away from our embrace and towards my dad, "How was it?"

My dad wraps his arms around her waist and places a kiss on her lips.


As mum pulls away from him, my dad looks at me with pity.

Feeling his eyes burn right through me, my palms sweat and my throat tightens.

Don't be nervous, Scarlett. He's not mad at you. He's not.

"You alright?" my dad queries as he inches closer.

He cups my face and tucks my hair behind my ear. 

For some fucking dumb stupid reason, a wave of emotions overcomes my body as a tear rolls down my cheek.

I'm not alright, Dad. I'm really not.

One tear turns to many as he instantly pulls me into an embrace.

I wrap my arms around his torso as he kisses my head repetitively.

"Oh, don't cry, Scar-." he stammers, "You-. It'll-. It'll be alright. I'm here. I'm here, Scarlett-."

His comforting words are muffled through my shedded tears and mild weeps.

"Are you m-mad at me?" I stutter.

"I could never be mad at you, Scarlett," he assures, "Never in a million years."


zenith arlo zabini

"Fucking disgrace," my father muttered under my breath as we enter my home, as I follow him in.

"Are you completely mad? Have you gone mad? What, disrespecting women is like, your thing now?!-."

"No, dad-. It's not-. It's not like that-." I stammer.

"Well go on! Explain to me why you thought it was a fucking great idea!"

"It's not! Dad, I don't know why I-."

"Why you what? What? Why you emotionally and mentally abused one of your fucking close friends?! You fucking grew up with her, Zenith Arlo! Fuck's sake!"

"I know I did! I know, dad. I-. I don't know why I di-."

"I didn't raise you that way, Zenith. Your mother surely didn't raise you that way, either-."

"I know da-."

"Do you really? Do you fucking really?"


"Then WHY the FUCK! What the FUCK were you thinking, Zenith! You don't EVER disrespect women! Ever!"

I mean, what else could I possibly say to that?

In response to my inability to respond to him, my father comes storming towards me. He grabs me by the hem of my shirt and pulls me towards him.

His face is close to mine as the red hues of anger radiate off his body.

"I am ashamed of you, Zenith. Fucking ashamed," he seethed through his teeth.

With that, he shoves me away from him as I stumble back from the aggression.

"Dad, I-. I'm sorry-."

"I am definitely not the person you should be apologizing to, Zenith."

As he walks towards the kitchen, I absently follow by trying to compose the right words to say. 

"Look, Dad-. I-. I never meant to hurt her-."

"But you did, Zenith. It has happened. Now that poor girl is fucking scarred for life. Maybe not for life, y'know? Hopefully she recovers from the fucking bullshit you put her through. God forbid she lets you alter her whole life-."

"Dad, I-. I really did love her-."

"Cut the bullshit, Zenith. You don't do that to the people you love-."

"I didn't mean to hurt her, dad-."

"But you did!"

"And I didn't mean to!-."

"Where is this fucking conversation going! Zenith, you can't keep beating around the bloody fucking bush!"

"I am deeply sorry for what I did to her, dad. I really am. I feel so fucking gui-."

"You aren't sorry, Zenith. Actions speak louder than words-."

"Dad, I really am. I'm so-. I really am."

My father sighs as he paces around the kitchen with frustration.

Shit. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up!

I just-.I can't even explain myself. How else am I supposed to justify what I did?

I literally can't. I can't find the right words. The right reasons. Everything about this isn't right.

"Why did you do all those things to her, Zenith," my father asked with a flat tone. It was nonchalant, though I could feel the shame. "Why did you manipulate her? Disrespect her? Make her feel horrible?"

"I don't know-. Dad, I don't know, I just-. I just wanted her all to mys-."

"Not an excuse-."

"Then what the fuck do you want me to say!"


My father was fuming. He was enraged. His fists were clenched and he kept inching closer as I backed up.

I was aware of what he was capable of. My father wouldn't hesitate to hit me. 

My throat tightened as my heart palpitated aggressively.

"I-. I-. I-."

"Speak up, Zenith. Tell me what the fuck you did. I want you to own up to what you did."

"I-. I hurt Scarlett. I-. I-. I manipu-."

"Stop fucking stuttering, Zenith. I thought you were over that shit-."

"I manipulated her-. I-. I hurt her-."

"I don't want to hear from you anymore. Can't even fucking speak right," he snapped as he stormed towards the fridge.

My father was ruthless. He didn't care what came out of his mouth. He didn't care about the trauma it would cause.

But at the same time I deserved it all.

"I'm pulling you out of Hogwarts," he spoke as he pulled out a jug of water, "And putting you into Durmstrang Institute."

"Wh-. What? Dad, please don't do this to m-."

"I've already made my mind up, Zenith. You're not going to win-."

"Please Dad. Please don't make me go. Please-."

"You don't deserve to learn in Hogwarts after what you did."

"Dad! Please!"

"No! I've made my decision. You don't get to walk among your friends and family after hurting someone who's practically your own fucking family-."

"I can change, Dad. I ca-. I can change-."

"You can change at Durmstrang."


"End of discussion."

I couldn't argue with him after that. Once he says that, it's over.

There's no baffling with my father after those words. Otherwise, I'd get hurt.



There was no point.




D I S C U S S I O N 

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