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Hey guys-

Sorry for taking so long! Procrastination at its finest. I will be updating tomorrow!! Enjoy this filler  and prepare for TOMORROW'S FUCKING BAGGAGE. 

Withotu further adieu, I present to you...


scarlett malfoy


"You're... 15 now... And I should probably tell you that-" my mother said lowly as we sat in the kitchen; just Narsa and I, "You are not an object. You don't belong to anyone. Anyone at all, do you hear me, Scarlett?"

I nod yes.

"Narsa? Do you hear me?"

Narsa nods.

"Great," she said quietly. "Boys are-. Complicated. Most boys feel that they are entitled to many things. One of those things being... us. So when someone tells you that 'You belong to me and me only', you run. Do you hear me, girls? You run-."

"Mum," I interrupt, "Dad us that you belong to him all the time. Why don't you say anything?"

My mum huffs.

"It's complicated, Scarlett," she mumbles, "I love your father, and your father loves me. We've come-. A very, very long way. We weren't... the best... to one another when we were your age. His idealizations are far different than yours. Far different than mine-."

"Is dad a bad man?" Narsa queried.

"Oh, Merlin's Beard no. No, he's not," she stammered, "Though when we were younger... Yes. He wasn't really... nice to me. And I was, I guess you could say, very naive. Very naive, bloody hell-."

"Do you regret being with dad?" I ask.

"No, I don't. I don't at all," she responds, "Though I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't want to have changed anything, because there were a million things I should've done."


"Was dad abusive towards you?" I ask lowly, in hopes that Oliver and Dad aren't around to here this conversation.

My mum gulped.

"I definitely think it was more emotional and mental abuse, yes," she responded quietly, "Though he had issues. Major issues, really. It wasn't my job to fix him, no. It's never a woman's job to fix anyone for that matter, really. I did it anyway because I was so naive. But I mean, look at where we're at now-. 3 kids, two dogs, a large piece of land. I'm happy. We're happy-."

"All thanks to you fixing him?" Narsa asked,

"Yes, but it should never have to be that way ever. Ever. You aren't obligated to fix anyone at all. Anyone, do you two hear me?"

Narsa and I both nod yes frantically.

"What I'm trying to say is-. Never ever ignore the red flags. Ever. If you see them, you stay far away from them, alright?"

"But if you ignored dad's red flags we wouldn't be here-."

"You're right, Nar. You wouldn't have. But not all relationships have happy endings like that. Don't risk it."


"I know you two will be smarter than me. Your father and I raised you with all the love in this bloody hell of a world. Your dad isn't a bad man. Not anymore, no," she mumbled, "Just avoid the kind of boys that he used to be, okay?"

Narsa and I nod. 

"Okay, Mum," I say softly.


Mum, if only you knew what was going on. If only you knew how badly I want to be free of Zenith's grasp; Zenith's arms.

I don't know how long I can keep up with this secret; our secret of us sleeping around.

At first, it was everything I've ever wanted; the sex was good. Zenith was nice. Was.

But I can't talk to any guys anymore. I can't have any guy friends. 

And we're not even together! 

"I can fuck whoever I want. But you? Fuck no." 

I can't grasp how well he's able to hide us; the tension and all.

I'm afraid I won't be able to let go.

Fuck, why is he so intoxicating? What's so good about him that I don't want to leave? Is it the sex? Or is it the fact that he's the only person I've ever slept with?

Zenith and Amelie are two entirely different people; Mel actually has a fucking heart.

Zenith doesn't.

So then why am I so attracted?

My father would be upset. My mum wanted to avoid this. 

I wanted to avoid this.

I don't know how long I'll be able to last. How long this lie will last. 

Just then, Amelie bursts into the room as she huffs.

"What took you so long?" I exclaimed.

"Zeno and I had to drop off something for Professor Longbottom," she responded, as she slowly walked towards her four-post.

"And did you bring my snack?" Zenith queried.

"No," she responded flatly, as she plopped onto her bed out of... exhaustion?

I glanced over at Zenith as he flashes a smile, though I quickly look away. I can't bare to look at him right now.

Zenith and I started... getting closer to one another when we were in our year 5. Since then, we've been in secret for so long.

I guess that's how I've gotten so attached. With him being my first and all. 

And it's fucking painful that I have to constantly hear about him shagging other people.

He's made it very clear that he was very much able to sleep with whoever he wants, whenever he wants. As for me, I can't.

He didn't allow it.

And saying the next few words are painful, but I couldn't help but listen to him. 

Mum, what do I do?

"Where's Zeno?" Oliver blurted, as I turned my head to him.

"He went back to his room," Mel responded blandly. "He'll see us during dinner."

"Anyways, you missed our conversation," Narsa added, "We were just talking about Charlotte Willaby-."

"The one with the large-." Oliver stopped as Narsa smacked his arm.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I smiled at Narsa.

"Oh? And what about her?" Mel queried, sitting up on her bed.

"She's single. Single and ready to mingle," Oliver responded with a cheeky smile, "And I might make her mine."

"Well? What's stopping you?" I asked.

"I am." Zenith blurted as his eyes met with mine. "She's stunning."

I gulped.

"Oh, please. She'd never look your direction," Lola beamed as I softly chuckled.

"Oliver's beautiful," Mel said, "And as for Zenith?"

Mel fake gagged as Zenith scoffed whilst sticking a middle finger at her.

"You're just jealous I'm the pretty twin," Zenith huffed.

"Fucking hell, who lied to you?" Narsa beckoned.

I laughed yet again.

"I don't know why you're laughing, Scarlett," Zenith blurted, "Oliver's way prettier than you."

Don't get mad, Scarlett. He's just joking. He's just joking.

"Why, thank you, Zenith," Oliver joked, "But I think both my sisters win that title."

"Take bloody notes," Amelie added, "Oliver loves his sisters. Sucks to say that you don't."

Zenith rolled his eyes. 

"You all are cheesy fucks," Zenith bickered. 


zeno berkshire

I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling; just thinking.

Amelie Emans Zabini.

The girl who'd come over every damn day to play with Lola and the Malfoy girls. 

The girl who'd giggle as she walked barefoot onto the field of grass because it 'tickled her feet'. 

The girl that I grew up with- that we all grew up with.

The Zabinis' land sat in between the Malfoys and the Berkshires; there was no way of avoiding the Zabinis if all you wanted to do was to get to the Malfoys. 

If you went to the Malfoys, be prepared to bring a Zabini along with you.

It was always Mel. 

"Where are you two headed?" Mel's high-pitched voice beamed into my ear as she walked alongside Lola and I.

"Our uncle's house," Lola responded, avoiding the large rocks on the gravel sidewalk, "And you?"

"I have no where to go right now. Zenith is playing with the muggles from the creek," Mel responded, "Can I come with you?"

I sighed. 

"Now, you know we can't say no," I said as her brown eyes met with mine; they glistened in reaction to my words.

"So does that mean I could come?" Mel queried, twirling her hair around with her finger.

"Obviously, Miss Zabini," I retorted.

"Great!" she exclaimed, grabbing Lola and I's hand as we all walked down the gravel path on the way to the Malfoy residency, "Thanks for bringing me with!"

"Oh, of course Mel," Lola cheered, "The more the merrier, really. That's what my mum always says."

"That's what all our mums say," I responded.

"Well, our mums are great," she smiled.

No, you're great, Mel.

I've always had heart eyes for Amelie Zabini. It went from little and adorable crushes, to no attraction at all, to all my attention and attraction. Within the matter of years.

Why am I a manwhore? Well, there's a handful of reasons, though I don't think I can explain them right now. 

I'm laying in bed with regret-.

I shouldn't have had sex with Amelie so fucking soon, but I just couldn't help it. After many years of wanting someone, and then finally building the courage to make a move on them. 

Fuck, I need to show her that I don't just want sex. I don't just want the fucking sex, no. 

I want her.

I want Amelie Zabini. 

Was the demand for her to tell me that she loves me too soon? 


It's my issues.


Fuck, am I scaring her away?


I get up from the bed out of frustration and pace the room back and forth with my arms crossed,

Why am I so frustrated?

I need to explain to her that I'm not in it for the sex. I need to explain to her why I'm so sexually... impulsive.

 Or impulsive in general. 

I mean, who isn't impulsive?

I'm only fucking human.

It amazes me how willing she was. How willing she was for me to do all of that to her.

Fuck, now I have to have her as my girlfriend. There's no fucking way I can't. Not after all the nasty shit we did.

Fucking hell she's amazing. 

Just when I thought that the little things were beautiful, like the way her eyes light up when there's extra waffles in the morning during slumber parties back at my house, or when someone points out how pink her nose gets when the cold nips at her, or how her lips quiver discreetly when she doesn't have things her way, there's more beautiful things about her.

How she buries herself in a book while she's reading, or the little hiccup noise she does after downing 3 and more shots of fire whiskey, or eggnog for that matter, or how her curls coil tightly after swimming, and how her tinted olive complexion shines in the sun; the melanin glistening.

And now, there's more to her beauty; the blood that rushes to her lips and her cheeks when we have sex, or the sweet whimpers that escape her throat, and how her lips part when I work with her body. How does she fucking top me from the bottom? Bloody hell, she's something else.

The nails that dig into my skin.

The blood that she bleeds; the sweet sweet blood.

I knew her mum didn't pass the lycanthropy down to her; I couldn't smell it on her.

But I knew Zenith inherited some of it; I picked up faint scents on him, though I don't think that he knows about it.

I still can't believe I released myself into her. 

I can't bare the thought of having children, so thank Merlin for Ceptivo.

I need to explain to Amelie that there's more to me than just the sex, though I think she already knows that.

I just need her to know that she isn't like any other woman I've been with, no.

She is someone I respect more than anyone in this fucking school other than my beautiful sister and my gorgeous cousins. 

I don't have sex twice.

Year 5 didn't count. 

That was a blur to me.

I walk towards the bathroom and decide to get cleaned up; shower and all.

Dinner is soon.


amelie zabini

I sat between Scarlett and Oliver, whilst Lola, Zenith, and Zeno sat across me.

In front of us laid a palette of colors; brown, green, red, and the salivating aroma of meat and spices. 

As we all conversed, I'd find myself glancing over at Zeno every now and then; it was hard not to- I mean, given the fact that he's so...handsome.

The thought of having Zeno Berkshire want me was just something I couldn't fully grasp. There's a handful of other really stunning women here at Hogwarts- or the muggle world, for that matter, though he chooses me?

It's an ego-booster for sure; I feel... lucky.

But I'm not sure if he truly just wants me... or what sits between my legs.

I mean, to be fair, I'm not really into the whole concept of dating.

I like being independent; doing my own thing at my own pace, not having to worry about anyone or anything. 

But slowly and surely, I think Zeno is changing my thoughts- changing my opinion. 

I have never been handled like that. I have never been treated so dirty yet so fucking respectful.

I mean, Zeno is a very respectful person in general. He knows how to treat people, and when to treat people.

I just never thought I'd find myself in his bed in that way.

"Isn't that right, Mel?" Oliver blurted, intruding my train of thought.

"Sorry, what?" I responded, straightening my back and glancing at the group frantically, reading their expressions.

"We were just talking about how Lola used to try and grab the fishes in the large pond behind our land, saying how she'd want to see if they could survive outside of water," Scarlett giggled.

I forced out a chuckle in attempt to give a fuck.

"I remember," I smiled.

"Good times," Oliver says, "Good times."

Oliver's arm slithers by my shoulder, placing his heavy hand onto my bite.

Immediately, I wince and scrunch my face up, slightly pulling my body away from his aggressive touch.

"Bloody hell," I mutter under my breath.

"Could you fucking be careful next time, Oliver? You and your heavy fucking hands," Zeno snapped out of nowhere.

We all turned to him as frustration was plastered across his face.

He eyed Oliver, then back at me, then back at Oliver at a quickened speed.

Oliver raises both his hands up in surrender.

"Fuck's sake, it wasn't even that hard-."

"It clearly hurt her-. Might as well just keep your bloody hands to yourself-." Zeno huffed, as he aggressively stabbed his food with his fork.

He looked down at his plate and rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek, sulking in the heated moment that just occurred.

"Umm anyways," Zenith said, "Are we 'turning up' tonight?" 

Lola and I groaned.

"Okay, enough with the muggle slang?" I pleaded.

"Enough with the-. Piss off," he retorted.

"If you mean 'getting drunk', then yes. We are," Zeno added, "Though we aren't getting too drunk. I won't at least. And so won't Mel."

Lola, Scarlett, Oliver, and Zenith turn their heads to me.

"The fuck? What for?" Scarlett questioned with her mouth full of veggies.

I looked over at Zeno with confusion as he smirked back.

"We actually have something to go to tomorrow morning," Zeno chimed as he smiled a cheeky smile, "Breakfast."

"What in the fuck? Without us?" Zenith groaned.

"I want breakfast!" Lola whined.

"Me too!" Scarlett added.


"Oh? What's the occasion?" Oliver asked, pushing his basmati rice around his plate.

"I promised her breakfast after she helped me with..." Zeno gave me a look; a 'Quick! Think of a lie!' look.

"With-. With carrying pots of Shrivelfigs to the greenhouse," I beamed in attempt to sound convincing. 

"Right," Zeno said, "Shrivelfigs."

"Next time Professor Longbottom needs help, could you please have me help?" Lola beckoned as she looked directly at Zeno with puppy eyes.

"Lola, you don't need to do anything for breakfast on a Sunday. Just tell me when you want to go and we'll go," Zeno said softly.

"So... does that mean I could come with you guys tomorrow?" she squealed.

Zeno glanced at me with condescending eyes, then back at Lola.

"Okay-. Anytime but tomorrow," he responded.

Lola scoffed and continued eating her dinner.

Breakfast with Zeno? Was this his way of asking me out on a date?

If it was, then isn't that something.


After dinner, all of us made our way towards the Slytherin dungeons alongside one another.

"So," I say lowly, just enough for Zeno to hear- and Zeno only, "Breakfast on a Sunday?"

He softly chuckled.

"A cute date idea, don't you think?" Zeno's low and hoarse voice responded through his smile.

"Could've asked me when we were in your room, y'know."

"You're right, I could have," he said, "But I didn't."

I rolled my eyes.

"What a charming man," I jeer.

"Anything for you, Mel," Zeno says softly.

"Is that right? Does that mean you'll tell me anything I want to know?"

Zeno looks down at me with his green eyes; wow, I could stare into those emerald eyes all day.

"I will tell you everything you need to know, Mel. Don't worry," he assured as he swung his arm around me gently, avoiding the bite mark. "It's a good foundation for our feasible relationship."

"Blegh-. Dating," I muttered under my breath.

"Oh shut it, Mel," he snickered, "You won't regret it."

"And if I do?"

"You won't."

"What makes you say that?"

He smiles.

"For starters, you love me. Not because I made you say it, but because we've known each other for so long. On top of that, I'm absolutely amazing. Respect is on point," Zeno looked left and right, "And I can assume that my sex is on point, too."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Okay, Mr. Big Ego," I mumbled.

"Is it not?" 

I looked up at him as he awaited my response.

"It's on point," I said slowly.

A smirk appeared on his face as he pulled me closer.

"Fucking hell, Mel," Zeno said quietly, "We're in for a treat, aren't we?"

"Oh, yes we are."


SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT IM SLEEEEEEEEPY. ANYWAYS, I hope you liked the short filler. I will be updating tomorrow I PROMISE <3 Wholesome content in the works.



Beautiful Bill Skarsgård content <3 

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