twenty five

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SOPHIE SCRAMBLED BACK until her back slammed against the fountain behind her. Alex's body lay sprawled across the ground, his face smashed into the dirt. Dark liquid oozed from a set of deep, gnarly looking gashes that stretched from his right shoulder to left hip. His shirt remained together only by strings. Tatters of the stained fabric quivered in the slight breeze that caressed her own skin. 

"Oh my god," Sophie managed. Her hand slapped against her mouth. The smell that wafted from Alex's body made her stomach lurch. 

She tried to crawl away. Her hand clutched at the side of the fountain, and her feet pushed against the ground. She pulled and pushed –anything that would put more distance between them. The movement twisted her stomach even more. It shot upward, through her throat, and bile forced itself past her fingers. She turned and coughed. Her stomach clenched again. She spat out onto the ground.  

Her body trembled. 

Sophie sat back. She wiped her hand on the dirt. Tears streamed over her cheeks; the salty liquid burned her lips. She leaned against the fountain and refused to look at the body. "Oh god," she repeated. Her voice sounded thick and hoarse. She wiped the back of her hand against her mouth. "Oh god." 

Then she screamed. 

"Help!" The tears mingled with her voice; it shattered with sobs. "Please, oh god. Somebody help!" 

The sound of footsteps fluttered through the air. Sophie sobbed and screamed harder, catching another glimpse at the corpse. The gashes filled her vision. She swore she saw bone. 

"Sophie?" A frantic voice called. It sounded distant. 

Sophie recognized it immediately. An indescribable amount of relief blossomed through her body. She pulled herself upward and peered around the fountain. "Over here!" 

Light flashed across the courtyard, a beam of fluorescent sunlight. It blinded her. She squinted and lifted a hand to shield her face. The footsteps grew louder. He rushed around the fountain and dropped the flashlight beside her. "Are you alright, Sophie?" 

Her head shook. "No," she croaked. She pointed at Alex. "Alex. Look at Alex. He needs help! Oh god, he needs help." 

Mr. Wolfe looked back over his shoulder. He grimaced. He sat down and leaned against the fountain. His arms wrapped around Sophie and pulled her in. She slumped against him. Her cheek pressed against his chest. His warmth enveloped her. His scent calmed her; a familiar musky cologne and peppermints. 

One hand rubbed her shoulder and hugged her closer. The other pulled a cellphone out of his pocket. His thumb tapped several buttons. Then he pressed it to his ear. 

"We have a situation," he said. Sophie squeezed her eyes shut. "Yes. I'm in the courtyard in the staff dormitory. Sophie Brooks is with me." 

Mr. Wolfe shoved the phone back into his pocket. He wrapped his other arm around her. Sophie sobbed harder. "Oh god. He's dead." 

"It will be alright." He squeezed her. His cheek pressed against her hair. "Just calm down, Sophie. I promise it will be alright. Can you tell me what happened?" 

Sophie sucked in a shuddering breath. The effect that he had on her seemed ridiculous. His fingertips rubbed comforting circles into her back. Despite her internal protests, Sophie forced herself to move. She leaned back. "I overslept and missed dinner. I was trying to find the dining hall." 

Mr. Wolfe nodded. His lips twisted around a slight frown. Sophie rubbed at her eyes. "I found myself out here. I thought...I thought he was sleeping or something. He didn't respond when I called his name. And then I poked him, and he fell." 

Her breath hitched in her throat. "Then I saw..." 

Mr. Wolfe nodded again. "Okay," he said. His hands lifted and cupped her face. His thumbs wiped at her tears. "You're okay, though?" 

Sophie closed her eyes. A tsunami of conflicted emotions rushed through her. Part of her wanted to lean back in, and feel his arms wrapped around her again. The other part screamed. Her was her teacher. And there was a dead body several feet away. 

She pulled away from him. Her fingers wiped at her eyes again. "Yeah," she rasped. Mr. Wolfe's frown deepened. 

Lights flooded the courtyard then. A stampede of footsteps thundered through the air. They were immediately surrounded. Another familiar face popped into view: Eli. 

"Sophie," he cried. He dropped to his knees in front of her, his hands reaching out. He grabbed her shoulders and held her at arms length. His gaze scanned over her. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? How can I help?" 

A fresh wave of tears appeared. The back of her throat hurt and constricted. Eli's face scrunched up. His mismatched eyes were glassy. 

"I'm alright." 

That familiar pulling sensation had returned inside Sophie's stomach. Eli didn't seem to notice. His shoulders slumped with relief. He yanked her forward into a hug, his head buried into the crook of her neck. "I'm so glad you're okay. I heard them say your name and I thought the worst," he whispered. 

Sophie rubbed his back with her free hand. She glanced back at Mr. Wolfe. He leaned against the fountain, expression one of resignation. A sense of worry clouded over his sparkly baby-blues. 

Her attention strayed. A cluster of movements garnered around them; a team of medical staff crouched around Alex's body. Some stood and bustled around. Sophie couldn't make out what they were doing. 

Then another familiar face appeared. 

The Headmaster walked across the courtyard. The sound of his shoes clicking against the ground echoed throughout the courtyard. His presence parted the clusters of medical professionals like the Red Sea. He stopped inches from Alex, his expression somber. Then he looked up. 

His gaze locked with Sophie's. 

Sophie cowered back against the fountain. Eli released her, confused. Mr. Wolfe's grip on her hand tightened. Headmaster approached, his hands clasped behind his back. "Hello Sophie." 

"Hi," she whispered back. 

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