twenty six

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THE HEADMASTER SEEMED to tower over Sophie. A halo of moonlight circled his head. His gaze flickered toward Mr. Wolfe, and a flash of disapproval entered his expression. Then his gaze darted back toward Sophie. "How are you feeling, dear?"

Sophie tensed. Mental sirens blared inside her head. She couldn't shake the disturbed feeling that Headmaster ignited within her. Her fingers twitched. "I...I'm kind of shocked."

Headmaster frowned at her. "Do you need medical attention? Were you attacked as well?"

"No," Sophie said. Her stomach sank. A fresh wave of tears pooled at the corners of her eyes. Her voice shattered. "I just...I just found him."

Eli leaned against the fountain beside her. His shoulders slumped down. He pulled a knee to his chest and propped his elbow against it. His facial features twisted with pain. "What's going to happen to Alex?"

Sophie cringed and ducked her head. The image of those gashes flashed across her mind's eye.

Mr. Wolfe's hand found hers. His hand was calloused and rough against hers. The brief pressure reminded her of his presence. That tugging sensation returned; it made her heart thud inside her chest, and her body started to relax.

She ducked her head and wiped at her tears.

Headmaster's frown deepened. "Let's get indoors, shall we? It's chilly out."

Mr. Wolfe released her hand. A cold emptiness flooded through her, stemming from her palm. Her lips wrinkled with a frown. It took all she had not to reach out after him. He climbed to his feet and brushed his hands against his jeans. Then he turned back to Sophie, and held his hand back out to her.

Her heart seemed to sigh with relief. She reached out. Her palm pressed firm within his again, and he pulled her to her feet. "Thank you," she murmured. She wiped at her face again with her free hand.

His fingers squeezed hers again. Then his hand reluctantly drifted from hers. Sophie clenched her jaw and looked away, toward Eli. She folded her arms across her chest. Her hand ached to hold his again.

Mr. Wolfe bent and offered a hand to Eli.

"Thank you," Eli muttered. He stood and ran a hand through his hair, fingers combing through sandy strands. His mismatched eyes shimmered with unshed tears. He shuffled closer to Sophie and shoved his hands into his pockets.

Headmaster coughed. "Right then," he said. Sophie glanced at him. She noticed that his gaze focused on Mr. Wolfe, and his eyes were stony. "You are dismissed, Wolfe. Your presence is no longer needed. You may return to your quarters, as I'm sure you have a busy day planned for tomorrow."

Sophie's eyes widened. Her heart pounded inside her chest, frantic. Her gaze snapped toward Mr. Wolfe, and her insides tightened. She didn't want him to go.

Mr. Wolfe side-glanced at Headmaster. His jaw clenched.

Then he looked at Sophie. His gaze softened. "You'll be alright, Sophie," he repeated his words from earlier. It provided a small comfort. He flashed a boyish smile. "Remember, I'm rooting for you."

Her cheeks warmed. Sophie ducked her head. "Thanks."

Mr. Wolfe turned, and soon vanished within the crowds of medical officials. Sophie's hands tightened into fists. Her lips pinched together. It took all her strength not to run after him. After a night like tonight, she just wanted to give into her hormonal desires and be wrapped within his arms again.

Sophie sucked in a breath. The tugging sensation returned, then. It filled her with warmth. She felt herself relax again and turned toward Headmaster.

She tensed when she realized he'd been watching her.

"Let's go," Eli mumbled. Sophie tore her gaze away from Headmaster. Eli stared at the cluster of medical officials, his expression forlorn.

Sophie reached out and grabbed his hand. He looked at her, his pained expression softening, and squeezed her hand. Headmaster turned toward the crowd and lead them out of the courtyard. He didn't bother to avoid the cluster of medical officials; Alex's body had already been removed.

Their footsteps echoed throughout the hallway. Eli kept his grip firm on her hand. Sophie watched Headmaster, her gaze glued to his back. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. She couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right about him.

Headmaster stopped then.

Sophie looked around, surprised, and realized that they now stood in front of her temporary dorm. Headmaster turned back toward them. His hands rested inside the front pockets of his slacks. He smiled kindly. "It's just as Mr. Wolfe said. Everything will be alright, Sophie."

She nodded.

"An investigation will be held," he continued. His head dipped with a slight nod. "Alex will be returned to his family. Our school with host a memorial ceremony after the games conclude. I will also amp up our security measures. This will not happen again."

"The games will continue?" Sophie gaped.

Headmaster pinned her with a sharp look. "Tonight's events will remain secret until the investigation finishes. I will not worry my students unless absolutely necessary. The games will carry on as normal."

Sophie shook her head in disbelief. Her words failed her. Eli squeezed her hand. "I'm staying here tonight," he said.

Sophie jumped at the sheer intensity in his voice. Her gaze darted toward him. Eli stared at Headmaster, his expression ice cold.

Headmaster remained stoic. His head dipped in another slight nod. "Very well."

Sophie's mouth dropped open in shock. Her gaze darted back and forth between them. She couldn't believe that Headmaster was alright with both of them rooming together. Then her frown deepened. She could only imagine how her roommate would react in the morning.

Headmaster bid them a soft goodnight.

Sophie didn't register it. She watched as Eli shoved the massive doors open. An expanse of darkness greeted them. He tugged on Sophie's hand, gently pulling her into the dorm.

When she paused near the doorway and glanced back, Headmaster had vanished.

The doors shut with a distant thumping sound. The darkness encased them. Sophie tightened her grip on his hand, and Eli turned on the light. Fluorescent lamps flickered on above their heads, bathing the kitchen area in a yellowed light. Eli dragged Sophie toward the kitchen table and eased her into a seat.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, conscious of the heavy snoring that drifted from the bedroom area.

Eli walked over to the fridge. He skimmed through it and pulled out several things. "Soup is good for the soul," he responded.

Sophie rested her head against the back of the chair. She watched Eli bustle about the kitchen, pouring several things into a small pot. His movements were a blur. When it started to boil, he removed the pot from the stove and poured two bowls.

He walked toward the table. As he neared, the smell of warm chicken broth filled Sophie's nostrils. She sighed. He set a bowl in front of her and offered a spoon.

"Be careful. It's hot," he warned. He eased into the chair across from her. It was like spaghetti night all over again.

Sophie felt relieved when she polished off the bowl. Her stomach seemed to purr in delight; she'd completely forgotten about dinner. Eli slumped down in his chair, his empty bowl pushed out a bit in front of him. His gaze remained focused on her.

She stood and grabbed the bowls. A quick rinse, and then she shoved everything into a dishwasher. Then she turned back to Eli. Her arms folded across her chest.

"So what now?"

"How are you feeling?"

Sophie nodded. "A bit better. Still shaken."

Eli nodded. She watched him, cautious. He leaned forward, his elbows resting against the tabletop, and rubbed at his eyes. "I still can't believe it happened. I can't wrap my head around it."

"I'm sorry," Sophie whispered. Another batch of tears brewed within her eyes. She walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. She didn't know what else to do.

Eli squeezed his eyes shut. He stood, and Sophie found herself enveloped within his arms. He buried his face into the crook of her neck. Sophie tensed. A strange coldness formed inside her chest. She wrapped her arms around him, hesitant, and pressed her cheek against his. Her hand rubbed gentle circles into his back.

"This sucks," he said. His voice cracked. She grimaced and hugged him tighter. Unable to think of anything to say, Sophie just nodded.

And that's when Eli started to cry.  

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