Night Raid

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It was night, the moon was high in the sky. The moon was giving off a red glow, five people stood on a wire over a house. The place was quiet, not a sound was heard as the five individuals gazed at the place.

"Strange." The green haired male said, "Nobody is coming out."

"Maybe Sheele hasn't lured them out yet." The pink haired female said.

"It's strangely quiet... Very quiet." The black haired girls said, "We should head inside maybe Sheele got into some trouble."

Inside the home Sheele was walking through the hallways, searching for her targets. She held oversized scissors in her hands as she looked through the rooms, "Strange... I should have encountered them by now." As she walked past a door she smelled something strong. She looks at the door and walks towards it. She reached for the handle and turned it. She opened the door and the stench of blood filled her nostrils. She looks in the room and to her surprise the guards are all laying in bed, dead.

"What happened?" Sheele asked as she gazed at the dead guards, "Did someone else take the job?" She asked closing the door and continued to walk down the hallway. She turns the corner and sees the Lord of the house hanging from the ceiling, rope around his neck. "Should I be upset that some did my job and didn't tell me." She said walking past the dead man.

The girl with black hair was walking with the pink haired female. The made their way to the dining room, to their surprise they found the Lady of the house on the table. She was dead no longer than one day.

"What happened here?" The pink haired girl asked.

"Someone did our job." The black haired girl said. The pink haired girl raised her weapon and fired at the woman's head.

"Just to be safe. She could be playing dead." She said as the two left the dining room.

"I think it's about time to introduce myself to night raid." F/N said holding a knife in his hand. He looked at the girl Aria tied to a chair. She had been infected with the Lubora Disease and was covered in cuts and slashes, "Tell me how does it feel to be in this much pain?" He asked as he approached her.

"P-please... Make...make it stop." She said weakly.

"Did you stop when those people in your little storehouse begged you to?" He asked as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head up, "Now open wide and scream for me." He said placing the knife in her mouth.

Aria's screams filled the house. Everyone heard it expecting it to be some innocent citizen getting tortured. All six members of Night Raid ran to the source of the screaming, the guest room. The man in armor kicked the door down to see Aria barely alive as someone stood next to her holding a bloodied knife. Her mouth was ripped open from one side, this girl should be dead.

"Night Raid. Pleasure to meet you. I hope you don't mind that I did your job. I wanted to make them suffer the pain they put innocent people through. Was surprised to learn, I actually enjoyed seeing them beg for death." F/N said looking at the six people in front of him.

"Wait aren't you..." One of them said.

"Leone, told you we would see each other again. Now let me see, from the wanted posters you must be Akame. Bulat is the one in armor, Mine and her weapon Pumpkin, Sheele with Extase, Lubbock with Cross Tail." F/N finished.

"How do you know who we are?" Lubbock asked.

"I know a lot of things." He said looking at Aria as she sat there silently, "I could have went to your base, but then first impressions wouldn't be on the positive side." He said pulling out a pistol and shooting her in the head.

"So why did you want to meet us?" Mine asked. She had her finger on Pumpkin's trigger. F/N knew this, but he also know it's because he hasn't earn their trust.

"Do you need help with the revolution? I know who you all are and where your base is at. My only options are to join you or we fight to the death. The former is what I was aiming for, and I'm quite qualified. I did do this contract for you." He said.

"Sounds good to me." Leone said, "Anyone object?"


F/N was looking at the Hideout from outside. Leone was showing him around the base and getting to meet everyone personally, "So I can't join until the boss give approval." He said to her.

"Yep, but I'm sure you'll get in." She answered, "I mean you did assassinate that family all by yourself." The two walked in the meeting room where Sheele was reading a book on how not to be an airhead. F/N chuckled a bit internally as he saw that.

"Why do you want to join night raid?" She asked.

"I'll let you all in on it when the boss shows up. Don't want to tell such a long story twice." He said.

"I'll be sure to remember it." She said going back to her book. They then heard a very loud scream.

"Why is he in our base!" Mine yelled as everyone looked at her, "He isn't a member yet! The boss didn't give the go ahead!"

"He did complete an assassination by himself." Leone said.

"Probably luck." Mine said.

"I heard you're a genius sniper." F/N said.

"Of course I am, I never miss my shot." She said.

"Bet I can out shoot you." He said grinning slightly. Mine, surprised by this comment, looks at him.

"Do you really think you are a better shot?" She asked.

"No, but I wanna see how good I am. What better way to gauge my shooting skills than by comparing them to a genius." He said, "Come on if I lose I'll do anything you want for a full day."

"Oh? I can get behind that. I guess if you win I'll do anything you want for a day." She said holding her hand towards him.

"Deal." He said.

The two stood on top of a cliff near a water fall, "So I can either use Pumpkin or my pistols. Your choice." He said to her.

"If you can use Pumpkin then I'll let you use her." She said holding the Teigu towards him. F/N grabs the weapon and holds it.

"Got to say. Pretty sweet weapon, how long do you usually spend cleaning it." He asked, "I would say, maybe two to three hours."

"Of course after every mission I have to keep Pumpkin clean. So are you going to shoot it or not?" She asked.

"Yep let me see." He held the weapon and aimed it, "Just give me a target." He said. The weapon didn't seem to reject him, though even if he did he could override it and force it to work for him.

"We have targets set up everywhere, choose any." She said. F/N smiled and fired the rifle. It hit a target about 500 yards away.

"Let's start off easy." He said handing Pumpkin to her. F/N noticed her attitude drastically changed.

"Well seems Pumpkin is compatible with you, though let's see who's better at using her." She said and fired at a target 600 yards away.

"Direct hit. Not bad." He said as he took Pumpkin, "700 yards coming up." He fired and another perfect shot. This contest went of for a while the two finally reached one mile, "I just realized. What happens if we tie?" F/N asked.

"Oh right we only set up targets up to one mile..." She began to aim and think about it.

"We could just drop the bet." He said.

"I guess." She said still aiming.

"Or we can use my weapons for this last one." He said pulling out his two pistols.

"Hmm. From one mile, alright." She said putting pumpkin down and reaching for a pistol. F/N hands her one and keeps the other.

"Ladies first." He said. Mine took aim and fired, "Hmm you got the target but it's not in the center." He said.

"Damn." She said. F/N aimed his gun and took a deep breath. As he exhaled he fired his pistol, the bullet hit the very center of the target, "I win." He said.

"What!" She yelled.

"Oh? Mine got out sniped? That's unheard of." Leone said watching from afar.

"Does that mean she does whatever he wants for an entire day?" Sheele asked standing with the others.

"Yep... Bet he is going to give her really lewd ord... Ow!" Lubbock was hit by Leone shutting him up.

"Alright let's get this over with." Mine said.

"Promise to shoot with me again." He said.

"Huh?" Mine said looking at him dumbfounded.

"I had fun today, didn't you?" He asked.

"Y-yeah I guess..." She said.

"So, promise we will shoot again." He said.

"Is that it?" She asked.

"And enjoy your day." He said.

"S-sure... I guess it won't be a problem. M-maybe we can teach each other a few things about shooting."

"Yeah that's sounds like fun." He said. He turned and walked away towards the Hideout.

"Hey F/N!" Leone yelled running up to him.

"Yes?" He asked.

"The boss is back let's go see her!" She said wrapping her arm around his head and pulling him close to her, very close to her.

"Uhhh..." He said.

"What's up?" She asked smiling at him.

"Why do you have me this close?" He asked as she held him close to her chest.

"Why not?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"Right... Good answer." He said as she dragged him to the Hideout.

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