The Library

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A boy sat on a bench reading a book. The book was titled history of Remnant and he was reading how the twin brothers abandoned the world after Salem turned Humanity against them. He looks up at the tree in front of him. The wood gave a white glow as the leaves glowed blue. The tree extended beyond it's main trunk and wrapped over around and through shelves, this light the area up in a nice bright light. This allowed the boy to read his book in peace. The place had bookshelves streched as far as the eye can see. The boy finished his book, it revealed that Ozma was reincarnated into another man.

"Seems Remnant is going through the same motion." He said closing the book and watching it lift into the air. The book floated to the shelf behind him and was placed along with other books each having the same title. Another book pulled it's self out of the shelf and landed on his hands, "How is this Remnant doing?" He said to himself as he opened the book. He flipped through the pages and read every word on each page as they passed his eyes, "So the four siblings are spread throughout Remnant and the relic of Choice is destroyed... Interesting." The book floated up in the air and placed itself on the shelf. He stood up and stretched his arms. He felt a slight nudge on his leg and looked down to see a white wolf. It's blue eyes gazed at the boy as it held a book in it's mouth, "What's this?" He asked the wolf grabbing the book. The boy reads the title, "Hold on..." He said opening the book. He flipped through the pages and read the entire incomplete book in a few seconds, "The boy, Tatsumi, he isn't in this world... How long has it been since this book appeared?" He asked the wolf.

"About three days." Someone said walking up to him. The man looked like the boy but seemed to have been made up of the same material as the tree in this area, "I thought maybe you'd be interested in going to that version." He said.

"Indeed. No Tatsumi means..." The boy began.

"You can add an imperial arms to the library." The copy said.

"Exactly... Though, I can't just leave after getting Incursio. I guess I should help them with that little war of theirs." He thought to himself as he gave the book back to the wolf. It ran off where I came from, most likely to place the book in it's respective shelf, "I can do anything to this megaverse as long as I complete my job." He said walking away as the copy began to follow, "I did grow quite fond of Night Raid during their struggles. Tatsumi was a key member of their group." He continued.

"Though isn't this the first time he isn't in that world?" The copy asked.

"Yes, I could leave that world to it's fate and see how it plays out. Then again getting a Teigu in the library I say is more valuable than history. Besides I think it would be fun to explore a new world." He said as the two made it to a set of stairs. The branches of the tree moved up the side of the stairs and once the branches reached the platform at the top they wrapped around each other making an archway, "Alright, I'll be out for a bit, keep the place in order and... Get me only when an outsider enters the library." He said as the branches lit up and a portal opened behind him.

"Of course. I'll let the other assistants know of your departure." He said bowing before walking back down the stairs.

The boy walks through the rift and was now in a new location. The room was vast, it had about ten different archways. The arches all looked the same but the one he came out if had the white branches, at least it did before they retracted back into the ground. The room had a console in the center showing countless multiverses. The boy walks up to the console and begins to look at the many multiverses, "Now... Where is it." He said. He moved his and over the infinite clusters and zoomed in to one multiverse then into one universe, "There it is." He said focusing on one world. After selecting the world every archway glowed and opened. Beyond the archways he saw some trees, "Now how am I going to fight in this world?" He asked himself as he walked up to a spot in the room. The wall he faced opened up and revealed some books, weapons and vials. Some vials were empty while the rest were full, "Magic doesn't exist in this world, but certain abilities can be..." He thought, "Actually I don't need to keep who I am a secret to those I'm allied with..." He said grabbing a book and flipping through it, "Should be fine." He said grabbing the holder for the book. He strapped it around his waist and secured the book. He then grabbed two pistols and their holsters and strapped them around his torso, "In case I don't have time to use the book. Now should I drink one of these?" He said looking at the vials. He picked an empty one up and looked at it, "They permanently alter my body." He said reading the label, Biological Immortality. He looked at the one next to it, Eternal Youth. He drank the two vials when he started working in the library, The Void and The Creator said he had to. Nobody else will be chosen to run this place. As for the Eternal Youth potion, he didn't want to be some old man who can barely get to one end of the library to the next. Though living in the library ceases aging, but leaving is another story, "I don't need any of these." He said placing the empty vial back and grabbed his trench coat. He backed away as the wall closed, he made his way to the nearest Archway. He gazes at it as he put his coat on and did one last look over to see if he was prepared, "I think that's all." He said stepping through the gate and standing in the woods. He looks at his hand and sees a key appear on his palm. He pulled out the book and opened it, the key was sucked in and pulled into the book, "Alright now... How do I meet this night raid." He said looking up and seeing The Capitol. A good place to start... Maybe if I follow Tatsumi's footsteps I may be able to meet them, or I can do something else. I could kill those bastards myself, yeah I like that idea. The boy thought to himself as he walked to The Capitol. He grabbed his book again and opened it, "I should really get some money just in case." He said as the book glowed and a pouch full of coins.

"Now that girl takes in outsiders who have no where to go. So if I want to get picked up by them, act like a homeless and defenseless citizen." He said to himself as he walked through the streets. Man it's been a while since I left that library, maybe I should explore other worlds. I could get some good collections for the library. He thought to himself. He glanced up at The Imperial Palace, every version of this world he read the Prime Minister suffered a very cruel and gruesome fate. He thought of the details to himself as he bumped into someone.

"Apologies I didn't see y..." He stopped realizing who he was talking to.

"Hello~!" The blonde said.

"Leone, member of night raid and user of Lionel. Talk about luck."

"Good day. I really do apologise for bumping into you." He said. Damn she looks so similar to Yang. He thought.

"Oh not a problem. Actually was kinda hoping to talk to you." She said.

"Ahh yes I remember. Tatsumi was scammed by her. Might as well humor her." He thought, "Really? Why?" He asked her as he instinctively eyed her chest.

"Hey eyes up here bud." She said.

"Apologies." He said bowing slightly, "Great first impression dumbass." He thought.

"Anyways I just wanted to know why you're in the capitol." She said.

"Not sure. Guess I just wanted to get to know the place." He said leaning his head back.

"Is that so?" Leone asked, she gave a slight smile, "Well, care to tell me a bit about yourself? Maybe over some food?"

"Sure. I don't mind." The boy said as he walked off with the blonde woman.


Leone had order a large amount of alcohol and food while the boy sat there watching her eat, "My you must have been hungry. You haven't even asked me any personal questions."

"Oh sorry. What's your name kid? I'm Leone." She said.

"F/N." The boy said.

"Interesting name. So do you really not know why you are here?" She asked.

"Hmm, guess I could join the imperial army." He said leaning back in his chair, "Then again starting from the bottom, well it's not my thing." He said.

"Well lucky you, I happen to..."

"... Know someone from the imperial army and if I pay them enough they will let me go up the ranks?" He finished for her.

"Uhhh..." She seemed a bit shocked.

"If you're going to scam me at least try not to smell like blood, but if you really need money." He said pulling out a bag of money, "Here, I'm sure your little night business isn't paying to well." He said placing it on the table, "Give my regards to your team. I'm certain we will meet again later." He said walking away.


"I didn't really want to meet night raid already. Guess fate had a different path for me to follow." F/N thought to himself as he sat on the floor his back leaning on a wall. He closed his eyes for a moment, he heard the sound of footsteps approach him.

"Excuse me if you don't have anywhere to sleep, you can come to my place and rest." The blonde girl said looking at F/N.

"This girl is really cute, pity she's part of the corruption in this world." He thought to himself, "Are you sure you want to invite a stranger to your home?" He asked.

"Well I can't just leave someone to sleep outside in the cold." She said.

"Her soul reeks of lies and deceit. Her silver tongue, makes me want to cut it out of her body." F/N thought, "Alright, who am I to deny such hospitality." He stood up and looked at the girl and her sweet fake smile, "Lead the way ma'am." He said as she began to walk away, F/N felt an ominous aura coming from her. It wasn't strong but to someone with his skills, it was very noticeable. F/N thought if the people in that shack, how they were tortured, how they were poisoned, how they... suffered.

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