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Akame charges at Zanku and the two clashed swords. Akame kicks him back into a pillar and goes to stab him. He avoids the hot and Akame slices the pillar in half.

"What skill... She has plenty of battle experience. Not just speed but strength too." Zanku thought as he smiled during the fight. The two clashed again and F/N gazed in awe.

"Seeing it in person is astounding." He thought as the two stood away from one another.

"With him reading my mind we are evenly matched. In that case..." Akame thought and took a deep breath. Her thoughts became vacant and silent.

"So you cleared your mind. WOW! But this Spectator has Foresight! I can predict your next move through the subtleties of your muscles." Zanku said gazing at her. Akame charges at Zanku and brings her blade downward at him. He blocks the attack using his blades and the force cracks the ground. He slashes at Akame who leaps back, however she didn't avoid it in time and was cut on her left thigh, "Oh dear... That blade won't let me get away with even a scratch. How unfair." Zanku said pointing his blade at Akame.

"You're the one reading my movements and mind. So we are even." She responded.

"Tell me Akame what do you do about the voices?" He asked.

"Voices?" Akame said confused.

"Come on I'm sure you hear them as well. The voices of the people you killed, rising from hell. They hate me and keep demanding me to join them." He said as Akame gazed at him with her usual serious expression, "I have been hearing them since I began cutting off heads in the prison, and it has been getting worse. I try to drown them out by talking over them, but I always wondered how you..."

"I don't hear them. For me... I don't hear those voices." Akame said staring at him.

"What?" He asked surprised, "I thought someone who has killed as much as you... Would have shared this burden with me... HOW SAD!!" He yelled as Akame gazed in surprise. In front of her no longer stood Zanku, instead a girl with black hair and a similar outfit as her.

"K-Kurome?" The thought ran through her head.

"It's over." F/N thought, "He is using an illusion against her. It only works on one person at a time, but they see the person most dear to them. Normally no matter how skilled a fighter is they could never hurt the one they love. However..." F/N thought to himself as he laid on the floor.

"DIE AT THE HANDS OF THE ONE YOU LOVE AKAME!!!" Zanku yelled as he lunged at her. Though without a second thought Akame slashed at him and through his illusion. He barely blocked the attack. He flew past her and skidded across the floor to a stop, "You... Didn't hold back at all... WHY? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SEE SOMEONE YOU LOVE!!!!" Zanku yelled. Akame turns around and looks at him with cold eyes.

"It's because my love is so great... I want to grant her eternal rest." She said. This surprised Zanku who was questioning her words, "This match is over." She said. Zanku gazes at his weapons and sees them cracked. Zanku begins to panic as he sees Akame has been breaking his weapons. "First I send the weapon to rest." She said as she ran towards him at full speed.

"I WONT DIE THAT EASILY!!!" He yelled as the two clashed blades and parried one another's attacks, "I'll kill her first! I can foresee her moves. I have the advantage!" He thought, "I can't finish her off fast enough. My blades will fail before I can cut her down!!" He was visibly distressed as Akame gave one last slash and shattered his blades. His arms were forced above his head and all he could do was watch as she brought her sword back.

"Rest in Peace." She said as she slashed at his throat and cut him down.

"She did well... Nothing has changed since I came here. That's good everything should work out fine. Though I can't stay like this and rely on them to save me. I need to get stronger for them and any other world I visit." F/N thought as Zanku fell back.

"Now you won't be hearing their cries anymore." Akame said. Zanku's headphones broke apart and he realized she was right.

"The... The noise stopped..." He thought, "H-how... Delightful..." He said with a smile, "Thank you... Akame." He said as he finally succumbed to his wounds.


Akame and I made it back to the hideout. As she said before her fight, she was cleaning my wounds.

"You need to be more careful." Mine said.

"Yeah. I need to get stronger or I can't do my job properly." I said.

"Though this experience will help with that." Akame said.

"Yeah..." I said, "Don't worry about me. I'll get better." I said to them.

"You better I'm getting tired of watching you like this." Mine said.

"Awww think she's worried." Leone said coming into the room.

"I am not!" She yelled.

"Definitely is. Look at how red her face is." Leone said. Mine screamed at her as Leone just laughed at her embarrassment.

"Yes... If I want to prevent their fates. I have to get stronger." I thought to myself as I smiled at the two.

It took a full day before I was able to return to training. I woke up and found Sheele sleeping beside my bed, "F/N... You'll be training under me starting today... I look forward to working with you." She said still half asleep.

"Right sometimes I forget she was an airhead..." I said to myself.


At the meeting room Lubbock, Najenda, and Leone are there eating some fruit left behind by Akame, "You think he'll be okay with Sheele in charge?" Lubbock asked biting into an apple.

"He'll be fine, I think Sheele likes his company." Najenda said.

"What makes you say that?" Lubbock asked.

"Older women like F/N." Najenda said. Leone raised her arm at this phrase.

"I call dibs on him next!!!" She yelled.

"See, he's a lady killer." Najenda added

"What! It's not fair!" Lubbock yelled.


I finished swimming across a river wearing armor, "Man this is pretty difficult." I said. I didn't use my enhancements as I didn't want to rely on it every time. Also if my body gets stronger I may be able to use more abilities than usual.

"Good job on swimming with armor." Sheele said, "This is part of the curriculum for assassin training. Since I don't have many duties in the hideout, I can focus all my attention on your cultivation." She said.

"Yeah... Must be nice, in a way..." I said.

"I'm such an airhead..." She sighed.

"That's part of your charm though." I said to her. She stood up.

"Still I'm really sorry..." She bowed only for her glasses to fall off, "My glasses, my glasses..." She said as she felt around for her glasses. She looks up at me with her purple eyes.

"So cute..." I said without thinking and she seemed to have heard me. She was a bit flushed as I realized what I said, "I'm terrible at social interactions..." I sighed.

"It's part of your charm." She said smiling.

"Th-thanks." I said. We were both embarrassed as we stood there in silence.

After our little moment we made it back to the hideout where we meet with the rest of the team.

"F/N your wounds should be healed now. That means we are giving the Teigu we seized from Zanku to you." Najenda said.

"Sweet, to be honest I always wondered what it's like to have an all seeing third eye." I said gazing at the metal Teigu, "I wonder if I could wield multiple Teigus?" I asked picking the eye up.

"Wouldn't recommend it." Bulat said.

"It takes a lot of physical and psychological strength to wield just one." Lubbock added.

"Heh for a normal person. I'm not normal, not for countless millennia." I said placing the eye on my forehead.

"We don't know much about the Teigu so it's capabilities are mostly mysterious." Najenda said.

"It can read minds so try that on me." Akame said a bit excited.

"I don't think anyone needs this eye to get a read on you Akame." I said.

"Well I don't want you reading my mind so try one of the other five senses." Mine said.

"Hmm. Let's see what other..." Without thinking I looked at the girls and noticed their clothes were missing.

"Oh crap I didn't activate this!!!" I thought as I gazed at them in their underwear, "I knew it could do this but I didn't want to test it out!!! How do I react? What do I do?? But I'm not gonna lie this is fucking brilliant." I thought as Mine got really close to me.

"Hey what's up with you?" She asked. I cleared my throat and stood up.

"Nothing I just need to do some research and such so I'll be taking the day off, bye." I said quickly opening a door to the library and entering it.

"What's up with him?" Mine asked. The door closed and I took off the Teigu and sighed.

"Hot damn that was... I almost lost control there." I said. Being created by the most cruel being and the kindest being in existence... I'm still trying to fuse the two personalities into one.

"So how did the Teigu feel?" I heard my boss speak.

"Ahhh! God please don't do that." I said holding my chest.

"Apologies. I just was curious." Creator said. This time he took the form of some bright light in the form of a man with no face.

"So why do you want me to make a sacred gear?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it too much focus on your research. I'll fill you in later." He said patting my head.

"I'm not a kid. At least not mentally." I said.

"Sorry. But I have watched every resident grow and die in this Omniverse... I guess I can't help but get attached to them." He said.

"Make me wonder how you would feel if you actually had a child." I said.

"Who knows. The rules that keep everything from being destroyed prevents this. I wonder what would it be like to be a real father... Anyways continue the good work. I am looking forward to how you finish this tale." He said disappearing in a flash of light.

"Seriously he needs to stop this surprise inspection." I said. I place the Teigu down and begin to visually analyze it, "Hmm the craftsmanship is superb and the materials are rare and exceptional. Is it possible to replicate it?" I asked myself as I placed it down again. A wooden being approached me and I grabbed the Teigu, "Take this and analyze it thoroughly. I wanna know how it works inside and out." I said handing it to him.

"As you wish." He said and walked away.

"There are many Teigus. Though the most difficult one to analyze and replicate would be, Demon's Extract. Since only one person was able to consume it and said person drank every bit of the blood. Esdeath. Her body has become the Teigu. If I remember correctly she should be going to war with the Northern tribes soon. The Northern tribes have Numa Seika, The Hero of The North. However, Esdeath is too strong of a general. She won't have a single ounce of trouble tearing them down." I sighed. I opened the console and saw what I expect.

"General Esdeath. A super sadist and the Empire's Strongest." Though at this moment my personality changes as I smiled, "I wonder if I can break such a woman? Or maybe I can coerce her to join me and leave her life behind. Either way that Teigu will be mine." I said feeling the personality fade away. I shuddered, "Those thoughts are a bit creepy... But interesting. Especially when I see the specifics of those thoughts. Damn I can be a sadist."

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