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(Crashbexpert: Alright so before we begin I should let you all know. I'm following the Manga and not the anime. I may use some moments from the anime but this story will mostly follow the manga. Trust me it's far better that way.)

I was sitting at the meeting room with Akame wrapping bandages around my chest, "I'm telling you I can heal quickly. I just need to get to the library." I said to them.

"Still, you said the place is massive. How far is this quick healing?" Najenda asked.

"Depends on what I need." I said, "For this about half a day tra... Point taken." I sighed.

"Why don't you have something to heal from your book?" Lubbock asked.

"This book is two things. A infinite storage and an enhancer. I can enhance certain aspects of my body. My strength and mind. Healing is not one of those things." I said raising my hand and instantly regretting it, "Ow."

"Don't move so much." Akame said.

"Sorry." I said, "So anything else to do?" I asked.

"Rest up we have to be ready for any new assignments." Najenda said.

"I'm definitely all over that." I said.


At the Capital a woman screams as he is held by the neck from a large man. He already beheaded her companion and he was ready to kill her next, "Please. Don't kill me." She begged.

"Naughty Naughty. It's your fault for walking out this late at dark." He said, "Didn't your parents tell you night is when the monsters come out?"

"Please I'll do anything!" She pleaded.

"I like to talk, so how about you entertain me?" He said.

"Yes I'll do anything." She said.

"So tell me. How does it feel to have your head severed from your body, does it hurt?" He asked as her body feel to the ground while he still held her head. He dropped her head and smiled, "How delightful. I just can't stop."


The next day I returned to the Library to get somethings, "Alright let's get this done." I said opening a rift surrounded by white roots. I entered to find myself in a large forest made of white glowing trees, "Yeah I definitely need to be more active. This is supposed to be where all magic and spells are located, yet it's empty." I made my way through the woods and the atmosphere was very soothing.

"You know you could have interacted with any world. None of use would have stopped you." I heard a familiar voice.

"Why a deer?" I asked him.

"This animal is usually found in forests why not. Besides I'm trapped in the center, I can only send a projection or summon others." He said.

"Right. How can I forget... What brings you here boss?" I asked him.

"Well the Void is here as well, though he cannot set foot here or it will become corrupt. Anyways we have a request." He said.

"I'll do my best to complete it." I said.

"What do you know of Sacred Gears?" He asked.

"Just that they differ in power and strength." I said.

"Is it possible for you to make one? Or Two?" He asked.

"Not sure... If I get my hands on a teigu maybe I can see if I can replicate those first." I said.

"I see... Well figure that out and I will return to see your results. Oh and don't worry about having them join you in the library. We may have absolute authority over the proceedings of this place, but we don't mind if you choose to have people join you. It can be rather lonely in this vast location."  He said, "Oh before I go let me heal you." He said as I felt my bones stiffen.

"That... That feels weird." I said.

"You may be immortal, but you aren't invulnerable. You can be killed, so be careful." He said as he turned into a flock of fire flies and dispersed.

"Yeah I know..." I said walking back to the entrance, "Well since half my day was already solved, might as well see what the Void wants." I said walking back into the main room and seeing a rift surrounded by black roots, pulsing as if it were alive and ready to devour anything it touches. I walked through and found myself in a dark location, the woods full of black trees and an ominous atmosphere. I walked through the dark woods for a long while as I heard the familiar voice.

"So did my nemesis ask you?" The void spoke.

"Hey boss and yes you want me to create a sacred gear, though may I ask why did you take the form of a creature that is known to give many worlds hell?" I said.

"Heh I like this form, it fits my theme of fear. What will it take to complete this request?" He asked.

"Would you mind if I asked why?" I said to him.

"Prime has come to terms with the fact that some species, or worlds, are to corrupt to be saved. We want a way to cleanse them from existence." He said.

"Wait why would you want them to be cleansed?" I asked.

"I live for chaos, what does it matter if the ones suffering are unjust and cruel. As long as destruction is evident I don't care who is on the receiving end of it." He said walking behind me.

"So who do you want to turn into a sacred gear?" I asked.

"We'll get there when the time is right. Oh and before I leave, a little upgrade for your guns." He approached me and exhaled as a black mist seeped into my coat and I felt a cold sensation on my sides.

"Not sure how I feel about this..." I said.

"It can now penetrate flesh better. Can't have you getting eaten by that teigu now do we?" He asked as he began to seep into the ground leaving a black puddle. With the Void gone I had no reason to stay in the library, so I went back to Night Raid. Of course after I grabbed some more items to help me with the blonde succubus.

"Man that was one hell of a meeting." I said to myself.

"What happened?" Sheele asked looking up from her book.

"Oh... Just spoke with my bosses. They want me to do something, you don't have to worry about it. It doesn't have anything to do with this war or any of you." I said.

"Can it be that bad?" She asked.

"Depends which of them is asking. So anything happen while I was gone for the past hour." I asked.

"Oh you're back. Thought it was supposed to take half a day?" Najenda asked.

"Had a surprise meeting, my boss healed me, asked me for a request, gonna have to research it and see if it's possible." I said.

"I see... Well we have a new assignment. Our Target is the serial killer from the rumors." Najenda said.

"Zanku. The former executioner of the Empire." I said, "Doesn't he also have a teigu?" I asked.

"He does which is why we must be paired in groups of two... Or else you could be in danger." Bulat said getting uncomfortably close to me. Apparently there is an incubus here as well... And I feel in danger right now.


Once night fell Six of us went off into the Capital to begin our search for Zanku. Mine and Sheele we're in one ground, Succubus and Incubus were in another, and lastly Akame and I made another, "Hey Akame, can I ask you something?"

"Don't worry I packed provisions." She said giving me a thumbs up.

"That's not it." I said to her, "I was wondering, how you feel about your world not being the only one." I said, "I have been alive for a long time, I have read a lot of histories. After learning this some believe their lives no longer matter. Every choice they make is insignificant because in another universe they made the opposite choice."

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm alive and I live here. Whether I join you in that library or not, I want to be sure my home his safe and free." She said.

"I think therefore I am..." I muttered as we walked through the streets.


"First there's the killer. Now assassins are on the loose. The town is dangerous... How delightful." Zanku said as he stood atop a clock tower overlooking the streets. He uses his teigu, Spectator, which was a large green eye attached to his forehead. With it he was able to see everyone's position and location, "Now who should I behead first?" He asked himself as he spots F/N and Akame, "Maybe I should start with the tasty morsels first."


I sat with Akame as she ate some of the food she packed, "Do you ever stop eating?" I asked.

"Gotta keep my strength up." She said.

"You are the epitome of the sin gluttony." I said.

"I'm not fat." She said.

"Makes me wonder where all the food goes." I said, "Anyways I'm heading out for a bit." I said.

"Gonna use the can?" She asked.

"Shut up." I said walking away. I went off into a random alley and pulled my book out, "Should make sure I have a bit of protection." I said activating it and enhancing my mind, "Ow this hurts." I said as I put the book away. After I finished using the restroom I felt something unusual. Something is trying to manipulate my mind. I turned to see no one around, "Zanku." I said as I ran down the alley. After running for a bit I stood in an open area where Zanku stood in front of me. He doesn't seem to realize his illusion failed, "Drop it Zanku. Your Illusions don't work on me. At least not at this moment." I said to him pulling out my book.

"Oh? That's a surprise, do you have a counter to my teigu?" He asked.

"You can say that." I said opening my book and feeling my muscles tighten.

"This is very painful, but I can't take him lightly so I have to bear it. Is what you were thinking right now." He said.

"Right almost forgot how strong your teigu is." I said. I pulled out my pistols which looked rather demonic, "Shall we get this over with?" I asked. My head was aching from my enhancement earlier.

"I can only defend against one of the five senses and I need to clear my head or I won't win this fight. Is what you thought." He smiled at me. I emptied my mind and was ready to attack, "I don't need to read your mind to beat you." He said. I fired one pistol but he dodged it and rushed at me. I rolled to the side and aimed my gun only to quickly leap back. He cuts my shirt a bit as I fired my pistols. He blocks them with his blades and I land a few feet back. I fired at him as he ran at me and goes to slash at me. I lifted my arms and used them to block his blades. He cuts a bit through my flesh.

"How did I not cut you?" He questioned.

"Before we began I had my muscles tighten. It is excruciatingly painful, but no half ass attack will slice through them." I said pushing his arms away and aiming my guns at him. He kicks my arms up and head butts my nose. He uses his blades to hit my chest and send me flying back into a wall. It left me a deep gash and I felt blood run down my body.

"Then I guess I won't hold back against you." Zanku said as he charged at me. I ducked under his blades and forced tackled him. As we hit the floor I leaped off him and fired my pistols. He blocked them and grabbed my leg.

"Shit?" I yelled as he smashed me to the ground. He raised his blade at me and tries to stab me, but I rolled away. I got up and kicked his side using the momentum to gain distance. I rushed at him and fired my guns as he brought his blades down. I ran past him and felt a sharp pain on my back and leg, "Not bad... You cut right through my defense." I said falling to the ground. I was bleeding as I turned and tried to aim my gun. My enhancements were reaching their limit as I no longer was able to aim properly and my muscles were being pulled together and tighter.

"If you beg. It might buy you some time till your friends come." Zanku said.

"I don't beg, not even to my bosses." I said as I was struggling to keep myself up, "And you aren't anywhere near their strength. I can actually name millions of people stronger than you " I laughed as he got enraged.

"Big talk from a dead man!" He yelled as he charged at me, his blade aiming for my head. A sword lands in front of him causing him to stop. Akame lands next to her sword, Murasame, and grabs it. She points it's end at Zanku.

"I finally found you. I'll take it from here you rest up." She said.

"I owe you for this." I said laying on the ground. I pulled my book out and used it to deactivate my enhancements giving my head and body relief. Akame looks at me and tightens her grip on her sword.

"Don't worry I'll finish this up and quickly tend to your wounds." She said approaching Zanku.

"I have full faith in you." I said as I felt blood drip even more now that my body was relaxed, "Just know his teigu can look into your heart and read your mind." I said.

"Thanks for the tip, but if he can't match my movements then it will be useless." She said getting ready to attack. Zanku smiled.

"The infamous Akame and her Demon Blade Murasame. How delightful I always wanted to meet you." He said.

"And I, you. After all this is a Job."

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