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Rhea and Imran entered the office's café together, they kept discussing everything that they learned today.

'What will you have?' Imran asked as they stood opposite the counter choosing their lunch. Rhea got a plate of pasta and Imran got a chicken sandwich. They sat together at a small table opposite a huge window. Rhea is happy, her first day is going good. She met a friend in Imran, a good working ambience, a senior most doctor and a very good looking Dr. Shad. Rhea shook her head, what the hell is she thinking? Why is thinking about him? but she must admit, Dr. Shad is indeed handsome.

She and Imran got into discussion about their work and their future plans as they munched on their lunch. As she chatted with Imran her gaze fell on a young man who entered the café. Shad had his gaze fixed on his mobile, a smile on his lips. Rhea wondered if he has a girlfriend and is chatting with her, but then why is she bothered. Rhea shrugged off the thought.

'Dr. Shad' Imran waved at Shad. Shad moved his gaze from his mobile and looked up at Imran, his gaze fell on Rhea sitting opposite him. Rhea quickly looked down back into her plate. Shad smiled

'Join us' Imran called and Shad nodded his head 'In a minute' he called back. Rhea shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She has just met Shad once and today she had been formally introduced to him, then why is she being affected. Rhea had always been the career oriented girl, fully focused on her studies. She had studied in all girl's school and in medical college she didn't have time to even spare a glance at boys. But there is something different about Shad, something that is making her feel affected by his presence. Why?

Shad took a seat between Rhea and Imran, he smiled at them

'Dr. Shad, you are amazing...' Imran went on praising him and Shad looked like he cared but he didn't, he kept stealing glances at Rhea who had her head lowered and eyes glued to her plate. Rhea is fidgeting with pasta feeling butterflies in her stomach, having Shad so close to her is making her feel different.


'I am waiting for you at the parking, hurry Eifad' Shad said on phone as he waited in the parking lot.

'Ten minutes' Eifad informed him and cut the call. Shad frowned, she never listens to what the person on the other side has to say.

'Dr. Shad'

Shad turned around hearing a female voice, Rhea stood behind him. She looked tired

'You didn't go? It's late' Shad said glancing at his watch, its 9pm. Rhea nodded her head.

'I was checking the patients and studying their reports. I didn't treat them but just checked them. I wanted to be informed' Rhea said, Shad nodded his head. He is impressed with her dedication. Imran and other interns left around 6pm but she stayed back.

'I wanted to ask you something,' Rhea said and Shad nodded his head urging her to go on 'I wanted to handle Mrs. Desai' she said and looked down at her fidgeting fingers. Shad smiled

'Okay, you assist me with that I will have Imran assist me with Mr. Khanna. Only after Dr. Singhaniya will say then you two can work independently' Shad informed. Rhea's face fell with disappointment. Nevertheless, she is happy she is getting to work under a talented Doctor like Shad.

Shad offered her a lift but she politely refused stating she has her own transportation. They bid good bye and Rhea left. She turned around and found Shad looking at her, they look away embarrassed after being caught. Shad smiled while Rhea blushed walking towards her scooty.

Eifad is about to enter the ladies washroom when she heard two female doctors talking, she paused resting her hand on the door knob.

'Dr. Jay is your senior yet you and he...OMG!' one girl gasped

'Yes, we made out right here in this washroom...that cubicle' another girl answered boldly

'He is not that hot...'

'I know babes, but what to do...he is my senior and I need him in my hands...and there is only one way to control a' the other girl goes on. Eifad frowned

'Sex, how?'

'See, these men, they are really simple and idiotic. They will do anything and everything if they are getting what they want. And it's always sex' the girls giggled.

They stopped instantly as Eifad entered the washroom, they looked scared. Eifad simply smiled, the girls looked at her suspiciously.

'You were talking about' Eifad said calmly, the girls gulped.

'Dr. Jeana was telling' one girl began but the other girl, Jeana nudged her arm. Eifad eyed them. She asked the other lady to leave and Jeana is left alone. She felt uncomfortable. Eifad simply stood leaning against the washbasin.

'You were saying?' Eifad said staring at Jeana's reflection. Silence, Eifad glared at her fisting the washbasin tightly.

Jeana then blurted out everything about her affair with her senior doctor, Dr. Jay. Eifad turned around, she smirked leaning against the washroom, her arms folded across her chest.

'So, men will do anything if you give them sex?' Eifad asked crossing her legs. Jeana gulped

'Most of them....'

'You seemed experienced'

Silence! Eifad smiled and turned around 'Leave' Jeana nodded and left.

'Yaar, Eifu. What took you so long?' Shad asked as he sat beside Eifad at the back seat of her car. Tansen drove the car to first drop Shad.

Eifad doesn't respond, she turned her head and looked out from the window. Jeana's words echoing in her head. Shad's whining gets muffled with the thoughts of Jeana's words.

'What you think of sex, Shad?' Eifad asked, her gaze looking out from the window. Shad froze. He glanced at Tansen embarrassed, what is Eifad talking about? From where did this topic come up.

Eifad turned her head and repeated her question. Shad held her hand 'What are you talking? Not here...' he whispered back feeling embarrassed. Eifad moved her hand and lookedat him

'I asked you something, Shad' she said, her tone flat.

Shad shrugged 'What I think of sex...? Well, I have never had one but I heard it is great!' Shad said

'You want it?' Eifad said looking boldly at him. Shad shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Is Eifad drunk? He wondered.

'Shad? Do you want it?' she repeated herself. Shad looked at Tansen who also seemed uncomfortable. Shad had always admired Eifad's boldness and confidence but now her straightforwardness is making him very uncomfortable.


He shook his head and looked at Eifad 'why not, everyone wants sex but I am not into those casual types...'

He is relieved when Eifad leaned back against her seat. She turned her head looking out from the window. Jeana's words and Shad's words replaying in her head.


'You made all this now?' Shruti asked amazed looking at veg pulao and some veg curry plated neatly on the dining table. Rhea smiled with pride. She felt terribly tired coming from Hospital but she was hungry too and their maid hadn't made dinner today.

Instead of having something to order late in the night or having noodles Rhea had pulled up her socks and had prepared the food. Shruti is super impressed. They didn't speak much as they silently ate their food.

'Good night' Shruti said and goes into her room. Rhea sighed and returned to her room. It's been one week since she had shifted here with Shruti, but their relationship has been nothing but formal.

Rhea liked it this way, neither she nor Shruti interfere in each other's life but still she longed for a friend to talk to. Imran, she has just met, and she won't be comfortable confiding her secrets and wishes to him. She has never spoken openly with a man before.

As she lay on her bed, her mind wandered to Shad. His dimpled smile and the twinkle in his eyes, she felt her heart fluttering thinking about him. She turned to her side, she frowned pulling the duvet over her. Why is she thinking about him?

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