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'Ah, Shad we were waiting for you' Singhaniya said happily as Shad stood beside the middle-aged man. Shad greeted him politely

'So, Dr. Imran and Dr. Rhea. Meet Dr. Shad Siddique he will be assisting me with your internship. Report to him and then he will report it to me' Singhaniya announced taking Shad by surprise. This moment he felt the proudest, Dr. Brijesh Singhaniya is the senior most and very reputed Doctor in the hospital, he is very hard to please too. But when he announced Shad to be assisting him with internship it is a huge achievement for Shad. Along with the interns he too will get so much to learn. Rhea and Imran nodded their heads.

Singhaniya then said Imran and Rhea to give details to Shad and assist him with the case he is dealing right now. Everyone nodded.

Once Singhaniya left, Shad turned to other two 'Good to meet you' he said first shaking hand with Imran and then with Rhea.

Shad took them around the cardiologist department, he had been working for one week and is now aware of the place. Rhea looked around the place wide-eyed, no wonder Hooda hospital is considered as Delhi's best. Just one department is so huge and so well equipped with latest technology, Rhea has her mind blown away.

Shad took them to the ward where he introduced them to Mrs. Desai, the case he is handling. Rhea listened intently as he explained them the case.


Eifad entered the board room department where heads of all the department are gathered. They stood greeting her. She nodded her head and took her seat at the center of the table. One by one the heads give her details of all the department. Eifad stiffened when Dr. Singhaniya informed her about appointing Shad as his assistant with Rhea and Imran as the interns. Eifad couldn't concrete in the rest of the meeting. She dismissed everyone quickly.

'Saxena...' she said leaning back against her chair, her eyes stared at the ceiling. Her elbows resting on the chair with her fingers entwined.

Saxena quivered as he answered her with his head lowered 'Get me black coffee and Interns files' she said dryly. Saxena nodded his head obediently and left.

Once he left there is silence in her cabin except the tick tock of the wall clock. Few minutes later, Eifad leaned forward her palm resting on the paper weight, she glared at it

'Rhea' she whispered twirling the paper weight. With a deadly glare, she watched it twirl.

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