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Its 3am, but Shad doesn't care. He wore his Tee and rushed from the building clad only in his blue Tee and checked boxers. His mother had protested looking terrified but Shad left saying it is an emergency. For split seconds, he thought of calling an ambulance, Eifad is very much capable of hurting herself. She has done it many a times in the past.

Shad rang the doorbell to Eifad's posh pent house. A visibly horrified Dheem Kaka opened the door. In his panic tone, he narrated about sounds and screams coming Eifad's room. Shad had his heart in his mouth as he leaped on the stairs leading to her room.

Aisha stood at the door knocking the door and asking Eifad to come out, there is not much sound coming inside any more. What if it's too late? Shad panicked.

'Thank God you came' Aisha cried on seeing Shad. He nodded his head and placed his hand on her shoulder and silently asked her to not worry.

'Eifad....'s me, Shad' he said softly, he placed his hand on the door. Suddenly there is silence from the other side.

Seconds later, Eifad opened the door. Shad looked at her, she looked disheveled but luckily, she isn't hurt.

'Eifad!' Shad sighed in relief. He hugged her. Aisha too is relieved. Eifad took some time before hugging him back. She clung to him tightly, fisting his Tee with her fingers. She is afraid that if she lets go, he might disappear.

'What is wrong with you?' Shad said making her sit on the bed, Aisha sat beside her daughter.

Dheem Kaka cleared the smashed debris that Eifad had caused.

Aisha placed her palm over Eifad but she shrugged it off. 'My heavy...I want to sleep' Eifad said. Shad nodded his head and is about to leave when Eifad held his hand.

'You don't go' she said. Shad smiled nodding. Eifad shifted in her place and lay down. Shad covered her with the duvet. Eifad closed her eyes, her breathing steady. Shad noticed sleeping pills, he read the content and frowned. Eifad is taking very high dose of sleeping pills. Shad decided to talk to Aisha about this in the morning, for now he rested his head against the bed rest and looked at Eifad.

She is looking so innocent, so child-like. He caressed her head and she trembled. He moved his hand.

Eifad had always liked Shad's touch, it sends sparks inside her. Maybe because Shad hasn't touched her intimately, she doesn't think she will be able to have him touch her that way. She knows his intensions will never be to hurt her. Shad's touch is pure unlike the haunting touch but still reliving those traumatizing memories, subconsciously she is feeling scared even with Shad's touch for now. Eifad took some time to doze off. One hour later, Shad too sleeps off.


Next day, Shad woke up feeling the sun rays hit his face. As he felt a sharp pain on his nape he realized he had slept off with his head resting against the bed rest.

'Oww...' he winced massaging his nape, he then realized Eifad is missing. He sat up straight when Dheem Kaka entered the room asking him to join Eifad and Aisha for breakfast. Shad blinked confusedly when he was informed that Eifad had left for jogging around 5am, she had returned and got dressed for work and is now at the dining table having breakfast. Shad glanced at the wall clock, 8.30am. Eifad was the one who had taken sleeping pills, but he is the one who over slept. He smacked his head and climbed down the bed. He went into Eifad's bathroom to freshen up.

'Beta, are you fine?' Aisha asked concerned as she watched her daughter pour milk into a bowl of cornflakes. Eifad nodded her head not looking at her. Aisha sighed in defeat and turned her attention towards her bowl of cornflakes. Shad climbed down stairs, he saw Aisha sitting at the table dressed in white and blue cotton saree and beside her is Eifad dressed in her office attire- sleeveless white and black lace bodycon midi pencil dress, her shoulder length hair open.

'Hey!' Shad said smiling at the mother-daughter duo. Eifad looked up at him and smiles slightly. Shad took his seat beside Eifad and opposite Aisha.

'Are you fine, Beta! You had good night sleep?' Aisha asked Shad as Dheem kaka placed a bowl and cornflakes box next to Shad. He nodded his head, even though his entire upper-body ached. He doesn't want anyone to worry for him.

'Thank you' Eifad said after a while, Shad is surprised. Shad smiled


'Ten minutes, get ready for work' Eifad said interrupting Shad in between, she stood up and before anyone could respond she turned and leaves. Shad sighed and stands up.

'You won't have breakfast...?' Aisha asked. Shad shrugged

'You heard your Hitler daughter, ten minutes. And I can't go to work in my boxers' Shad joked and Aisha chuckles.

Shad then recollected last night's incident 'Aunty, there is something I need to talk to you about' he said, his tone serious.

Aisha looked up

Shad took his seat beside Aisha 'Aunty, I am not only telling this as a friend but also as a doctor...Aunty I think we should take Eifad to a psych....'

Aisha stood up kicking her chair, she turned her head and glared at Shad. He looked back at her with confidence. He kew, he is right and its high time Eifad meets one. Maybe with some medical help Eifad might get better. No matter how much Shad and Aisha run away from the fact, but that doesn't change anything, the fact remains Eifad needs help.

'My daughter isn't mad, stop labelling her mad' Aisha said angrily. Shad shook his head

'Who is saying she is mad? She isn't, but there is something that is clearly disturbing her... she won't tell her best friend that is me, then how will we help...we need professional help' Shad explained patiently.

Aisha shook her head and repeated herself, she turned around and left. She is fuming in anger as she climbed up stairs.

Shad is worried, Aisha will just worsened Eifad's condition. Eifad clearly shows signs of depression, but Shad senses there is something more to this depression. Something that he had sensed only growing in these years. Something that will just keep growing.

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