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Aisha shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she sat opposite Eifad at the dining table. There is pin-drop silence except for the tick-tock of the wall clock. A lavish dinner placed on the table, covered and their plates turned upside down. Aisha is feeling tensed. Eifad is sitting straight with her elbows placed on the table, her palm overlapping and her gaze fixed on the table. They have been waiting for Shad for one hour

Aisha gulped down a lump in her throat, she had been debating with herself whether to speak or not. She wanted to tell that maybe Shad is busy and might not come.

She decided to speak.

'I think Shad...' Aisha stopped speaking when Eifad held the fork. Eifad frowned, her heart rate increasing.

Aisha is relieved, and Eifad relaxed when they hear the door-bell, Dheem Kaka is about to get the door when Eifad stuck out her palm, and he stopped on his track. Eifad hurried to the main door, her heart fluttering with anticipation of seeing Shad on the other side. She turned around looking at her reflection; she is still dressed in office dress. She adjusted her hair, and took a deep breath opening the door.

'Hey' Shad said smiling widely

'Hey' Eifad responded hugging him, Shad hugged her back. She is relieved that Shad came, for a moment she thought he wouldn't

'I thought you won't come' she murmured. Shad shook his head and hugged her tighter

'How can I not come when my best friend has invited me' He replied and Eifad smiled feeling her heart lifting with happiness, she is more than happy to be his top priority always.

They break their hug and Shad smiled placing his hand on her waist; Eifad trembled uncomfortably. Shad sensed her discomfort and quickly moved his hand, Eifad smiled awkwardly and walked away. Shad followed her.

'Beta, you came' Aisha chirped happily, as Shad entered the dining room following behind Eifad. Aisha's gaze travelled from Shad to Eifad and she smiled when she noticed her daughter smiling, it's really rare to see her smile and Aisha loves to see her smile.

As Eifad led Shad to the dining room, her gaze is fixed on him and a smile on her lips. Shad looked at the dining table filled with delicious food; So much food. Shad placed his palm on his rumbling stomach; he is damn hungry; he is sure he will eat everything.

'Come, sit. Shad' Eifad said pulling out a chair for him, Shad nodded and sat.

'Amazing Eifad' he exclaimed happily. Eifad smiled and took her seat opposite him. She straightened his plate and started to plate food for him, Aisha and Shad talking with each other. He is completely oblivious to Eifad's gaze  on him.

Aisha asked him how his pain was? And how was work? Shad gave all the information minus everything about Rhea.

'How is your burn?' Shad asked munching on a chicken leg

'Better' Eifad replied, Shad nodded his head and got back to eating.

There is silence other than Aisha and Shad occasionally talking, Eifad is silently eating her dinner occasionally stealing glances at Shad. From side, he looked even more handsome, if that is possible. Eifad loved him from all the angles, but his right-side profile is her favorite. She noticed a random strand of hair fall on his forehead, she moved her hand to touch it when he moved it himself, absent mindedly. Eifad smiled and looked back into her plate.

'I am full Aunty!' Shad exclaimed leaning back against his chair and massaging his stomach, he closed his eyes and had a smile of contentment on his face. Eifad loved this smile, seeing him at peace gave her peace.

'But you have left some chicken and peas...complete it' Aisha said, but Shad shook his head stating he is too full even to lift a finger. Aisha opened her mouth, but one deadly glare from Eifad and she quickly closed her mouth.

Eifad asked them to sit in the living room; she will get desert for them. Shad nodded his head excitedly; Aisha led him to the living room. After they had left, Eifad stood up and walked towards Shad's side. Dheem Kaka came, and she ordered him to serve the deserts. He is about to pick up Shad's used plate when she signaled him not to. Dheem Kaka nodded obediently and went into the kitchen. Eifad sat on Shad's seat, she admired his plate and took a left-over piece of chicken. She closed her eyes, a smile on her face as she ate the leftovers from Shad's plate.

'Aunty, the food was delicious' Shad complimented leaning forward and taking a bowl of Gajjar ka Halwa that Dheem Kaka forwarded. Aisha smiled and said she and Dheem Kaka had prepared the dinner

'Really? Aunty you have magic in your hands...give Eifad some training too.... yum... this Halwa...Dheem Kaka give me the recipe' Shad said happily. Dheem Kaka nodded

'Your cooking is more delicious than ours Shad, stop flattering us' Aisha said blushing as Shad praised her some more.

'We two together will teach Eifad' Shad joked and then two of them started to laugh. Their laugh died when Eifad entered the living room.

'What took you so long, beta?' Aisha asked. Eifad simply ignored her and sat beside Shad. Aisha's felt disappointed; Shad didn't like this. He had many times confronted Eifad about this, but she had always either dodged the questions or glared at him or scold him or simply walked away but never given him an answer. He didn't understand the mother-daughter dynamics. But whatever it is, he wants to help Eifad and patch her up with her mother.

'Eifad! Thanks for the dinner' Shad said gratefully as they walked outside the apartment and towards the gate. Eifad smiled 'You had your full?' she asked. Shad nodded, and side hugged Eifad. She hugged him back

'Good night!' she said smiling. He held her cheek with his palm and smiled back 'Good night' he whispered and kissed her forehead. Eifad smiled. Shad turned around and left; Eifad watched him go. She wished she could stop him; she hoped he turned around once, but he didn't...with his hands shoved into his pocket Shad simply walked away and Eifad with heavy heart watched his retreating figure.

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