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Shad is beaming with happiness as luckily, he has gotten a seat next to the window, he liked looking out at the clouds floating by, it gave him peace.

'Hey!' he heard a female voice, he turned his head and found Rhea standing there. For a minute, Shad is excited thinking she will be seated next to him, but she stood straight and waved at someone 'Imran, this is your seat.'

Shad's face fell with disappointment. Imran came carrying his laptop bag; he asked Rhea where is she seated, she pointed towards an aisle seat few seats diagonal to them. Shad inwardly smiled, he will have a view of Rhea.

'Imran, you want to exchange seats, window?' Shad said, and Imran nodded excitedly. Shad happily exchanged his seat. Watching Rhea is far better than watching the monotonous clouds passing by.

A young boy, aged around six is sitting beside Rhea. She chatted with the little lad for a while before he got distracted watching an animated movie. Rhea also decided to watch something for time pass. The flight isn't long, so she doesn't have to worry much about getting bored. She took her headphones, as she is about to plug it in her ears she felt like someone is watching her. She had this feeling since some time for now. She turned around and found Shad looking at her. When she looked at him, he quickly looked away fidgeting with the seat pocket. She giggled as he fumbled and managed to take out a magazine. He looked at her, and she quickly looked away. After that incident, both kept stealing glances at each other and kept getting caught.


Eifad rushed into her home, 'Where is Ma?' she asked Dheem Kaka who looked worried, he pointed upstairs to her room. Eifad hurried upstairs. She was relieved on finding her mother lying on the bed with her eyes closed and Dr. Singhaniya checking her blood pressure; a nurse is with them.

Dr. Singhaniya looked up at Eifad, she looked worried but quickly composed herself. She masked her worry with a straight face. Dr. Singhaniya smiled at her; he asked the nurse to monitor Aisha's heartbeat. The nurse nodded.

'I was about to leave for Pune for the conference, but I came here to give this important file, but then Mrs. Malik had a minor heart attack and so...'

'How is she now?' Eifad interrupted him in between, not looking at him but at her mother. Dr. Singhaniya looked at Aisha and then back again at Eifad.

'She is fine now, but we have to monitor her for 24hours and pray she doesn't get another one...else...' Dr. Singhaniya said. Eifad stood there looking at her mother with a straight face.

'I will be...'

'You are going nowhere, Dr. Singhaniya. You stay here with my mother.' Eifad said sternly, and Dr. Singhaniya stopped in his track. He looked at her confusedly, Eifad smirked at him.


'Wow!' Rhea exclaimed standing in a lavish lobby of Sheraton hotel. This is Pune's most posh and expensive hotel. This is first time Rhea has come to a hotel, that too a posh one.

'Your keys madam' the young lady behind the counter smiled and handed a keycard to Rhea.


'Room 210' Shad checked his keycard and happily walked through the corridor reading the nameplate on all the doors.

'Ah ha!' he exclaimed finding his room. He is about to open his door when he found Rhea few rooms ahead of him. She is struggling with her door. He frowned. She seemed to be having a problem opening the door. Shad smiled- she is looking so cute. Once again, he is amazed at her innocence and simplicity. He walked towards her dragging his luggage behind him.

'Need help?' Rhea is startled, she turned her head pushing behind a random strand of hair.

She nodded her head embarrassed 'This door isn't opening' she said not looking at Shad but at the door knob. Shad smiled taking the key card from her.

'This is not like the usual lock and need to swipe it like this' Shad said swiftly swiping the key card, a tiny red light at the top of the knob turned green. Immediately Shad twisted the door knob, and the door opened.

Rhea looked at it amazed, her mouth half open. Shad locked the door again, 'Now you try' he said handing her the keycard. Rhea nodded her head and did the same thing as Shad, and the door opened. Shad is amazed; she is a fast learner.

'Thank you' she said gratefully. Shad nodded. He watched her go in. Rhea looked at him as she closed the door. Shad smiled and turned around walking towards his room. Rhea opened a door little and peeked from inside; she watched his retreating figure with a dreamy smile on her lips.

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