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It's evening when Shad woke up; he sat up straight on the bed rubbing his eyes. For a split second, he wondered where he is and what time it is. He stretched his body and turned around grabbing his phone from the bedside table. He frowned on not getting a reply from Eifad. The first thing he did after landing in Pune is text Eifad and then his parents. But he hasn't received any reply. He texted a "Hey! Everything alright? I am staying at Sheraton, room 210. Wonderful place. I wish you were here."

He placed his phone on the bedside table and walked towards the window, he opened the curtains and looked out through a huge French window. The sun is setting, and the orange hue is giving everything a breathtaking look. Five minutes later, he turned around and walked towards his suitcase. He took out a red and black half sleeve shirt and black three-by-fourth pants and went into the bathroom for a quick bath.


Rhea sat in the bubble bath inside the bathtub. She was awestruck by the beauty of the hotel. The first thing she did was take selfies and photos and send it to her father and Saima. She had then slept off; the bed was so comfortable and plus the tiredness from the flight; she slept in minutes.

She woke up in the evening and decided to take a bath. The bathroom intrigued her. It was posh and looked slightly complicated.

She leaned back against the bathtub after she was done playing with the bubbles. She stared at the ceiling. She felt pampered. Few minutes into her bathtub adventure she washed herself and emerged out from the bathroom dressed in a full sleeve long and short maroon black printed Kurthi and black churidar. She combed her hair and neatly braid it in a loose braid resting her hair on her shoulder. She then applied kohl and nude lip gloss. She sat at the edge of the bed and wore her closed black flats. She decided to have some tea and snacks at the café up at the terrace of the hotel.

She left her room. As she walked through the corridor towards the elevator, her gaze landed on room 210, Shad's room. She mentally debated with herself if she should knock his room and ask him to join her. But then at the last minute, she decided otherwise and turned around walking towards the elevator.


Shad walked out of the rooftop café of the hotel. The weather is pleasant, and so it is bliss to be out in the open. The gentle breeze hits his face, and he felt relaxed. He took a seat, and a waiter came to him, he ordered a black coffee without sugar and a chocolate pastry. The waiter nodded and left. As Shad looked around his gaze fell on a young girl standing at the railing and looking out at the city.

'Rhea!' Shad smiled and quickly stood up. He adjusted his shirt and hair and walked towards her. She is leaning against the railing, her elbows resting on the railing and a serene smile on her lips. The light from the terrace is illuminating her face. Shad noticed she has sharp features. She is looking even more beautiful.

'Hey!' he said.

Rhea looked at him and straightened up.

'Hey,' she replied. Shad turned around and looked ahead. Rhea looked at him. She had been secretly hoping of meeting him here; she smiled to herself as her secret prayers gets answered. She looked at Shad from the corner of her eyes. He has his hands shoved in his pockets and is looking ahead. The silent breeze is fanning his hair that fell across his forehead. He is looking handsome with a chilled smile on his face. Rhea noticed his muscle flex as he shrugged looking ahead, she felt her heart flutter. She looked away.

'Come, have some snacks.' Shad said, and Rhea nodded her head. He led her to the table.

'What will you have?' Shad asked Rhea as the waiter placed Shad's order on his side. Rhea looked at the chocolate pastry and said 'The one that you are having.'

Shad looked at the waiter and ordered the same

'Sorry, we are all out with that' Waiter said sadly. Rhea looked disappointed; Shad noticed her sad face

'Okay get butter cookies' Shad ordered, the waiter nodded and left. Rhea looked confused. After the waiter had left, Shad forwarded his plate towards Rhea.

'Here have this' he said softly. Rhea shook her head refusing to take, but Shad insisted. As a last resort, he flashed this dimpled smile. Rhea felt weak in her knees and quickly accepted the pastry. Shad smiled and leaned in watching her. She is so cute, he thought.

'Delicious' Rhea gushed happily. Shad smiled, but his smile faded when he noticed chocolate smeared in the corner of her mouth. He felt envious for a second, and then he felt an urge to smudge the chocolate off her lips with his thumb. He looked away trying to control his desires. Damn! If she reads his thoughts, she might think him to be a tharki.

'Have some!' Rhea said slightly forwarding the plate towards Shad. He shook his head sideways.

'I insist, please. Else I will feel bad as because of me you couldn't have this dessert. Please.' She said softly. Looking into her eyes and her soft tone, Shad couldn't refuse. He took a spoon lying beside him. He took a bite.

'Delicious indeed' he said closing his eyes a smile of contentment on his face. Rhea looked at him lovingly. He is gorgeous. Her heart beat started to accelerate watching him. When he opened his eyes, she quickly looked away blushing.


After they had snacks, they strolled near the pool on the terrace beside the café. Rhea had her hands folded across her chest and her gaze glued on the floor; she is trying hard not to glance at Shad. Shad on the other hand had his hands in his pocket and is admiring her from the corner of his eyes. They were silent; Shad decided to break the silence.

'So, you are from Lucknow? How is Lucknow?' Shad asked. Rhea looked at him and then looked away she smiled sadly remembering her home back in Lucknow.

'I live with my father, Hashim Sheikh. I lost my mother when I was young, and since then my father had raised me single handily. He is my support, my motivation my everything....' Rhea goes on, and Shad kept admiring her. The glow on her face when she talks about her family and Lucknow showed her happiness and attachment about the place. Shad felt happy seeing her happy. They sat by the pool talking random stuff; it was mostly Rhea talking and Shad listening. Her voice so melodious and her smile so contagious that Shad could listen to her and admire her twenty-four-seven.

After that, they had dinner together in the Hotel's restaurant on the ground floor. Neither of them knew where Imran was and neither did they care. There were having a wonderful time together, slowly the ice started to break between them and they were opening up to each other. Later at dinner, Imran rudely interrupted them. Both were disappointed. Shad cursed under his breath while Rhea faked a smile and asked him to join them for dinner. Imran readily agreed, much to the annoyance of both Shad and Rhea.


It's 8 am, and Shad is still sleeping soundly in his room. The conference will start at 10 am, but Shad has no care in the world. He groaned when his phone rings

'Hello' he said groggily

'Good Morning, Shad. The conference is at 10 are you ready?' Rhea chirped happily from the other side.

'****' Shad jumped from his bed realizing he might get late. Rhea chuckled as Shad frantically started to rummage through his wardrobe searching the dress he is to wear. Rhea cut the call saying she is on her way to the conference venue and that he comes soon. Five minutes later, Shad continued to look for the clothes when he heard the door knock. He wondered if its Rhea, he looked around for a night robe and quickly wore it over his boxers. He hurried to the door

'Thank God you came...' Shad stopped mid-way realizing that it isn't Rhea on the other side.

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