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Five minutes later, Rhea and Imran entered the conference. Rhea's gaze fell on Shad who is talking to a British doctor. As Rhea walked towards her seat in the second row, her gaze fell on Eifad. She is sitting elegantly with her legs crossed and her chin slightly up, her gaze on the stage. As Rhea passed her, Eifad looked at her and smirked. Rhea gulped and awkwardly smiled walking to her seat. Imran smiled at her as well but Eifad had turned her attention back on the stage. Imran looked disappointed.

Soon the conference started, Shad tilted his head little and smiled looking at Rhea. She looked at him and smiled. Then they get involved in the conference listening carefully to the lecture and jotting down important points. At one point Rhea lifted her hand and asked a question, the speaker, and Shad both were impressed with her confidence and the question. After she had gotten her answer she sat, Shad turned around and gave her thumbs up. She smiled and nodded.


By evening the conference was done for the day. Eifad got a call and asked Shad to wait while she went in a corner. Dr. Singhaniya had called to inform that Aisha was well, she also spoke to Aisha. She sounded better. Eifad cut the call and turned around. She stiffened on seeing Shad talking to Rhea. Imran is simply standing beside them. Eifad walked towards them. Rhea stopped talking and shifted uncomfortably.

'So? The conference was really enlightening' Eifad said calmly

'Yes, Maam. Looking forward for the next' Rhea said trying to sound cheerful.

Eifad took a step towards Rhea, and she gulped taking a step back. Shad nervously looks at Eifad

'I am impressed by your question. Very bold' Eifad complimented faking a sweet tone.

'Thanks, Maam' Rhea responded confidently. Eifad smiled and placed her hand on Rhea's shoulder.

'Come, I will introduce you to some important personalities' Eifad said. Rhea is delighted and nodded her head.

Eifad turned to Shad and Imran and asked them to wait in the rooftop café for them. Imran wanted to meet the doctors too, but Shad held his hand gestured him not to intervene. Eifad turned around, and Rhea followed.

Rhea is amazed at Eifad as she interacted with the Doctors. Eifad knew every who and what of the medical profession. Rhea is also impressed with Eifad, her gaze and her poise are amazing. Rhea is looking up to Eifad; she is more determined now to achieve even half of what Eifad has achieved.

'You are amazing Maam.' Rhea complimented happily as they walk towards the cafe. Eifad stopped and smiled taking a step towards her; Rhea gulped noticing her dark expression. Eifad placed her hand on her shoulder.

'You are a brilliant doctor, Miss Rhea. I hope you stay focused...Don't get distracted' Eifad said, she turned her head and gestured towards Shad. Shad is sitting with Imran at a table few distance from them. Rhea understood her words. Eifad smirked and walked behind Rhea; she brought her lips close to her ears

'You know how I reached this position...' Eifad whispered looking at Rhea closely. Rhea took a step to her side and looked back at Eifad.

'Because I never let anything or anyone distract me. This love and all, it's nothing but waste of time. It divides your attention, and you lose focus and...'Eifad said darkly, she tilted her head little and looked at Rhea. Rhea is looking front at Shad, from her expressions Eifad can tell she is thinking over her words. Eifad smirked and walked away. Rhea simply stood there looking at Shad and contemplating Eifad's words.

Rhea didn't join them at the table but simply walked away, watching her walk away Eifad's smirk widened.


Rhea stood in the elevator, Eifad's words echoing in her head. What Eifad said is right. Love will only causes distraction. She shouldn't forget why she is here in Delhi. She is here for her internship. Her father has sent her for that and not to fall in love. She doesn't love Shad, but she can't deny the fact Shad is becoming her weakness, and at this point, she can't risk that. Rhea entered her room still thinking. She locked her door and fell on her bed. She stared at the ceiling. She recollected Eifad from this morning. She is strong-headed, ambitious, and powerful woman. She is a strong personality and also successful. Rhea wanted to be just like her. Subconsciously, Rhea has taken Eifad has her role model. She sat up straight and took out her laptop. She googled Eifad, but there is hardly any info on her, there aren't many photos of her either. She isn't even there in any social media. Rhea frowned. It's strange for a person like Eifad to not have any social life, perhaps she doesn't want any kind of distraction. Rhea is about to give up when she recollected Shad mentioning he is friends with Eifad.

Rhea decided to visit his social media instead. She sends him a friend request and then shut her laptop.

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