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Half an hour, Shad asked Rhea to leave as its getting late. Rhea insisted that she stayed, but Shad argued otherwise. Evenually, Rhea gave and left. Shad sat there looking at Eifad caressing back of her left hand.

Ten minutes later, Shad is slowly dozing off when he felt Eifad's finger move. He sat up straight

'Eifu...'he whispered caressing her forehead


Shad nodded his head; her lips moved, but no sound came out. Shad held her hand and leaned in caressing her forehead

'Don''she whispered looking disturbed.

'I will never leave you.... Eifu...' he said and kissed the back of her palm. She tightened her grip on his palm, and he smiled- she is waking up.

Minutes later, Eifad's eyes flickered open. She sees a blurred image of Shad; slowly he comes to focus. She smiled feebly at him. Shad is relieved.

'Eifu' he beamed and hugged her. She winced, and he separated their frames muttering a sorry.

'Why did you do this? Idiot. I was so worried. You gave me a heart attack' Shad said angrily. Eifad tried to sit up, but she felt really weak. Shad helped her sit

'I was drunk' she said. Shad shook his head; that is no excuse to cut her wrist. He placed his hand on her shoulder 'Eifad tell me, please' he said softly

Eifad sighed and looked at him 'I didn't like you dancing with Rhea' she said truthfully. Shad's mouth dropped open. Eifad was so annoyed with him dancing with Rhea that she cut her wrist. He held her hand and looked at her

'Eifad! You are special to me (he held her cheek with his palm) and very important to me. No one and I repeat no one can take your place. Not even Rhea' Shad said sincerely.

It is true that he is feeling something different about Rhea, maybe he is falling in love with her, but he knew one thing that Eifad is his best friend, and both the ladies hold a special position in his heart, but Eifad is more close to him. She is his childhood friend, and he can't see her troubled. Shad knew this well that he will choose his best friend over love anytime.

'Really!' Eifad said looking hopefully at Shad. He smiled and nodded his head. Eifad moved forward and hugged him. Shad hugged her back.


Rhea is lying on her bed staring at the ceiling. Sleep is miles away from her. She concerned for Shad and worried for Eifad. She took her phone from the bedside and decided to call him. She bit her lower lip, her finger hovering over the call option. If she called, she might disturb him. She then decided to text him instead. She typed one line before erasing the whole message. She kept her phone back on the table, deciding she talk to him tomorrow.


Next morning, the first thing Rhea did after taking a bath and getting dressed and decided to visit Shad's room. She knocked a couple of times but got no answer. She frowned and is about to knock the door when Imran interrupted her. Rhea is surprised when he informed her that Shad and Eifad left early in the morning. She felt slightly bad that Shad didn't inform her, but then, why will he?


'How was the conference, beta?' Shad's father asked after Shad had freshened up and is seated with his father at the dining table, his mother serving breakfast. Shad nodded his head and narrated in detail about the conference minus Eifad's stunt last night. His mother, pressed her lips tightly when Shad said that Eifad too had come there. She muttered something under her breath, which Shad ignored.

'Who is Rhea?' his mother asked excitedly. Shad looked at his mother and with a straight face replied 'She is an intern working under me.'

'Is she beautiful?'


'I want to meet her.'


'Feroz, I was telling Mrs. Heena to get me bio-data of girls for Shad's marriage, but I guess Shad found a girl for himself' She nudged Shad's hand. Shad rolled his eyes, but he couldn't hide a tinge of blush that appeared on his cheeks. Looking at him blush his parents teased him further until Shad turned red as a tomato. He sighed and left the table.


Eifad is happy that she got to spend some time with Shad. He was with her whole night talking to her. He had held her hand, kissed her wound. Assured her over and over that she is his priority and no one can take her place in his life.

'Eifad Beta, what happened?' Aisha held Eifad's left hand and examined the bandage. Eifad smiled warmly at her mother and Aisha is taken aback. She hugged her mother; she is just too happy to have spent some time with Shad

'How are you Ma?' Eifad asked breaking the hug. Aisha is stunned. For a split second, she wondered if she is dreaming. Before Aisha could reply a booming baritone echoes in the living room.

'Little sister!'

Eifad froze hearing his voice.

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