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Shad had slept for half an hour; he couldn't sleep more than that. He is worried for Eifad and so decided to check on her. He quickly freshened up and got dressed in a white and black printed shirt matched with denim jeans. He folded his sleeves and combed his hair. He left his house stating he is going for some fresh air in the park. He didn't tell his parents the truth that he is going to meet Eifad as he knew his parents might not let him go to her. Shad rang the doorbell and waited patiently for someone to open the door.

'Hello, Dheem Kaka' he greeted the middle-aged butler. He smiled back and moved aside to let Shad in.

Shad heard people talking in the living room. There is a sound of laughter, Shad frowned and walked towards the living room.

Shad saw a male figure sitting on a single sofa, his back facing him and Aisha is happily talking to the person. Both are having tea and are chatting; there are plates of some snacks as well. Eifad is not here. Shad turned to leave; maybe she is in her room. Aisha looked up

'Shad!' she called. Shad looked at her. The man also turned around. He seemed to be in his early forties and looked familiar, but Shad couldn't recollect properly. He seemed to be a distinct memory.

'Hey, Shad. Long time buddy' the man said standing up. Shad smiled politely at him. To his surprise, the man hugged him. He hugged back.

'Arey yaar, you have grown up to be a handsome young man' He said patting Shad's shoulder. Shad continued to look clueless. Aisha smiled widely. The man frowned at Shad

'You didn't recognize me? I am Amaad, Eifad's cousin' the man, Amaad, introduced himself.

Shad frowned trying to recollect. Rewinding his memory, he remembered Amaad. Shad was fifteen when he had met Amaad for the first time; Amaad was twenty-four then. He is Eifad's third maternal cousin; he had come on holiday for a week. He didn't come after that.

'Oh, Amaad!' Shad smiled and hugged him. Last time, when Amaad had come, Shad was super impressed with him. Amaad knew all cheat codes for every video games, and Shad enjoyed playing with him. Amaad was also an expert in sports. Shad was mesmerized with him and looked up to him. But Eifad never seemed to like Amaad. She used to run away whenever he came; she used to tremble, fumble and sweat badly. Shad had always wondered why? Amaad is such an amazing person. Sweet, kind, playful, and energic much like Shad himself. Then why Eifad had always, feared Amaad. Shad asked her many times, but she never replied. This too remained as one of Eifad's mysteries.

'Come, have tea with us' Amaad said, his arm around Shad's shoulder. Aisha also insisted, but Shad refused, he wanted to meet Eifad, and he said he would meet her first. Aisha said she is resting in her room. Shad politely takes his leave.

He climbed upstairs and knocked at Eifad's door. There is no response. He thought she must be asleep and decided to leave but then he felt like something is wrong. His sixth sense alarmed him. He twisted the doorknob to his surprise it is open. He opened the door slightly; he peeked in.

'Eifad' he called cautiously. The entire room is dark, except for the dim light peeping from behind the curtain. The window is open, slight wind fanning the white curtain. The room looked more like a room from a horror movie.

'Eifad...' Shad searched for the light switch next to the door. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he could see better. He frowned looking at a figure sitting in the corner.

'Eifad!' he called and hurried towards her. Eifad is sitting leaning against the wall, her knees pressed against her chest. She is shaking. There is a horrified expression on her face, her eyes red and swollen, dry tear stains on her cheek, her lips dry and her skin pale. It looked like she had seen a ghost. Shad panicked. He wondered how long she had been this way.

'Eifad!' he said softly. She didn't respond but kept trembling and looking scared.

Shad placed a hand on her shoulder and Eifad jumped further away from Shad

'Don't...Don'' She said. She sounded terrified. Shad doesn't understand her reaction. What is wrong with her?

Shad crawled towards her, but she smacked his arm and stood up, her back pressed against the wall.

'Stay.... stay...away...' she said as she slides closer to window and Shad panicked- what if she jumped?

'Okay...Okay....' He said raising his arms in surrender. Eifad is shaking terribly.

There is silence, with them staring at each other. Without breaking the eye contact, Shad slowly moves back. He reached out and switched on the night lamp. Eifad closed her eyes immediately.

''s me...Shad' he said softly. Eifad stared at him. Shad noticed she is sweating badly, her breathing heavy. Soon, her expression changed from being scared to relief.

'Shad' she said and leaped forward hugging Shad tightly. She clung to him; her eyes squeezed tightly.

'Eifad...Relax...'he said softly caressing her back. She tightened her arms around his neck.

They stayed in the tight embrace for some time before Shad broke the hug and looked at her. She looked calmer. He held her shoulder and made her sit on the bed. He got a glass of water for her. She sipped it silently. He sat beside her and caressed her head. Eifad side hugged him resting her head on his shoulder. Shad caressed her hair. Her breathing is getting normal. Shad noticed Eifad is still dressed in the clothes from the morning. Had she locked herself since then?

Shad frowned noticing a bottle of her depression pills, so she took pills as well. Shad wanted to ask what happened, why is she behaving like this? But he didn't, he didn't want to upset her more. He felt her relax. He tilted his head sideways to look at her. She has fallen asleep. Shad gently lay her on the bed. He adjusted her legs and removed her heels. He covered her with the duvet. He looked at her and smiled slightly.


He turned around and saw Amaad standing at the door. Shad smiled at him and then looked at Eifad. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Amaad stood next to Shad, his gaze on Eifad.

'She wasn't feeling well.... just made her sleep.' Shad said. Amaad smirked looking at Eifad.

'She seems relaxed' Amaad said, he extended his hand and caressed Eifad's forehead. She trembled.

'Dude, don't touch her...she is little disturbed' Shad said moving Amaad's hand. Amaad looked at him and smiled

'You needn't worry. Eifad is my little sister (he looked at Eifad darkly) and I know how to take care of her' Amaad said, a wicked grin on his face.

Shad frowned. He found something strange with his tone. Shad shrugged, maybe Eifad's whole family is mysterious. Amaad smiled and placed his arm around Shad's shoulder. He insisted that Shad had tea and snacks with him. Shad nodded his head and with one glance at Eifad, he walked away with Amaad.


Rhea is slightly disappointed as she unlocked her apartment. She didn't know why she is upset. She wanted to talk to Shad and probably come with him from Pune. She doesn't know why she is upset that Shad didn't inform her and left without meeting her. But then, why should he? Her rational mind kept saying, but her heart, it said something else.

'Hey!' Rhea is startled on hearing a female voice. She looked up and found Shruti sitting on the sofa. Her leg stretched on the table with her laptop placed on her lap. She adjusted her glasses and looked up at Rhea flashing a warm smile. Rhea smiled back slightly.

'All okay?' Shruti asked as Rhea sat beside her. Shruti looked at her concerned. Rhea shook her head and massaged her forehead.

'I will get you coffee' Shruti said, and Rhea nodded. She checked her mobile as Shruti walked towards the kitchen to get her coffee. She is disappointed as she had gotten no message from Shad. She wondered if he is alright or if he isn't contacting her because of Eifad. Rhea suddenly remembered about Eifad and got concerned; she wondered if Eifad was alright.

Rhea went into her room and quickly freshened up. She dressed in a lavender long cotton top with a hello kitty in center, and white polka dotted pajama. She tied her in a messy bun with loose strands falling over her face.

She entered the dining room, just then Shruti walked in holding two mugs of hot steaming coffee.

'Here' she said handing one mug to Rhea.

'Thanks' Rhea smiled. Both the girls took their seat on the double sofa side by side. They silently sipped their coffee. A few minutes later, Shruti noticed Rhea is disturbed. At first, she thought it was work related.

'How was the conference?' She asked sipping her coffee. Rhea shook her head


'You look disturbed... work problem ya boy problem?' Shruti smirked. Rhea looked at her. She looked like a kid who has been caught cheating. Shruti's grinned widened.

'So, it is a boy problem' Shruti winked and nudged Rhea. She smiled little lowering her gaze, but then remembered that Shad is completely ignoring her and for some reason, she is bothered by it.

'There is a guy at work. My senior...' Rhea began

'Is he cute?' Shruti winked. Rhea looked at her. Suddenly she recollected Sha's handsome face, his twinkling eyes, and his dimpled smile. She blushed slightly nodding her head. Shruti shifted little straightening up. She sat in an attention pose. Rhea looked at her, and Shruti silently gestured her to go on

'I don't know what is happening to me? He is my senior; I respect him. During the conference, we became friends. But there is a strange pull I can't explain. I want to be with him. I don't just want to talk to him.... just hold his hand and sit silently with him...I hardly know him, yet I am feeling such strong emotions for him. Today, something happened. Some personal issue and I am upset he didn't contact me. I didn't see him whole day today and I am so restless...I am offended he didn't inform me and took a flight before me. God! what is wrong with me?' Rhea sighed leaning forward and buried her face into her palms.

There is silence. A few seconds later, Rhea felt Shruti's palm on her shoulder

'You are in love, dear. You are  in love with him' Shruti concluded.

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