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'Can you believe, someone had locked Rhea in that room...I wonder who that person is' Shad said to Eifad. They are on their way back home. With Tansen driving the car, they sat in the passenger seat. Eifad looked at him and placed her hand over his palm 'She must have accidently gotten locked' she shrugged. Shad shook his head. That is not possible, someone had tricked her and got her to the room and locked her. But who? Rhea is such a sweet girl, who hates her so much to lock her in and terrify her. It looked like someone wanted personal revenge. Eifad held his hand, and Shad is jolted from his thought

'Stop thinking so much!' she smiled. Shad hesitantly smiled back.

'Good night!' Eifad said. Shad nodded and climbed down the car. Eifad frowned. Shad is disturbed and the only thing that he is thinking is about that unknown person.

Eifad came home and directly went upstairs. She didn't like it that Shad ignored her. As she climbed upstairs, she didn't notice Amaad watching her. He was passing by the staircase when he saw Eifad. He looked around and followed Eifad.

Aisha is in the living watching TV; Amaad had left the room to get some snacks. To his luck, he saw Eifad.

Eifad oblivious that she is being followed as she entered her room, her door unlocked. Amaad smirked gently pushing the door; he peeped in. Eifad placed her bag at the edge of the bed and sighed. She had managed to lock Rhea in the room, but that woman still escaped. She should do something big so that Rhea is out of Shad's life for good. Eifad massaged her nape walking towards her wardrobe. She took out her night clothes. Amaad licked his lips watching Eifad unbutton her shirt. He was missing her so much; it has been years since he had touched her. Now, looking at her he is feeling aroused. Eifad had unbuttoned first three buttons when....

'Amaad! What are you doing up there?' Amaad mentally smacked his forehead on hearing Aisha's voice. Eifad froze. Terrified she looked up at the slightly ajar door.

Amaad shook his head and hurriedly climbed down stairs. He said he saw Eifad and wanted to ask her about work. Aisha nodded her head and smiled

'You talk to her at dinner' Aisha said and turned around walking away. Amaad cursed under his breath. He has no option but to follow.

Eifad slightly opened the door and saw Amaad walking away. She shook with fear. She quickly locked her door and pressed her back against it, her breathing getting uneven.


Shad didn't have dinner; he had lost his appetite. He quickly changed into his boxer and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling, his mind wandering to that person. He frowned trying to narrow down any suspects. But, he can't find any. He shifted to his side and took his laptop from the bedside table. He logged in to his social networking site and typed a message to Rhea.

Shad: How are you now?

He smiled when he got an instant reply

Rhea: Better

Shad: Tomorrow is Sunday. Want to have dinner?

Rhea took few minutes longer before replying: Yes (smiley emoji)

Shad smiled to himself; he thought for a while which restaurant they should go: Zaffran restaurant?

Rhea: Okies

Shad: Be ready I will pick you up around eight tomorrow

Rhea smiled: sure

Shad: Good night

Rhea: Good night    

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