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A fifteen-year-old, Eifad and Shad had just returned from school. Shad had come to drop off Eifad to her home, or more specifically came here to have Samosas made by Aisha. Shad was blabbering about how much school is stressing them with workload and homework. Eifad isn't paying attention; she has a scowl plastered on her face.

Aisha greeted them happily. Eifad is shocked when she is reintroduced to Amaad, who is now twenty-four. He smiled at her. Eifad trembled, suddenly everything that he did to her when she was four flashed before her eyes. Shad as always introduced himself happily. The boys gelled quickly. Eifad excused herself and locked herself in the room.

She can't believe he is back; her past is back.

He looked even more menacing than before, his eyes dark...that boyish charm lost. Eifad is terrified of him, as terrified as she was when she was four. Eifad didn't come out from the room the whole day.

'Kya Hua Mere Bache ko?' Her dad asked sitting beside her. Eifad is lying on the bed flat on her stomach and reading a thriller novel. She doesn't respond. Rafi caressed her head and asked if she has fought with Shad. She shook her head. Her father sighed

'Whatever is bothering you, whenever you want to share with me. Your Papa is always there for you' he assured her. Eifad looked up

'Really? You will be there for me, always?' She asked raising her eyebrows. Rafi smiled warmly and nodded his head. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

'Always, my child' he said

Eifad contemplated if she should tell about Amaad to him. But, he being a father she felt uncomfortable, so she simply said 'If there is anything, I will tell you. Dad' she sat up straight and hugged her father.

Two days later, Eifad didn't go to school as she had a fever. She wanted to go to school; she is unaffected by stupid things like a fever. But her father, Rafi, insisted her to stay. Rafi was at the hospital; Aisha had gone for a kitty party. Eifad didn't realize, she was home alone with Amaad.

Since she is at home, she decided to complete her science project. Few minutes into starting her project Eifad found herself engrossed in it. She loves to study.

Amaad had his eyes on Eifad since he had seen her two days ago, but he never got a chance to come close to her. Amaad asked the servant to get some groceries. Now, being home alone with Eifad he wanted to make full use of it.

He slightly opened the door and entered the room. Eifad had her back to him; she is busy with her project. Very stealthily he locked the door and tiptoed towards her.

Eifad gasped as he held her from behind. She struggled and managed to free herself. She looked at him. She is horrified

She quickly composed herself 'What are you doing here?' she frowned. She tried to look confident, but from inside, she is frightened. Amaad's eyes turned dark as he eyed her from top to bottom. Eifad is thankful that she is dressed in a loose black Tee and pants, this way he won't be able to see her figure.

He took a step further, and Eifad took a step back.

'Get...get...out.' She stammered. Amaad smirked sensing her nervousness. She is shivering. He walked towards her, and she took a step back. Her back hit her project, and her hard work fell to the ground smashing into bits. She shivered.

'Go...away....' She pointed an index finger at him. She shook as he held her wrist. She looked at him wide-eyed

'Shh...'he said placing his finger on her lips. Eifad froze.

Amaad leaned forward. Eifad felt goosebumps out of fear. His lips near her ear

'You have grown to be such a beautiful girl' he kissed her ear, and she shifted.

'Please, Bhaiya.... leave' she said meekly

Amaad smiled and held her wrist tighter 'Stay quiet, else I will tell everyone what you did that night up at the terrace' he said darkly.

Eifad looked at him shocked. He will tell everyone about the terrace; it will be only his loss. He was the one who was wrong then, not she. Why is he scaring her with this threat?

'What? I did nothing...I was just did...'she replied, her voice quivered. Amaad smirked

'No one will believe you....' he replied menacingly. She gulped. Eifad recollected Aisha's reaction when she had said about that night. Aisha had slapped her and blamed her; Amaad got away with it. Once again, he will get away with it- he is the boy after all. At the age of fifteen Eifad knew this fact.

Amaad pinned her to the wall, and she trembled. She winced as his nails dug into her soft skin. She struggled to be free, but his grip only tightened.

'Don't...Don't...touch me....' She protested, but Amaad seemed unaffected. He kept looking at her darkly, his eyes filled with lust.

'Shut up else I will also tell everyone that you and Shad have been doing little cho chi cooing secretly.' He smirked. Eifad's mouth dropped open. How dare he? Eifad and Shad share world's most pure bond of friendship. Eifad agrees that slowly she is developing some other feelings for Shad, feelings which are more than friendship. But the feeling is still pure. How dare he, stain it?

Eifad pushed him and slapped him hard. She gasped shocked with her own audacity. Amaad held his cheek and looked at her; he is furious now

'How dare you?' he growled and leaped forward. He held her throat, Eifad chocked.

'I will teach you a lesson...' He gritted his teeth. Eifad is now struggling to breath. He left her and took a step back.

Looking at a fuming Amaad. Eifad is even more scared. She realized if she fought, she would only infuriate him more and then God knows what he might do to her.

'Bhaiya...please.... leave' she said joining her palms together. Her eyes pleaded him. But Amaad didn't melt. He held her hand and dragged her to the bed. Eifad shook her head and smacked his arm, but he was too strong for her.

'Bhaiya!' Eifad gasped as he pushed her on the bed. She moved back, she pleaded to her cousin, her back hit the wall, she brought her legs closer to her chest and shook her head constantly begging Amaad not to come closer. But her pleading went unheard as he climbed on the bed. She grabbed a pillow and threw at him. His reflex perfect as he held the pillow with one hand. Eifad is sweating badly; she shook with fear.

'Please...please...please...Bhaiya...'she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. He held her nape and pulled her closer. Eifad squeezed her eyes tightly; their faces inches apart. Amaad looked at her closely. She is looking beautiful from up close especially with fear on her face. He leaned in and smashed his lips on hers. She started hitting his arms and tried pushing him, but he overpowered her. He didn't even move an inch. Eifad gasped feeling his hand slip under her shirt...

'Bhaiya please...please stop...'she pleaded, he pushed her on the bed. She tried kicking him, but he placed his leg over hers.

'Bhaiya...'she sobbed as he tore her dress. Eifad is silently praying for someone; anyone to come; either to save her or to kill her.

'Bhaiya.... are hurting me.... please...please...stop...please....'

She pleaded she cried, she protested, she fought, but her painful screams got muffled and goes unheard. No one comes, neither to save her nor to kill her


'Not a word...else you know what I will do...'Amaad said menacingly. He threw her clothes on her and turned around. He got quickly dressed and without a backward glance, he left. Eifad simply lay there staring at the ceiling, her eyes blank; her tears dried.

Seconds, minutes, hours later Eifad slowly stood up. Her entire body ached, and there is blood...lots of blood. Her legs wobbled as she limped to the bathroom. She twisted the shower knob and let the cool water drench her. She simply stood there like a statue. It is like she lost all emotions. It is like she lost the feeling of any physical pain. She is numb. The event that happened minutes ago flashed before her eyes, and a lone tear escaped her eye. She held her head and screamed...she screamed the loudest she could, she screamed from the top of her voice.

What happened that day didn't stop there, Amaad stayed with them for three more days, and  wouldn't miss any chance to haunt Eifad. She had to endure same traumatizing ordeal every night. After one point, she stopped protesting. She stopped reacting.


'Amaad.... Amaad.' Amaad is jolted from his sleep. He looked annoyed. Aisha is standing next to him looking worried. He frowned at her.

'Please come, Eifad has locked herself in her room. I can hear shower; I am getting scared.' She said concerned. Amaad shook his head; he glanced at the wall clock.

3 am, Eifad is taking a bath at this hour of the night?

'It's been half an hour, and the shower is on, I fear for Eifad. She will fall ill' Aisha said. Amaad placed his palm on her shoulder and asked her to relax

'Khala, you know Eifad she is a bit...strange...she must be tired and taking a bath now...Aaram se rest Karo...' he said. Aisha wasn't convinced. She wanted to say something, but Amaad was already on the bed and covered himself with the duvet. Aisha bit her lower lip and looked sadly at sleeping Amaad.

She left the room; she glanced at Eifad's room. Maybe Amaad is right; she is probably taking a shower. Yet something seemed not right; Aisha is confused. She went to her room and knocked the door

'Eifad!' she called, no response. She again knocked, this time harder and called her name slightly loudly. No response. For few seconds, Aisha debated if she could call Shad.

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