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Summer, 1990, KV locality, Delhi

It is five-year-old Shad's first day in the new locality and he is super excited. His mother is amazed seeing his enthusiasm. He is literally jumping with joy asking his mother if he could go out and play with the other kids

'Okay...Okay...but be careful and behave' His mother instructs him. Shad nods excitedly and leaves 'I am going to make new friends...' He says to himself as he hopped downstairs.

Outside, he sees many kids playing, some on swings, some on slides and on monkey bars.

Shad taps his index finger on his chin and looks around wondering which one to go first. There is a small red, green, and yellow slide, he chose that. He gets bored within minutes, next he goes on the monkey bar, he spoke to few boys there but didn't find them interesting.

He sighed feeling disappointed; he turns to leave when his gaze falls on a young girl, around his age, playing in a secluded corner in the sand pit. He wondered why she is playing alone. Nevertheless, there was something different about her that attracted him; Shad felt a strong magnetic pull towards her. So, he decides to talk to her.

'Hey! Shad' He introduced himself, he sticks out his hand for a handshake. The girl ignores him and continues making something. He frowns. He is interested in watching her build sand castle, and so he sits beside her. She is ignoring him with ease, like he doesn't exist.

He looks around and finds a little flower; he will charm her with a flower and his dimpled smile, this will get her interest for sure. He pouts when she ignores him once again, this always worked he wondered why it isn't working on her. She seemed mysterious to him, and that attracted him more to her.

He decides only to sit there beside her and watch her build the castle. By the time, she finished, he is genuinely impressed. She has magic in her hands; she has made a simple yet beautiful sand castle.

Shad goes on to compliment her honestly and sincerely her; this seemed to get her attention. Once again, he tries to befriend her; he sticks out his hand introducing himself and asking her to be his friend. She seemed hesitant at first; nevertheless, she shakes her hand. Shad smiles happily.

Eifad looks very cute with her black almond shaped eyes, cheek length jet-black hair, thin pink lips, and white complexion.


Shad returns home early that day, he is almost done with the packing but then there is some

remaining packing to do which he is done by one hour. When he is all set, he decides to call home, but then he isn't able to reach them.

'Eifad, must have informed them' Shad shrugged. There is a knock at his door. He quickly adjusts his hair and shirt before opening the door.

'Hey! Mr. James' he greets his middle-aged landlord.

When Shad had come to the US for the first time he was spellbound with the big city, and as always was super excited to be in a new place. One hour after mindlessly looking around he realized he should have listened to his parents and booked a house for himself beforehand. After few more hours of roaming around he meets a gentleman- Mr. James. They get friendly, and Shad narrates his sob story. Mr. James very kindly offered his spare flat for rent. Shad thanked him whole heartedly and hugged him tightly. The apartment wasn't posh but it was cozy and comfortable.

'Come in, Sir' Shad said leading Mr. James inside his home. He asked him to make himself comfortable on the sofa as he will get some snacks and tea. Shad is an expert cook and it comes a surprise to many.

James nods his head and sits on the sofa, he looked around and then picks up few medical magazines and flips through pages as Shad makes some Aloo cutlets and tea.

'You are very bright young man, you will go far' James complimented Shad, as they sat together munching on the delicious delicacy Shad had just prepared. Shad smiles, he is going to miss everyone here- Mrs. Wilson, Emma, the hot nurse Amy, James and his lovely wife Sophia and the big city, New York. But this what is life? It is never the same, it keeps changing. Shad is excitedly wondering what life has in store for him next, what waits for him back in India, where is his destiny going to take him now? Even with so many uncertainties Shad, like always, is excited.

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