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Rhea Sheikh

'Papa...Papa' Rhea squealed with joy entering her home, she held a newspaper which had her results.

Her father, Hashim, who had been watching a political debate, is alarmed by his daughter's sudden entry and loud squeals.

'What happened, Beta' He asked after he composed himself.

'Papa...I topped my medical exams. I ranked one' Rhea announced happily. Hashim takes few seconds before soaking in the news. Finally, when the news sinks in. He hugged his daughter congratulating his daughter.

Rhea had always been a sincere and bright student. After she lost her mother at a very young age, her father, an English professor had raised her as a single father. Working hard day and night for his little girl. Rhea never disappointed her father, she had understood her father's condition and supported him. She had been topping all her exams and now that she has topped her medical exam she is on nine cloud.

'I am proud of you, my Bacha' Hashim complimented caressing his daughter's head. Rhea smile fades and a serious expression overtakes her face, her father frowns and asked what is the matter?

Rhea bit her lower-lip and lowered her head 'Beta!' Hashim asked, concerned. He placed his finger under her chin and made her look up at him.

'Papa, for internship I have to go to Delhi, Hooda Red Cross hospital' she said, she is apprehensive fearing her father might not let her leave Lucknow and go to the big city. Rhea had always been a simpleton and never stepped out from her hometown.

'When are you to join?' Hashim asked taking Rhea by complete surprise. For a minute, she wondered if she heard right. Hashim smiled and Rhea is relieved.

'One week from now' she said happily

'Start packing then' Hashim said hugging his daughter. Rhea hugs her father happily, she is excited and also nervous. This is going to be amazing. She wondered what life had in store for her in the future.

'Delhi! Wow, the big city! Don't you think you should do some shopping?' Saima, Rhea's best friend said to her as the two girls stand having Paani-Puri at the roadside stall- Rhea's treat.

'Shopping? Why?' Rhea shrugged.

'You are going to Delhi and planning to roam around wearing these behenji type dresses' Saima says popping a Paani-Puri into her mouth. Rhea frowned. She looked at her lavender and pink salwar suit and wondered what has dress to do anything with her going to Delhi? She is going there to work as an intern and not for a fashion show. Saima studied her best friend's expression and rolled her eyes.

'Kuch nahin hoga tera' she exclaimed shaking her head, Rhea continues to look confused. Saima places her hand on her shoulder. She goes on to explain that the girls there will be nothing like how they are here. Girls there are bold, confident, independent and mean- typical of what a small-town girl talk about big city girls. And if Rhea goes like this, they will eat her up.

'I don't care, Saima. I am going there to work and nothing else' Rhea said firmly. She has her goal set, for now nothing else matters to her but her work- to be a successful cardiologist someday.

Later that night,

'Beta, I have spoken to Mr. Mehta' Hashim said as Rhea plates dinner for her father. Rhea nods her head. Mr. Mehta, who has been their neighbor for twenty years and by now his family is close to them, Hashim trusts him. Hashim goes on to tell that Mr. Mehta's daughter, Shruti lives in a rented apartment in Delhi, recently her room-mate has shifted and now she is looking for another room-mate and Rhea will be sharing the apartment and rent with Shruti.

'Day after tomorrow, we will go to Delhi' Hashim said smiling at Rhea, she smiles back.

Sleep was miles away from Rhea, so she decides to read some medical books, prepare herself for the internship. Fifteen minutes, into studying Rhea gives up. She can't concentrate. Generally, every time Rhea feels low or restless she finds solace in her medical books but not tonight. She is feeling strange, mixed emotions of excitement and nervousness.

Day after tomorrow for the first time, Rhea will be leaving the comfort of her home, her friends and father.

She is scared now, she has never lived a day without her father. How will she manage living alone there by herself? Sure, Shruti will be there but she isn't close to her. In fact, she had hardly known Shruti. Shruti was a very reserved girl and didn't open up to anyone not even Rhea. Whenever she had been to Mehta's house Shruti used to sit quietly or go back into her room. Sharing an apartment with her will be awkward for Rhea, she concluded.

Shruti works in a leading MNC as a system analyst, she will be busy with her work and Rhea will be busy with hers and so Rhea decides to keep their relationship formal.

That is sorted for now, but then Delhi. How will it be? Will the big city accept a small-town girl like her? Will she succumb to peer pressure and give up the morals and rules she has set for herself? Will she get distracted from her goal?

Rhea shakes her head trying to push all the negative thoughts behind her. She closed her eyes and takes in deep breath, as decided she will focus on her career and nothing else.

Rhea steps down from the train, her father climbed the down train carrying her luggage. Rhea closes her eyes and takes a deep breath inhaling the polluted air of the big city. Rhea chuckled "polluted air".

'From here yours will be a new journey, make me proud my daughter' Hashim said patting her head. Rhea's heart falls at the thought of her father leaving her alone. Tomorrow early morning he will be leaving and she will be starting a new journey alone.

Hashim calls for a cab and the father-daughter duo climbed into the cab and head towards L.G apartments, that is where Shruti Mehta lives.

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