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'What?' Shruti gasped. Rhea lowered her head with embarrassment. She had just finished narrating the incident that happened on the terrace. Shruti shook her head.

'I was nervous' Rhea defended herself

'Dude, you turned him down. This is bad.'

Rhea is worried now 'Babes, guys won't waste time as soon as they get into relationship they want to kiss, atleast. And if you keep turning them down, they will walk away.' Shruti said

'But he said we should take things slow' Rhea said worriedly. Shruti placed her hand over hers

'Definitely, he will try again. This time please don't turn him down.' Shruti explained and Rhea nodded.

That night, after dinner Rhea sat on her bed and searched "How to kiss" videos. She blushed tomato red watching and re-watching the videos.


Shad woke up and took a quick bath. He dressed in his red and white checked shirt matched with denim jeans. He combed and gelled his hair and applied generous amount of cologne. He came out and walked into Eifad's room. He wanted to see how Eifad is. He is surprised to see her bed empty.

'Eifad!' he knocked her bathroom. No response. He frowned. He walked to her study room. As usual it was locked. He is slightly worried now. He climbed downstairs and is surprised to see Eifad sitting at the dining table. She dressed for work -Red sleeveless turtle neck dress, her hair tied in a twisted bun, nude lips gloss and black kohl. She is silently eating her toast and jam. Aisha sitting beside her looking worried. Shad entered the room. Aisha looked relieved on seeing Shad.

'Shad beta, good you came. Please ask Eifad to not go for work today' Aisha said. She is hopeful that if Shad will say, like always Eifad will listen to him. Shad nodded his head and sat beside Eifad. She continued eating like nothing is happening around her.

'Eifad!' Shad began cautiously

'Don't even try' Eifad said sternly, still not looking at anyone. Aisha sighed sadly.

'But you haven't still...' Shad continued undeterred.

Eifad stood up, Shad is startled, Aisha flinched.

'Fifteen minutes, I am waiting in my car' she said. Before anyone could stop her, she took her sunglasses her hand bag and left. Shad shook his head, Aisha looked disappointed.

After seeing Shad with Rhea, Eifad can't afford to miss work. She has decided something for Rhea. She leaned back in the car seat and waited. Shad came and sat beside her.

Tansen took his seat and Eifad asked him to be quick. They stopped at the traffic signal, Shad got a message. Eifad watched him from her corner of her eyes, he is smiling and texting. Annoyed she grabbed his phone

'Hey!' Shad said. She shoved into her handbag.

'Eifad, give my phone' Shad said sternly. Eifad doesn't respond, instead she turned her head and looked out from the window. Shad fisted his fingers tightly.

'Eifad' he said sternly, no response. 'Fine' he said and angrily opened the car door and leaped out from the car. Eifad is stunned with his reaction. He has never reacted this way before, always he had been patient with her. The equations are changing, and Eifad doesn't like it.


Rhea happily entered the ward when a peon greeted her. She nodded when she is informed that Dr. Singhaniya has called for her to his cabin. She wondered why she is called, she hoped she has been called for praises.

'Good morning, Doctor' Rhea wished entering the cabin. Dr. Singhaniya looked up from the report he had in his hand.

'Dr. Rhea. Please come in' he said warmly. Rhea nodded.

Dr. Singhaniya stood up 'Dr. Rhea, from now onwards you will be doing the file work.' He said calmly.

Rhea is shocked. Files? She is an intern, she has come here to learn, to treat patients, not to do file works.

'Why sir? Have I done something wrong?' she asked innocently. Dr. Singhaniya shook his head and stood up

'No, No. You are an intelligent and very capable doctor, you are far better than Dr. Imran. But its senior's orders. I am helpless' Dr. Singhaniya explained. Rhea is very disheartened.


Shad walked rest of the journey to the hospital, thankfully the place from where he had climbed down wasn't too far from the hospital. By the time, he entered his cabin, he was tired and his head cleared.

He sat on his head and gulped a glass of water. He felt better. He sighed! He is amazed with the way he reacted with Eifad, he had always been patient with her. He felt slightly guilty when he remembered about her past, about Amaad molesting her when she was four. The event must have traumatized her. He should be more sensitive and understanding than before. Shad is now determined to get her treated by the psychiatric. Now, he must think of a way to convince Eifad to meet Dr. Malthi. That is the tricky part.


Rhea is sadly working with the files, tears brimming in her eyes. She heard the cabin door open and two interns, Dinesh, and Asha, walked in. They are wearing their doctor's coat and discussing about their patients. Rhea felt sadder. To add to her misery, Imran walked in and started to talk about him being assigned Mrs. Desai and along with Mr. Khanna and another young patient. Rhea nodded sadly. After he had left, Rhea let tears fall.

Shad is shocked when Imran told him about Rhea being given file work from onwards. Shad walked to the intern's cabin. There is no one there except Rhea, she is crying and wiping her nose from back of her sleeves and working on the files. Shad felt bad seeing her this way. Seeing tears in her eyes hurting him.

He entered the cabin. Rhea felt someone stand next to her and looked up at him. He is looking sadly at her. Seeing him, Rhea broke down and hugged his waist letting more tears fall. Shad didn't stop her.

Eifad straightened in her seat, her expressions darkened. She clenched the paper weight tightly watching Rhea and Shad through CCTV camera. Initially, she was having sadistic fun watching Rhea cry and work with the files. Seeing her in pain gave Eifad immense pleasure. But now, watching Shad and Rhea hug, her heart pinch with hurt and anger boiled inside her. She didn't move her gaze and watched them with uttermost attention.

Shad separated their frames and made Rhea stand. She lowered her head, more tears falling from her eyes. He placed his fingers under her chin and made her look up at him. Her eyes red and cheeks stained with tears, slight snot leaking from her nose. Shad hugged her and caressed her back.

'Shh.... Don't cry everything will be fine...' he murmured. Rhea clenched the back of his shirt tightly and squeezed her eyes letting more tears fall. She felt lighter and slightly better in his arms. He assured her he will do something, he assured her that everything will be alright. Whatever he is saying felt true. She broke the hug and looked at him.

'Thank you...'


'Being there with me.... I love you' she said. Shad smiled at her and kissed her forehead

'I love you too' he whispered against her forehead. He then looked at her, into his eyes. Rhea tiptoed and placed her lips over his. Shad is pleasantly surprised but doesn't move back. Rhea began to kiss him, recovering from his initial shock he reciprocated to her kiss. Soon enough they began smooching passionately.    

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