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Shad looked around, the entire small room is filled with his portraits, and few are those of her father. He rubbed his eyes and blinked, perhaps due to lack of sleep he is imagining things. But he wasn't. He walked around, examining the portraits. Eifad is an exceptional painter, all her paintings life like.

Shad couldn't believe his eyes, he doesn't know what to make of this. He stopped at one painting of his, there is something written in red. He squinted his eyes leaning forward.

"I LOVE YOU" it's written. Shad gasped realizing it is blood.

He shook his head not believing any of this, this must be a dream; a night mare. He moved forward and saw some of their photos stuck to the wall, on the study table there are many sheets of paper with his name scribbled all over with different inked pen.

His gaze then fell on a portrait that lay toppled down on the floor. He frowned and picked it up. His eyes widened with shock, disbelieve and horror.


Eifad woke up in the middle of the night, yet another nightmare from her past. She is sweating badly, her breathing uneven. She looked around trying to compose herself. She held her head

'I need to see Shad' she thought out aloud. She threw the duvet off her and climbed down the bed. She made way downstairs. She didn't want to disturb him, so she didn't knock the door. She entered the dark room. Her heart beat increasing as she walked towards his bed. She kneeled and placed her palm over his duvet, she wanted to touch him. She frowned when she realized he isn't on bed.

She hurried and opened the light, he is missing from his bed. Where could he be? Eifad is concerned. Her concern changed to fury when she thought he sneaked out to the hospital to meet Rhea. She left the room in anger.

She is going to call her night staff in the hospital and enquire about Shad and if he is there, he is done for.

As she made her way to her room, she froze noticing the light to her study on.


Shad is staring at Rhea's portrait. Eifad through her painting has captured her glow, her radiant smile, and her beautiful features perfectly, but what she has written above and below has shattered Shad.



Eifad had signed her painting, and the date is of the day Rhea met with an accident. Is it co-incidence? Shad doesn't think so. But he is crushed with this revelation. Eifad is someone who is very close to his heart, in fact much closer than Rhea. Even though he is madly in love with Rhea but he is ready to sacrifice his love for his childhood bestie, Eifad.

Eifad is his only friend, his life line. But now, after knowing this fact that Rhea's condition is because of that very friend; Rhea might die and the person responsible for that will be the very friend whom he considered above everything...everyone. After knowing this, Shad is broken. It's like the earth has been snatched from beneath his feet. He felt suffocated. All he wanted to do this run away from here, but instead he stood there holding the portrait and staring at it- shocked, hurt and devastated.

Eifad froze at the door, her heart beating rapidly with fear as she looked at Shad holding Rhea's portrait. She is scared. What will Shad think now? Now, that he knows the truth, will she lose him forever? The thought of losing him made her weak, made her more fearful. She is ready to lose her life, but not fall in eyes of the man she loves- Shad.

Shad realized someone is standing behind him. He turned around. His teary eyes met Eifad's frightened one.

She doesn't say anything. Shad isn't scared of her now. He isn't even worried what she might say on finding out he is here in her study, a place that is taboo for everyone.

'Why?' Shad said, his voice hoarse. His lips trembled, his eyes brimmed with tears threatening to fall.

Eifad doesn't reply, she simply stood there. Shad is feeling angry now. He dropped the portrait and charged towards her. Eifad trembled as he held her arms looking at her, fury in his eyes.

'Why did you hurt my Rhea? Why?' he asked, his voice loud. He has never used this tone to anyone. Eifad doesn't reply. She inwardly winced feeling his nails dig into her soft arms.

'Tell me, dammit' he bellowed shaking her. Eifad doesn't break the eye contact, she stared into his eyes but doesn't reply.

Shad jerked her and she stumbled back, her back hitting the wall. The wall hurt her bad but she doesn't let pain show on her face. She has become expert in masking her emotions.

Shad ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. He wanted to scream, yell, hit himself, anything to take out the frustration.

The entire room is silent except for Shad's heavy breathing. Eifad is perfectly still.

'I am sorry, Shad!' she said in a meek voice. Shad squeezed his eyes tight, his fingers curling in a tight fist. He fears he might hit Eifad in his rage, but he must maintain his calm.

Eifad looked at his back, her worst fears coming to live. She is desperate now to make things normal again.

'I didn't...didn't...know...what to do...I had warned her...many...many times...but she...' Eifad stopped mid- way when Shad turned around glaring at her. She felt her throat parch and her heart thumping inside her ribcage violently out of fear.

'Warned her? Eifad why? Why were you so insecure...didn't I tell, you are very important to me? you are my best friend.' Shad said, his voice shaking with anger, yet his tone slightly calm.

Eifad shook her head. She mustered all her courage and extend her hand holding his. Shad wanted to retract his hand but didn't, he wanted to hear what she had to say.

'But you were falling in love with her...and.... I love you.' Eifad confessed.

Shad had guessed by the portrait yet her confession came as a shocker to him.

Shad shook his head and tried to move his hand but Eifad's grip tightened, she didn't want him to slip away.

Shad tried harder and finally managed to jerk his hand free, Eifad moved her hand trying to grab his hand again but he took few step back shaking his head. Eifad doesn't know how to react now, what to do? Shad's eyes reflected his emotions, hurt and betrayal.

'But I don't love you, Eifad. Not in that way.' He said. Shad felt slightly guilty as he said so, perhaps somewhere he had given her wrong signals; he thought.

Eifad felt her world shatter; the man she had loved all her life, doesn't love her?

No, this can't happen; Eifad refuse to believe his words, it is surely not him speaking. She shook her head taking steps back. Shad looked at her slightly scared, no one knows how Eifad will react.

Eifad looked at him, tears glistened in her eyes. Shad felt his heart ache, he can't see tears in his best-friend's eyes but there is nothing he can do- he is helpless. He doesn't love her the way she wants him to love her, and no matter what he can't force himself to love her.

Eifad walked hurriedly towards him and hugged him, her arms tightly wound around his neck. Shad doesn't hug her back.

'Shad! This is not love me.... you do...but that Rhea...she is making you say this...she is going to snatch you away from me.... you love me....' Eifad pleaded shaking her head little. Shad sighed, he tried moving her arms but her grip only tightened. He started to feel suffocated. He tried harder and with full force he managed to pull her off him.

He grabbed her arms and looked into her eyes, 'Eifad, look at me...Eifad...I am sorry Eifad, but I don't love you. I love Rhea. And this is the truth.' He repeated himself patiently. Eifad jerked his hands and slapped him. Shad is shocked, he held his cheek and looked at her.

'You love me, Shad.' She said clenching his collar tightly, she pulled him closer. Shad is surprised.

'Rhea has done some magic on you...I swear I will kill her...I will kill anything that comes between us...' she said glaring at him, her eyes red with anger. Shad is scared with her look now, he kept quiet. She pushed him and turned around. Before she could leave Shad held her hand and made her look at him.

'Eifad! What has happened to you? This is not my Eifad...'Shad said, he felt bad for her. He hugged her, Eifad doesn't hug back. She tried to free herself, but Shad doesn't let her go. She struggled to jerk his arms but his hug tightened. He wanted to soothe her, wanted to calm her.

Soon, she relaxed and Shad loosened his grip. He broke the hug and looked at her. Shad realized it will be waste repeating the same thing. Eifad is not in the proper state of mind to accept the truth. He feared for Rhea now.

Aisha watched aghast as Shad led Eifad out from the study, his arm around Eifad's shoulder and she is crying. This is the first time, Aisha is seeing Eifad in tears. Eifad got conscious and quickly wiped her tears and hid her face in Shad's shoulder to hide her face, she doesn't want her mother to see her vulnerable side.

Shad made Eifad lay on the bed and sat at the edge of the bed handing her a glass of water.

'My pills.' Eifad said pointing towards the top drawer. Shad shook his head. Eifad is getting too dependent on these high dosed medicines. Eifad requested him but he shook his head. He forced a small smile, Eifad smiled too. Eifad smile widened as he covered her with the duvet. He is about to leave when she extended her hand and held his hand. He turned.

'You love me, na?' she asked innocently. Shad is speechless for a while. He is in dilemma. He can't say the truth nor can he lie. So, he simply leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

'Good night.' he whispered.

'Good night' Eifad smiled sadly.

Shad came out from the room when he dashed into Aisha. She looked at him puzzled. Shad looked at her.

'We need to talk.' He said seriously. Aisha simply nodded looking confused and worried. Shad walked into Eifad's study followed by Aisha. She looked around, this is the first time for her as well to see this room. And like Shad, she too is awestruck.

'See! See... this is what I please let me take Eifad to a doctor.' Shad said. Aisha placed her palm over her mouth and looked around. She looked at Shad.

'No! Shad, she loves you. How does that mean she needs a doctor?' Aisha reasoned. Shad's mouth dropped open. Seriously? She still doesn't think Eifad need help and wait what? she knew Eifad loved him.

'You knew Eifad loves me?' Shad said. He isn't believing any of this is happening for real. All this seems a nightmare. Then he realized that he had been living in a dream until now, and now the bubble has busted and he is facing the reality. It is his fault, he should realize this earlier.

Aisha nodded and Shad sighed.

'I am now going to take things in my hand. I am taking Eifad to a doctor and that is final.' Shad said firmly. Aisha opened her mouth to counter his statement but he had already walked away.

That night sleep was miles away from him. Everything that happened kept reeling in front of his eyes. Eifad looked serious and frightening. He saw a completely different Eifad. He had known Eifad since they were five and yet he never had seen this avatar of her. And this scared him. His decision to take her to Dr. Malthi has become even more firm. Taking her for help is the only way to help her.

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