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He froze hearing Eifad's voice. He turned his head and found Eifad standing at the end of the corridor. He gulped and forced a smile. Eifad looked slightly disturbed. She walked towards him and he quickly composed himself

'I...I thought you were inside.' He said nervously. Eifad doesn't say anything. She simply locked the room

'You didn't sleep?' she said sternly. He shook his head, he confessed he had come to drink water.

'Kitchen is down stairs. Don't wander here and there in the night' she said. Shad nodded and left. Eifad watched him leave. After he disappeared she looked once at the door and walked back into her room.

Shad entered the guest room, he is slightly disappointed that he missed a chance to see what is inside the room. He sighed and lay on the bed. He checked his mobile. He frowned when he saw there is no response to his "Good night. I love you". He wondered why Rhea hasn't replied. It's very unusual of her to not text. Always she replied instantly. He didn't even get to see her before leaving from the hospital. He wondered if she was busy. He placed his phone back on the bedside table and turned to his side covering himself with the duvet.

Soon, he slept off.


Next morning, Shad woke up early and packed his bag. He heard a soft knock at his door. He hurriedly opened the door. Eifad stood in front of him dressed in her jogging attire- Black tank top and grey track pants, her hair tied in high pony and she wore a Fitbit in her left wrist.

Shad shook his head

'Eifad, you aren't fully recovered. Don't take stress.' He said

'Five minutes.' she said tapping her wrist watch. Shad sighed and nodded.

Five minutes into jogging Shad got a call. Eifad asked him to not pick up the call. He hesitantly agreed. The number was unknown, so he too ignored it thinking it to be wrong number. He and Eifad continued to jog. Few minutes later, his phone rang once again. Shad thought it must be important, else who ever it is on the other side won't be calling so many times. Eifad again asked him to ignore the call. But this time Shad insisted and took the call.


'Dr. Shad Siddique?'


Shad is shocked after what he heard from the other side. He didn't even turn around and ran. Eifad looked at him surprised. But the way he ran she guessed, he must have heard about Rhea. Eifad smiled to herself.

Shad didn't bother changing he took an auto and rushed to the hospital. He hurried to the Accident department of the hospital. There he is greeted by a young woman dressed in casuals, she looked horrified.

'Rhea?' Shad asked the young woman. She is in tears. She shook her head and pointed towards a bed. Shad hurried towards the bed, his own eyes brimming with tears. Shruti covered her mouth muffling her sob.

Shad looked at Rhea, lying unconscious on the bed. Her left arm, right leg, and head heavily bandaged. There are many scratch marks on her face, arms. A needle pierced her forearm connected to blood dip. An oxygen mask covered half her face. Her otherwise, radiant face now dull and pale. It pained Shad looking at her in this condition, he looked away.

Dr. Hussain came to them 'Dr. Shad.' He said placing his palm on his shoulder. Shad looked at him.

'Doctor, Rhea...? Will she be okay' Shad asked, his lower lip trembled and his voice cracked as he tried hard to not cry.


Eifad leisurely got ready, she took bath and changed into her office wear- sleeveless grey shirt with loose side bow-tie tugged into white knee length pencil skirt. Her hair tied into proper and neat French twist. She applied maroon lipstick and slipped into her white closed heels and left. Aisha wanted to ask why she looked so happy but couldn't because as usual Eifad ignored her mother and walked out of the house. Aisha looked on disappointed.

Eifad walked into the "Accidental department" and found Shad sitting on the hospital bench looking miserable. Eifad quickly changed her expression walking towards him.

Shad leaned forward, his elbows resting on his thigh and his palms joined together. His eyes red, lips swollen. He is trying hard to not cry.

"Rhea has slipped into coma..." Dr. Hussain's words echoed in his ears and he felt anger boiling inside him. Whoever has done this to her, he won't spare them.

He felt a soft palm on his shoulder, he turned his head and found Eifad sitting beside him. She looked concerned.

'Eifu...'Shad said and hugged his best friend tightly. He was trying too hard to not cry but in front of Eifad he couldn't stop himself, he let his tears fall.

Eifad's heart hurt seeing him cry, but she made herself strong thinking "This was needed...its only for a while, things will return back to normal" she wrapped her arms around him and caressed his back. She didn't say anything. Shruti came to them holding a paper glass in her hand. Eifad broke the hug and looked at her.

'Eifad. She is Shruti, Rhea's roommate.' Shad introduced them. Shruti nodded her head muttering a "Hey!"

Eifad didn't respond. She placed her hand over Shad's, he wiped his tears with his free hand, he sighed.

'Everything will be alright' she whispered insincerely. Shruti frowned, something about Eifad doesn't feel right. Shad took the glass from Shruti.

'Rhea has slipped into coma. She has been unconscious since last night' he said sadly taking a sip from the paper glass. Eifad nodded, she is slightly disappointed that Rhea survived the accident, but then she will not lose hope- there are still chances that she won't survive.

Shad had to leave Rhea's side to attend his own patients in the cardiology department. He would have stayed but Eifad reminded him that he shouldn't neglect his duty as a doctor. Shad had reluctantly agreed. Shruti had decided to take leave and stay by her friend's side. Eifad had gone to her cabin, but she kept a strict watch on Shad from there.

It is only in the night that Shad got chance to see Rhea again. Shruti excused herself in pretense to use the washroom, she wanted to give Shad some alone time with Rhea.

Shad sat on the chair beside her, he extended his hand and placed it over hers. There is no movement. He sighed sadly. Her palms felt slightly cold.

'Rhea, what has happened? I can't see you like this' he said, a tear fell from his eye. He caressed the back of her palm. There is no movement, not even her eyelids move.

'I love you...please...come back to me...'he said kissing the back of her palm. Again, no response. Shad closed his eyes, still holding her palm against his lips. He cried silently recollecting just yesterday they had shared their first kiss. The dreams, the future he had already built everything in his head. Now, it seemed blurred.

Few minutes later, Shad felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. Eifad stood beside him.

'Shad it's getting late, I guess we should leave' she said. Shad shook his head. He won't go, he can't go leaving his beloved Rhea here alone. Eifad insisted but Shad doesn't budge. Eifad is irritated, she doesn't like it when Shad doesn't listen to her, and she doesn't like him being close to Rhea. But there is nothing she can do.

'Shad! Please. You will get sick...Shruti is here and if Rhea recovers she will inform you. Shad...' Eifad said softly in an attempt to coax him to come with her. Shad didn't move, he didn't even look up at Eifad. She bit her lower-lip in anger. Shruti came into the room

'Shad, Eifad is right. You guys leave. Tomorrow early morning, Rhea's father is coming. Everything will be fine here' she said. Eifad felt little lighter, at least someone is supporting her. Shad hesitantly let's go of Rhea's hand. Shruti watched carefully as Eifad held his arm and helped him stand. She didn't even let Shad to look or talk or even kiss Rhea as she dragged Shad out of the room. Shruti felt this odd.


Shad kept tossing on the bed, he couldn't sleep. Since, they came back so late from hospital, Eifad insisted he shifted to his home the next day. Shad had agreed, he had no strength to argue with any one especially Eifad.

Eifad had retired to her room, Shad lay on his bed in the guest room, sleep evades him. He kept calling Shruti and getting update on Rhea in every fifteen minutes, then half an hour. Shad sat up on the bed, he needed some fresh air before he went mad. He walked out from his room. As he strolled through the corridor he stumbled upon Eifad's study. He looked around, there is no one in the dark corridor. He gave a gentle push to the door and it opened. Shad held his breath, his heart beating with anticipation of what he might see inside. In all these years of friendship Shad didn't dare try and peep into the room, every soul except Eifad are forbidden to enter here. He had always been curious but never had the courage to ask Eifad to let him in. He took a deep breath.

He is in two minds, if he should enter or not. Maybe the place is too private for Eifad to share with anyone and he should be a gentleman and respect that privacy. But then, maybe he will find something that might convince Aisha about Eifad's mental health, or perhaps something that will help him help her with her problem. Maybe he will find something related to Amaad and further enlighten the matter.

He stepped into the dark room and carefully shut the door behind him. He extended his hand and searched for the light switch. His hands trembled as he switched on the light. His heart thumping inside his rib cage. He closed his eyes as the lights come on. He inhales sharply, should he open his eyes? or should he turn around and leave?

Deciding that he won't get this chance again and should not lose this golden opportunity, he opened his eyes.

What he saw next took his breath away, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

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