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Eifad as usual had a straight face, hiding her inner turmoil. Shad stood up as she walked towards them.

'I-I-just-came...'Shad lied. Eifad doesn't spare a glance at Shad, her gaze fixed on Rhea. Rhea got nervous recollecting that fateful night. Her face had a menacing smile then. There was so much hatred in her eyes. Eifad stood next to her, she picked up the note-pad and read it. Her health details in them. Shad is worried. He held her forearm and said 'Eifad, Rhea isn't feeling well. I think we should leave.' He tugged her arm but Eifad doesn't budge. Instead, she looked at Rhea and forced a smile. Rhea smiled awkwardly.

'Good, you have gained consciousness. Shad here (she looked Shad and he froze) was very worried for you.' she said. Rhea nodded and looked at Shad lovingly. Eifad's eyes darted from Shad to Rhea and back again. Rhea and Shad had their gaze locked once again.

Eifad slammed the notepad on the table and both snapped out from the trance.

'Take care.' Eifad said, she didn't even bother to sound genuine. She then turned, she paused near Shad.

'In my cabin, Dr. Shad!' she said sternly. Shad didn't react. Rhea looked at him after Eifad had left. Shad shook his head silently saying everything is alright.

'I will come in a while. I will send Shruti and your father.' He said and kissed her palm. Rhea smiled and looked at him 'Come soon.' she said and he nodded. Before he walked out, he turned around and looked at Rhea, she looked back at him sadly.


Shad trembled with fear as he stood in front of Eifad's cabin. He looked up at the door.


He knocked the door, 'Come in.' her stern voice called from inside. He made silent prayers and opened the door, he entered.

Eifad is standing at her table, her back to him, her legs crossed and her palms placed on the table.

'Eif...' he stopped as his gaze fell on something black beside her hand on the table. His eyes widened on realizing it's a gun.

Eifad turned around, Shad kept staring at the gun. She folded her arms across her chest and smirked.

'I got it this morning from a dealer. You liked it?' she said looking at him coolly.

'Eifad...' Shad said annoyed, he took a step closer when Eifad quickly picked up the gun and pointed on her temple. Shad froze on spot.

'Say you love me, Shad!' she said directly coming to the point. Shad's mouth drop open.

'Eifad don't be mad.' He said. Thankfully, the cabin is sound proof else they would have attracted unnecessarily attention.

'Say Shad, you love me. Else I will (she pointed the gun at him, he stopped on spot) kill you first and then kill myself.' she said and pointed the gun back at her.

Shad didn't know how to react. He looked at her finger on the trigger and panicked.

'Say, you love me Shad...' she repeated herself.

'Fine! I love you...I love you, Eifad' Shad said with his arms raised in defeat. Eifad's finger on the trigger relaxed.

'Promise me, you won't see Rhea. You will never go to her ever again...promise me....' she said

Shad nodded, the gun still to her head.

'I promise.' He said sadly. Eifad removed the gun and ran to him. She hugged him, her arms around his neck.

'I knew it, that you love me.' Eifad moved her head little and looked at him. Shad hasn't hugged her and is not even looking at her. She examined him closely, her heart skipped a beat and she moved aside.

She held his hand. For the first time, Shad isn't liking her touch but he stood there like a statue.

'I love you so much.' She said placing her palm on his cheek 'I don't like it when you go near that Rhea. I have been loving you since...forever...' she smiled and held his other hand too.

'Tell me you love me. I want to hear it from you.' Eifad said, her heart fluttering with excitement. Shad looked at her, he clenched his jaw and forced himself to say 'I love you, Eifad.'

"I love you, as a friend, as my best friend." He had wanted to say but he didn't, he couldn't.

Eifad hugged him again but for few seconds, she parted and looked at him

'Remember your promise, Shad. I have my eyes everywhere' she said darkly. Shad simply nodded.

'Can I go now?' he said dryly. Eifad nodded smiling, she is happy. Without another word, Shad left. As promised he didn't go to Rhea instead went back home, he will come back after getting ready. Shad had to accept Eifad's words, she sounded serious when she said she will kill him and her. He isn't worried about himself, not even a bit but he worried for her and for Rhea.

Eifad smiled leaning in her seat. Shad loves her. She stared at the ceiling a dreamy smile on her face.


One hour later, Rhea kept looking at the door expecting Shad to enter any minute. She is waiting for him since he had left.

'Relax, you know how hectic it is for a doctor.' Hashim assured his daughter. Rhea looked at him embarrassed and looked away quickly. Hashim smiled looking at Rhea. He had guessed it by their body language and their eye contact, that there is something brewing between that young man and his daughter. Shruti filled him in with all the details. Hashim liked what he heard and he is proud of his daughter's choice.

'Shad, is a very handsome young man. He is from good background as well. I think I am hearing wedding bell.' Hashim teased. Rhea looked at her father wide-eyed and then looked away blushing hard, her cheeks brick red. Hashim laughed pinching his daughter's cheek.


Rhea is asleep peacefully. Shruti has gone home and Hashim is asleep leaning in the chair, his head resting against the wall. The hospital ward opened and a slim figure walked in. Eifad stood next to Rhea, she stared at Rhea's sleeping figure.

'Shad is only mine, Rhea.' She said darkly pointing a gun at her. Rhea doesn't move, she is in deep sleep. Eifad fits silencer in the gun and pointed at Rhea, her finger on the trigger.

'I am sorry, Rhea.' She said pulling the trigger. The bullet pierced Rhea's chest, blood oozed from her heart. But, Eifad didn't even flinch, instead she smirked.

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