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Shad woke up with a jolt, his breathing uneven and sweat beads on his face. He sat up straight and placed his palm on his rapidly beating heart. He picked up his phone and dialed Shruti's number.

'Hello.' She replied in a sleepy tone.

'Shruti, where is Rhea? How is she?' Shad asked frantically

'She is asleep.'

'Please, go check.' He said. Shruti groaned. One minute later, she replied 'Yup, she's asleep.'

Shad is relieved 'Thanks.' He cut the call. He then shifted little back resting his back against the bed. He covered his face with his palm and rubbed his face gently. He sighed.

'Eifad...Eifad....' He murmured into his palm.


For next two days, Shad ignored Rhea. Rhea was upset. Every day, she waited for Shad but he never came. He simply sends a message via Imran via Shruti to her, that because of some emergency he can't meet her but will meet her soon and talk to her. Every time, she felt upset of not getting to spend with him she told herself that Shad has some genuine reasons that he couldn't come.

Rhea is to shift home, she will be there for one week and come back to work. Imran came to meet her before she left. He enquired about her health now.

'I am fine. Imran, where is Shad?' Rhea asked hopefully. Imran shrugged

'He must be in locked up in his cabin. He has been brooding since few days now. It's like this is a new Shad.' Imran said.

Rhea got concerned, she wondered what is troubling Shad. Hashim came and greeted Imran. Then Shruti and Hashim led Rhea out. As Rhea climbed into the cab, she turned around and looked at the hospital hoping she saw Shad, at least get his glimpse. This distance is excruciatingly painful for her.

Rhea looked out through the window sadly, the memories spend with Shad reeling before her eyes and she sighed, missing him terribly.

Once home, she had a simple lunch and fell asleep soon.


By evening, she woke up. She noticed it has become little dark outside. She sat up. She winced placing her palm on her back. Her bruises still hurt, her arm still bandaged, she has fractured it. She turned her head and with her free hand took her clutches. She is about to stand when she heard the door knock.

'Come in.' she said wondering who it could be on the other side. The door opened and Rhea smiled on seeing Shad at the door.

'Shad!' she exclaimed happily. She tried to stand but sat down with a thud on the bed. Shad hurried to her. He held her palms in between his and kneeled in front of her. Rhea felt her heart drop for a second when she saw tears glistening in his eyes.

'I am sorry, Rhea...I am your culprit. I am sorry.' Shad said resting his forehead on their entwined palms, he shook as he sobbed. Rhea panicked.

She freed her hand and held his shoulder with one hand. Shad didn't look up, his head lowered. Rhea placed her fingers under his chin and made him look at her. There are tears streaming down his cheek. She lovingly wiped it.

She patted the bed next to her gesturing him to take a seat. Shad sniffled and sat wiping his nose from sleeves of his blue full sleeved Tee.

'What happened?' Rhea asked softly placing her hand on his shoulder. Shad sighed and shook his head.

Rhea squeezed his shoulder urging him to speak on. He took a deep breath and narrated everything that happened in these two days and before.

Rhea listened to him carefully and patiently, she didn't interrupt him. He broke down after he finished narrating. Rhea held his cheek with her free hand and made him rest his head on her shoulder. She then held his hand.

'I am with you, Shad. You are right, Eifad needs professional help.' She said. Shad looked at her.

'But how?' Shad said. He has been thinking on this for two days. He knew that if he say this to her directly she will bluntly refuse, threaten him or dodge it.

'I know it doesn't sound ethical but there is no other way. She loves you, use that.' Rhea said. Shad looked at her shocked 'You are asking me to fake my love to her?' he said sounding appalled.

Rhea smiled and squeezed his palm 'But you do love her, as a friend, but you do. Don't you?' Rhea said.

Shad nodded, she has a point here. Shad does love Eifad, not romantically but he does love her.

Shad and Rhea decided that it is best they don't meet openly till Eifad's treatment begins. Shad hugged Rhea.

'Thank you.' he said sincerely. Rhea smiled and hugged him back with her free hand.


Eifad is in her study painting, she is painting a scenery. She is fully involved in the painting but her concentration is broken when she heard her phone ring. She frowned. She hates getting interrupted. She placed her paint brush and picked up her phone. She is pleasantly surprised to see Shad's name flash on her mobile screen.

'Hello.' She said smiling now.

'Eif...Eifad...I was thinking of taking you out tonight. Date? Are you free?' Shad asked from the other side. Eifad's smile widened.

'Of course, I am always free for you.' Eifad said

Shad then asked her to be ready by 8, he will come to pick her up. Eifad readily agreed. After cutting the call, she looked at the wall clock. 6pm. She climbed down her chair and she left locking her study. She walked to her room.

Eifad leisurely showered, and blow dried her hair. She carefully selected the dress for the night. This is her first date with Shad and she wanted to make it special. She wanted to look so stunning, that she bowled him off his feet. She blushed imagining Shad's awestruck face. He will look cute. She wore black and white sweetheart neck, one strap evening gown. She curled her hair and applied kohl and blood red lipstick. She wore her black closed heels and looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled, satisfied.

She climbed down, just then Aisha came out from the kitchen. She looked at her daughter and her jaw dropped.

'Where are you going?' She asked as Eifad stood in front of the mirror in the living room adjusting her dress.

'I am going on a date with Shad.' She said happily. Aisha is confused now. Shad? Date? She didn't say anything, her daughter looked very happy and she didn't want to burst her bubble.

Eifad is startled when she heard the door-bell. She hurried towards the door. Dheem Kaka is about to open the door when Eifad stuck out her palm and gestured him not to. She took a deep breath and opened the door. Shad stood on the other side, he is dressed in blue and white printed shirt, his sleeves folded till his elbows. He has slightly trimmed his stubble and his hair neatly combed and side parted. He has matched his attire with black trousers and perfectly shining shoes.

'Shad, you came.' She said and hugged him. For a crazy moment while getting dressed she thought he won't come. Shad reluctantly hugged her back. They parted and Eifad looked at him smiling.

'Let us go.' Shad said placing his hand around her waist and Eifad shivered. She immediately distanced herself and smiled awkwardly.

'Let us go.' She said. Shad frowned.

As they sit in the car, Shad glanced at her, she is looking at him. To confirm himself he extended his hand and placed it on hers. She smiled at him. He caressed her hand, she shivered little but managed to keep her smile. Shad doesn't break the eye contact from her and placed his hand on her thigh. Eifad reflexively sat up straight distancing her leg. Shad frowned. He is sensing her uneasiness. Before he used ignore this but now, he wants to know about this. Perhaps, it will give him some idea about her problem.

Shad has decided, that tonight he will find out even half her problem and more importantly convince her to go to Dr. Malthi. Through-out the car journey, he kept silently praying his plan and all this effort worked.

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