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Eifad woke up when someone knocked at her door. She sat up straight. She winced on feeling cramp in her neck. She yawned and walked towards the door massaging her nape. She opened the door and found Shad standing there beaming at her. She looked at him, he is dressed in his jogging attire.

'Come on, we will be late.' He said tapping his index finger on his watch. Eifad is amazed. At 5am, Shad looked so fresh and energetic.

She smiled and asked him to wait down stairs. Eifad is happy, but she scared. What if all this turns out to be false, a dream. What will be the results? How will Shad react?

Eifad pushed the negative thoughts behind her quickly got dressed in her jogging attire.

The two then went for a jog, built sand castle, and did their stretches and jogged some more. They returned huffing and puffing. Shad was upset, he wanted to have ice cream from one of the roadside stalls but Eifad had strictly forbade him.

'I will go and freshen up, you too freshen up. Then we will go to the doctor. Okay!' Shad said. Eifad hesitantly nodded.


Eifad felt nervous once again as she sat in the waiting room. Shad beside her watching a small TV placed high up in the corner of the room. A nurse poked her head inside the waiting room and called Eifad and Shad.

They entered in the cabin. Malthi smiled at them gesturing them to take their seats. Shad forwarded the reports to Malthi. Eifad and Shad both felt their heart race, one's with fear and one's with anticipation. Malthi looked at the report. Eifad kept staring at the table while Shad watched Malthi's expressions carefully. Her expressions turned grim. She looked at Eifad and asked her to wait out. Eifad glanced at Shad, he blinked at her and so she stood up and left. Once the door closed behind her, Shad turned and looked at Dr. Malthi.

She shook her head 'From what I thought, this is worse.' She said and Shad felt his heart stop for a minute.

'Eifad is going through Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression. We must conduct few sessions to find the root cause of this. Her conditions have worsened, those drugs she used to take aggravated her depression. And during the sessions you have to stay away, she will have to be away from medicines. We will have to shift her.' Malthi concluded. Shad shifted uncomfortably, looking at his worried expression Malthi continued 'Don't worry, it is Delhi most reputed, famous and effective Rehabs. With no phone, no internet, no medicines and no you.'

Shad nodded, 'But before Eifad went there I want to see it for myself. Make sure if it is good for her.' Shad said seriously. Malthi nodded.

Shad isn't liking the idea of having Eifad away from him. But this is all for her good. Even though he won't be physically there with her, he will always have his eyes on her. Watching her, protecting her.

Eifad asked her what the doctor said, Shad forced a smile and said 'Nothing serious, just they will keep you in a place for a while.'

Eifad panicked 'What? Away for a while? Away from you...No way...Shad, No.' she said firmly. Shad sighed and held her shoulders 'Eifad, you promised...I kept mine, you keep yours.' He said.

Eifad is speechless, she is trapped in the web of her own words. She sighed in defeat. Shad is slightly relieved. He placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer.

'It is matter of few days.' He said trying to make her feel better. Eifad doesn't feel better but she nodded her head.


Next day, Shad left to the rehab early. He had spoken last night with Rhea and she insisted she will accompany him too. He had first asked him to not come but she insisted stating he needed her, for advice and for support. Her reasons did make sense and so Shad agreed. He took a cab and came to her apartment to pick her up. Shruti opened the door and greeted him cheerfully.

'Good morning.' A loud booming baritone welcomed him. Shad looked at the dining table, where Rhea's father, Hashim is seated. He is munching on toast.

'Good morning.' Shad greeted back politely. Shruti asked Shad to wait while Rhea gets ready- getting ready with one broken arm being plastered is difficult. Shad nodded. Hashim asked him to sit with him, Shad agreed.

'So? You are Rhea's senior?' Hashim asked, not looking at him but at his plate.

'Yes, Uncle' Shad replied. Hashim looked at him. Shad smile politely at him. He turned his attention towards his toast again.

'So, you love my daughter? You will marry her?' he asked. Shad is stunned with his straight forwardness and keeps quiet. After few seconds of not getting a reply Hashim looked at him. He raised his eyebrows, silently repeating the question. Shad nodded his head.

'Yes. I love Rhea and I intend to marry her.' He said. Hashim nodded taking a bite of his toast.

'Get your parents soon. We will talk about it.' Hashim said and Shad nodded, slightly uncertain if now was the right time to talk about this.

Soon, Rhea joined them and had her breakfast. Hashim watched how her face lit up on seeing Shad and how he took care of her helping her eat her breakfast. Hashim smiled watching them.

Rhea was done and Shad helped her, 'My leg is fine, only my arm is hurt.' Rhea protested cutely. Everyone in the room, except her laughed. She pouted but that went unnoticed.

Shad helped Rhea into the cab, then he sat next to her.

'Thank you.' he said taking her hand in his. Rhea smiled and shifted closer and wrapped her free arm around his and rested her head on his shoulder.


They took half an hour to reach their destination, the rehab is very far in the outskirts of the city. Shad stepped out from the car, and looked around. Unlike the bad reputation of rehabs, this one looked decent. Rhea held his hand and together they walked in. At the reception, Shad asked for the manager of the place.

Five minutes into waiting a middle-aged man came to them.

'Hello, Dr. Shad Siddiqui. We have come here on Dr. Malthi's recommendation.' Shad said shaking his hand with the man. After mentioning Dr. Malthi's name, the manager suddenly seemed to take interest. He then took, Shad and Rhea for the tour of the place. Shad looked around following the manager, listening in carefully. Rhea too followed, holding his hand tightly. After the tour, the manager looked at them

'Along with our professional staff we also have a team of NGO activists helping the patients.' The manager informed them. Shad and Rhea nodded their head.

The manager took them to the reception and looked around, he spotted a man standing few distance from them, his back to them.

'Uh-Yes. Mr. Zafar.' Manager called the man. Shad and Rhea looked at the man, as the man turned facing him. He seemed to be young man in his mid-30s. He is about Shad's height, lean body, wheatish complexion, brown eyes and straight hair neatly combed and side parted.

He walked to them and smiling. He stood in front of them.

'Hi! Farhan Zafar.' He introduced himself extending his hand. Shad took his hand and they shook hands. Farhan then shook Rhea's hand.

'This is Farhan Zafar, he heads the activists. He has been working with us for ten years. And we have had no complains ever.' Manager said proudly patting Farhan's back. Farhan beamed at them.

Shad wanted to enquire more about him but then backed out, Farhan has been working here for ten years, he must be trust worthy.

'Happy?' Rhea asked, once she and Shad sat in the car. Shad nodded his head, still looking little apprehensive. Rhea sighed and held his arm with her free one.

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