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Eifad isn't liking this, staying away from Shad for God knows how long. Shad isn't even telling her anything properly. She tried finding out from her sources but no use. She gave up.

Aisha entered her room and found Eifad packing her clothes in a small red Samsonite bag.

'You are going somewhere.' Aisha asked looking concerned.

'Yes, I have some meeting.' Eifad said not looking at her mother but packing her bag.

'For how long will go.' Aisha asked standing next to her.

'I don't know for now.' Eifad said zipping her bag.

'Where are you....'

'Mom, I am sleeping. I need some rest.' She said and sat on her bed. Aisha wanted to ask many questions, but she didn't. She watched her daughter lie down and cover herself with a duvet.


Next morning, Eifad showered and got ready in her casuals- white high neck jumpsuit. She left her hair open and slipped into white thong slippers. She had silent breakfast with Aisha.

Dheem Kaka carried her luggage as she waited for Shad in the living room. She read newspaper while Aisha eyed her sipping her tea.

Eifad held the newspaper before her eyes, yet she isn't reading anything. Her mind is wandering into the future. What it holds for her? The thing she is worried for is how will she live without Shad. A minute without him is a pain and here she is going for uncertain period of time. A part of her wants to cancel all this, but another part of her wants to take this step, for Shad's sake, for sake of her love.

The door-bell rang and Eifad is alarmed. She didn't move. Aisha went to the main door. Eifad's heart began to beat faster as she heard Shad's voice. She froze.

She could hear Shad and Aisha talking but she didn't dare move.

'Eifu...Ready.' Shad said happily. Eifad folded the newspaper and looked at him. One look and Shad can guess she is uncertain. He walked up to her and sat on the arm rest. He placed his arm around her.

'Relax, Eifad. Remember Eifad why we are doing this? For your friendship...for you...' Shad reminded. Eifad nodded not looking at him.


Through-out the car journey, Eifad kept staring out from the window. Shad held her hand assuring her that no matter what he is always there for her. The car halted in front of the Rehab. Shad quickly got down and opened the door to Eifad's side. Before Eifad could look around, he took her inside. Right now, Shad feared that if Eifad came know about this place being a Rehab she might change her mind. Convincing her will be next to impossible then.

'Ah...Dr. Shad.' The manager greeted them. He first shook hands with Shad and then Eifad.

'Please leave your mobile and other electronic items such as laptops and stuff.' The manager said. Eifad looked apprehensive but Shad coaxed her. She handed her stuffs to Shad.

'And whenever you want to talk to anyone at home, you can do so from our landline.' The manager said sweetly. Eifad didn't bother listening, she kept staring at Shad. She doesn't know for how long she will not get to see him in person. This hurts. Eifad is feeling a void in her heart, already.

Shad turned to Eifad and smiled 'Whenever you wish to talk to me or can. I am always there for you.' he said placing his arm around her. They then followed the Manager towards Eifad's room. With one hand Shad held Eifad's shoulder while with the other he wheeled the suitcase. All the while Eifad kept staring at him, not once did she move her gaze.

'Room 102.' The manager smiled. He turned around and handed Eifad the keys. Eifad looked sadly at the key and then at Shad. She then hugged him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest. The manager smiled and left. Shad hugged her back.

'Eifad, it's just matter of few days.' He caressed her back. Eifad shook her head and hugged him tighter. Matter of days? She can't live away from him even for one minute. Days sounds like centuries to her.

Shad felt tinge of guilt for lying to her, but what else can he do? He kept telling himself that he is doing all this for her good.

After five minutes, with great difficulty Shad managed to free himself. Eifad held his hand.

'Please don't go.' She pleaded him. Shad smiled and held her hand. More he tried to move her hand away the tighter she gripped him. Shad own heart pained as he pulled himself away from hers. Tears filled his eyes, but he pushed it back. He can't look vulnerable in front of her. Eifad didn't want to leave him. Two female staff came, they held on Eifad as Shad walked away. Eifad watched his retreating back with moist eyes, her insides churning with agony.

Shad wanted to turn back, just once but he didn't. He couldn't else it will make him and her weak.

Once Shad disappeared around the corner, Eifad fell on her knees. The female staffs tried to make her stand but couldn't. Eifad felt lifeless. Somehow, they managed to take her to the room. One of the staff made her sit on the bed.

'Lunch will be served by noon. Come in the cafeteria, 1pm sharp after 2 we serve no one. Dinner will be sharp at 9 and after 10pm it is closed. Breakfast at 7am and after 9am, cafeteria will close. Be on time, else stay hungry.' Other staff said annoyed. Eifad didn't respond, she sat on the bed with her palms resting on either side and her gaze fixed on the floor.

The two staff members looked at each other and shrugged.

Once the femals staff came out from the room, one said the other 'Must be mental' 

Shad walked up to the car, he leaned forward resting his arm above the door. He buried his face into his arms and broke down. He recollected all the beautiful memories he shared with Eifad, from the time they met for the first time when they were five till now, the look of pain and agony in her eyes as he walked away from her, stabbed his heart. As tears streamed down his cheeks he didn't bother stopping them.

After sometime he composed himself, wiping his tears. He recollected about Rhea's accident, the portraits and the blood written message, Eifad's slit wrists with lots of blood, Eifad pointing gun at herself, and then his dream where Eifad shoots Rhea. Shad got inner strength. Now, the Eifad he will meet will be a changed Eifad, a better Eifad, more peaceful and happy Eifad.

Shad sat inside the car, he sighed. No matter, how much he convinces himself the fact remains that he is going to miss his best friend a lot.


Eifad didn't realize that it is night time. She didn't move from the bed since morning, she didn't even had food. Her stomach rumbled with hunger but she ignored it. She simply sat there staring at the floor.

Now, after so long realization dawned upon her. She realized- Shad is gone. Eifad stood up and began pacing quickly.

'No...No...Shad...can't leave me.... he...Has he gone to....Rhea...he has he tricked me...No...No...' Eifad kept talking to herself as she paced in her room. Suddenly she felt angry. She looked around and found a small flower vase, she took and smashed it on the floor and yelled. Feeling slightly better she tumbled down the table, then the chair. She screamed in anger pulling out the bedsheet she threw it on the floor.

Hearing all the commotion, few lady staff came. They opened the door and their eyes widened watching Eifad vandalize the room. One lady rushed from there to call for help. Two female staffs rushed to her to hold her but Eifad proved strong. The feeling of betrayal giving her unearthly strength, she pushed the staff and began kicking the chair. She screamed loudly.

Eifad is about to topple down the cupboard when she felt a pair of manly arms hold hers. She turned her head and found a pair of brown eyes stare at her. She frowned.

'Leave my hand.' She said angrily. The man didn't. She struggled to free herself but to no avail. The man was stronger. He held her arm and pulled her closer. Eifad felt giddy because of weakness. She hasn't eaten anything since morning. The man turned to the ladies and asked them to hold her. As soon as he left her, Eifad fainted and fell in his arms. Farhan looked at her, her head resting on his chest and her arms dangling on either side of her. The ladies looked on confused. Farhan gently picked Eifad in his arms and carried her to the bed. He asked the ladies to fix her bed. After they were done, he lay Eifad on the bed and covered her with the duvet.

'Sir, she is the new patient- Miss Eifad Hooda.' One of the female staff said. Farhan nodded, all the while looking at Eifad.

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