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Farhan is supervising breakfast, he was up from as early as 4am. He had personally supervised everything. Farhan glanced at his watch, 8.55am. There is only five minutes for the cafeteria to close. He wondered if that girl from room 102 had her breakfast.

'Listen, Ms. Dsouza. That girl from room 102, did she have her breakfast?' he asked a female staff. She flinched with her name.

'Don't know. She is a psycho.' She said and quickly walked away. Farhan looked away.

Ever since he saw her last night, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He saw so much pain in her eyes, she seemed to have gone through a lot in her life. She reminded him of himself, ten years ago. Instantly he felt connected to her.

Farhan didn't think twice as he decided to help her personally.

Eifad is sitting on the bed rocking in her seat. She is feeling agitated and angry. She wanted to meet Shad ASAP. Early morning, she woke up and demanded to meet Shad. A doctor had to come to give her sedatives while the nurse held her. Dr. Malthi is supposed to come in the afternoon for first session with Eifad. Eifad doesn't care, she needed to get out. She looked around, every sharp instruments and breakable decoration piece are absent from the room. Sensing Eifad's condition and her reaction last night, Farhan had everything removed.

Eifad heard a knock at the door and she hurried.

'I want to leave.' She demanded as soon as she opened the door. Farhan is taken aback. She glared at him and then her gaze fell on plate full of some pasta and mashed potatoes that he held in his hand.

'Breakfast.' He said smiling at her. Eifad frowned crossing her arms against her chest.

'I want to leave.' She said. Farhan shook his head and pushed past her entering the room, Eifad's mouth dropped open.

'Sorry babes, not possible.' He said placing the plate on the table.

'I don't care, I just want to go.' Eifad ordered. Farhan shook his head, still smiling.

'How dare you?' Eifad said menacingly. She took a step and raised her hand to slap him, his smile making her furious.

Before she could slap him, Farhan held her hand. Eifad's eyes widened. This is the first time someone has interrupted her like this.

'I said, it's not possible.' He said, still smiling little, his tone calm. Eifad didn't get scared, she tried freeing her hand.

'And I said I want to leave...'Eifad said sternly struggling to free her hand from his grip.

Farhan watched her amused as she twisted her wrist trying to free her hand. Farhan didn't budge. She tried to open his fingers with hers but to no avail. Eifad sighed and frowned at him.

'Leave my hand else...' She said sternly. Farhan smirked and twisted her arm. She winced.

'Else?' he said raising his eyebrows. Eifad looked at him, her eyes welling up with tears. Seeing the tears Farhan loosened his grip, perhaps he is being too harsh on her. As soon, his grip loosened, he looked distracted. Eifad pushed him with her free hand, he stumbled and fell on the bed. She turned around and ran from the door.

'Shit!' Farhan cursed sitting up straight on the bed.



Shad turned around and found Rhea standing behind him. Her arm is still plastered but there is a smile on her lips. He looked at her, she is dressed in simple yellow and blue Kurthi and blue palazzo. She is wearing doctor's coat and also has a stethoscope around her neck. She looked prepared for work. Shad looked at her concerned. He didn't want Rhea to come to work so soon, he wanted her to recover first.

'Why you came to work? you are still hurt.' Shad said. Rhea shook her head smiling little.

'I was missing you.' She pouted. Shad opened his mouth to protest further when Imran came from behind Rhea.

'Good to see you, Rhea.' Imran said happily greeting her. Rhea smiled and they shook hands

'Glad someone is happy to see me.' Rhea taunted glancing at Shad. Shad couldn't stop the small smile that formed on his lips. Shad excused himself and walked towards a young patient.


'You Idoit, How dare you? leave my hand.' Eifad said angrily as Farhan held her elbow and is walking angrily with her towards the room. She is struggling but he isn't budging, not this time. On lookers are looking confused, some wide-eyed and some tensed. He took her to the room and pushed her inside. She fell on the bed with a thud. She quickly stood up adjusting her dress.

'Let me...'

'Chup chap se have this food, else you will see the side of me you wished you didn't.' Farhan bellowed and Eifad instantly shuts up. She looked at him, her chest heaving with all the struggling and yelling. Farhan is breathless too yet he is glaring at her. Something about his tone and body language finally made Eifad realize that she shouldn't mess with him. She stood up and silently picked up the plate. She climbed on the bed and silently begin to eat. Farhan inwardly sighed.

'Now, after breakfast freshen up. Your doctor is going to come in a while.' He said. Farhan turned around and left. Eifad stopped munching on her food and leaned forward trying to peek from the door. After being assured that Farhan has gone, Eifad placed her plate beside her. Slowly she placed her one leg down, before she is about to place the other. Farhan cleared his throat and Eifad jumped up. She quickly shifted back to her seat, picked up her plate and began eating again. Farhan smiled shaking his head.


At lunch time, Shad stopped in front of Eifad's cabin and looked at the nameplate. He caressed it lovingly. He then entered. The cabin without her seemed empty. There are her pictures stuck all over along with her trophies. Shad smiled looking at one of the photos. There is one where she is dressed in black trouser pants, her hair tied in a French twist.

She held a trophy for Youngest Business Woman Award. But here as well she isn't smiling. Shad had always thought she could have faked a smile at least. Looking at the photo now, he still thinks the same. He caressed her photo, a tear drop when on the photo frame.

'I miss you, Eifu.' He sighed sadly.

'I knew I would find you here.' Shad turned around on finding Rhea. He quickly wiped his tears and forced a smile.

'Come, let's go for lunch.' He said placing the photo back on the shelf. He walked towards Rhea.

'She is in safe hands. Relax.' Rhea said softly. Shad looked at her and nodded his head. His head knew this fact but his heart, his heart missed his best friend terribly. He is worried for her, concerned for her. He decided after reaching home, he will call and find about her from the manager or perhaps Farhan. He has his personal number. Shad has decided to call him up and insist him to personally take care of his Eifu.


Dr. Malthi came out from Eifad's room disappointed. Farhan asked her if she managed to start a session with Eifad. Malthi shook her head. Farhan isn't surprised, he had guessed this. Eifad is a very tough nut to crack. 

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