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Farhan is in his room in the staff quarters of the Rehab when his phone rang. He glanced at it, Dr. Shad calling. He picked up the call.

'Hey! Dr. Shad. Your friend Eifad. She is a pain in the.... neck, man.' He said, coming straight to the point. He knew very well Shad has called to enquire about her.

Shad smiled 'I know, I have been with her since I was five.' Shad joked. Farhan chuckled.

'Don't worry. Today's session was a disaster but eventually she will give in. Else I will see to it she does.' Farhan said. Shad chuckled.


Eifad peeked from inside her room. She looked around and on seeing the coast clear she sneaked out from her room. She walked into the backyard. Looking around, she found a ladder. Using all her strength she carried the ladder and placed it against the wall. She looked around. She spotted no one. The ladder is wooden and very old. It wobbled as Eifad began to climb. She is only one step away from freedom when her feet slipped and she fell. Eifad squeezed her eyes tight expecting to hit the ground with a thud. Luckily, she didn't. Instead, she found herself in someone's arms. She opened her eyes and gulped.

Farhan was on his routine walk when he noticed someone climbing out, at first, he thought it must be a thief but on close inspection he found it's a girl, he had a suspicion that this must be Eifad and he is proven right.

'I should get security guards outside your room.' He said carrying her to the room. Eifad struggled, kicking frantically, punching his arms with her fists and demanded he put her down. The lights of many rooms switched on and everyone peeped from their rooms, on hearing the commotion.

Farhan dropped Eifad on her bed and took a step back glaring at her 'Listen to me, if you want to get out from here and meet your friend then you better co-operate else you won't see daylight tomorrow.' He warned her sticking out his index finger. He sounded furious. Eifad looked into his eyes, though she was scared she didn't let it show on her face.

Farhan turned around and left closing the door behind him. After good five minutes, Eifad stood up and cautiously opened the door. She saw watchman walking towards her with a chair. Farhan was not joking when he said he will have a security guard in front her room.

Eifad sighed and climbed back on her bed. She lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, a rusting ceiling fan slowly rotating above her.

She will not accept defeat, she will not stay here. But a part of her mind has already given up. But fooling Farhan is next to impossible.


One week passed, and there was still no progress with Eifad. She refused to talk during the sessions, she also attempted many failed escapes. Neither Eifad nor Farhan were ready to give up, they both stood strong on their ends. Malthi was losing hope. But she knew she shouldn't, she has treated many such stubborn patients. Day by Day Shad was also getting restless, and little annoyed as there wasn't any progress happening. One day, he had scolded Farhan stating they aren't trying hard enough. Farhan had asked him to keep patience. Shad's trouble didn't end there, Aisha kept pestering him demanding him to know about Eifad. He kept making random excuses, as he knew that if Aisha came to know about Eifad, she will bring her back home. Only good thing for Shad was that Rhea stood by him like a pillar and supported him when he fell low. Also, Hashim and Shad's parents spoke and their alliance was fixed. Engagement date was decided for next month. Though Shad is excited to get engaged, at the same time he is upset that Eifad won't be there.

One night, Eifad is walking through the corridor leading to her room when she saw light of room 100 is on. She heard people talking. Curious she walked to the room. She realized that the room is open and so she pushed the door.

Everyone in the room became silent. Eifad looked on wide-eyed. There are three men, one staff member and other two are patients; there are two women as well, both patients. And in between them is a table filled with white powder- drugs.

'We were just...' One of the frightened man began when Eifad interrupted

'I heard this makes you forget everything...your memories, your pain...your agony...'she said eyeing the drugs. The men smirked. One man, the staff member, stood up.

'Yes... and it transports you into another world, a world that you built. You can have anyone in that. Only you and them.' He said slyly closing the door behind her.

'I want to try.' Eifad said. Everyone passed a wicked grin.


They placed some drugs on the table,'You have snort these.' They said.

'Like this.' One of the woman showed her. Eifad nodded her head and looked down at the table. She slowly bends down and took a snort. She didn't like it at first. She even chocked. But few try later, she was in heaven. Just like they had said, it felt fabulous. She felt like she is floating, everything spinning around her. As she glided through the clouds and slid on the rainbows, she had him by her side. She had Shad.

Soon, Eifad fell unconscious.

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