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When she woke up next day, Eifad's head ached. She looked around in horror. Everyone there were asleep. Some on their beds and some on floor. They seemed lifeless. She wobbled little as she stood taking support from the wall. She isn't liking the after effect. She wanted to get out from here. Her surroundings still blurred. With slow steps she walked towards the door. As she opened it, she came face to face with a visibly shocked Farhan.

Looking at her condition, his shock changed into anger. Eifad is scared of that look, he never looked this angry before.

He held her hand and dragged her from the room. Eifad fisted her free hand and repeatedly hit his arm demanding he left her. Her eyes droopy and her voice slurring, she is still tipsy from the after effect of the drugs.

Farhan threw her into the room, she ran towards the door but he slammed it shut. She banged at the door ordering him to let her out. But he is unmoved. He locked the door from outside. The staffs and few patients looked on, horrified.

'Unless I say this door will not open, understood.' He ordered the staff sangrily. They all nodded obediently. Farhan stuffed the keys into his jeans pocket and walked away. Eifad's voice muffled from behind the door, she kept banging the door with her fists. Ten minutes later, she is exhausted and fell on the ground.

Farhan had the ones in the room arrested, the staffs fired. He was quick in acting against them. Farhan hates rule breakers, and these people they destroy life. The one thing he despises the most are drugs and alcohol and the ones who take them.


When Eifad opened her eyes, she was still lying on the floor. She sat up straight and looked around, confused for a second as to where she is. She rubbed her eyes. Her head and body ached. She looked at her wrist are there are still marks of Farhan's finger, such was in grip, such was his anger. Eifad shook her head. Agreed she took drugs but it wasn't so serious that he got so mad with rage. Eifad shivered recollecting his murderous gaze. She stood up and raised her hand to knock at the door, but before she did the door opened. She knocked on Farhan's face instead.

'Oops, sorry.' She said biting her tongue. She looked behind Farhan and is shocked to see the the sky dark. It is night already? She slept whole day? For one crazy second Eifad thought if she had died for a day. Perhaps, the drugs made her sleep this long.

'Tomorrow, Dr. Malthi is coming you better behave.' He said sternly.

'I won't.' Eifad said instantly. Farhan sighed exasperatedly and shook his head.

'What is your problem?' he said frowning.

'What is yours? I said I want to go out... I want to go to my Shad.' She said confidently.

'You can't. He has left you here. You are going to be treated.' Farhan said without sugar coating anything. Eifad frowned

'I am not ill.'

'Yes you come for dinner.'

'Shut up, and get lost. I have too many problems.' Eifad said waving her hand, she is about to close the door when Farhan placed his palm on the door preventing her from closing the door. Eifad glared at him.

'What do you think, only you have problems? And we are what, fools? Your friend, Shad is a fool, who is trying so hard that you get treated? If not for yourself at least from him, cooperate.' Farhan said. Eifad is speechless. Farhan stood there for a while before turning around and leaving, leaving behind Eifad in her thoughts.


Fifteen minutes later, Farhan stood by the cafeteria counter supervising when he saw Eifad entering the cafeteria. She looked uncertain...confused. A small smile appeared on Farhan's face. She looked around and stopped in her tracks when she spotted Farhan. He smiled at her, she didn't instead she casually walked towards the counter. She scrunched her nose as a plump lady dropped noodles into her plate. The noodles soggy. Eifad is used to eating perfect made food. Now, she has no option. Farhan watched her as she sat on the bench in the corner. Alone. Farhan also took plateful of noodles and walked towards her.

Eifad shifted little as he took his seat next to her 'Fantastic food, Haina!' he smiled at her. Eifad mumbled something under her breath and continued poking the noodles with her fork.

Farhan watched her with a smile.

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