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'This is the correct address' Hashim double checked the address Mr. Mehta had given them. Rhea looks at the tall buildings that stood in front of her. Excitement building up inside her as she followed her father into one of the buildings.

'Flat no. 503' Hashim said leading his daughter towards their destination on the fifth floor. Rhea rings the bell.

'AMLA SHARMA' the golden nameplate read. Amla Sharma is the owner of the house. At the door steps, there is a green and red door mat which reads 'WELCOME' and on top of the door is a small symbol 'OM'.

Minutes later the door opens and a young woman sticks out her head from behind the door. She is dressed in white shirt and black pencil skirt, she is wearing cat-shaped glasses, black kohl adorns her light brown eyes and nude lip stick on her plump lips. Her tied neatly in a twisted bun, she looked ready for work.

'Hello! Hashim and Rhea' Hashim introduced himself and his daughter, Rhea. Rhea smiles joining her palms together humbly and greeting Shruti. Shruti on the other hand seemed uninterested. She nods her head and takes a step beside her letting Hashim and Rhea come in.

'That room to the left, you will stay there' Shruti said to Rhea pointing towards a room which to an extreme corner of a corridor.

Rhea nods.

Shruti informed she is getting late for work and so she left in a hurry, before going she also adds that Sukanya, the maid will be coming within one hour, she will do the cleaning and make lunch and dinner. At the door, Shruti informed she will be late after work so they needn't wait for her. Rhea nods her while Hashim frowned.

He isn't liking the idea of having Shruti stay late and Rhea being alone at home, he said the same

'Papa, even I will be coming home late. Being a doctor is tougher. No one knows when I will be called for duty.' Rhea explained calmly to her father. He shakes his head, he isn't liking this either. But he understands, being a doctor isn't easy, the hospital can call you anytime, be it morning or night even 3am, 4am.

'We will rest for a while and then go for scooty shopping, okay? Being a doctor you can't rely on the public transport' Hashim said leaning forward and taking the tea cup that Rhea forwarded him.

Rhea nods in agreement. Rhea used to drive scooty back in Lucknow but Delhi being new place and big city she will be heavily dependent on the google maps. Nevertheless, it will be better than taking public transport.

In the evening the father-daughter duo went for scooty shopping. They returned empty handed. Hashim was disappointed but not Rhea, she cheered him up by saying she will try again tomorrow.

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