Cole Walker (Main)

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Looks: (made with GenCraft, an AI Art app)

Battle gear: (made with GenCraft)

Love Interests:

Auka: (Made with GenCraft)

Layla: (I do not own this picture)

Vania: (I do not own this picture), (she has wolf ears and a wolf tail)

Age: 19

Eye color: green

Skin color: Tan

Race: Human/Yautja Hybrid

Family: Wolf(Father Figure), Mother(Unknown)

(Wolf is the name of the Predator in the movie Aliens vs Predator: Requiem. So in this timeline, he survived after the events)

Personality: calm, blunt, angry, sarcastic, dark humorous

Weapons: Wristblades, Shuriken, twin Plasma caster, Combistick

Likes: his girls, his father figure, Yautja Prime, hunting, killing Serpents(the Xenomorphs), his weapons, exploring the galaxy, eating, reading, horror genre, anime, his friends the Bakusquad, Legion, some of Union

Dislikes: his girls being touched or harmed, Serpents, losing his fellow Predators, losing a hunt, not finishing his mission, his friends being hurt, being looked down on by others, his weapons being destroyed, Necromorphs, the Makers, bullies, perverts, assholes, egotistical pricks, people who spit on others honor, insulting hard work, lazy people, some Heros

Villains(but he mostly sees them as sad people trying to be relative in this world)

Hates: Union, the Seven, Vought, Issei, Mineta, SDC

Theme song: (I do not own the video or song, got it from YouTube)

Also losing his Honor, which is a huge part in Yautja culture. He follows the Yaujta Strict Honor Code, which many of the Yautja follow like religion

The Yautja Code of Honor:

1. Code Violations: Those who break the code are Bad Bloods, and are considered an insult to Yautja culture. They are to be destroyed when encountered.

2. Hunting Intelligent Species: According to War, there are strict rules concerning the hunting of intelligent species. Those who are not blooded cannot do this at all. However, some hunters wants these laws overturned.

3. Hunting Worthy Game: When hunting, the hunter must be sure that his prey is considered game and lawful to kill. Worthy game must fill the following criteria: Can defend itself and/or is able to kill the hunter himself, of age (killing children and the elderly is considered highly dishonorable), not linked to other lives (so that removing the prey will not doom another, e.g. pregnant women), and not weakened by diseases.

4. Equalize the odds: Killing prey when using less equipment is considered a greater prize, and hunters should typically give their prey a fighting chance for honor's sake. If the prey demands close-combat, the hunter is to fight to their prey's standards, and should minimize use of their Plasmacaster or other projectile weapons.

5. Failing in the Hunt: Should the hunter fail in one's quest, he should take his own life to retain his honor than to live in shame. However, some cowards prefer to live in obscurity rather than die. This is considered to be dishonorable and suicide is then "assisted" by an Enforcer.

6. Claiming the Kill of Another Hunter: To take the Trophy of another Yautja, living or dead, is considered to be a great insult. For example, two Un-Blooded go on their first Hunt: one Yautja takes on a Xenomorph, and both are mortally wounded. While the wounded hunter is dying, the other hunter conveniently finishes off the prey and claims the kill as his own, abandoning the wounded Yautja. This is a crime that can be paid for with abandonment, or death.

7. Murder of Another Yautja: To kill another Yautja intentionally holds severe consequences. This excludes self-defence and killing an opponent in a fight to settle a dispute. Murder is the worst crime.

8. Show Mercy: Those that defeated you in a fair hunt, or who are the victors in a deadlier hunt, should be considered an equal and must be shown respect.

9. Never harm the innocent: Those who have done no harm should have no harm done to them. (It can be inferred that this rule must pertain only to harming other Yautja in their society since they hunt and kill members of many species one could call "innocent". It can also be inferred that Bad Blood Predators would ignore this rule either in part or in whole.)

10. Hunting for Food: When hunting for food, take only the weak. This is to purify the species' line.

11. Wounded Game: When coming upon game wounded by another hunter, and the prey is dying without sport, show honor to another's kill. If the game still shows sport, it is to be a joint trophy.

12. Joining Another Hunt: Do not join another's Hunt, or Hunt in their territory, without their permission. All trophies taken in this manner are stolen trophies and shall be dealt with by the rightful owner.

13. When in a duel with an enemy, you must reveal yourself: In the novelization of AVP, Lex Woods was about to be killed by a cloaked Predator, but before it prepared to deliver the final blow, it de-activated its cloak. According to the book, it is "hunting ethic" to reveal yourself to your enemy at the climax of a fight. However, the movie ignored this part, and showed the still-cloaked Predator attempt to kill her.

14. Weapons of Warfare: Weapons of Warfare like the Blazer and Electroshock Missile Battery are strictly forbidden in hunts or even by use of non-Military Caste hunters. They are considered too destructive to constitute a hunting weapon.


Yautja Prime was one day visited by a crashing ship, which was unusually given the Yautja are the ones that crash land on planets. There multiple Predators went to it, believing it may be a Xenomorph infestation coming to attack them in retaliation. But when they get close to the wreckage, there they found a small pod that was made from Human design and saw only two occupants

One Predator managed to open it, there they saw it was two small babies in a bundle of a blanket, one with the word Cole on it, and a small necklace on top of him. The other was a girl in a pink blanket, but sadly there was no name on it. The Predators, following the code, do not kill them and discussed on what to do with them, as killing children is dishonorable as they can't fight in their defense.

So one Predator, named Wolf, took it upon himself to raise the boy in their ways and make him a Predator. While one female Predator took the girl and gave her the name of Auka,

So there Wolf raised Cole from his infancy, feeding him, teaching him and when he became of age he was taught all the ways of the Yautja. He learned all their ways in combat, their culture and rituals in the Hunt. He is a Young Blood, those who have yet to earn their blooded status and can get Blooded after he does a Hunt.

Which he will soon get in the future

As he turned 14, Wolf told him he can have a mate, as even though he isn't blooded yet, he wants Cole to have a bloodline if he dies. So when he became of age, he meet with someone they chose as his mate, which turned out to be Auka, the girl he arrived on Yuatja Prime. There they meet and soon spent a lot of time together, training and getting close to one another

Soon when they turned 18, they married and soon went to work in the bed room. They went wild in their sessions and soon got ready for their Hunt. This is where they will meet people of their own race and will face an enemy even the Yautja hasn't faced in their entire life time.

Cole, Auka and Wolf, after saying he would come to watch over their hunt and this might be more dangerous for a single Predator. They would find a ship that was drifting in their territory, making them believe it was scouting for their world, so they stealthy attached onto the ship.

The ship was called...the Ishimura.

There they entered and there they saw they entered a horror show of a ship, dead bodies all around with strange markings written in blood. They separated and Cole soon encountered monsters that put the fear of the Gods into him, using his training and weapons to kill a few, seeing they use to be humans turned. He would scout the ship as he got reports from the other two

There he found a record of the ship collecting an artifact they called the Marker, an artifact said to be from an alien spices. He never seen anything like it, as it itself made him on edge and scared a bit, so he made it his mission to destroy it and the ship. Which would be supported by Wolf as he reported a Serpent infestation on the ship, so they decided to destroy the ship

As Cole went through it, he would encounter a group of survivors that managed to stay alive. He would just kill them like he was taught, but he saw that a few knew of the Marker and one had blood that melted...but she was a human. So Cole, after Wolf told him to not kill them yet but use them to help gain more intel and if they try anything, he can kill them

(They are the characters from Dead Space: Aftermath and Alien: Resurrection)

So he made his presence known, making them wonder how a boy wearing strange armor got here, but he made them listen as he was here to help. After beating a few, with them thinking he was an enemy, he made them listen and tell him everything on what was going on here. So one of them, a Doctor Isabel Cho, told him what happened in the last few hours

Turns out they found the Marker on Aegis 7, after colonists found it and went mad, and brought it on and soon the crew was infected and turned into this monsters. Her and her crew mates came to respond to an SOS from the ship, with a military vessel helping that was conducting military experiments on the Serpents. So the two crews went in...and hell was unleashed

The one of vessels were destroyed, leaving the Ishimura alone in dark space, with them trapped with those monsters and Serpents. He collected all this information and decided to help them get off, as he thinks these monsters are more dangerous than them, which they agreed whole heartedly. He also said if the artifact was still intact, but it was destroyed and they only had a shard

He took it from Nolan Stross and said he will destroy, believing this device was a cursed object and needed to be destroyed. So they walked off, there he reconnected with Auka, who he kissed as he was worried for her with this monsters, but she was fine and the two lead the survivors. Battling both Serpents and Necromorphs, getting reports from Wolf as he went around the ship

They lost a few from the Betty, but managed to get to it and kill more monsters, even one that looked like a blend of the Serpents and Necromorphs. Cole stayed behind as he killed more of this beasts, telling Auka to leave with them. He ran to the engines, where a Shock Point Drive was, a powerful engine that could destroy the Shard of the Marker

He managed to do so, thus ending the Necromorph threat and Serpents, but somethings don't have a happy ending.

Before he left, he saw his father come in with massive wounds from his countless battles and Cole knew he wouldn't survive in the next few hours, as they used all their healing shards. Wolf told him to set his gauntlet to self destruct, taking him and the entire ship down, killing the Necromorphs and Serpents.

At first Cole was against it, not wanting to lose his father, who trained him, taught him and practically was his only family. But Wolf told him that he was dying and wants an honorable death, so Cole, reluctantly, set his father's gauntlet to self destruct and ran fast as he could to the Betty. There they escaped and made it to Earth

There they make it and there Cole and Auka had to integrate into Human society to hide their origins, where they learned Earth had changed since the last time one of the Yautja came here. The people of this world now possessed Powers, a huge range of abilities they scouted and recorded, sending it to Yautja Prime.

They were given a new mission, stay there and scout for worthy prey, all whiling trying to live somewhat peaceful lives when they're not hunting. Cole and Auka there learned many things about Humans, their cultures, history and other things...such as their food, tv shows and manga. Cole was drawn to the horror ones, seeing zombies, alien monsters and fantasy, liking it

Auka got drawn to the action and other things a tomboy would love...and hentai. Let's say she used some of the material to spice up their sex life, seriously the two spent two weeks in the bedroom and Cole was sure she was pregnant with his kid. Eh whatever, he wanted to be a father anyway.

Soon he would meet two girls that really caught his attention, Layla and Vania. With Layla, she was the first to beat him in a fight with Vania as the second, making him want them. Turns out Predator Humans are attracted to women that are strong and can kick their ass...which also didn't help that he found them super sexy. I mean look at Auka, tomboy, strong and sexy...Cole definitely has a type

It took time, but he won them over and they joined his harem, which Auka supported cause in her words:

Auka: He's huge and can go on for hours, he and I fucked for hours straight and I couldn't walk for months

Layla:...How big we talking?

Vania:curious hum

Auka: almost 16 inches

Both:...blushed madly 

Yeah safe to say they were all for it. They fell for him for different reasons, Layla genuinely fell in love with him as he was strong but genuine with her. He helps her with her training, studies and they like to cuddle. He doesn't call her a freak or any of the other rude words, he actually likes her strength and straight forward nature and the same with her

Vania is different, she likes him cause he has the smell and fell of an Alpha, making her wild and want him. He even taught her how to talk, write and show how to fight like a Yautja. Plus she likes the wild sex they have, which makes her calm and feels protected.

Cole isn't a romantic, but that doesn't mean he doesn't show it, when he goes out with them, he stops thinking as a hunter and more of a husband/boyfriend. He gives his girls gifts and presents for them on birthdays and anniversaries. He may not be the best romantic, but he damn sure treats his girls like his most sacred trophies

Lets see how Cole and his girls do in this world of Heros and Villains  


Cole has the many strengths of the Yautja, like strength, speed and such. This was made possible due to the Yautja preforming experiments on him, blending Yaujta and human DNA together.

So he gains their strengths, but still has the weaknesses of humans and some of the Yautjas

He used Humans weapons, but doesn't like them as they are weird in his hands. But when he uses them when he has no choice to do so

He loves horror, so he is unscareable.


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