Jacob West (Obsidian Wolf)

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Name: Jacob West

Hero name: Obsidian Wolf

Age: 19

Race: Evohuman

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Black

Skin: Tanned

Nationality: American

Looks: (made with GenCraft)

Hero Outfit: (I do not own this picture, found it on Pinterest)

Love Intrests

Rachel Fairchild: (I do not own the picture)

Jubilee: (I do not own the picture, found it on Pinterest)

Likes: Rachel, Jubilee, his friends the Vanguardians, fighting, protecting the innocent, training, improving his skills, reading, music, cooking, spending time with kids at the orphanage, Legion, Avengers, X-Men, Nikkes, Justice League, DMC, some fighters

Dislikes: people who hurt his girls or his friends, Chaosbringers(both original and Neo), people dying for no reason,Union, Atlas, SDC, WF, LOV, Legion of Doom, Raptures, Hollows, Grimm, killers, rapists, demons, disrespectful fighters, losing a fight

Loves: Rachel(she was the first to bring a shed of light in his dark worlds, being an anchor for him due to his past), Jubilee(being the second light and helping him get use to a world he no longer knows), Wolverine(he became a father to Jacob, being there for him more then his birth father), the Vanguardians(the first group of people he ever came to love and see as family)

Ethan, the big brother he always wanted

Henry, the brother he can confide in

Alice, the sister who helps him with clothes and...girl advice

Joshua, the brother he always looked out for and protected

Theme songs: (I do not own these songs, found them on YouTube)







Evohuman ability: Regeneration, he can heal from any wounds

Hand to hand combat expert
Mix martial arts expert


Jacob's story...well as one might expect, started roughly at a young age. He was born in an abusive with an alcoholic father and a drug addict mother, both uncaring about him and treated him like an eyesore then their son. His father constantly beat him, made him watch as he raped his mother and made him do his dirty deeds for the gangs he worked for, and thats where he meet Rachel and her brother Riley

The three became a trio of trouble, doing whatever it took to survive in the hell the streets, and as time went on Jacob started to feel towards Rachel. He didn't know much about love growing up, but as he did, he started to feel love to Rachel as she was his light in this hell he was born in. And as he did, he promised himself he would do whatever it takes to protect her and Riley

After when the time the gang turned on them and her brother was killed, they were soon found by the Vanguardians, a group of young heros. They were taken in by them and the Light Coalition, soon the two were given the choice of joining and using their abilities for good. Rachel automatically joined, doing this to make people's lives before

For Riley

But Jacob was hesitant, he didn't have some special power or ability like them, he just had a small Regeneration ability. But Martin, aka Braveheart, told Jacob that you didn't need a special power to be a hero or anything special.

Martin: All you need Jacob, is the heart to do whatever it takes to protect those who cannot protect themselves

Jacob:looks at Martin, So...all I have to do is...try?

Martin:smiled, Thats all we can do son

So Martin decided to introduce him to a man who would train him in Mixed Martial Arts, the way of fighting and learning how to beat a man to death. He then introduced to Juzo Fujimaki, and there he taught him the Takemiya style and many more, such as Taijutsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and Taekwondo. The man trained him day in and day out, making the boy a deadly force with his hands

Even trying to control the rage ever growing in him, build up from the moment he saw his mother beat him for just breathing.

He became so skilled, so strong in hand to hand combat, he could kill a bear with little to no effort. Once he was given a certified acceptance into the organization, he wanted to show everyone that anyone can be a hero, as long as you try and give it your all.

For a time Jacob was happy, he smiled more then he ever had, he had friends, a family he can call his own and was close to asking Rachel to go on a date.

But all good things...come to an end

One day Jacob found Rachel almost being sexually assaulted by Caleb Petrelli, also known as Wildcard, and there his rage was unleashed and next few moments were a blur. When the red cleared up, he saw he had beaten Caleb up so much his brains were splattered the floor and...he saw he had crushed Rachel's neck in the fight. He was so blinded by rage he accidentally killed the girl he loved

He was broken after that, and soon his life went to hell again. Soon the Chaosbringers, the most evil and vile organization on the planet, attacked the Light Coalition and killed many Heros and even the Vanguardians, all killed by the monsters he learned to fight since he started there. When he learned of this, he vowed to kill them all...and make them pay for what they did

And so began the Horizon War, where it ended both Heros and Villians

Jacob became a lone wolf, hunting down key members and generals, murdering them all in brutal ways, so badly they thought he was a Evohuman with many powers. But he wasn't, he was just a boy who had everything taken from him and was enraged beyond recognition. He killed every key member and soon head on to the creators of the Chaosbringers

It was a battle many thought would end the world, the Earth shook as one boy took on the most powerful members. He went one at a time, killing, butchering and destroying them with each fight as he made it known...they were finished

After the battle, he was so beaten he couldn't feel his arms, his legs or even his heart. But he managed to walk to the same street he met Rachel and Riley, he sat on the same stoop they sat on and waited for Death to claim his soul.

But it was not death who came for him, no...it was God

He gave the boy another chance in life, taking him to a world where it needed help, the help of a Hero like him. He didn't think he was worthy, as he believed he failed all those he loved and cared for, that he didn't deserve a second chance. God assured him he was the right one for the job, cause he was born to do this, he trained for this moment

Jacob thought on it and took the job, and when he was teleported to this new world, he was meet with challenges and hardship

And...the family he lost and the love he killed

This is the story of a Lone Wolf, and his journey to repair what was broken


Jacob is basically a Powerless individual, but he is so skilled many label him as an Alpha-Level threat to many people and organizations on Earth-6844, the new world he was teleported to

He has many enemies, so much it was unbelievable and outright outlandish that a Unpowered was seen as a worthy opponent by these skilled fighters. The list contains:

Yujiro Hanma
Baki Hanma
Jack Hanma
Oliver Biscuit
The Kengan Ashura verse

Jacob has a rage like mode, imagine like Kratos when his in his Spartan Rage mode, Jacob just becomes a monster in combat and and kill a man with little ease

He goes to an orphanage a few times to help children learn their abilities, becoming a teacher for them

He prefers to work alone, but he does occasionally team up when the situation calls for it, he likes to work with the X-Men cause to him they remind him of his starting years in the Vanguardians

He doesn't mind killing, but he only kills he sees as threats and spares those he believe can do better

He at first stayed away from Rachel and the others cause to him, he failed them and believed they hated him

He couldn't look at Rachel cause of what he did to her, believing he was a monster for killing the girl he loved


(If you don't know much of what I'm talking about or who, please look at DreamSliceRulez , he made the Vanguardians, Chaosbringers and such. I'm just lucky enough for him to allow me to use his creations and such

So please, give him a read, vote and comment, whatever you want to do. Cause this guy is freaking amazing at what he does, so thanks again Dream!)

(Also he and I do not own Jubilee, just thought I say something real quick)

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